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Chapter 03 Rescue

Xia Houshu once heard the woman who tended flowers and plants at home say that pine trees have a well-developed root system, and there is always a legend about a dragon coiling a hundred feet high. However, on the wet and bare cliff, except for the pine tree that the boy was holding on to, there were only a few sparse trees around it.

There are four or five pine trees of similar size. This is definitely an advantage for rescue.

After planning how to rescue, she once again looked at the pilgrims who had not dispersed, and said with a serious face: "At this time of life and death, please do it for your convenience and stand aside."

"Yes, life is at stake, you all should get out of the way!" Yun Xi couldn't stand it for a long time, and she also shouted at the side. In addition to being dissatisfied, she also felt a little bit unwilling. There were many people present who were physically strong.

Although he is a strong man, he is not as good as his own girl. However, the suffering owner still doubts his girl's ability. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and then said: "What time has it been? If you don't help save people, don't delay."

My girl saves people!"

The pilgrims looked at each other in confusion, and all turned their gazes back to Xia Houshu. They seemed to see some determination from her frosty but serious face, and they quickly moved aside obediently.

The already narrow stone road finally became a little wider. Xia Houshu then looked at the woman who was still kneeling on the ground and said, "Auntie, please stand aside."

"But..." The woman looked at her son who was crying under the cliff, and then looked at Xia Houshu, with an expression of gratitude but a bit of intolerance.

A truly compassionate person is never a generous person.

The woman wanted to save her own child, but she was also worried about whether the lives of other people's children would be in danger because of her help. This made Xiahou Shu feel a little relieved.

Xia Houshu smiled and said comfortingly: "Auntie, don't worry, I will definitely rescue your child." Then he turned to look at the crowd, "Does any of you carry a rope?"

Everyone came to offer incense, so naturally no one would bring such irrelevant things. Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, but no one responded.

After a long time, an old and weak voice sounded from the crowd, tentatively asking: "I do have a lead rope here, do you... need it?"

Everyone followed the sound and looked over, but it was an old man about fifty years old.

The old man was not tall, and his body was so thin that only skin and bones were left. His tanned face was covered with wrinkles, like the bark of a century-old tree, and the sparse hair on his head was completely pale, making him look even more aged.

He was carrying a dull and dirty baggage, and was accompanied by a little girl with a sallow complexion. The girl was about seven or eight years old, timidly hiding behind the old man, holding tightly to the old man's stitched clothes with both hands.

The big eyes were dazzling, mixed with curiosity and fear. Both of them were dressed in very ordinary clothes, even a bit shabby, which was in sharp contrast to the clean and tidy pilgrims around them.

Seeing everyone staring at him, the old man felt very uneasy. After a while, he explained in a low voice: "The old man's surname is Han, and he is from Qingzhou. Hearing that the incense of Huguo Temple is efficacious, he came from Qingzhou with his granddaughter to pray for blessings."

At this point, he looked embarrassed, lowered his head silently, smiled bitterly and said: "My poor son and daughter-in-law died of illness a few years ago, leaving only me, an old man, and a careless daughter.

Baby. In order to treat his son and daughter-in-law, everything else in the family that could be exchanged for money was sold, leaving only one cow that had been raised for nearly ten years. It was too thin and no one cared about it." As if thinking of something sad, he couldn't help but sigh.

He said with emotion, "Cows are no longer useful when they are old, and people are even less useful when they are old. They are just lingering and wasting their time. If it were not for my granddaughter, I would not want to live in this world, and would have gone to accompany my wife and children.

, sharing the family relationship.”

Then he lowered his head and looked at the little girl next to him. His eyes were gentle and helpless, and his eyes were moistened unconsciously.

The female doll was also very precocious, and her eyes turned red as well.

The old man raised his hand to wipe the wet marks on his cheeks, and continued: "We took a bullock cart and came all the way along the official road. Unexpectedly, it is a long way from Qingzhou to the capital, and the cows are old and have not even made it halfway.

He fell to the ground. In desperation, the old man had no choice but to sell the cow to a beef dealer, and he managed to get some money in exchange for it. Thinking that he had raised the cow for nearly ten years and developed feelings for it, he left a lead rope.

Do some thinking."

Although everyone present had their own worries and needed to ask for Buddha's blessing, everyone fell silent after hearing what the old man said.

When the old man saw that everyone was just looking at him in silence, he thought they were dissing his lead rope, so he looked around carefully, and finally looked at Xia Houshu and explained: "I have washed this lead rope."

Yes, if the girl doesn't mind it, she can use it to save the boy under the cliff, which is also the blessing of the old man's family."

Although Xia Houshu lived a leisurely life thousands of times more luxurious than the old man, she did not despise his lead rope. Instead, she felt that it was even more precious for him to boldly take it out at this time, and it was a timely help. But her main focus at the moment was

Thinking about how to rescue the child on the cliff, he didn't have time to think about anything else, so he showed a kind smile to the old man and said loudly: "Old man, good people are rewarded. You and your granddaughter will definitely live a long and healthy life."

The old man was stunned at first. His family had a miserable life, and they rushed all the way to the capital to worship Buddha with a girl, which was a helpless move after struggling. Along the way, they lived in the open, were short of money, and suffered from looks and bullying. Xiahou

Shu's words were exactly his expectations for the future, which made him feel like a spring breeze, and he felt relieved. Then he smiled knowingly, revealing the loose wrinkles on his face, bowed to Xiahou Shu from a distance, and said: "

Give me some good advice from the girl!"

After saying this, the old man quickly took out a cow rope from the worn baggage, carefully handed it to the person next to him, and asked him to pass it on.

"Thank you, old man!" Xia Houshu thanked her from afar, then watched the bull rope gradually pass to him along the crowd, and also saw Zhong Yuqing slowly walking through the crowd to follow.

The mother and daughter's eyes intertwined, and Xia Houshu smiled slightly, comforting his mother not to worry.

Zhong Yuqing is naturally worried. After all, there is no bottom at the bottom of this cliff, and if you are not careful, you will be shattered to pieces. Since her daughter has the confidence to give it a try, she, as a mother, will naturally support her.

Xia Houshu didn't think as much as her mother did, and was busy implementing her own rescue plan. She grabbed the lead rope made of palm tree bark and pulled hard. It was very strong. Then she lowered her head and looked at the hanging rope.

The boy on the tree encouraged: "Close your eyes, don't think about anything, don't listen to anything, don't look at anything, and don't be afraid, my sister will bring you up."

The boy's eyes were filled with tears, and his whole face was flushed with intense emotion. He looked at Xia Houshu's resolute and confident eyes, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether it was true or false.

He didn't listen, and Xia Houshu didn't understand either, so he just squatted there and looked at him quietly.

The spring breeze blew gently, and the boy seemed to finally understand something. He gradually stopped crying and hugged the pine tree trunk tightly with his last strength. At the same time, he obediently closed his eyes, eagerly waiting for rescue.

Xia Houshu was not bragging, she was really thinking about his safety. She told him to close his eyes, firstly to temporarily shield him from the visual impact of the dangerous environment, to stabilize his mood, and to give himself a positive hint;

Secondly, she was also worried that the little boy would be frightened when he saw her suddenly jump down. If he accidentally fell down again, even the gods would be powerless.

Seeing the boy's cooperation, Xia Houshu didn't care whether the rope had the smell of tying cattle all the year round. She pulled hard a few times and found that it was still strong. Then she quickly and skillfully tied one end to an iron pot tree on the stone road.

On a thick pine tree, the other end was tied around his waist.

At this moment, the boy obediently closed his eyes, and everyone stared with bated breath. There was no further interference, and it was a good time to officially rescue him. Xia Houshu tightened the rope, walked slowly down the mountain, and landed lightly on the left side of the little boy.

On the branch of a pine tree. The pine tree shook slightly, and a few pieces of loose soil at its roots fell down the cliff.

The onlookers gasped.

Xia Houshu didn't care about anything else, and looked at the boy and the pine trees below and to his right and above. After measuring the distance, she jumped again, hugged the boy around the waist with her left hand, and held on tightly with her right hand.

The boy hugged the tree trunk.


Feeling someone approaching, the boy was frightened and opened his eyes in an instant, but only saw the not-thick pine tree they were holding on to together. Because of the sudden weight of Xia Houshu, it broke with a "click". Excessive fright and fear made him

He let out a scream instinctively.

The onlookers also screamed in surprise.

"Calm down and don't worry." Xia Houshu comforted the boy softly. Seeing that the tree trunk was about to break completely, she warned him again: "This tree is about to break. I will count to three later, and you can relax immediately."

Open your hand and I will take you to jump to the tree next to you."

The boy had already been frightened out of his wits, and now he was even more flustered after hearing this. He didn't know what to do. For him, the tree trunk he was clinging to now was like the last life-saving straw. How could he dare to let go easily?

, but he was too embarrassed to say it, so he could only stare at Xia Houshu, his eyes filled with suspicion.

"Believe me, I will take you up. Your mother is still waiting for you." Xia Houshu knew that he was still afraid, so he did not blame him for his distrust.

Last life?”

The boy thought about it seriously and seemed to think that what she said made sense. He slowly put away his worries, closed his eyes obediently again, and followed Xia Houshu's instructions.

The pilgrims on the road looked nervously and curiously at the bottom of the cliff. They couldn't hear what Xia Houqi said to the boy, but when they saw both of them holding on to a small pine tree trunk, they felt their hearts in their throats.

, the atmosphere dare not come out.

Xia Houshu had no time to pay attention to anything else. He only focused on observing the surrounding environment and began to count.


The boy closed his eyes quickly.


The boy tried to loosen his fingers.


When Xia Houshu counted to three, the tree trunk was completely broken, and a few sawdust jumped on the boy's young face. He screamed and instinctively opened his eyes, but when he saw the situation in front of him clearly, he immediately closed them again.

With his eyes open, he boldly let go of his hand following Xia Houshu's instructions, and immediately felt his body being pulled down by a force, which made him scream again in fright.

When the people above saw them falling, they screamed in shock, but soon regained their composure.

Xia Houshu was calmer than everyone else, but his eardrums hurt a little from the noise, and his waist also hurt slightly where the rope was strangled.

The boy opened his eyes again, only to find that he had landed on the tree trunk on the lower right, further away from the road. The tree they were holding on to before had fallen off the cliff, leaving only a cracked and jagged tree stump.


This chapter has been completed!
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