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Chapter 66

Everyone at the banquet gradually became lively, toasting each other with wine and enjoying the music, and they were all in harmony.

Yu Wenke poured the wine himself, and invited Xiahou from a distance, saying: "It's Xiao Wang's fault today. He has to invite Brother Xiahou to have a drink and reminisce about old times. Xiao Wang is here to apologize to you and ask Brother Mo Xian to give him a favor."


Reminiscing about old times? It means they have known each other for a long time?

Xia Houshu looked surprised and couldn't help but look at Xia Houyi. This guy hid it so deeply that he never mentioned it!

But then I thought about it. With Xia Houyi's behavior and reputation outside, it seemed reasonable to get to know the bohemian Yu Wenke. After thinking about this, Xia Houshu reluctantly drank a glass of wine, which was considered a favor to Xia Houyi.


Then everyone sat down to drink and listen to music.

The Yingyue girl is indeed excellent at playing the piano, and her mind is as calm as water, not affected by external objects at all. Even though the audience was already engaged in a heated exchange of words, she still focused on her music as if no one else was around, and even Xia Houshu was deeply moved.

I admired him so much that I couldn’t help but praise him a few times.

Yu Wenke's attention was not completely focused on the beauty and the music. He just looked at Xia Houshu with his eyes while drinking wine, secretly trying to figure out her identity and purpose of coming.

The Xiahou family is the founding hero of Nanqi. The monarchs of Nanqi have gone through several generations.

So he couldn't figure out Mo Zhen's identity for a while.

Xia Houshu noticed that someone was looking at him, so he followed his gaze and looked back, but he only saw that Yu Wenke was concentrating on the beauty in front of the screen, and did not seem to pay attention to him.

Did you hallucinate after drinking two glasses of wine?

Her drinking capacity is not that bad.

Xia Houshu was worried and quietly put his hand on the case a few times, then slowly reached over and pinched Xia Houyi's thigh. He immediately saw Xia Houyi holding back his anger and glaring over.

It doesn't seem like an illusion.

Xia Houshu sighed secretly, then smiled innocently at Xia Houyi and said: "The beauty Ya Le is in front of me, why is my brother looking at me like this? Is it possible that I am more beautiful than that beauty who plays the piano?"

Everyone burst into laughter after hearing this.

Xia Houshu also laughed again.

Xia Houyi noticed his gaffe, and immediately suppressed the anger in his eyes. Then he looked at her with a gentle and harmless smile, but warned him with his eyes: Just wait!

Xia Houshu didn't dare to look and pretended to listen to the piano as if nothing had happened.

When the song ended, Miss Yingyue came to the middle and bowed to salute.

Yuwen Ke put down his wine glass, beckoned her to come to him, then took out an exquisite jade pendant from his arms and handed it to Yingyue, saying it was for her.

Yingyue was surprised and happy, and thanked her repeatedly.

The onlookers immediately asked her to play another song.

Xia Houshu had no intention of agreeing, but he noticed that the style of the jade pendant was like a peach blossom, the texture was pure and flawless, the head of water was excellent, and the carving was exquisite, which was considered top quality.

She knew that Prince Ling's Mansion was as rich as the country, but Yu Wenke was too generous and gave away such good things casually. However, looking at Xia Houyi's expression, it seemed that he was no longer surprised by Yu Wenke's handiwork and was used to it.


As expected of a famous Fengyue master, he is generous in his actions!

Ying Yue was forced by the situation to play another song.

Xia Houshu deliberately raised his voice and said to Xia Houyi: "Brother, I think this girl Yingyue's piano skills are extraordinary. It reminds me of my little cousin in the house. My cousin's piano skills are really lingering for three days.


Xia Houyi knew that the little cousin Xia Houshu was talking about was herself, so she looked at her with a complicated expression and said displeased: "Well, why are you mentioning her?"

Xia Houshu ignored his accusation and continued: "Brother, don't worry too much. I just want to know, according to my brother's opinion, how is my little cousin's piano skills compared to this girl Yingyue?"

Yu Wenke also seemed to be interested in the content of their conversation, and said: "Brother Mo Xian, if you don't tell me, I forgot. I have long heard that there is a sister with excellent piano skills in Brother Xiahou's house. I wonder if Brother Xiahou can introduce her to her?"

It felt inappropriate for a woman in the boudoir to be recommended by someone with a bad reputation like Yu Wenke. But other people at the banquet seemed to be used to it, and they all looked at Xia Houyi curiously.

Xia Houyi said calmly: "My sister-in-law is not very good at studying, so I don't dare to taint the prince's ears. It's better to listen to this girl Yingyue's piano skills and have fun over wine."

It was obviously a polite refusal, and Yu Wenke did not continue to ask for trouble. He picked up his wine glass and drank with Xia Houyi.

Xia Houshu glared at Xia Houyi fiercely and dared to say that she was not good at studying!

Then she poured herself a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

Yu Wenke always treated Xia Houshu, an uninvited guest, with courtesy, and soon everyone was introduced to each other.

The man in the vermilion satin shirt is named Yao Jihui. He is the nephew of Queen Mother Yao and Uncle Yao, and the cousin of Concubine Yao in the palace. Yao Jihui is the oldest among the children of this aristocratic family. He has been married for several years and has many wives and concubines at home.

, he had several children, but he was a dissolute man, relying on the support of someone in the palace. He often slept outside in flowers and willows, and his wife Min and his in-laws dared not speak out.

The person wearing the lake-green satin dress is named Liang Zhongping, who is twenty-one years old. He is the concubine of the Liang family, the minister of etiquette. He is the fourth in the family and is known as Liang Silang. He is also a famous dandy in Beijing.

There are also two children from noble families, one named Shen Qingsong and the other named Shen Qingbai. They are cousins. Because they are younger in the family, have little knowledge, and have no official titles, they follow Yu Wenke every day and flatter him.

He is a die-hard fan of Yuwen Ke.

The few of them chatted about their respective glorious achievements in Fengyue Field, and even Yingyue who was accompanying them couldn't help but blush.

Xia Houshu also blushed after hearing this, so he had to drink one cup after another to cover it up.

Just as embarrassed as her was Xia Houyi.

Xia Houling has long been able to cope with such scenes, and sometimes she can even chime in harmlessly. But this time the situation is different. Not long after Xia Houling married Ji, he was at the age where he was ignorant about things between men and women.

After all, it wasn't right for her to listen to these dirty words.

But right now it’s not easy to leave directly.

Yao Jihui was vividly describing the bed skills of his recently adopted concubine, and he was teasing without scruple that women must be enlightened, otherwise it would be boring.

Yao Jihui's new concubine was born in a brothel. Previously, Yao Jihui often stayed away from home because of her. His wife Min often had quarrels with him because of this. The Yao family felt that instead of watching Yao Jihui go to that kind of place every day, it would be both unhealthy and bad.

In order to gain fame, it was better to just bring the woman into the family. She was just a concubine. Even if she was somewhat pretty, she would get bored after looking at her for a long time. They found a way to redeem the woman's body, and found a family to recognize her as their daughter.

The identity of a good concubine was brought into the Yao Mansion. After the Min family learned the truth, she immediately informed her natal family in a letter. The Min family even went to the Yao Mansion to make a big fuss about it, but in the end it was settled.

After Yao Jihui took the concubine into his room, as expected by his elders, she soon faded away and still slept everywhere, often without leaving home.

It can be seen that he doesn't really love that concubine that much, otherwise he wouldn't cherish it after getting it, and he would use their private affairs in front of so many people to attract people's attention.

Most of the people in the seats knew the inside story. When they heard Yao Jihui sharing his bed so generously, they not only cheered and expressed their approval, but also shared their own romantic encounters.

Xia Houyi suddenly stood up.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment, even Yao Jihui, who smiled with a cunning and greasy look on his face, was stunned.

Liang Zhongping was the first to react and joked: "What? Is it possible that Brother Xiahou also has such interesting stories to share with me and others?"

Shen Qingsong also became interested and echoed: "In my opinion, Brother Xiahou is the real person who doesn't show his face. Don't forget that he hasn't gotten married yet. The girls chasing her are all lined up at the palace gate. Among my father's colleagues, There are several girls who are in love with Brother Xiahou. Among us, I am afraid that only the prince has this honor."

Although Yu Wenke has a bad reputation, there are many brothel girls who are trying to get close to him.

"Brother Shen, please be careful what you say!" Xia Houyi said, "Of course I don't enjoy the blessings of others like the Crown Prince and Brother Yao. Brother Shen doesn't have to make fun of me. You can just say these things here. You can't do anything about it in the future. Don't say it outside. Girls are thin-skinned, and if word gets out, it will be useless to their reputation."

"No wonder those girls are thinking about you!" Shen Qingsong smiled with an ambiguous look on his face, "If I were those girls, I would secretly agree after hearing Brother Xiahou's defense."

Yao Jihui smiled, picked up his chopsticks and hit the dishes, attracting everyone's attention, and said: "I was thinking why I couldn't recruit people like Brother Xiahou, but it turns out that the problem actually arises here! Is there any question? How many women can withstand such thoughtfulness? Everyone, we must learn from this in the future!"

Several other people listened and laughed and agreed.

Xia Houshu drank in silence, covering up his embarrassment and trying his best to suppress the urge to go up and give each of them a big ear-scratching.

These people all dress like dogs, take advantage of their family background to have fun, and enjoy all the glory and wealth, but they are full of filthy words and have no etiquette, justice or shame. It's just that they don't have any respect for the person next to them. You can't see others respect you. You are simply a scumbag!

Xia Houyi didn't think there was anything funny about this, and the smile on his face gradually faded away, and he picked up his wine glass and took a drink.

Everyone just thought that Xia Houyi had acquiesced. Seeing that his face was not very good, they stopped mentioning the matter and started talking about Liang Zhongping's wedding next month.

Liang Zhongping was born as a concubine, but because his father was the Minister of Etiquette of the Third Rank, the marriage was always high and low. It is said that a marriage was arranged earlier, but the woman heard about his romantic reputation and preferred to cut her hair. Even though she was an aunt in the nunnery, she refused to marry. There is no smoke without fire, and Shilang Liang was worried that the matter would get worse and affect his official reputation, so he had no choice but to write a letter of termination of engagement to the woman's family.

Some people are willing to risk their lives and refuse to marry for the sake of their daughter's happiness in the rest of her life, while others are rushing to marry their daughters into the Liang family in order to become more powerful. No, Liang Zhongping is getting married soon.

The bride's surname was Chen, and her father was nearly fifty years old and was only a copycat from the sixth rank of the Hanlin Academy. Knowing that there was no hope of promotion, he set his sights on his children. Later, he heard that the fourth son of Shilang Liang's family had been dismissed.

They had to rely on many connections to get married to the Liang family. With the Chen family’s official rank and family background, it was already a great honor for them to get such a good match as the Minister of Rites, so Chen Xiuzhan also considered it.

Not being able to live up to Liang Zhongping's romantic reputation, he would marry his daughter off with a smile.

Liang Zhongping obviously didn't like his fiancée, so when he heard everyone talking about his marriage, he didn't show any joy. On the contrary, he heard that everyone was going to help with the wedding ceremony, so he had some expectations.

Yao Jihui then said: "Brother Liang, I heard that your bride is handsome, beautiful, and has a quiet personality. I don't have any big ambitions. I just like this kind of beautiful, well-behaved and sensible girl. I wonder if her family can still afford it."

Do you have any unmarried sisters?”

This chapter has been completed!
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