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Chapter 137

Yun Xi probably guessed what happened, but she knew that it would not be helpful to Xia Houshu's reputation if it got bigger, so she didn't dare to say anything, so she had to go out quickly to remind Liao Guards and ask them to secure the yard.

, as long as there is something good or bad, it will be difficult for anyone to do business when I go back.

Liao Huwei initially believed that Xia Houshu said he was scared by the mouse, but after hearing Yun Xi's words, he became even more confused. He couldn't help but secretly wonder what happened in the room just now. But it was a woman's bedroom after all.

, he couldn't just break in without permission, so he looked inside from the door intentionally or unintentionally, and made sure that Xia Houshu was well inside, and then felt a little relieved. Then he gave a few other subordinates a signal.

The look in his eyes indicated that they must be very alert tonight, be sure to keep an eye on the yard, and send the girl to Boyun Temple safely tomorrow.

In the room, Xia Houshu looked at the golden leaf again, his eyebrows furrowed to the point of knotting. How could there be such a stubborn and difficult person in the world?

His identity is very special, he may even be a relative of the emperor, his martial arts skills are well hidden, and he is surrounded by top experts to help him. He can even quietly bypass Liao Guards and their patrols and appear openly in her bedroom. This

It’s so scary! Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

Xia Houshu was so angry that he swept the gold leaf and the handkerchief to the ground with a wave of his hand. The sound of the metal falling to the ground was particularly clear in the silent night, causing Guard Liao and others outside to frown.

Xia Houshu didn't care so much, so he walked over and stepped on the gold leaf hard. Then she thought about it, Qin Nan followed her all the way from the capital to Liuxing Village because she returned the gold leaf. If

If he knew that she had lost the gold leaf again, would he follow her to Boyunguan? Or do something more unbelievable?

After much deliberation, Xia Houshu still compromised and bent down to pick up the gold leaves and handkerchiefs on the ground. Didn't he force her to accept them? Then she would accept them. Anyway, such a small leaf is inconspicuous and inconspicuous.

It doesn't take up any space, just throw it into your luggage.

After Yunxi handed over to Liao Guards, she turned around and entered the house. She saw Xia Houshu's hair was wet and the clothes on her body were also wet, so she immediately took care of it for her, while not forgetting to say: "Girl, now

Although it’s not quite autumn yet, the weather has gotten a lot cooler, so you need to pay special attention to keeping warm at night. What would you do if you get cold like this?”

Xia Houshu listened quietly, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "God knows what happened tonight, and the earth knows it. You know it and I know it. Don't tell anyone else."

"Aren't you just scared of mice? What's the big deal?" Yun Xi immediately answered, "Don't worry, girl, I will never tell others that you are afraid of mice!"

Xia Houshu nodded with satisfaction. Yes, wasn't she just scared by the mouse?

In a dark corner outside the house, Qin Nan, known as "Mouse", stood there quietly. The smile that appeared on the corner of his mouth because Xia Houshu finally accepted the gold leaf disappeared without a trace again.

Did he really still scare her?

It seems that he can't be so reckless in the future.

After a while, Yu Hu and Qiao Ling also came over. The three of them helped Xia Houshu wipe her hair and change her clothes, and helped her sleep before yawning and going back to their bedroom.

Probably because he had traveled all day and took a bath, Xia Houshu slept very well that night. Yunxi was a little worried at first, but then fell into a deep sleep, while Yuhu and Qiaoling slept without knowing anything about them.

Early the next morning, Xia Houshu slowly woke up to the sound of cockcrows in the village and the jingling of the copper bells on the old cattle's necks. The proprietress of the inn had been waiting outside early in the morning. When she heard Xia Houshu getting up, she asked her to

When I got the opportunity to deliver hot water, I went in and apologized profusely, saying that I would put out rat poison twice a year, but I still didn't expect that a rat would come into the guest room and disturb the guests.

Xia Houshu was not frightened by the mouse in the first place, and he didn't want to see the boss' wife looking guilty and apologetic. He simply said that he was timid and the people around him were making a fuss out of a molehill. Then he turned to Yun Xi and blinked. What happened last night?

After just one night of sleep, it became known to everyone?

Yun Xi also shook his head slightly to express that he didn't know.

As expected of a businesswoman, the proprietress had some ability to observe what was happening. She immediately explained: "Last night, there was too much noise in the girl's yard, which disturbed the people in the yard next door. No, she came to us to complain early this morning. I

It was easy to convince them that they didn’t care and then checked out and left.”

Xia Houshu's face was full of doubts. Aren't those people in the next courtyard Qi Nan and Chu Li'an?

The village is no different from the capital. Everyone has been together for decades and knows each other well. Even the experiences of generations above and below are clear. Whenever someone comes to meet someone, the villagers can't help but look at them twice and observe them intentionally or unintentionally.

The other party's whereabouts. Moreover, there is only one inn in Liuxing Village. If Qin Nan and Chu Li'an want to avoid attracting others' attention, they can only pretend to be passing travelers and stay in this inn, so he could do it without any effort last night.

appeared in her room. And they went out of their way to complain to the owner of the inn this morning, which seemed like they didn't have enough money here. If he really wanted to leave without anyone noticing, he could just check out quietly.

, why bother?

Seeing Xia Houshu's uncertain expression, the landlady thought that she, a young girl, had brought so many guards and supplies, and was afraid that she might offend someone by accidentally saying the wrong thing, so she hurriedly excused herself to the hotel next door and just checked out.

I had to pack it up and left in a hurry.

Yunxi took advantage of Yuhu and Qiaoling to go out, walked up to Xia Houshu and said softly: "Girl, you said Mr. Qi and the others deliberately went to complain to the boss's wife, do you want to tell us that he has left?"

Xia Houshu suddenly realized. Yes, why didn't he think of it? Maybe they just wanted to tell him that they had left and had no other ideas.

"Yunxi, you are so smart!" Xia Houshu praised.

Yun Xi chuckled, scratched his forehead and said sheepishly, "I was just guessing too."

"It's true that the authorities are obsessed with things, but bystanders know better!" Xia Houshu murmured, "It's better for them to leave to save themselves from embarrassment later."

Yunxi agrees very much with this.

The group of people washed up step by step, had breakfast, and then started going up the mountain.

Along the mountain road paved with bluestones on Wangcang Peak, you go up step by step. The mountain water flows continuously from top to bottom. The mountain wind makes a rustling sound through the woods. The sound of wind, rain and running water mix together, as if it is the sound of nature.

Taoism advocates simplicity and nature. Boyun Temple is hidden among the luxuriant branches and leaves, which makes it feel particularly deep. Most buildings are made from natural materials, such as bamboo, rattan, bark, roots, etc., without any artificial

The decoration blends well with the surrounding mountains, forests, rock springs, and is indeed exceptionally harmonious.

The previous abbot of Boyun Temple was Master Huaning. He had three direct disciples named Qu Yun, Qu Huai and Qu Bai. Master Qu Bai was Xia Houshu’s master.

Master Qubai’s real name was Jiang. She was originally from a noble family in the north. She had a good family background, and her father and brother were kind. She was once engaged to someone, but later a war broke out and their entire family was destroyed. At that time, Master Qubai happened to be with her fiancée.

She survived by making an appointment to meet outside, but her fiancé later died trying to protect her while fleeing, so she swore never to marry again. Later, she followed the fleeing people all the way south, and finally came out at Boyun Temple.

Because of his talent, intelligence and high understanding, he won the respect of his mentor Master Hua Ning. After his eldest disciple Qu Yun died unexpectedly and his second disciple Qu Huai returned to secular life and got married, Qu passed on the entire Boyun Temple to her.

Since Master Bai became the abbot, he has never disgraced his mentor's reputation, and has developed Boyunguan into a well-known place for spiritual cultivation.

Master Qubai has a total of twelve disciples under her, who are also known as the "Twelve Immortals of Wangcang Peak". Xiahou Shu is the only lay disciple of Master Qubai, not included. And because of her special status

, Master Qubai also taught her disciples not to spread the word to outsiders, so not many people knew about it.

Master Qubai’s twelve disciples were all orphans adopted by her when she was young or baby girls abandoned by their parents. However, under Master Qubai’s upbringing, each of them grew up safely and each had their own strengths.

Senior sister Miaoru was picked up by Master Qu Bai when she was fleeing south. She is the oldest among the junior sisters, and she has a gentle temperament and a thoughtful heart. Although her skills are not as good as other junior sisters, she is respectful to her teacher and caring for her junior sisters.

She even assisted Master Qu Bai in keeping Boyunguan in good order. Xia Houshu had always taken care of her when he was young, and he was also quite dependent on her.

The second senior sister, Miao Fei, is good at sword dancing. She can dance a long sword to perfection, which is unparalleled among the other senior sisters. However, she never thinks of herself as aloof. Instead, she wholeheartedly assists the senior sister in managing the affairs of Boyun Temple.

The seventh senior sister Miao Li was good at playing the piano, and used the piano as a weapon. Her music was melodious, melodious, melodious, and breathtaking. Even Zhong Yuqing, who heard it by chance, was full of praise. At that time, Xia Houshu thought that his mother liked girls who could play the piano.

In order to make her happy, she secretly begged her mother to find a piano sheet for her when she came next time. Zhong Yuqing didn't know the truth, so she thought her daughter had suddenly become enlightened, so she went back and ordered someone to find a rare piano sheet for her and quickly sent it over.

After Xia Houshu got the piano score, he happily went to Miaoli and asked her to teach him to play the piano on this condition. Miaoli was withdrawn by nature and liked to be alone. For the sake of the piano score, he would not play the piano again.

In addition, Xia Houshu persisted in her pursuit and reluctantly agreed to teach her. However, Xia Houshu was taken back to the capital not long after learning, so he did not learn the essence of piano skills from Miao Li. His current first-hand piano skills are also

Later, my mother specially hired a famous teacher to teach me.

The youngest junior sister, Miaoqing, is the youngest, has the smartest and eccentric personality, and is everyone’s delight. Miaoqing was only six years old when Xia Houshu left Boyunguan, and later she only occasionally heard senior sister Miaoru mention her in letters.

Why did she get into trouble and was punished by the master, or was she deliberately causing trouble and being forced to practice by the senior sisters? I don’t know if she has undergone a transformation and become a tall and graceful young lady...

In addition, there is a special disciple in Boyunguan named Miaochen. He is the direct disciple of Qu Yun and an orphan who was taken into the mountain when he was young. Ten years ago, Qu Yun died while traveling, leaving behind his only disciple Miaochen.

Miaochen was already in his teens at the time and could have decided to stay or go on his own, but he did not want to leave Boyunguan, so Master Qubai asked him to stay and live in the outer courtyard of Boyunguan. He could only enter during the day.

Practicing together with other fellow apprentices and sisters in the inner courtyard.

Xia Houshu sighed. She used to deliberately not think about it and thought she had forgotten it, but now she realized that she actually remembered things about Boyun Temple so clearly. Now that she stepped into Boyun Temple again, she should change her mind.

It’s about looking at the people, things, and things here.

Perhaps, she should face the past more calmly, and face the things she fears and worries about, so that she can face the people in Boyun Temple who care about her more calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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