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Chapter 1273 Empress is not easy to be

First, send people along the dry ancient river to see if there are any underground rivers. Second, ask professionals to explore whether there is water underneath and dig wells if there is water. Third, all people who participate in the construction of canals will be provided with food and shelter.

,male or female."

"Your Majesty, you can give the first two a try, but the third one is that women have poor physical strength and can't do much work. Our court also... doesn't have much money to spare."

"If you have poor physical strength, you can cook and do odd jobs. As for the lack of rice..."

Gu Chunuan pondered for a moment and said calmly, "Let's hold a fund-raising event."

"What is a fundraiser?"

"Didn't that impostor kill many officials, especially those in the imperial capital? As long as they are from the Ice Kingdom, everyone can donate. In addition to money, donations can include various materials, such as rice, noodles, oil, cloth, medicine, etc.

Whoever donates more can participate in the election for a certain official position. The official position can be big or small, up to the prime minister."


The ministers looked at Gu Chunuan in disbelief.

The prime minister said in fear, "Your Majesty, you must not do this. This is tantamount to selling your official position and getting a title. If this continues, it will be very detrimental to the court."

"Yes, Your Majesty, in order for the Ice Kingdom to survive for generations to come, such things must never be done. Throughout the ages, any official must pass various assessments and screenings before being selected as an official. You...if you do this, just in case...

…just in case"

"Please, Your Majesty, take back my life."

"Please, Your Majesty, take back my life."

There was a lot of shouting and requests for orders, but only a few officials did not kneel down.

Gu Chunuan sneered, "Let me ask you, if the food crisis and drought and floods are not solved, how long can the Ice Kingdom continue?"

"The Ice Nation is strong and prosperous and will surely last for thousands of generations."

"When you say this, you are not afraid of thunder."

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. I am afraid."

Gu Chunuan was too lazy to waste time with these old dudes, and said directly, "There are many rebels in the country, and many countries outside are watching. Moreover, the national power is weak and famines occur one after another. If the food and drinking water crisis is not solved as soon as possible, I am afraid that the ice country will not be able to survive."

I can't survive three years."

Prince Xue and Yang Mo carefully tasted what she said and nodded in agreement.

"Your Majesty is wise. The court is short of officials, food and money. This is the best solution at present."

If those officials are unjust, it will not be too late to deal with them one by one when the national situation is stabilized.

"The matter has been settled. They will donate money, not only to the officials, but... they can also become imperial merchants. In addition, they will engrave merit monuments to pass down their merits to the generations to come."


Not only can you become an imperial merchant.

Can it also be engraved into a merit monument?

This is the matter of Guangzu Yaozu.

I believe that as long as they have money, anyone is willing to donate.

"Dams and canals should be built and canals repaired in case of floods. All expenses in the country must be frugal. From the emperor down to the common people, no more than three kinds of meals are allowed."

"As for Gaocheng, since the whole city has been destroyed, what else can be built? It will not be built. All the surviving people of Gaocheng will move to the nearest place."

"Your Majesty is wise."

"Your Majesty, what about military pay?"

Gu Chunuan's head almost grew.

Money, money, money again...

Where are the two million taels of gold going to be born?

"Tell the soldiers to settle the settlement within a month, so that they can rest assured."

Officials also want to ask, where did the two million taels of gold come from? Is it taxed? Even if it takes a month to tax, it won't be enough.

The official asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, do you want to collect taxes?"

"No taxation, please pass on the decree. The country of Bing will not be able to levy taxes or corvee for three years. Autumn is coming soon. Let the people seize the time to sow the seeds."


"Retreat from the court."

Gu Chunuan rubbed his eyes, wishing he could quit the court immediately, for fear that those ministers would talk a lot of rubbish again and ask for money in different ways.

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