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Chapter 1263 Only three mouths of hard work

There was another bang.

Before everyone could react from the shock of the seventh-level peak, Wen Shaoyi and Ye Jinghan were both injured and vomited blood.

The deputy chief's heart skipped a beat.

Peak seventh level?

Isn’t that about to step into the human realm?

If we don’t get rid of her today, who can get rid of her in the future?

I saw that the head of my family was pale, with his right hand on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

Ye Jinghan's wheelchair was also shaken away.

Gu Chunuan was even more dying and unable to move.

The deputy chief gritted his teeth.

He forcibly improved his martial arts, burst out with a powerful force, and attacked Huaying with a deadly attack.

Wen Shaoyi said anxiously, "Deputy chief, step back."

"Chief, please leave quickly, the Tianfen clan needs you."

"Bang bang bang..."

The deputy chief stirred up the fire of thunder, striking at Huaying one after another. At the same time, he burned his own life force, turning it into a light shield, covering Huaying, and tried his best to kill her.

In desperation, Wen Shaoyi gritted his teeth and climbed up, but due to excessive force, he vomited blood on his pure white clothes.

He tried hard to adjust his restless breath, and tremblingly picked up the jade flute and started playing.

The jade flute sounded, the air instantly became cold, and the clear water turned into ice cones and shot toward the shadows of the flowers.

Huaying is too fast and the ice pick cannot hurt her at all.

The deputy chief was basically beaten because he was too close to her.

He slapped the deputy clan leader one after another, but the deputy clan leader refused to leave and wanted to delay time for Wen Shaoyi to leave.

How could Wen Shaoyi leave?

He understands it too well.

They are all gathered here today. If they can't kill her, it will be too difficult for them to get together again in the future.

Wen Shaoyi's eyes hardened.

The speed of playing the jade flute continued to increase, and the temperature in the air condensed into ice.

Snowflakes are falling, like elves flying in the sky.

Everyone was shivering from the cold.

The temperature dropped so fast that many places on the festival grounds were suddenly frozen.

The ice condenses into various extremely lethal weapons, which are constantly changing and chasing after the flower shadow.

The deputy chief was extremely worried.

How much internal energy does it take to change the weather from hot to cold by oneself?

Just now, he had used up most of his inner strength to save the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs.

If this continues, even if his clan leader survives, half of his strength will be completely gone.

Ye Jinghan also noticed it.

But Gu Chunuan collapsed not far from him, and his breath was weak.

He could only crawl to Gu Chunuan with difficulty and use his inner strength to protect her heart.

"Mu Nuan, you can't die. If I don't let you die, you can't die. Do you know that?"

"Wake up, wake up quickly, don't you want to avenge the Mu family? Don't you want to find Xiao Yuxuan? If you die, who will help you avenge you, who will help you find Xiao Yuxuan."

Ye Jinghan wished he could give all his strength to Gu Chunuan.

His heart was very panicked.

I am very afraid that Gu Chunuan will die here.

Why does his heart hurt so much?


The nine-horned fire ox and other magical beasts also arrived one after another and transferred their skills to Gu Chunuan.

"Auntie, you can't die. If you die, who will protect us in the future?"

"Woooo... wake up, all our monsters need you."


Head hurts.

Her body also hurt, as if she was being continuously run over by a carriage.

Who was making the noise in her ears?

Gu Chunuan wanted to open her eyes, but couldn't.



The deputy leader fell, with more air coming out and less air coming in.

Ye Jinghan looked up and saw Wen Shaoyi constantly condensing his inner strength and using the freezing technique. The freezing speed was very fast and he rushed towards Huaying like lightning.

Intended to seal the flower shadow.

The pure white ice is already covered with blood.

That was Wen Shaoyi's hard work.

There are only three mouthfuls of blood at most. Once all is used up, Wen Shaoyi will die without any reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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