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Chapter 118: Too Late

Chapter 118 It’s too late

After listening to Xia Houshu's words, Guo Kai relaxed completely, his eyes no longer dodge, and he spoke more fluently.

Guo Kai said while recalling: "My ancestors originally had some permanent wealth. Before my grandfather married my grandmother, he married a grandmother of the He family and gave birth to my aunt, whose name was Yuanniang. After the grandmother of the He family passed away due to illness,

, the old lady of the He family was worried that my grandmother would treat my aunt harshly when she came in, so he took her to the He family to raise her. My aunt grew up in the He family and did not often interact with us. She would only come back to visit my grandfather during the holidays, and she would not

She will stay for a longer period of time. Later, the He family arranged a marriage for her, and she married away from home and completely lost contact with our family."

He couldn't tell whether he was sad or happy in his tone. If his aunt hadn't cut off contact with the Guo family long ago, I'm afraid his father, who was blinded by his gambling addiction, would also lick his face to cling to and harass him. Thinking of this, he

What follows is obviously filled with melancholy and resentment.

He said: "After my grandfather and grandmother fell ill and passed away, my father lost control and became even more unscrupulous in gambling. At the beginning, he won a lot of money, and he felt that his fortune had turned around. He also boasted to my mother that he would be able to gamble in Haikou.

Let us live a good life with fine clothes and good books. My mother is not a decisive person. She believed what my father said and even accompanied him to the gambling house every day. As a result, my father became more and more unlucky every time. Not only did he lose his capital, but he also lost money very quickly.

He lost all his family property, and then our family was kicked out of our ancestral home by debt collectors. My father believed that my mother had ruined the feng shui by following him to the gambling house and blocked his financial path, so he beat or scolded my mother.

My mother also felt that she was hindering my father's wealth and did not dare to resist. Our family was starved for a while, and then my father thought that our brothers and sisters were a burden, so he punished us because we were too young to work.

The living ones were all given away. In fact, we were not given away, but we were sold to others for real money to pay off debts."

Xia Houshu and Yun Xi looked at each other again. The story of the Guo family was much more exciting than what they had heard.

Guo Kai didn't notice the flash of surprise in the eyes of the two girls. He wiped the wet marks on his face with his sleeves and said: "My aunt is kind-hearted. After hearing about my family's affairs,

, quietly asked someone to find us, and sent a letter to the old man of the Guo family, asking him to come forward and redeem our freedom. However, there is no airtight wall in the world, and my father and mother soon found out that I had gone to the Guo family.

.They thought they could use my relationship to climb the big tree of the Guo family and pay off their gambling debts, so they made trouble day and night. Mr. Guo couldn't bear the disturbance, so he quietly sent me to the capital.

Fortunately, the Third Madam and your mansion took me in, so I can stand here, reading and practicing calligraphy with the Sixth Young Master. But I don’t know where my two sisters have gone, and whether we will see each other again in my lifetime."

Guo Kai burst into tears after finishing speaking.

Xia Houshu was filled with emotions. She originally only knew that Guo Kai's life experience was miserable, but she didn't expect that the truth was far beyond her imagination.

It is said that tigers are poisonous and will not eat their children, but for the Guo family, the man is addicted to gambling, even bankrupting the family and even selling his children and daughters; the woman lets it go, colludes with others, and helps the tyrants to do harm. The couple are worse than animals. On the other hand, Guo Kai

It is already very difficult for this child to grow up like this. Apart from being cautious and cautious after being abandoned and enslaved, he has not yet shown any anger or violence. It is already very difficult.

Yun Xi was soft-hearted and burst into tears after hearing Guo Kai's tragic life experience. He quickly turned around and took out a handkerchief to wipe his face.

Xiahou Shu looked at Yun Xi and shook his head helplessly. He had no choice but to take out his own handkerchief and hand it to Guo Kai. He said comfortingly: "Don't think about the past anymore. Now that you are in my house, you are a member of our Xiahou family."

.As the saying goes, once you come, you will be at ease. You can live here well and Ling'er can have a companion. Even if your parents find out about your whereabouts one day, our Xiahou family will protect you and will never let you go.

They will bully you again. As for your two sisters... Beijing and Xunzhou are far apart, so please forgive us for not being able to do anything."

Guo Kai looked at the handkerchief handed over by Xia Houshu and hesitated for a while, but finally took it, but did not wipe his face immediately, but said gratefully: "Third girl, thank you! I don't have anything to offer in return, so I can only repay you.

I am able to accompany the Sixth Young Master to study happily, and I hope that one day I will be able to obtain fame and repay you!"

Xia Houshu didn't think so long-term, and she didn't expect Guo Kai to take it personally or let him repay her. However, seeing how sincere he was, she couldn't help but brush off his kindness, and encouraged: "Those who are willing,

Things work out. I believe in you too!"

Guo Kai expressed his heartfelt thanks again.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Xia Houshu didn't beat around the bush with him and asked: "Your aunt is determined to protect you. Guo Taigong must have told her about your coming to the capital. But how did your aunt know that?

Princess Jia likes me?"

Only then did Guo Kai remember that he was too focused on reminiscing about the past and recounting past hardships and experiences, and forgot to finish the key information, so he immediately explained: "The son-in-law recruited by the He family for my aunt was named Du. He was a scholar, and later he won the imperial examination.

, served as a seventh-rank local official. It was said that he was promoted by Prime Minister Wang a few days ago and came to the capital to become a sixth-rank official. The whole family moved to the capital. In order to thank Prime Minister Wang for his support.

, my uncle and aunt specially prepared a thank-you gift and went to the Prime Minister's Mansion to express their gratitude. Princess Mingjia heard that my aunt's family is from the same clan as the Guo family in Xunzhou, so she said a few words to her."

After listening to Guo Kai's explanation, and then thinking about what Wang Chonghou said in the front hall, Xia Houshu generally sorted out the whole story.

At Princess Zhao's birthday party, Princess Mingjia saw that in order to protect her mother and several elders, she was not afraid of power and dared to contradict Princess Changning. In the end, she accidentally exposed the scandal in the palace of Prince Zhao, causing a commotion.

There was an uproar, but there was a good reputation in the capital for her being sensible and filial. In addition, she was born into a high family, so Princess Mingjia thought she was pretty good, so she wanted to marry her son. But Princess Mingjia herself

He couldn't save face, so he arranged for Wang Chonghou to come to the house in person with his son.

However, things went against expectations. After today's events, the arrogant and arrogant Princess Mingjia probably hated the Duke of Yue's mansion based on how angry the Wang family and his son were when they left.

Xia Houshu let out a long sigh and finally realized what a stupid thing she had done. The most annoying thing was that now she was leaving this mess to her parents to clean up.

She usually hates being involved and dragged down by others, but she didn't expect that she has become that kind of person now.

Guo Kai didn't know what was going on, so he thought she was in trouble for his marriage, and hurriedly persuaded her: "Now that the third girl knows the truth, she should inform the Duke of Guo and Princess Xuanhe as soon as possible, and make preparations in advance, so as not to delay her."


These words were not at all like those spoken by a child of about ten years old. Xia Houshu glanced at him in surprise, sighed, and Fang waved his hands and said, "No, it's too late."

Guo Kai looked stunned. He didn't understand what Xia Houshu's words meant.

For the sake of his kind reminder, Xia Houshu patiently explained: "Prime Minister Wang has already been here today. Moreover, I offended them."

Guo Kai's face became even more ugly, and he even blamed himself for not warning him earlier.

Xia Houshu had no intention of caring about what he was thinking, and did not want to explain anything to him. He signaled to him that it was not good for him to have been out for too long, and told him to go back quickly to avoid being punished by Master Wei.

Guo Kai was very sensible and did not ask any more questions. After politely saying goodbye, he hurried back to the private school.

After bidding farewell to Guo Kai, Xia Houshu stood in the corner for a long time, meditating and reflecting.

Although Guo Kai's words were a bit of hindsight, it still made sense for him to ask her to tell her parents quickly. Before, she had rashly made the truth worse because she didn't exchange opinions with her father and mother in advance. This time, she definitely made the truth worse.

Don't do it again.

After thinking about it, Xia Houshu changed direction and went to Songya Hall to tell Zhong Yuqing what Guo Kai told her, so that when he met Princess Mingjia in the future, he would not know where he had offended her. As for Guo Kai's personal

She didn't mention it much, she just said that she found out about it.

Zhong Yuqing had already heard from her confidants that the Wang family father and son came to propose marriage, and also knew that everyone broke up on bad terms in the end. She was waiting for Xia Houyuan to come back to discuss countermeasures, but she didn't expect her daughter to come first.

Xia Houshu had his own way of getting information when he was the secret envoy of the Evergreen Sect, so Zhong Yuqing believed in what her daughter said and did not ask her where she got the information from, but she was so angry that she slapped her in the face after hearing it.

Hitting the table, he said angrily: "Guo Lianbi and I have been sisters-in-law for more than ten years, and we have never treated their third wife harshly. Any frictions we have are usually made small and major. I never care about her. I also

I always thought that she was cold-faced and warm-hearted, but she still cared about her family at critical moments. But she knew that Princess Mingjia was interested in you, but she never reminded me. It’s simply disgusting!”

Xia Houshu looked confused and thought to himself, Mother, is your focus a bit off? What I am telling you now is about Princess Mingjia, but you are concerned that the third aunt did not tell you in advance. The third aunt has not always been

Are you someone who cares about things that have nothing to do with you?

Zhong Yuqing thought about how she had treated Guo Lianbi and her son over the years, although she could not say that she had been heartwarming, but she had always been caring and never lacked harsh criticism. She became even more angry and continued to scold: "I originally set my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch! Since she

If you don't treat us as your own family, why should I ask for help?"

"It's right for mother to think so. Why worry about this with third aunt? It's not worth it to make your body so angry." Xia Houshu comforted her repeatedly.

She was very open-minded about her relationship with her third wife, just like her mother Fu Pei. She never had any unrealistic illusions about Aunt Guo, nor did she ask them to take her.

When viewed from the perspective of Chen herself, as long as Guo does not betray her family, she will be thankful.

Zhong Yuqing was angry, but her mind was very clear. She quickly calmed down, looked at her daughter again, and said: "I have dealt with Princess Mingjia. I know better than you who she is. If you offend her, you will offend her."

There is nothing to regret. She has a higher eye than her head and will retaliate, so no matter what tricks she has, I am not afraid of her. As for your marriage, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Even if your father and I look after it for you

, I will also ask for your opinion in the end, and will not let you marry blindly."

Even if we parents take care of things for you, we still have to make you obey, so we might as well communicate with each other first to avoid any embarrassment in the future.

Xia Houshu didn't notice the hidden meaning of his mother's words. Just hearing her attitude was like taking a piece of reassurance. He quickly hugged half of his mother's body and said with tears of gratitude: "Mom, I know you and my father are the most reasonable."

You are the most sensible parents in the whole capital, no, in the whole world! I can be your daughter because I have done many good things in my previous life! So I have to do more good things in this life. If there is an afterlife, I will do more

Keep being your daughter!”

This chapter has been completed!
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