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Chapter 34 Xiahou's Daughter

Xia Houshu silently thought about what his aunt and mother said.

When Xia Houshu first returned home, sisters Xia Houchi and Xia Houchun had not yet left Beijing, and she also learned many things that she had never known before through the help of people around her.

She heard that her former second aunt Kuang died due to postpartum weakness, long-term treatment, and eventually a loss of energy and blood. Xia Houqi was less than eight months old at that time, and she was just learning to talk.

Later, Xiahou Tan asked to marry Aunt Zhang and came in.

Zhang's real name is Zhang Wanying, and she is a very virtuous and kind-hearted person. Not only does she not care about Xiahoutan having a daughter, she also treats Xiahouqi as her own daughter, and she does everything in her life. Therefore, Xiahouqi is not as cautious as other children raised by her stepmother.

, everything depends on the person's face. On the contrary, she and Zhang Wanying are very close and talk about everything, just like a biological mother and daughter. They also have a very open personality and never hold back anything on their mind, let alone let themselves be wronged.

It was August of the second year of Xiping, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, when Xiahoutan went to Jinfengcheng to take up his post. Before that, Xiahouqi had already exchanged invitations and signed marriage certificates with Jiang Fengmin, the eldest son of the Jiang family, the general who conquered the south. It was originally agreed that

Xia Houqi will be married when she turns eighteen, and the wedding date will be in May of the following year.

However, at the beginning of the second year of Xiping, the Jiang family suddenly sent someone to discuss holding the wedding in advance.

The wedding date was decided upon by the two families' horoscopes. It could be changed as soon as possible.

Zhang Wanying saw that the Jiang family was in a hurry, so she sent someone to find out what was going on. Only then did she find out that the maid who served in Jiang Fenmin's house was pregnant. The child was Jiang Fenmin's. It was almost four months old when she found out. The maid was really pregnant.

I confessed because I couldn't hide it any more.

Although Jiang Fengmin insisted that it was caused by drunkenness and immorality, the mistake had already been made and it was too late to say anything. Moreover, the Jiang family had few heirs. The elders of the Jiang family saw that the maid's belly was already showing signs of pregnancy, so they hoped

As long as he could keep the child, he came to Zhang Wanying to discuss holding the wedding in advance.

After knowing the truth, Zhang Wanying was very angry and immediately threw a tea bowl. However, thinking that Xia Houqi and Jiang Fengmin's relationship was not easy to make her own decision, she went to ask Xia Houqi's opinion.

Xia Houqi and Jiang Fengmin were childhood sweethearts and had a deep relationship, so she was very satisfied when the two families got engaged. For this reason, she even learned embroidery and prepared to embroider her own wedding dress herself. However, I heard that the Jiang family was because of Jiang Fengmin's house.

The maid in the house asked for an early wedding because she was pregnant, in an attempt to cover up the scandal she had committed. She refused without thinking. By the way, she also asked Zhang Wanying to send a message to the Jiang family. She, Xia Houqi, would have to marry three times.

Learn the six etiquettes and get married with great splendor, follow the etiquette step by step, and never wipe the butt of others.

After hearing this, the Jiang family not only did not feel that they were rude, but also blamed Xia Houqi for being arrogant and ignorant. Then they asked Jiang Fengmin to come to Xia Houqi in person to say good things.

After Jiang Fengmin finished his lobbying, he returned home confidently. The Jiang family did not dare to delay for a moment and immediately began to prepare for the wedding.

On the third day, the Jiang family was in full swing hanging red lanterns and decorating the courtyard. Xia Houqi suddenly walked into the door of the Jiang family wearing a gorgeous red dress. In her hand, she had written and signed her name in advance.

The divorce letter and Jiang Fengmin’s Gengxin letter.

When the Jiang family heard that she was going to break off the engagement, they immediately turned against Xia Houqi and accused Xia Houqi of all kinds, saying that the widowed eldest daughter could not marry, and that she had no manners at all when she went back on her word. At the same time, they also sent people to the Yue government to condemn Zhang Wanying.

Teaching daughters is not strict.

At that time, Zhang Wanying was talking to Zhong Yuqing about the Jiang family's wedding in advance, and by the way, she was watching Xia Houchun and Xia Houshu practicing calligraphy. After hearing the Jiang family's pointing, Zhang Wanying immediately lost her temper. She, who had always been good-tempered, turned to

The messenger from the Jiang family cursed loudly, which frightened the two girls who were practicing calligraphy in the room and dared not speak out.

Zhong Yuqing also understood what was going on, so she asked sisters Xia Houchun and Xia Hoshu to be taken out to play, and then they went to the Jiang family in person.

When they came back, they all had happy faces, and Xia Houqi in red was followed behind them.

Without waiting for the two younger sisters to ask, Xia Houqi proudly showed them the divorce letter signed by Jiang Fengmin and stamped with the official seal, as well as her own Gengxin letter, like a general who had won a battle.

At that time, Xia Houchun was twelve years old and Xia Houshu was ten years old. They were at the age where they seemed to understand but not understand. Although they still didn't quite understand why their eldest sister had to break off the engagement despite clearly liking Jiang Fengmin, they admired her courage very much.

They all praised her for her good job and even scolded the Jiang family.

Later they found out that the reason why the Jiang family agreed to break off the engagement so happily was because Zhang Wanying and Zhong Yuqing came to support Xia Houqi.

Zhang Wanying bluntly said in front of everyone in the Jiang family and onlookers that the family tradition of the Jiang family was not right. Jiang Fenmin was living with the maid in the house before she married, and even let the maid get pregnant. She also wanted to use Xia Houqi to get the bottom of things, which was too much. The Xiahou family

My daughter has always been strong-willed and would never marry into such a family.

It was also that time that Xia Houchun and Xia Houshun discovered that their eldest sister, who had always been strong and proud, could actually cry, and she cried so sadly that her eyes were swollen like walnuts.

However, Xia Houqi's vulnerability was only revealed once during that period.

Then Xiahoutan received the transfer order and went to Jinfeng City to take up a post. His family members who had originally planned to stay in the capital also followed, and the Yue Kingdom Palace suddenly became much empty.

In the spring of the second year after Xia Houqi arrived in Jinfeng City, she married Han Tingyu, the son of the lord of Jinfeng City. The following year, she gave birth to her eldest son, Han Huaiqin. Two years later, she gave birth to her eldest daughter, Han Huaijin.

Xia Houchun said in his heart that Xia Houchi's marriage to Han Tingyu was not an impulse, but that Han Tingyu was of noble character, clean and self-sufficient, and had the same interests as Xia Houchi. The two fell in love over time, and they got married.

After Jiang Fengmin broke off the engagement, she quickly went to the official media to tell the story about Tang, the daughter of a minor official from out of town. Tang happily married into the Jiang family, only to discover that everything was a scam. But she was barefoot.

Those who were not afraid of wearing shoes would have troubles every now and then, making the whole capital aware of the scandal. Although the maid finally gave birth to a baby boy safely, the Tang family was unwilling to give the child motherhood, so the child also

His reputation is not justifiable, and he makes people laugh at him everywhere.

After so many years, the Tang family and Jiang Fengmin were at odds with each other, and there was not a single boy or girl under their knees. However, Jiang Fengmin was so troubled by the Tang family that he no longer had the time to think about matters between men and women, and hung out in the military camp all day long.

Without a home, the children were raised by the two elders of the Jiang family.

Xia Houshu feels that the fate between people is sometimes really wonderful, and it can happen in an instant. If Xia Houqi had compromised, with her character who could not bear any loss, she might be in the same situation today.

It's the same as Tang's syndrome, even more violent than Tang's syndrome.

This is like eating a fly, holding it in your mouth makes you feel sick, and you can't swallow it, so you might as well spit it out early.

She was very lucky that Xia Houqi was so clear-headed and rational at such a young age, she cut off the bad relationship without hesitation, and then left her hometown to find another love.

I think my mother and second aunt never regretted helping her break off the engagement.

However, now that my aunt suddenly mentioned this, the regret behind her words really made people feel uncomfortable. Especially Zhong Yuqing, she was the one who personally supported Xia Houqi back then.

Xia Houmei was silent for a long time, probably because he didn't want to hurt Zhong Yuqing's heart, so he smiled and said: "It's really easy to get confused when you get older. The elder girl made a big fuss back then. If she stayed in the capital, I'm afraid...

She is not happy. Although Jinfeng City is remote, she is cared for by Uncle Han and has two children by her side every day. She is lucky."

Zhong Yuqing nodded and said, "It's good if eldest sister can think so."

Xia Houshu did not completely agree. She interrupted: "My aunt said it as if the eldest sister was running away. In my opinion, the eldest sister went to Jinfeng City just to relax, but she happened to meet

When you get to Brother Han's husband, you will marry him only after you are in love with him. If it were not for Brother Han's husband, the eldest sister would still be able to live happily in the capital."

Xiahou Mei chuckled and said: "Shu'er is right, the eldest girl has such a temperament. That's why I said she looks like me. If it were me, I would choose a good family in the capital and marry her.

, the husband and wife are harmonious and beautiful, and they are so angry at the shameless Jiang family."

Xia Houshu still shook his head and explained: "Before that incident, the eldest sister may have had some affection for Jiang Fengmin. But after something like that happened, the eldest sister no longer had him in her heart. So in her eyes, the Jiang family

It's nothing, and she doesn't have to spend any time trying to make him angry. She can live a good life now entirely because she is upright, smart and decisive, and can afford to take things and let them go."

"Ouch! Ouch!" Xiahou Mei suddenly shouted exaggeratedly, pointed at Xiahou Shu and said to Zhong Yuqing, "Let me just tell you, being one year older is just a matter of one year. Shu'er and the hairpin queen are indeed much more sensible.

.Look at what you say, she is the daughter of our Xiahou family, she has backbone!"

Zhong Yuqing smiled on her face, but the smile did not reach her eyes. Instead, she looked deeply at Xia Houshu. She thought that Xia Houmei was right, being one year older is a matter of being one year older. Xia Houshu is indeed not young anymore.

She needs to cheer up and make serious plans for her marriage.

Xiahou Mei didn't have so many twists and turns in her heart, but asked Xiahou Shu straightforwardly: "Now that Shu'er has grown hair, have you ever thought about your marriage?"

Why did this matter come to him as soon as he said it?

Xia Houshu screamed in her heart, as if a smooth mirror was suddenly hit by a hammer flying from somewhere, the mirror surface cracked radially along the stress point with countless holes, and she didn't know where to fix it for a moment.

Xia Houshu looked at his mother for help.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Yuqing actually joined in: "Yes, Shu'er, my mother thought you were still young and never asked you what you thought about your marriage. Now that it's mentioned today, I won't be secretive. If you have

If you have any ideas, you can tell me in private. I am not a dictatorial person, and I will respect your opinion on your marriage."

Hearing this, Xia Houmei glanced at Zhong Yuqing with surprise in his eyes, and then said to Xia Houshu earnestly: "Marriage has always been a matter of parents or matchmaker. Now that you can make the decision yourself, it is already a great grace. You

What a good mother."

Xia Houshu immediately guessed that his aunt remembered that she had not been able to make the decision on her own marriage in the past, and felt infinite regret in her heart, so she felt this way.

"I've just reached the age of haircut, and you've already started to care about my marriage. Could it be that I was a child yesterday just because I turned fifteen today, so I have to be an adult?" Xia Houshu looked puzzled, "Besides, let's

There is no precedent in the family for a daughter to marry young."

Xiahou Mei was instantly amused by her words, and clapped his hands and said: "You are right, there is no precedent for a daughter to marry young in our family. It doesn't matter, we will choose slowly, and we will always be able to choose the one that suits our eyes and our hearts."

"I don't have that free time." Xia Houshu immediately retorted, "As for me, I just want to stay with my parents for a few more years. If my parents get tired of me one day, I will go to Boyunguan to find my master and senior sister.

If I go there, it will be clean and they will not dislike me."

Zhong Yuqing was thoughtful and said nothing.

But Xiahou Mei sighed and said: "In the past, your father and mother had to send you away because of the alarmist talk of that crazy Taoist priest. Now you have been back for several years, and you haven't seen anything bad happening in your house.

Why do you still remember those things? Although Boyun Temple is good, you are the daughter of the Xiahou family after all, and you will still get married in the future."

Xia Houshu didn't want to talk to her about getting married or not, so he quickly changed the subject and asked: "Aunt, what's the matter with you coming to see your mother so early today?"

Xiahou Mei slapped his thigh, as if he had just remembered something serious, and said enthusiastically: "A few days ago, I sent some goats here. They are wild goats. They go to the mountains to hunt. I saw that the meat is lean and delicate, and the taste is also good.

It's very delicious, so I asked someone to bring one here early today. When I just entered the door, I had already ordered the people below to kill it, so I can have it for lunch."

When Xia Houshu heard this, he couldn't help but look outside. The weather in April was still rainy, even a little cloudy, but the temperature was already very high, and it wouldn't be long before everyone had to change into summer clothes.

She couldn't help but said quietly: "Aunt, isn't it too early to eat mutton this season?"

This chapter has been completed!
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