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Chapter 147 Rectification of name

How could Yu Xia endure this?

He wanted to continue saying something, but the face of Prime Minister Yu next to him also completely darkened, and he scolded Yu Xia.

"That's enough for you!"

He was still hoping to make Xie Youwei available to them, but this woman was ruining his plan right here.

Yu Xia was suddenly scolded by Prime Minister Yu, her face was full of confusion, and she showed some aggrieved emotions after she realized what she was doing.

But after all, she was still worried about the birthday banquet, so Yu Xia didn't say anything to make trouble with Prime Minister Yu, but just looked at Prime Minister Yu with aggrieved eyes.

He clearly knew that she was watching the Zhuyu Pavilion now.

She had worked so hard to look after the shop for this man, and now she just wanted to rectify the name of her own shop, and this man was scolding her right here!

He actually helped that little bitch Xie Youwei to speak!

Has he fallen in love with her?

It's not that Yu Xia didn't know what was in Prime Minister Yu's house on the outskirts of Beijing, but she just turned a blind eye.

As a result, this guy has gone too far now.

He didn't even think about whether the house could accommodate so many people!

Thinking about it this way, Yu Xia's grievances became a little more resentful.

Prime Minister Yu pretended not to see Yu Xia's expression and smiled warmly at Xie Youwei.

"It made Miss Xie laugh. I have been buying jewelry from Zhuyu Pavilion for many years. I really like Zhuyu Pavilion. I was a little excited when I heard the rumors outside. I am really embarrassed to disturb Miss Xie."

Xie Youwei shook his head and smiled a little more gently.

"How could it be possible? Mrs. Yu must have just been unable to accept it for a while."

The implication is that Zhuyu Pavilion is indeed inferior to Yuanyang Hairpin.

Naturally, Prime Minister Yu could hear what Xie Youwei meant.

Although Yu Xia was in charge of the Zhuyu Pavilion shop, the profit money actually went into his pocket.

Seeing that Xie Youwei ruined his Zhuyu Pavilion business with just a few words, Prime Minister Yu was naturally angry and depressed.

But considering that Xie Youwei is Chu Qin's fiancée, and Chu Qin himself is here now, he still looks very protective.

How could he argue with that little girl Xie Youwei over this matter here now?

It doesn't look good, but if Chu Qin was dissatisfied and went back to have a few words with the Queen Mother, wouldn't all his plans be hindered?

Right now it is more important to keep Xie Youwei steady.

As for the Zhuyu Pavilion...

When this is over, he will naturally take over the reins from the useless Yu Xia family and resolve the matter himself.

He didn't believe why Yuanyang Hairpin, who had no backing, could fight with him.

Therefore, Prime Minister Yu is still smiling warmly and does not seem to be affected by this incident at all.

Only Yu Xia was sitting on the chair depressedly, looking at Prime Minister Yu's smile, and couldn't stop cursing in her heart.

When everyone saw this situation and the concession made by the Prime Minister's Office, everyone immediately knew the answer in their hearts.

——Of course I’m fawning over Xie Youwei!

Look, the Prime Minister's Mansion doesn't even dare to offend Xie Youwei.

As long as you butter up this Xie Youwei, isn't it equivalent to having a good relationship with the future Princess Ling, the Queen Mother's direct daughter-in-law?

What else will be missing then?

Everyone immediately spoke, all facing Xie Youwei's direction.

"Miss Youwei does have good taste. This hair and face are really pretty. I like them very much. I wonder if they still have Yuanyang Hairpins in that shop?"

"Oh, I prefer the look on Miss Rosary's head..."

"The two Ms. Xie have really good eyesight for finding a shop with such excellent design in such an environment!"

Praise from everyone came like a flood.

Xie Youwei listened to the compliments around her and answered everyone politely.


I really want to thank Mrs. Yu Xia for creating such a good environment for her, allowing her to eliminate all the negative rumors about Yuanyang Hairpin in one fell swoop.

By the way, I would like to thank you again...

Xie Youwei quickly glanced at Chu Qin sitting next to him.

Originally, I wanted to take one glance and immediately look away.

But as luck would have it, when Xie Youwei looked over, he found that he had caught Chu Qin's gaze.

Their eyes met, and Xie Youwei couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed for a moment.

She had a good impression of Xiao Jinyan, but after all she was not ready to accept Chu Qin's kindness.

But today she indeed made full use of Chu Qin's status as a prince.

If Chu Qin hadn't come to this banquet today, it would have really turned into a tough battle.

Xie You pursed her lips slightly, avoided Chu Qin's gaze unnaturally, and continued chatting with the ladies beside her.

Xie Youwei now feels a strong sense of guilt that she is a scumbag.

The more I read, the more guilty I feel.

Xiao Jinyan blinked, noticing Xie Youwei's emotional changes, and pursed his lips under the mask.

The look at each other just now was not a coincidence.

Because he has been looking at Xie Youwei.

In a room full of guests, he just wanted to look at Xie Youwei.

Look at Xie Youwei's smile, frown, and various little expressions.

The feeling of having Xie Youwei by his side made Xiao Jinyan feel like he was alive in the whole world.

Not only in terms of color, but also in spirit.

However, Xie Youwei still seemed to be particularly resistant to him.

Xiao Jinyan sighed secretly, feeling a little lonely in his heart.

The wedding was getting closer and closer, and Xiao Jinyan became less and less confident day by day that he could make Xie Youwei really fall in love with him before the wedding.

As Yu Xia listened to the crowd's admiration, she felt more and more uncomfortable. Finally she couldn't bear it anymore and asked the troupe to end the performance early.

It's almost time, so the maid should have finished everything.

I just don’t know where I went to hang out after I finished it, and I still haven’t come back yet.

Although she prefers that maid, Yu Xia doesn't really care about it at this time.

The performance ended and the banquet dispersed.

Yu Xia took the initiative to send everyone out, saying that she wanted to talk to everyone about more things.

Although Yu Xia's thoughts are strange, no one knows what Yu Xia is thinking.

After all, if you are visiting someone else's house, you'd better go with the host's house.

No one refused.

Yu Xia led the people and walked towards the door of Prime Minister Yu's Mansion.

Soon, the group of people approached the warehouse bit by bit.

Suddenly someone in the crowd spoke.

"Huh? I seem to hear something?"

This chapter has been completed!
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