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Chapter 49 Revolutionary Friendship

After hearing this, Xie Youwei looked around the store with some confusion.

Xie Youwei has a good memory, and he can tell that the jewelry in the store is basically the same as before, and nothing new has been added.

Gao Li smiled, with a hint of sarcasm in her smile.

"I didn't let you show up."

"It's not the right time yet. If you put it on display now, it might be stolen by Bai from Zhuyu Pavilion!"

The shopkeeper of Zhuyu Pavilion is named Bai.

According to Gao Li, everything was planned by the shopkeeper of Zhuyu Pavilion.

After finishing speaking, Gao Liyou still felt that she was not enjoying herself enough, so she couldn't help but spit again and added.

"You are really shameless, and you are used to doing sneaky things!"

Although Gao Li was a little excited, what she said was absolutely correct.

Putting it out now is equivalent to giving it to Zhuyu Pavilion for plagiarism.

When the time comes, they may come back to bite them quickly.

Xie Youwei's pretty little face under the veil also showed a bit of disgust.

Gao Li bumped into Lynch's shoulder at this time.

"Didn't you say you wanted to take out the things and show Miss Xie? Why are you still standing there in a daze?"

Lin Qi seemed to be aroused by Gao Li's words and reacted suddenly.

"oh oh!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away, disappearing in a flash.

Gao Li smiled helplessly, with a hint of apology on her face.

"I'm sorry, Lin Qi always gets a little too excited when encountering these things. He has really been talking about you for too long, and has always said that he wants to discuss it with you. Today is finally the time."

After finishing speaking, Lin Qi flashed back like a gust of wind holding the hairpin.

The apology on Gao Li's face was even worse.

"It's funny."

Xie Youwei shook his head.

"how come?"

Gao Li turned her head and looked at Lin Qi with tender eyes.

"What are you doing here? Take your things out!"

Although it seems like a rather serious and inspiring sentence, the tone that matches Gao Li's eyes turns it into a sweet scolding between lovers.

Xie Youwei stood there, full of words.

Did she come here to eat dog food? This is her noble Xie Dog... No, where is the face of Xie Xie, the shareholder!

However, when Lin Qi showed the hairpin in the box, Xie Youwei's heart was filled with the thought "f*ck".

As a student majoring in jewelry design, Xie Youwei naturally has to see the finished products of her own works.

But this was the first time that Xie Youwei was so amazed.

Lynch's carving is obviously very good and very patient, and every detail is very precise.

The whole hairpin is lifelike.

Although modern machines are also very sophisticated, Xie Youwei still feels that what Lynch made has its own charm.

It adds a lot of color to the hairpin.

Xie Youwei couldn't believe that this was what his design draft could look like.

It was only then that Xie Youwei vaguely fully understood the saying that a good horse must be equipped with a good saddle.

No wonder shopkeeper Bai wanted to destroy the mandarin duck hairpin at all costs, probably just to force Lin Qi to continue working for them.

Lin Qi didn't seem to think too much at all, he just stretched out his hand and tapped one side of the hairpin.

"I feel like it's a bit empty here. Wouldn't it be better if we added more words?"

Xie Youwei was stunned for a moment, then asked back.

"Why not just add it yourself?"

After hearing these words, Lin Qi seemed to feel a little confused. He blinked and looked up at Xie Youwei with doubts on his face.

"This is your drawing."

In modern times, Xie Youwei, who was tortured both physically and mentally by various factories and the kindness of her mentors and superiors, felt that at this moment, she saw her god.

Restraining the urge to kneel down on one knee and shout "You are my god" to Lin Qi, Xie Youwei smiled at Lin Qi.

"It's okay, come on."

She didn't expect that Lin Qi's skills would be so good.

The little space she had left was deliberately left open because some hairpin masters with average skills could easily make the flowers larger or smaller.

The little space that was freed up was the margin left by Xie Youwei.

But she didn't expect that Lynch could be so precise that it was almost exactly the same as the design draft.

After receiving the affirmation, Lin Qi smiled even more and took out a few more hairpins.

These are not Xie Youwei's design drafts, they are probably the product of Lynch's revengeful hairpin creation during this period.

But they are all pretty good-looking.

Lin Qi held the box in one hand and scratched his head with the other, his face full of doubts.

"I made these all during this period, but I always feel that there is something wrong with them, but I can't explain it. Can you take a look at it for me?"

Xie Youwei nodded happily.

This wave is called professional counterpart.

Xie Youwei grabbed a hairpin, turned it over to the side she wanted, and handed it to Lin Qi.

"Look here, although this flower is beautiful, it doesn't match the overall shape of the hairpin, so you can replace it with..."

"What you said makes sense! Then what do you think this should be replaced with..."

The two people seemed to have found their only confidant in the world. They exchanged many things with each other. In the end, the two people looked at each other and saw approval and affirmation in each other's eyes.

"Miss Xie is really amazing! I, Lin, still have a lot to learn from Miss Xie."

"No, Brother Lin is truly amazing. This is the first time I've seen someone with such great hairpin-making skills!"

The two of them exchanged rainbow-colored compliments with each other, going back and forth, and immediately formed a revolutionary friendship.

"Thank you sister!"

"Brother Lin!"

Gao Li, who was confused after watching the whole process on the side, couldn't help but make a sound.

"You two, can you consider me and Ruru?"

Just talk about these things that neither she nor Ruru understand.

Xie Youwei woke up from a dream and touched the tip of her nose embarrassedly.

"Ah, yes, now that Brother Lin's health has recovered, we can discuss what Yuanyang Hairpin should do next."

"What to do next?"

The three members of the Lin family put on an expression, looking in Xie Youwei's direction with confusion and expectation.

Xie Youwei swallowed and opened his mouth.

"In this entire capital, apart from the ladies and ladies who buy the most jewelry, who else is the most willing to buy jewelry?"

Xie Youwei asked such a question and looked at the three people in front of him quietly, waiting for the answer.

Gao Li hesitated to speak, her face full of hesitation.

Lin Qi closed his mouth tightly, his face full of confusion.

Lin Ruru's face was full of excitement.

"I know I know!"

Xie Youwei looked at Lin Ruru and smiled.

"What do you think?"

This chapter has been completed!
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