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Chapter 268 They all became who I am today

 "The technical information I gave you is wrong?"

When Meng Lang saw the message from Gao Yuan, he looked a little surprised.

Although everyone is qualified to question a new technology that has not yet been launched.


A mere modern person actually questions the feasibility of future technology?

Should I doubt my vision for selecting talents, or should I praise you for your courage to challenge authority?

Although in the eyes of Professor Zheng, modern medicine is the authoritative one.

But in Meng Lang's eyes, modern medicine surpasses future medicine... Is this possible?

Meng Lang opened his notebook and found the technical list.

"Peripheral blood neurogenic exosomal synaptic proteins predict the asymptomatic phase of Alzheimer's disease technology".

From "The Old Man and the Sea", the latest medical paper in 2038, written by Lin Xiaoyu.

Well! It was written by our top general, and he is 20 years ahead of the world...

Even in human history, technological regression is mostly a tragedy that only occurs in times of war and turmoil.

What's more, "Alzheimer's disease" is a fatal threat second only to the Night Stalkers. Will he come up with an unproven wrong technology to trick himself?

No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible!

"Is it because you are too ahead of your time that you are too high-minded?"

In the end, Meng Lang could only attribute the reason to the fact that too many things had changed in 20 years...

After all, even the "heliocentric theory" was only recognized by the world 300 years after Copernicus' death.

In the field of technology, if you are one step ahead, you are a unicorn, but if you are a hundred steps ahead, you are a heretic!

He did not take this matter too seriously, after all, time will tell the truth to the world...

"Zero, how is the development of the quantitative trading model going?" Meng Lang asked.

[The basic version V1.0 of "Multi-factor Mixed Investment Strategy" has been developed.

According to your requirements, several commodities with the largest trading volume in the world are temporarily selected as trading objects.

Including crude oil, steel, metallic copper, iron ore, gold, silver, various rare metals, etc.

Currently, historical price data of relevant futures markets are being collected and improved.

Since there are too many market variables, in order to ensure the effectiveness of use, it is recommended to conduct a simulated trading test for at least one week before investing.

After that, we must continue to optimize according to market changes.】

A week?

It will take a lot of time for Gao Yuan to set up an investment department and prepare for investment, but there is no rush.

That's right, Meng Lang plans to take the lead in putting his zero-developed quantitative trading model into foreign futures markets to test the waters...

The reason why we choose futures is because according to analysis, financial derivatives such as futures are more suitable for "quantitative investment" than stock securities.

Including intraday funds can be reused, leverage is about 10 times, and the trading volume of funds exceeds that of stocks and securities...

Futures naturally have high-volume and high-frequency trading attributes.

Of course, you may say that the foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world and also has higher financial leverage.

But Meng Lang did not choose foreign exchange as a tool. In addition to the high volatility and high risks, the domestic investment environment was also one of the considerations.

As for why we should choose foreign futures markets...

First, the transaction volume in foreign markets is larger and it is easier to hide funds.

Second, I am in China. If there is too much turmoil in the country and the financial market collapses, the police uncle will invite you to come to your door for tea in a minute.

It is different abroad. No matter how big the dispute is, it is still an international dispute.

The status of Chinese citizens is a powerful invisible protection for Meng Lang and Gao Yuan...

Through Ju Chang's future encounter with Meng Lang, we will understand that today's international environment is far from as calm as ordinary people see.

Any individual or company that accidentally gets involved in the competition between major powers is likely to be crushed to pieces.

Rich people should also realize that a strong motherland is their most solid backing!

The richer you are, the more so.

As for "private property is sacred and inviolable", whoever believes it is stupid...

Although Meng Lang tried several times to use the power of the country to fight against the Night Demons, the results were not very good.

Either he was shot in the head with an inexplicable shot, or he was thinking of lying down and the world would be nuclear neutralized...

Just like one of the brothers said.

Destiny does not accept the surrender of ants...

The only one who can pull yourself out of the abyss is yourself.

This also led him to be very cautious about disclosing information and letting the situation get out of control.

In front of the huge machine of the country, I can only become a pawn at the mercy of fate.

You can't become the chess player who controls your destiny.

But being cautious doesn’t mean standing still.

What kind of community of interests and what kind of R&D alliance?

In the absence of a unified world, our own motherland is the largest community of interests in front of us!

How to develop the potential of state terror on the premise of putting safety first is Meng Lang's current research topic.

Make friends with Wang Zhaoping, save the soldier Chu Tian, ​​and provide fruit machine vulnerabilities for free...

This is all a tentative attempt.

Gao Yuan is the agent she supports. As her strength grows stronger, whether they like it or not, they will be deeply bound to the interests of China step by step.

Improving national prestige is not only a need to borrow national resources, but also a need to protect oneself.

"Excluding the shares of Wanwan Holdings held by Gao Yuan on behalf of me... I have almost 17 million US dollars in remaining liquid assets."

Meng Lang took stock of the funds in his hands.

So far, Meng Lang's largest source of funding is still the US$59 million generously donated by Brother Biao.

Among them, 50 million US dollars were given to Gao Yuan to short Changchun Biotechnology, and the funds are still expanding.

Subsequent film investment of 200 million will also draw funds from this capital pool.

The remaining 9 million U.S. dollars were earned through the Bitcoin market, making 8 million U.S. dollars a day.

The total of 17 million US dollars is all the liquid assets he has on hand, which is almost exactly a small goal.

Oh, by the way, there are also 500,000 given by Yan Weiwei, 250,000 given by Lin Haitang, 200,000 given by Duan Xiaoyi...

Plus the original more than one million in his account.

In other words, there are still a negligible 2 million soft sister coins in the personal account...

"It looks like a lot, but it burns up quickly..."

Meng Lang was thinking about how to make money generate money and improve the sustainability of funds.

Once the technical talents like Zheng Dalu are in place, Evergreen Biotechnology will become its own technology research and development center.

When engaging in scientific research, there is never enough money.

In order to speed up incubation, I can only go as far as I can on the road to making money...

And next, Evergreen Biotechnology will not only be responsible for turning the appropriate future technologies in its hands into reality one by one.

We must also continue to expand and strengthen our own scientific research capabilities to lay a solid software and hardware foundation for our brothers to boldly enter the field of scientific research and obtain new scientific and technological achievements in the future.

Every technique in Meng Lang's hands seems to be simple, but it can be found by just flipping through a book.

But each of these technological breakthroughs was slowly accumulated over ten or twenty years.

I can rest on my laurels, but my brothers have to push forward the progress of science and technology step by step.

The more fertile the soil of Evergreen Biology is, the more likely it is to produce sweet fruits under careful irrigation by the brothers...

After clearing his thoughts, he asked again.

"Zero, how is the implementation of the 'Town Strategist' plan going?"

[The number of satellites that have found control loopholes has reached 3 so far, all of which are Fuso's small commercial low-orbit satellites.

Currently, we are relying on these satellites to carry out chain intrusions.

As for military spy satellites, due to the complexity of the encryption system and the lack of open source technology, it is relatively difficult to find its loopholes, and attempts are still being made.]

"Is it just 3 pills in one day..."

Meng Lang was still satisfied with this speed.

Yesterday's death in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" was too quick and sudden, perhaps because there was simply no future technology that could be used.

So what comes at the end is a future plan, codenamed - "Small Town Strategist"!

The book also includes a list of several control vulnerabilities of open source system satellites.

It should be an unexpected gain from Zero's survival for more than half a year.

That's right... He set his sights on those satellites floating in the sky...

No matter what the purpose of the satellite is, its functional positioning determines the fact that its control may be changed by cyber attacks.

Automated malicious code can enter ground stations from private IT systems and from there to space components.

For example, patches, system configuration errors, etc., many factors can become vulnerabilities that network attackers can exploit.

Relatively speaking, cheap commercial satellites using cheaper commercial hardware, open source software and low-orbit operations are particularly vulnerable in this regard.

For Zero, compared to the more tightly defended ground equipment that is subject to human intervention, satellites moving in distant orbits appear to be more isolated and helpless.

They are like wanderers who go out, loners far away from their parents. When they meet the bully Zero, they are really in trouble.

Unless it is shot down by an orbital weapon, once it is controlled by Zero, given the technical differences between the two sides, the hope of regaining control is almost zero.

Before strategy is implemented, intelligence comes first.

Intercepted communication signals, centimeter-level satellite images...

The intelligence advantage brought by controlling this sharp weapon is undoubtedly huge.

Once the "Town Strategist" plan is successful, even places thousands of miles away like Damascus will no longer be beyond his reach.

And the reason why I only chose Fuso Country...

There are many reasons.

For example, offending one country will have less impact than offending a group of countries.

Liang Zi, who solved the cultural relics robbery case.

With more than 200 satellites, it ranks fourth in the world, and its strength is medium, just right for practice.

Even if the attack location is exposed, it can easily be regarded as a private hacker with nationalistic sentiments or an official action.

Nationalist sentiment…

Hmm! With all the reasons mentioned above, who would I be looking for if I didn’t look for you?

Out of caution, this plan is currently limited to tentatively searching for vulnerabilities and has not launched any substantive attacks.

For something with such a high risk, it is natural for the brothers to be fully prepared and verify it first.

At least you have to see if the other party's reaction will endanger your own safety.

But... that is a powerful weapon for a country!

If you are not careful, you may stir up a hornet's nest...

Obviously not long ago I was still low-key and supremacist.

But now that I have seen such an exciting plan, I am actually brave enough to try it...

Meng Lang also found that he seemed to be getting more and more courageous recently.

Many things that I didn't dare to think or do before are actually not so objectionable now.

He seems to have more tolerance for a certain degree of risk-taking.

Is it because he has been too inflated recently, or is it the subtle and unknown influence of those lawless brothers who dare to blow up the earth?

The ego puts safety first, but the ego cannot live without being crazy.

Meng Lang felt it clearly.

Conservatives and radicals seem to be fiercely competing for the "ideological high ground" of this body...

The gift of fate is indeed not free.

Fortunately, the brothers are still restrained, and it seems to have an impact so far, but it has not yet reached the point where their temperament has changed drastically.

Everything I did yesterday has become who I am today.

So, am I still the same person I was yesterday?

Meng Lang sighed.

This is the only bad thing about the time system. I always have to think about this kind of troublesome time-space philosophical questions...

This chapter has been completed!
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