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Chapter 904: Rebirth and Amnesia

Linjia Village.

Linjia Village is located in Shiwanda Mountain. It is located in a remote area and is under the jurisdiction of the Baili family. Every month, the villagers have to provide purple frost grass to the Baili family for refining medicine.

The village is not big, with only a few dozen households. Every villager has a skinny face, and their clothes are patched up one after another. Many villagers cannot even afford a pair of straw sandals. It is obvious that their lives are very difficult.

In one of the thatched houses, Gu Chunuan was lying on the bed. She looked pretty, her eyes were closed, and her beautiful eyebrows were furrowed. Even if she fell asleep, she seemed to be sleeping very uneasily. From time to time, she stretched out her hands to grab something, but she couldn't grab anything.

Can't live.

The overwhelming memories kept pouring into her mind, almost overwhelming her.

Those memories were incomplete and vague. She tried desperately to see them clearly, but she couldn't see anything clearly.

I could only see a few blurry images.

One was more than a hundred men and women who jumped into the alchemy furnace, the other was the corpses that were slaughtered everywhere, the blood gathered into a river, and a young man holding a silver gun broke with her in the heavy rain.

There was also a white-haired man holding her body in his arms, crying out in grief.

Maybe those pictures were too sad, Gu Chunuan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

As soon as she moved, the wounds on her body hurt so much that she gasped.

In his ears, a clear and sweet voice slowly sounded.

"Girl, you finally woke up. Do you know that you have been in a coma for more than half a month? We invited many doctors to treat you. We almost thought you would not survive."

Gu Chunuan glanced at him.

This is a dilapidated thatched house. The house is very simple. There is only a small bed and a three-legged table. There are two stools, also three-legged. There is nothing else, but the house is well cleaned.

It is spotless, and it can be seen that the owner of the thatched cottage still loves cleanliness.

Looking down, her body was covered with large and small wounds, many of which were whip wounds and burns. A sharp object penetrated her chest, less than half a centimeter from her heart.

If the sharp weapon had been deflected any further, she would have died.

"Who are you?" Gu Chunuan asked alertly out of instinct.

"Don't be afraid, I am Lin Siyuan from Linjia Village. More than half a month ago, you were seriously injured and passed out in the back hill of Linjia Village. My grandfather and I rescued you. Girl, you are so young, how could you be so seriously injured?

Damn, did you offend someone?"

The young man was dressed in coarse linen clothes and had a simple smile on his face. When he smiled, a pair of small tiger teeth were exposed.

Gu Chunuan frowned slightly.

Linjia Village?

Lin Siyuan?

Has she offended someone?

Who did she offend?

Why is her mind going blank?

Where did her injury come from?

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong? I'm a rough man, so don't be offended if I said something wrong."

"Who am I?" Gu Chunuan asked.

This question confused Lin Siyuan.

"You...don't know who you are?"

"have no idea."

Gu Chunuan tried her best to recall, but apart from the bursts of tearing pain in her brain, there was no memory at all. It was as if she was just a blank sheet of paper and her life began in Linjia Village.

"Here... we don't know who you are. We just thought you were pitiful, so we brought you back for treatment."

Gu Chunuan patted his head vigorously, trying to see the blurry pictures more clearly, but the more he patted, the blurr they became, and his brain became more and more painful.

"Stop patting yourself on the head. If you can't remember it, stop thinking about it. Maybe you'll remember it after a while."

At this moment, an ancient old man outside the door carefully brought a bowl of soup and shouted.

"The medicine is ready, Siyuan, give it to this girl quickly."

The old man's face is full of wrinkles, and his hands are rough and covered with calluses. At first glance, he looks like a rural person who has worked hard for many years.

"Grandpa, look, she's awake."

The old man raised his head, a friendly smile blooming on his old face.

"Ah, the girl finally woke up. I knew that as long as you ask the doctor to see a doctor, you can always be cured. Come on, drink this bowl of medicine while it's hot. The doctor said you'll get better after drinking it."

The eyes of the grandfather and grandson were clear and kind. Gu Chunuan could not feel any malice, only full of concern, and his tense heart could not help but feel relieved.

After taking the medicine, she just smelled it and realized that this bowl of medicine had no effect on her injury at all.

But the grandfather and grandson seemed to regard the medicine as a treasure, with eager eyes. Gu Chunuan didn't want to dampen their good intentions, so he raised his head and drank the medicine.

"There is still one patch of medicine left. I will give it to you tonight. If you still feel unwell, we will find a way to go to town and prescribe a few more patches of medicine."

"No need, I will heal it myself."

Gu Chunuan pulled off her sleeves. Her wounds were bandaged with rags layer by layer. Gu Chunuan opened them one by one and said.

"It's scorching hot weather now. Bandaging it so tightly will not only prevent the wound from healing, but will also cause it to fester."

Sure enough, as she opened it, many of the whip wounds and burns were fester and smelly.

The grandfather and grandson's eyes widened in shock, feeling guilty and distressed.

They didn't know medical skills. The doctor said that the wound should be bandaged to prevent infection, so he bandaged her wound. Who knew it would ulcerate?

"Is there any clean water? Please bring me a bucket. I need to clean the ulcerated area."

"Yes, yes, I'm going to fetch water right now." Lin Siyuan ran out and soon fetched a bucket of water.

Seeing Gu Chunuan skillfully treating her wounds, the wounds were obviously festering, but she didn't even frown. She didn't know how much suffering she had suffered in the past to be so... so strong.

"Girl, are you a doctor?" Grandpa Lin asked cautiously.

There are not many people who know medicine these days.

Gu Chunuan made a move and frowned slightly, "I don't know, maybe."

"Is there anything we can do for you?"

"Is there any Guanzhongcao?"

The grandfather and grandson shook their heads.

Guanzhongcao is very expensive. In order to treat her illness, they have spent all their savings and borrowed a lot of money from the villagers. Now they can't get any money out.

Not to mention such a precious herb.

Gu Chunuan looked at their clothes and probably knew their predicament. When she smiled, she looked stunning and elegant.

"Forget it if it doesn't happen. I'll just go to the mountain to collect some medicine and apply it on it. These are just skin injuries, nothing serious. As for the chest injury, it won't kill me."

As she spoke, she reached out and unbuttoned her clothes. Lin Siyuan's face turned red and he quickly retreated.

Grandpa Lin was also a little embarrassed and withdrew.

"Girl, if you need anything, just tell us, and we can... ask Miss Xiaocui next door to help you."


She just unbuttoned her coat, not stripped off her clothes. What was there to be ashamed of?

Is her culture in her bones different from theirs?

This chapter has been completed!
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