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Chapter 176 The Watcher

 "I spent a minute reviewing my nine years of compulsory education... and finally found out that I had been cheated!

Can anyone do this question?

The ‘Yuhua Stone’ mentioned in the question above, please explain it using ‘terminology’!”

“Of course humans can’t do it directly, so we need to introduce other data.

For example, if a kitten likes you, it has a b% chance of sticking to you and a % chance of purring.

So how do we know the probability that a kitten likes us? Through Bayes’ theorem, we can calculate it from the probability of belly turning, sticking and purring.”



"Cat: Forget it, I don't like doing math!"

"Cat: Either guess who I like, or guess whether I am dead or alive. Can I still have some privacy?"

"Tom, are you talking about privacy in front of me, Jerry? So many guinea pigs who have dedicated their lives to science won't agree!"

"The first question stumped everyone? Keep reading, the second question is even more perverted!"

"This seems to be a random forest problem, but it is much more profound than the current random forest algorithm.

It is generally used for modeling marketing simulations, or for predicting disease risks and patient susceptibility, and I happen to be doing research in this area."

"Well! There are still talented people in the mathematics community in our school. Now someone can finally understand the questions."

"Ashamed! I can only understand part of this question, and the other part is beyond my reach."

"How high?"

"The Himalayas are so high..."

"Hi~ It's so scary?"

"The first two questions are so difficult, so isn't this third question going to be a breakthrough?"

"Please help me read the question."

"Bronze ball!"

"One hundred thousand tons of copper balls!"

"A million tons of copper balls!"

After queuing for a long time, someone finally stood up, and it was the ‘Yu Hua Shi’.

"I'm not sure, it seems like an artificial neural network ANN handles large and complex machine learning tasks.

It describes a set of interconnected layers composed of weighted edges and nodes, called neurons.

By training a neural network on input data to learn the relationship between input and output, multiple hidden layers can be inserted between the input layer and the output layer.

It works similarly to the structure of the brain, where a group of neurons is given a random weight to determine how the neuron processes input data.

As for what I can understand in this question...

When the data must be separated non-linearly, the feedforward neural network determines how to choose the number of hidden layers.

There is also the particle swarm algorithm with random weights..."

"Hmm! Then what?"


"Haha! The boss has been thinking for a long time."


"Moxi Moxi? Boss Yuhuashi? Are you still there?"


"Maybe he went downstairs to buy steamed buns?"


"There are two kinds of people I hate the most,

One is a person who talks only half the words."


"You end up living the life you hate the most..."

"Hey, hey, hey! I am a prestigious Shuimu Academy, a place where elites from all over the country gather, and I can't even tell you 1, 2, 3 how to read three questions?

Comrades, I am deeply worried about the academic future of our school’s mathematics department!”

"I only know that our basic subjects are weak. I didn't expect that we are so weak. No one can do it?"

"Hey! This is a discriminatory statement. Questions like this are simply not something ordinary people can understand. There are many "known" formulas in it that I, a doctoral student in the Department of Mathematics, have never seen before.

The guy from Yuhuashi upstairs said it right.

He has a problem with this issue itself!"

"So, you have to be at least a professor to be able to talk about problem-solving ideas?"

"This question is so awesome, do you think the 10 million reward on it is also true?"

"How can we talk about money when it's vulgar and academic? I won't talk about it anymore, I'm going to solve the problem."

"Haha! With Chao Gang Chao being like this, are you sure you're not here specifically to compete in the gym?"

"Hmm! Maybe, you think...could it be the grandsons from Yan University next door?"

"Just them? Don't look at them who are clamoring for first place in subjects all day long. In fact, their level is only half as good as ours. I don't believe it anyway!"

"That's strange. Who is this 'Open Source Emperor Mengchangjun'? Is it the vest of a powerful figure?"

"Hey! I heard that Wei Yidong recently came out there. He is known as Wei Shen. He became an assistant professor at a young age. He is a very good person.

Do you think this ‘Open Source Emperor Mengchangjun’ could be him?”

"No way? I've seen that person before. He's very strong but very low-key. He wouldn't do such a ostentatious thing."

"Well... then I have a bold idea!"

"The stars have changed, and the flowers and trees have changed?"

"Hiss! Roundworm!"

"It's too late, someone has already done this! Someone has already reposted it on the Weiming BBS next door!"


At this time, the "Yuhua Stone" himself, a slovenly young man wearing glasses and a shirt and large pants, was running towards the laboratory with a few warm A4 papers in his hand.

"Big brother!"

"Eh? Senior brother, didn't you say you were going to eat? Are you back so soon?"

"Oh, what are you going to eat? If you eat less, you won't starve to death!"

I pushed aside the few junior brothers and sisters I met on the road, and ran all the way into the laboratory regardless of everyone's surprised expressions!

"Old Zheng, Old Zheng!"

"Huh?" A middle-aged man with unshaven beard and half-white hair who was typing in front of the computer raised his head and looked at the panting disciple in front of him.

He looked at his hands again.

"I'm back, where's my food?"

"Hey, just don't worry about the food for now, it's too rough!"

"Something happened? Is there a fire outside? It's so urgent."

"It's not a fire outside! It's a fire on the BBS! Look at this!"

Taking the pieces of printing paper handed over by the other party, Zheng Qiu glanced at them with some confusion.

"What is this... Huh?"

Rubbing his eyes, which were a little sore from staring at the computer screen for a long time, he looked at the things in his hand word by word again.

His eyes gradually changed from confusion to solemnity, and then from solemnity to shock, and his eyes opened wider and wider.

More than ten minutes passed.

"Where...where did this thing come from?"

"Someone posted a post on BBS offering high rewards for the answers to these three questions.

When I was eating, I took a few more glances out of curiosity, and found that some of the formulas in these questions were very similar to the "simulating neurons" topic we were studying, which actually inspired me a little.

And the more you look at this thing, the more profound it becomes.

I'm not sure, I just think there's something wrong with this question, so I brought it back for you to take a look at before finishing the meal.

How's it going? Did you see any clues?"


"Damn it! You are such a dignified Professor Mizuki. After watching it for so long, you tell me that you can't tell anything?"

"Tch! You are still a postdoctoral fellow of Mizuki. Do you see anything?"

Zheng Qiu rolled his eyes at the other party.

Although they are his students, the relationship between the two is that of both teachers and friends, and the way they usually get along is like a year-end friendship.

"It is precisely because I know more than you that I dare not say that I understand anything..." Zheng Qiu's face gradually became serious.

"Don't say that we are engaged in computer mathematics. Even serious mathematicians may not be able to solve this problem.

Looking at these three questions alone, they should all be mathematical problems in the computer modeling process.

But I have never seen this kind of research idea in any mainstream research topic in the world.

The most incredible…”

He pointed at a certain string on the third question with a strange expression on his face.

"Did you see this function?"

"Uh, I've never seen this function before."

"Of course I know you haven't seen it."


"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a function used to quantitatively measure uncertainty. I've been stuck here recently.

Let's put it this way, this function...it looks very much like the answer I want..."


"In other words, the other party must be doing something similar to us, and the research progress is many times ahead of us."

The two stared at each other for a moment.

"Old Zheng, didn't you say that no one has done this subject before? Didn't you plagiarize it?"

"...Get out!"

"Uh... I'm just kidding, why are you so serious?"

"Who is kidding you? Get out immediately. I want to study this function tonight!"


"Eldest Brother" walked out in a sullen voice, but after a moment he suddenly froze on the spot.

Uh...what did Lao Zheng just say?

Research this function?

Instead of studying this question?

Hiss~ There is indeed a problem with this question!

Who is that "Open Source Emperor Mengchangjun"...?

At the same time, next door, Yan Da.

The Weiming BBS forum was also flooded with question marks and exclamation points due to three sudden questions.

As things gradually fermented, copies of these three questions gradually began to circulate in the circles of mathematics and computer-related professors...

"Weige Weige! Come and take a look at this! You must be interested!"

Holding a steamed bun in one hand, Wei Yidong, who was working on his desk at his desk, raised his head and took the copy paper handed to him in confusion.


Wei Yidong, known as the Wei God of the Department of Mathematics, has an unattractive appearance, with a chicken coop on his head and a dull look in his eyes.

At first glance, no one would associate such a young man with a professor-level lecturer at the famous Yan University.

But everyone who knows him knows that this young, unkempt man is already a legend in the mathematics department.

He doesn't play games and hardly participates in any social activities.

Instead, he devoted all his talents and youth to mathematics without any distractions.

No one can succeed easily.

No one can be called a scientist casually.


Wei Yidong's movement of chewing the buns froze for a moment, and his pupils slowly dilated.

Mathematical formulas that looked like a book from heaven to others looked like lightning bolts flashing through his heart, shocking the world.

He slowly put down half of the steamed bun, without even looking at anyone else, his eyes became extremely focused.

Then slowly picked up the pen...

A seed thrown by Meng Lang caused ripples in the middle of the lake at Shuimu and Yanda, two top universities, and then gradually spread.

This night is destined to be sleepless!

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

As soon as the market opened, Changchun Biotech received a sudden influx of large amounts of money, and its stock price began to rise linearly!

"Damn it! What's going on?"

"It's 5% in the blink of an eye. Is this a chicken blood test?"

"It is a high-priced stock to begin with. If the stock price continues to rise, it will soon catch up with Moutai! Another Maotai stock!"

"Don't look at the short term, only look at performance. This stock is good, hold it for the long term!"

"Brothers, I smell the dealer coming in!"

"What a loss, I only entered half of the position yesterday!"

"Here comes Ollie! Add chicken drumsticks today!"

"Strange, does anyone know what are the major benefits of Changchun Biological's stock?"

"Stupid! If you are pulling up now, there will definitely be good news two days later. Do you still want to beat the news?"

"makes sense."


The discussion forum was filled with joy.

Gao Yuan looked at the stock price that was rising violently every second, and an intriguing smile finally appeared on her lips.

Just look at the stock price and you know that someone must be impatient and take action.

At this moment, the last bird of killing three birds with one stone has finally fallen into the urn!

Calculating the time, it's almost time to close the net.

Open an external mailbox that has already been registered, then select the draft box and select to send an email that has been drafted.

Next, let the bullets fly for a while...

Sioux City Radio, News Department.

"Boss, why can't I publish this article?" Liu Tao asked doubtfully, holding a manuscript in his hand.

"What did you write?" The radio station leader, who was fat and had only a few strands of "hair" left on his head, raised his head and gave him a helpless look.

"Tens of millions of deposits have disappeared. The bank is under surveillance and the suspect has been arrested. He has confessed to the crime. Is there any problem with this?"

"no problem?"

Seeing that Liu Tao still looked confused, the leader of the radio station spoke seriously.

"Liu Tao, you just came here not long ago, and the articles you wrote are a bit too taken for granted, which I can understand.

But the angle you wrote is a bit too one-sided. We who report must uphold a fair and impartial stance and be impartial, right?"

Liu Tao was a little puzzled.

"But I didn't take any side? I just reconstructed the case honestly, and then conducted on-site investigation and analyzed the bank's internal supervisory procedures with hidden dangers.

Isn’t there any problem with this?”

"Of course there is a problem." Seeing that the other party was still stupid, the station leader had no choice but to point it out.

"When you write like this, it almost puts all the responsibility on the bank. What do you want the bank to think?"

"But...but this incident was originally caused by bank insiders committing theft, which shows that there is something wrong with the bank's internal supervision process.

Then I can’t pass the responsibility to that innocent depositor, right?”

"Why are you innocent? How come you have no responsibility?

He trusted the bank too much, trusted the account manager, and did not carefully check his bank statements. Isn't this the biggest responsibility?"


“Okay, okay, it’s the court’s responsibility to decide whose responsibility it is, not ours!

What we need is to restore the true nature of the case. As for criticizing the bank, we should use less subjective words. Do you understand?

Go out and rewrite it and hand it in."

"...Yes, leader."

Came out of the office a little dejected.

If a country is like a ship sailing on the sea, reporters are the watchers on the bow.

He has to observe everything on the endless sea, examine the unexpected storms, shoals and reefs on the sea, and issue timely warnings.

Liu Tao was full of enthusiasm, but after working, he realized the gap between ideal and reality.


I sighed and was about to revise my manuscript when an email reminder suddenly popped up on my computer screen.

When I opened it, I saw that it was a strange mailbox.

Liu Tao originally thought it was spam and just glanced at it casually.

The next second, my eyes were involuntarily attracted to the content above.

Eyes open wider and wider...

This chapter has been completed!
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