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Chapter 1291 You Are Too Tired

Little Butterfly, you still can't let go of that woman's death three years ago, have you ever thought about why?"

"Your Majesty, do you want to be a saint?" Wen Shaoyi took out his hand and kept distance from her.

"I don't want to be a saint, I just don't want to see you in such pain. The reason why you hate her is because you love her. You love her to the depths of your soul. She is all you think about, and you even carry her with you when you breathe.

the taste of."

Wen Shaoyi stood up with a groan, pointed in the direction of the door and said coldly, "Get out."

"Even if you resurrect her, you are still reluctant to kill her, because you are not willing to let her die at all. You just want her to give you an explanation, to give you a reason, a reason why you want to kill your father."

"Get out, get out right now."


I don't know whether it was because of his blindness, or because Gu Chunuan mentioned something that he least wanted to mention, but a man like Wen Shaoyi, who was relegated to earthly life, actually threw everything on the table.

There was anger on his face, with bulging veins in many places. It was obvious that he was very angry, but he was just suppressing it.

Gu Chunuan could also see that as long as she said one more thing, Wen Shaoyi might kill her.

After knowing him for such a long time, she had never seen Wen Shaoyi so rude and angry.

"If I like someone, I will trust him wholeheartedly, even if all the accusations are directed at him, even if what I see with my own eyes may not be true."

"You are tired today. Once you have rested, I will accompany you back to the Tianfen Clan."

Wen Shaoyi was silent, but his attitude was clear that he wanted Gu Chunuan to get out immediately.

Gu Chunuan sighed slightly, turned around and pushed the door open.

Halfway there, Gu Chunuan's steps seemed to be filled with lead and he couldn't move no matter how hard he walked.

She wanted to slap herself in the mouth.

No matter who it is, it will not feel good if they suddenly become blind, especially a strong person like Wen Shaoyi.

But she chose to say this when he was in the most pain and helplessness.

Thinking of all the past events with Wen Shaoyi, Gu Chunuan fell back.

Through the open window, she saw Wen Shaoyi smashing everything in the house.

He was sitting on the corner of the wall, holding himself with his hands and curling up into a ball.

This is a gesture of self-protection by a helpless person.

It is also a posture that is riddled with holes in the heart.

There was no joy or sadness on his beautiful face, it was as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

But Gu Chunuan felt heartbroken inexplicably.

Especially looking at his empty, unfocused eyes.

No matter whether Wen Shaoyi is happy, sad, hurt or hurt, he always smiles gently, does not show emotions on his face, is graceful and dignified, and is not surprised by honor or disgrace.

He is more vigilant and usually can't get close to him.

But now, she was so close that he couldn't even feel her.

Is he thinking about the past?

Gu Chunuan opened the door and suddenly hugged him from behind.

Wen Shaoyi, who was trapped in painful memories, noticed Mu Nuan's aura and struggled to push her away.

But Gu Chunuan hugged her tighter and tighter, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get away.

Wen Shaoyi was about to use his inner strength to shake her away.

Gu Chunuan's slightly pleading murmur came to his ears.

"Little Butterfly, we are friends, right? Although I like to tease you sometimes, I really treat you as a friend."

"I know you are in pain, and I also know that you have been very tired from living these years. If you believe me, you can talk to me, and I promise not to bully you again."

"You are too tired to live your life. Your whole life is either for the Tianfen Clan or for hatred. You should live a good life for yourself.

This chapter has been completed!
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