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Chapter 275: Must Be Bulletproof

"The next candidate is Meng Lang!"


Meng Lang nervously handed over his ID card to the examiner sitting in the passenger seat to verify his identity.

Zhongnan Mountain is Zhongnan Mountain, and subject three is subject three.

There was a story in the competition. There can be no more accidents in today's exam.

After all, there may be shortcuts in Zhongnan Mountain, but there are no shortcuts in subject three...

"Are you Meng Lang?"

The male examiner wearing sunglasses put down his sunglasses slightly, looked at the student registration information and ID card in his hand, and then looked up at Meng Lang carefully.

"Uh...it's me, what's the problem?"

You won’t suspect that I took the exam for you, right?

He could be calm and composed when facing the Night Demons, but now he was a little nervous when facing an invigilator wearing an examiner's certificate.

Yesterday I was cramming to check the precautions for subject three, and I saw a bunch of people who failed the subject for whatever reasons.

Those who did not fasten their seat belts when getting in, those who did not close the door when getting off, those who started with the gear in gear, those who rolled away without tightening the handbrake, those who looked left and right too little, in one word, hang up!

The situation on the road is more complicated, such as a happy little motorcycle suddenly popping out...

Based on Meng Lang's understanding of his luck, no matter how small the probability of things happening to him, it would be like betting on big or small.

Subject 3, which seems like a formidable enemy to others, is definitely like walking on thin ice to you!

He has made up his mind to take the exam with 100% caution this time.

If electronic road tests hadn't been popularized yet, he would have wanted Zero to directly hack the system and cheat.

If it doesn’t work... just turn on brain overclocking!

Two super moves used to deal with doomsday crises were actually used seriously to pass subject three. You know how much Meng Lang takes this matter seriously...

In short, fifty-six languages ​​​​can be summed up in one sentence... I can't die!

"Haha! Of course there is no problem! Don't be nervous, this student. You can definitely get by with a normal mind.

OK, your identity has been verified!

This student, please get out of the car and check the condition of the car."


The examiner's kind and encouraging smile made Meng Lang relax, and he was still thinking about it when he got out of the car.

Looking at the comments, isn’t it said that these examiners are a strict group, and they all have a straight face and seem to want everyone to come back next year?

I'm lucky, I seem to have met a very humane examiner...

ten minutes later.

The exam bus slowly stopped on the side of the road. Meng Lang, who looked confused, got out of the car and closed the door...

Of course, he didn't fail, he passed.

Originally, passing it once should be something worth celebrating, but why do I feel that today’s exam is a little different from the “strategies” on the Internet?

The lighting simulation made a steering emergency. After starting, he could walk in a straight line without letting you turn. He just felt it when the examiner told him that the test was over...

Maybe the examiner was in a good mood because he had just been promoted and received a salary increase today? Or maybe his girlfriend was rushing to get off work and he was in a hurry?

All in all, he passed Subject 3, which everyone feared like a tiger, with little risk.

Then, not long after the result of passing subject three came out, the coach Tian who led the team told him that he was lucky, and he was directly scheduled for subject four in the afternoon!

I thought that subject four would have to be scheduled for a few more days, so there was nothing to hesitate about. After having a light meal, I took the exam for subject four non-stop in the afternoon.

I was full of confidence before the exam and passed with 92 points after the exam...

Hmm... Although his score is a bit low, he doesn't want to get all the exams, he just wants to get everything right!

Just when Meng Lang was smiling happily and wanted to go back and have a meal to celebrate, Coach Tian stopped him with a strange expression and asked him to go directly to the office building to get his notebook...

Huh? Doesn’t it mean that it takes time to make a certificate, and it’s usually mailed?

Fifteen minutes later, Meng Lang looked at the small black-covered book in his hand with a confused look on his face.

Nowadays, the state agencies are doing things... are their administrative efficiency so high?

"I...now I am a certified person?"

What happened today was a little too smooth, which made him feel a little uneasy.

This is unscientific!

With your personality, when have you ever received VIP treatment from the God of Luck?

Could it be that it was the calm before the storm, used specifically to make him relax his vigilance? Meng Lang's sense of crisis was heightened.

Just when I was thinking about whether to go back at night to catch up on updates to calm down my panic, Wang Zhaoping suddenly called me.

"Brother Meng, I heard that you got your driver's license? Haha! Congratulations!" Wang Zhaoping's hearty laughter came from the other side.

I was stunned for a moment.

I just got it, why did you just...

He reacted quickly after thinking about it halfway.

I said so!

No wonder today went so smoothly. It wasn’t because the examiner was humane, but it turned out to be a personal favor!

"Haha! Lao Wang, thank you very much. I will treat you to dinner another day!"

"How can I ask you to invite me, Brother Meng? I still owe you several meals. Don't change the date. How about tonight?"

"Well...I'm afraid I can't do it tonight, I have something else on hand..."

Meng Lang thought for a while and said helplessly.

[On the day I got my driver’s license, the killers sent by Xu Jinsong sneaked into Xu Boli’s mansion...]

He remembered this sentence.

I originally thought it would take another two days, but now it seems...

Tonight... I'm afraid it will be a dark and windy night...

"Is this so?" Wang Zhaoping's tone seemed to be a little regretful.

"Haha! Let's do it next time, when I have time."

Social tips: Next time = Monday, another day = 32nd, time = 25 o'clock.

The last time Qin Xiaoru eavesdropped at the door, it also reminded Meng Lang.

This is a female police officer with a fairly reliable character. Will she be a spy or agent secretly monitoring Wang Zhaoping next time?

This is not completely impossible.

Wang Zhaoping has been a master at solving crimes recently and has made several great achievements in succession. He is very popular and is probably on the short list of candidates for promotion and salary increase in the Organization Department.

This is a good thing for Meng Lang, as it means that Wang Zhaoping's influence is even greater.

But the so-called popular right and wrong.

Now I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at him secretly, not to mention the wealthy Captain Steve who he has offended, and the Fuso forces that are still unknown...

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is close to the center of the vortex.

After all, being a criminal police officer is still a high-risk profession, so it's better to stay away from him as an insurance salesman.

"Okay, let's wait until Brother Meng is convenient.

By the way, I called yesterday and found that Colonel Chu is no longer in the country, so I guess I have to wait for a while to make an appointment with him."

"Have you gone abroad..."

It seems it's still a step too late.

Meng Lang sighed secretly in his heart.

Since the reminder fails, it can only be operated remotely...

It's just that success or failure is unpredictable. The success rate of the first attempt cannot be guaranteed, so we can only do our best and let fate dictate.

After hanging up the phone and rubbing the rough driver's license cover in his hand, Meng Lang felt better again.

Anyway, starting from today, you can finally hit the road legally!

Nowadays, even airplanes and cruise ships are unsafe, not to mention cars, which are known to have the highest accident rate, but you can’t help but ride them.

Rather than putting your life in the hands of others, it is naturally safer to drive by yourself.

I am a master of fake power, coupled with proficient racing skills.

Even if you encounter a street killer, you can almost protect yourself, right?


I clicked the shutter button to take a close-up of my freshly issued driver's license, and then excitedly posted a memorable circle of friends.

Caption: There are thousands of roads, safety comes first!

"Ding ding ding!" A series of like notification sounds quickly came from the phone.

Mom: [My son is so handsome!]

Lao Meng: [Give way to pedestrians and obey traffic regulations!]

Meng Qingqing: [Brother, are you missing a co-pilot?]

Duan Xian: [Is there a shortage of back row? Form a team!]

Yishu Lihua:【Subject 3???】

Lihua Daiyu: [Uncle is great! Celebrate tonight!]

Uncle Zhang: [A car is just a means of transportation. The road of life should still be down-to-earth. 】

Ma Qiao: [Are you missing a driver’s license? I happen to know a sales manager from an automobile city.]

Not long after, classmates Zhang, Ma, Wang, and Mr. Hu, Mr. Yu, and Mr. Liu sent likes and congratulations...


I forgot that the category of friends circle is visible.

Three big bosses, Hu Yifei, Mr. Yu and Mr. Liu, actually came to join in the fun.

But fortunately, these three people probably have nothing to do with my original circle of friends...

For safety reasons, these three bosses were decisively put into the "chat only" group.

I also looked at various comments in Moments.

Everyone else is pretty normal, but Uncle Zhang, what do you mean?

Is a car just a means of transportation?

This chicken soup always feels weird...

Are you sure you're not connoting me?

It wasn't until he saw Ma Qiao's comment that Meng Lang really realized a problem...

Before, I had a car but no driver’s license, but now I have a driver’s license… and the car is gone!

Yipinju 1103.

After a sumptuous celebratory dinner...

"Uncle, do you want to buy a car?"

"Ah! Now that I have my driver's license, the next step is of course to buy a car!"

"Then what kind of car do you want to buy, or the one my sister drives?"

When Lin Haitang heard this, he didn't know what he thought of. He looked down at the information with a slightly strange expression.

At that time, she misunderstood that Meng Lang's "buying a car without a license" was an excuse. Today, as soon as Meng Lang appeared in the circle of friends, she knew that she was being sentimental at that time.

Feeling guilty, I didn't dare to comment at all, so I could only give a like in silence...

"Ahem! Probably not."

Meng Lang coughed dryly.

Buying another idol mini that is exactly the same? Those who know know that I picked it, but those who don’t know think that we are driving a couple’s car!

What's more, you still buy the idol knowing that it will go out of business soon?

If you want to buy one, go directly to the car manufacturer named Bao!

He is now eager for the company named Bao to close down quickly so that he can take over and build the future robot super factory. Wouldn't patronizing it now delay his closure?

"Hey! If you wanted to drive my car for you, I would have wanted to buy another one!" Yan Weiwei on the side rolled her eyes and said suddenly.

"Ah?" Meng Lang was slightly startled.

That Porsche 911? If I were to sell insurance and drive that one, wouldn’t it be too high-profile...

"What kind of car do you want to change?" Meng Lang asked curiously.

"Idol mini!" Yan Weiwei said confidently.

Everyone: "..."

Co-authored by You Want to Drive a Couple’s Car!

Meng Lang rolled his eyes, "Sorry, I don't accept luxury cars worth more than 100,000 yuan! It's too high-profile!"

You call a car worth more than 100,000 yuan a luxury car? Is it high-profile? How low-key do you want it to be?

Yan Weiwei couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"With so many excuses, I think you just went for idol mini!"

"Ahem! Here! This is the prosecution plan I compiled."

Lin Haitang really couldn't stand listening anymore and took a photo of the final verified document in front of Meng Lang.

"So fast?" Meng Lang was stunned.

It seemed like just over a day had passed since he asked Lin Haitang to ask for his help, right?

That information looks like a lot of information!

"No, my sister stayed up late last night to finish it." Xiaoyu suddenly said this.

Meng Lang was startled.

Lin Haitang's face immediately became a little unnatural.

"Ahem! I don't like to leave work until the next day, and this also helps us band members solve a potential hidden danger. Of course I am more concerned about it."

"Oh~~" The three of them nodded in unison, as if we all believed it.

Lin Haitang suddenly felt bitter.

"He's the gangster leader in the bar who looks very frustrated. How long will he be sentenced to?" Yan Weiwei became interested.

"Although the specific penalty will fluctuate to a certain extent based on the subjective will of the judge, based on similar past cases and relevant judgments, without external intervention, the total sentence should be locked at 25 years.

This is already the maximum term of imprisonment for multiple crimes.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the other party’s sentence will be reduced due to good behavior in prison.”

Meng Lang picked up the information, glanced at it, and smiled.

With it, Hu Dazhi, the life assassin, is basically solved.

If we count from now on, Hu Dazhi will be released from prison in April 2043, and the apocalypse will break out in July...

The time is just right.

Reduction of sentence? It doesn’t exist!

This time, even if Brother Biao agrees, he will not agree!

This is a lesson learned in blood at the cost of a pair of legs. What a painful realization it is...

"It's just that I don't quite understand, why do you ask for such a limited sentence?

In fact, if the firepower is really full, it is possible indefinitely." Lin Haitang looked at Meng Lang and asked.

Meng Lang showed a slightly sad smile.

"If in 25 years we still have the opportunity to sit together like today, you will know by then..."

If there really is such a day.

Then you should be one of the people standing beside me...

"Twenty-five years..." Everyone had different expressions.

"I will be a 32-year-old aunt at that time! Hehe!" Xiaoyu shook her calf, as if imagining what she would look like in 25 years.

"At that time, I was about to retire, and it seemed good to retire in Suzhou City." Lin Haitang smiled.


Yan Weiwei's eyes were a little dim.

She doesn't know where she will be today, 25 years later.

Do you still remember the impulse and passion back then...

"Bang!" The next moment, Yan Weiwei started to slap the case!

"Meng Lang, you have to come with me tomorrow!"

"Huh? What?" Meng Lang looked confused.

"where to?"

"Zhongnan Mountain!"


Hey hey! This was not in my plan!

"What? Sister Weiwei, are you going on a trip?" Xiaoyu asked curiously.

Lin Haitang's heart moved slightly, "Is it that mountain climbing meeting? Isn't that a martial arts competition? What did you ask Meng Lang to do?"

"That...cough! He is the special martial arts instructor I hired." Yan Weiwei said a little coyly.

The guy who was kicked over by him not long ago has become stronger than him in the blink of an eye. Yan Weiwei, a member of the Xiaoyu Guards, still has a bit of a reputation for being responsible for the force.

"Special martial arts guidance counselor?" X2

The Lin sisters all looked at Meng Lang.

"Don't look at me. I just didn't know I had such a title." Meng Lang spread his hands helplessly and immediately looked at Yan Weiwei.

"This seems to be different from what we agreed."

"Who asked you to take the driver's license test and sort out a training plan? Do you think the mountain climbing club is held by my family and you can go whenever you want?

If it's two days later, I won't be able to catch up! I have no choice but to take you with me and practice while walking!" Yan Weiwei curled her lips.

"What? You can work as an intelligence consultant for Haitang, you can work as a strategic consultant for Gao Yuan, but you can't work as a martial arts consultant for me? I can also pay you!"

"Wow! Uncle, do you have so many titles?" Xiaoyu opened her mouth in an O shape.

"Cough!" Meng Lang coughed helplessly.

In fact, I am also a special adviser to the police. If I don’t say it out loud, I’m afraid you’ll think I’m too proud...

There is no other way. Those who can do more work. Who asked me to have an advisory group behind me...

"It's not that I don't want to, this..."

"A car! If you go, the reward is a car! Guaranteed low-key luxury and connotation!" Yan Weiwei added.


Meng Lang was thinking carefully...

In fact, if you think about it, there is nothing important lately. As long as you carry Zero, where is the base camp?

Besides, by copying the vision of the warrior Menlang Kakashi and walking around in the warrior circle, I can be aware of similar attack methods in the future.

What's more... it's absolutely false to say that he has no curiosity at all about the rumored martial arts circle.

"Alas!" Meng Lang thought for a long time and finally let out a long sigh.

"Okay, but the car...must be bulletproof!"

Yan Weiwei: "..."

Lin sisters: "..."

Yan Weiwei couldn't help but complained crazily in her heart.

Who knows why a Huajin master is so insecure, but the reality is so outrageous...

"no problem!"

Yan Weiwei knows many modification experts, and it is no problem to modify a bulletproof car.

"Okay! Now we have one last question!" Meng Lang's face was extremely serious.

"What...what's the problem?"

Yan Weiwei was quite nervous seeing Meng Lang taking his matter so seriously.

"Is that area of ​​Zhongnan Mountain...an earthquake zone? Are there active volcanoes?"

Everyone: "???"

This chapter has been completed!
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