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Chapter 224 Big Crisis

 The front foot has just eaten someone else's melon, and the hind foot has eaten its own melon...

Retribution for this world comes so quickly.

He has no reason to blame his brother for what he did in this episode.

The year 2043 is like an unbreakable southern wall, blocking everyone's path.

Their lives are like a relay race. Each person's distance is only 100 meters, and everyone is trying their best to increase their speed, just to accumulate even a little more advantage to win.

Even if the means are a little dirty...

"And...it smells so good!"

Meng Lang pursed his lips and couldn't help but sigh when he read the article "X Virus (Dominant) Multi-variant RNA Special Effect Vaccine" at the end.

As expected, blackening is ten times stronger and whitening is three times weaker!

Leaving aside the information about the Night Demons, this technological achievement can be said to be unprecedented...

After a little browsing, this technical information basically covers the X virus and its subsequent variants.

The technical route adopted is to introduce genetic information into the body through RNA vaccines, causing cells to produce corresponding antigens, inducing the body to produce neutralizing antibodies and stimulating T cell responses, and fighting the X virus through the dual mechanisms of humoral immunity and cellular immunity.

Meng Lang remembered that it was mentioned in Xiaoyu's "Madman's Disease Conjecture".

Using the recombinant RNA mechanism of the virus to inject specific RNA fragments can improve nervous system activity and thereby treat Alzheimer's disease.

It basically follows the same technical route as this time's X-virus specific vaccine.

Although they are different worlds, their problem-solving ideas are similar.

Maybe it’s related to Xiaoyu’s research direction?

In any case, this information is of great significance.

As the dominant part of the T virus, the X virus can be said to be the prerequisite technology for the Night Demon clan’s “ultimate move to destroy the world.”

Known: human brain + death melody + X virus = T virus.

So this is basically a set of combos. As long as you eliminate one of the three elements, "Destroy the World in Seven Days" will most likely be stopped!

Compared to brains and meteorites, this X-virus is the easiest part to be broken by yourself.

It's been so many episodes, and now I finally see hope.

The reason why I say it is hope is because compared with technology, how to promote and apply it is a big problem.

Not to mention the various vaccine barriers between countries around the world, even if the Night Demons notice that something is wrong, they may be killed!

But after all, it is a crucial step taken in the direction of saving the world!

At least with the vaccine, I shouldn't have to hide in the vacuum isolation shelter for a whole week before coming out...

Meng Lang read "White Night Journey" in his hand again.

After reading it for the second time, he ignored a lot of information in the book. Coupled with the unparalleled "sense of immersion", he gained a deeper understanding of his inner struggle...

"Having a sharp weapon in your possession, do you have a murderous intention..."

Meng Lang looked at the closed notebook on the table with some confusion.

I haven't thought about it in that direction before, but you really need to look into it.

With Zero's ability, it's really not difficult to create some "accidents" without anyone noticing...

This is really a "Death Note"!

Although the people directly killed by him in the text only describe the two people behind the cruise ship incident and Xu Jinsong.

But it can be inferred from the sentence "Everything happens for the first time, the second time, and the third time, and there is no psychological barrier."

They are definitely not the only "unfortunate" people.

The so-called "competitor's overt and hidden arrows", even if the "overt spear" cannot be used, the possibility of "hidden arrows" being used is very high...

No wonder it can force the world to grow mushrooms. If your opponent has this thing in his hand but you don't, you won't even be able to sleep well.

The technology I smuggled from the future can be used to save the world or to destroy it, and the effect will be equally immediate!

In fact, after sorting out the belongings, I found that I had more than nothing that could be used to destroy the world. The "melody of death" was also plagiarized by me.

When the X-Virus spreads fully, get yourself a loudspeaker and play it like this. Even if it is not a "world-destroying level", it will still be a "city-destroying level"...

"I'm such a dangerous man..."

Meng Lang pinched his eyebrows and felt helpless.

So in this round, has the company’s spiritual construction been sublimated, or has it completely collapsed?

Does killing a few humans for the future of humanity count as blackening?

If the mind has no trace, what am I doing wrong?

If one’s deeds do not reflect one’s heart, then I can indeed be said to be unscrupulous, no different from people like Xu Jinsong.

It's just that one kills with money, and the other kills with zero.

So...what exactly is justice?

If weakness is sin, then strength is justice?

If revenge is sin, then is friendship justice?

However, if revenge is in the name of justice, will such justice breed new revenge?

You are for your justice, and I am for mine, but they are just ordinary people who are involved in the vortex of revenge in the name of justice...

In the book, he lives in such a vortex, understanding the past and predicting the future...

Why did you name your life biography "White Night Journey"?

Maybe he just wanted to convince himself that he was righteous. Even if there was no moonlight on the night road he walked, his heart would still be bright...

Sure enough, the kinder the person, the more likely he is to be condemned by his conscience.

Meng Lang could only laugh at himself in this way.

In the final analysis, he is just an ordinary person with upright views, sunshine and optimism. He has neither a broken family nor a dark childhood, nor has he experienced school violence or social devastation.

He is an ordinary person who has been enlightened by the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, educated in patriotism, abides by laws and regulations, and will call 110 when something goes wrong...

Even for eighteen years of "miserable life", wouldn't he be relieved and forgiven?

You let him kill people...

Even if you kill all scum and die a thousand times, there will still be a psychological burden.

When Yagami used the Death Note to kill someone for the first time, wasn't it so nauseating that he vomited and almost had a nervous breakdown?

As for whether I vomited or not...

I guess you used the Spring and Autumn style of brushwork out of concern for your personal image?

Speaking of which, his current state is quite similar to that of Yagami Yue.

The contradiction between the original intention of justice and cruel means is lamentable.

By the way, what is Yagami Yue’s catchphrase?

"I am God and I am justice!"


This mentality... the synchronization rate has increased inexplicably?

By the way? What is the ending of Yagami Yue?

I forgot a little bit. Anyway, it’s just killing people...


Sure enough, there is no first or last time for this kind of thing, only countless times...

If this life does not end in 2035, but continues for several decades...

"I'm sorry, but for the future of mankind, please die."

Inexplicably, I pictured myself standing on the top floor of the Empire State Building, shouting out the most perfect lines with a crazy look on my face...

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Beyond this terrifying possibility, there is a more serious problem.

You must know that you are a "central signal tower".

It's okay to have two blackened brothers. If everyone sees the good effect, they will imitate it...

Then press Ctrl+C, then press Ctrl+V in your head...

【Dip! Congratulations, your blackening rate has increased by 1%!】

【Dip! Congratulations, your blackening rate has increased by 1%!】


[Beep! Congratulations, you have successfully blackened! 】


What a big crisis!

This chapter has been completed!
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