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Chapter 1271 lack of money

Jinluan Palace.

Gu Chunuan is wearing a nine-clawed dragon robe, an imperial crown on his head, and dragon boots on his feet, sitting on a dragon chair.

The people below, led by Prince Xue and Prime Minister Su, knelt on both sides.

"I bow to your majesty. Long live your Majesty. Long live your Majesty."

The shouts were deafening, resounding throughout the palace, and inspiring.

Gu Chunuan sat on the dragon chair and looked at the ministers below like ants. Everything in the Bing Kingdom became hers overnight.

As long as she casually says something, no one in the world will dare to disobey her.

This feeling is so good, no wonder everyone in the world wants to be the emperor.

Even she, sitting behind this dragon chair, felt that her status was instantly elevated.

"Plain body."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The eunuch shouted in a high-pitched voice, "If you have something to do, please leave the court."

Ministers, look at me and I look at you. They are all holding back their words but dare not speak. I wonder if they are still living under the shadow of Huaying's cruelty.

It was extremely quiet in Jinluan Hall.

Gu Chunuan looked around and found that none of these ministers were familiar to her. Only Yang Mo and Prince Xue were somewhat familiar with them.

Yang Man was also in the main hall. Although he hid it well, his eyes still showed some hostility. Gu Chunuan didn't know where he had offended her.

In all dynasties of the Ice Kingdom, female emperors have ascended the throne.

At that time, she had not yet recognized her ancestors, and the late emperor had no heirs. He only adopted a princess, Yang Man.

Therefore, she is the designated heir to the throne and has the privilege to go to court with the ministers.

"On my first day in court, I don't believe that you have nothing to say. Feel free to say whatever you want."

Even so, no one dared to speak. Prince Xue and Yang Mo looked at each other.

Prince Xue took the lead and said, "Your Majesty, the late emperor was killed by a fake traitor, and the dragon body has not yet been enshrined. I request that the late emperor be buried generously."


Whether she admits it or not, that woman is always her mother.

There is nothing wrong with a generous burial.

Prince Xue was a little embarrassed to say, "Your Majesty, that traitor pretended to be the late emperor and ruled for three years, and the national treasury was lost to her... Now that the national treasury is empty, I am afraid that the late emperor will be buried generously..."

Gu Chunuan rolled his eyes.

You should have said it earlier if the treasury had no money.

If you don't have money, why would you give me a generous burial?

"Then let's give it a light burial."

"Your Majesty, none of the previous emperors were buried sparingly, I'm afraid it was against the rules."

"What do you think?"


Prince Snow was also in trouble.

The amount of silver needed to bury the late emperor in a dignified manner is too much.

He couldn't afford that much money either.

As for the Bing Kingdom, the people have not had enough to eat in the past three years, and if we continue to impose taxes, I am afraid that the people will not be able to survive.

Another minister stood up and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, you can impose additional taxes and collect taxes from the people."

Yang Mo immediately objected, "It's absolutely impossible. There have been three consecutive years of drought in the northern part of the country, and three consecutive years of floods and locust plagues in the south. The people have no harvest, and many places have already starved to death. If we impose taxes again, the people will riot."

When it came to the disaster, several ministers did not want to start playing, but they still started playing with the attitude of giving it a try.

"Your Majesty, I would like to inform you that there is a drought in twelve counties in the north. The people are not even able to drink water. In many villages, people are dying of thirst. Please order the diversion of water."

Gu Chunuan didn't reply to his words and just asked everyone to say everything they wanted to say. She didn't blame him.

The ministers then plucked up the courage to speak one by one.

"Your Majesty, the disaster in the twenty-four southern counties is even worse and they are in urgent need of funding from the court."

"Your Majesty, the epidemic in the east has spread to several cities and it has been difficult to control."

"Your Majesty, the whole city of Gaocheng was massacred by the rebels. Now Gaocheng has become an empty city and is in urgent need of reconstruction."

"Your Majesty, the army has been in arrears for three years, and the soldiers are asking when the government will allocate funds."


The ministers were chattering a lot, and Gu Chunuan heard it. Each of these requires huge allocations.

"You said so much, how much money does the treasury still have?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, there are still one hundred thousand taels left."

Gu Chunuan almost stood up.

One hundred thousand taels?

How about playing with her?

This chapter has been completed!
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