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Chapter 85 Lipstick

Xie Youwei caught Lin Ruru steadily, smiled and touched Lin Ruru's head.

"We haven't seen each other for two days, have we become beautiful again?"

Lin Ruzheng was dressed very cutely today, wearing light pink clothes, a beautiful double-ring bun, and two beautiful matching hairpins in her hair.

Tassels fell from the hairpin, swaying on both sides of Lin Ruru with Lin Ruru's movements, making it look lively and agile.

The little girl was a little embarrassed by the compliment, covered her face and laughed innocently.

Gao Li walked out from behind, holding a small dish of lipstick in her hand and a helpless smile on her face.

"Don't praise her anymore. If you praise her again, she should be praised to heaven."

With that said, she threw the lipstick in Lin Ruru's hand.

"Now, take it, your father went and bought it for you yesterday."

Lin Ruru reached out to take the lipstick and hid it in her arms as if she had found a treasure, with a proud smile on her face.

"Okay! My parents are the best parents in the entire capital!"

As he said that, he started to circle around Gao Li.

Gao Li was amused and helpless by Lin Ruru's appearance, and turned her attention to Xie Youwei.

"I'm sorry, this child has her birthday today. She has been saying she wants a lip balm. Yesterday, her father ran to buy it for her. She is going crazy with joy right now.


Most girls in ancient times were relatively precocious. Although Lin Ruru was still young, they had already developed a love for beauty, and they were even more curious about these lipsticks and other products.

Lin Ruru had seen the beautiful painted lips of the ladies from wealthy families earlier, and she has been thinking about it till now.

I didn't dare to mention the bad situation at home before, but now it's getting more and more wild.

"I'm going to put on this lipstick and go out and make them all envy me!"

As Lin Ruru spoke, she opened the lid of the lipstick, touched it lightly with her hand, and touched it lightly on her mouth.

He also imitated the behavior of those people he saw before and pursed his lips in a decent manner.

After pursing her lips, Lin Ruru excitedly raised her fair and pretty face and looked at Xie Youwei and Gao Li excitedly.

"Mom! Thank you sister! Doesn't it look good!"

Xie Youwei lowered his head to look at Lin Ruru, with a smile on his face.

Gao Li directly nodded Lin Ruru's head.

"You, you, just learned a shell!"

The little girl did a decent job, but unfortunately because she was too careful, she didn't dip her hands into any lipstick at all, and her mouth still had the original lip color.

After hearing Gao Li's words, Lin Ruru seemed to have received a huge blow and took a small step back in disbelief.

"What? How is that possible!"

She had specifically asked for advice!

Xie Youwei was amused by Lin Ruru's appearance. She couldn't help but squat down and pulled Lin Ruru to her side.

"Come, thank sister for getting it for you."

Lin Ruru's eyes suddenly lit up again, she blinked and kept her mouth closed, waiting for Xie Youwei's help.

Zhi Youwei suppressed a smile as he took the precious lipstick from Lin Ruru's hand.

The lip balm is from a large rouge and gouache shop in Beijing, and the quality is quite good.

The Lin family couple dotes on this precious daughter very much.

Xie Youwei stretched out his index finger and swiped it on the smooth paste, and his fingertips were stained red by the bright red lipstick.

Xie Youwei came closer to Lin Ruru and applied lipstick on Lin Ruru carefully.

The color Lynch chose was quite good, it was a very light and natural color. In the words of later generations, it could probably be called a pseudo-no-makeup artifact.

Even on the face of a little girl like Lin Ruru, such a wild color would not appear abrupt, but would only make people feel that Lin Ruru's complexion has become much better.

Xie Youwei retracted her hand, smiled and pinched Lin Ruru's fleshy cheek with her other hand.

"Okay! Let's go and look in the bronze mirror."

Yuanyang Hairpin is a jewelry shop, so naturally there are bronze mirrors inside for customers to try on jewelry.

After Lin Ruru heard this, she immediately ran to the side of the bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror was a bit high for Lin Ruru. Lin Ruru could only see her nose, but not her mouth.

Just as she was about to purse her lips in dissatisfaction, she suddenly realized that her mouth was covered with lipstick. Lin Ruru had no choice but to continue to hold her mouth stiffly, jumping up and down to look at herself in the bronze mirror.

In the end, Gao Li couldn't stand it anymore and took the bronze mirror off to Lin Ruru.

After getting the bronze mirror, Lin Ruru happily held it while admiring her own beauty and giggling.

Gao Li was speechless, but did not interfere. Instead, she turned to look at Xie Youwei.

"It's just the right time for you to come today. The hairpin that he specifically said he wanted to get out last time has already been finished."

Xie Youwei's eyes lit up.

"Really! So fast!"

Gao Li smiled.

"He is a guy who gets a good-looking manuscript and wants to finish it quickly without eating or sleeping." As she spoke, Gao Li glanced around the store, "It just so happened that he asked me to finish it last night.

I brought the things to the store, I'll get them for you."

"Okay! Please trouble Sister Gao Li!"

"What's the trouble!" Gao Li said with a slight reproach in her tone, "Just don't be polite to me!"

Xie Youwei chuckled.

When Gao Li walked away, Xie Youwei looked at Xiao Jinyan behind her.

After coming in, because Lin Ruru suddenly pounced on her, she temporarily forgot to introduce Xiao Jinyan to Gao Li.

Xiao Jinyan seemed to have been lowering his sense of presence, burying his head and saying nothing, as if he were an ordinary guard standing beside her to protect her.

Xie Youwei looked at the trace of color still on her fingertips, pursed her lips, then spread her palm upwards and handed it to Xiao Jinyan.

"The lipstick is basically red, but there are differences in shades. This color is very light... well... how should I put it? It's probably similar to the color of the peach blossoms we talked about when we came here."

Xiao Jinyan looked at the color of Xie Youwei's fingertips and nodded in agreement.

It's really almost the same.

Xie Youwei suddenly showed a slightly naughty smile, stretched out his hand, and wiped all the pink on his fingertips onto Xiao Jinyan's palm.

"Hey, let's learn pink today, and I'll give it to you together with the peach blossom cake."

Xiao Jinyan laughed a little.

Even if Xie Youwei gave it to her, it would be meaningless as long as it was not touched by Xie Youwei and ended up with him.

Thinking like this, Xiao Jinyan lowered his head and looked over, and saw an obvious pink color in the palm of his hand.

Xiao Jinyan's pupils also froze at this time.

how come?

Xie Youwei obviously didn't come across this place.

How come there is color?
This chapter has been completed!
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