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Chapter 1086 Su City's Counterattack

Therefore, his future with the Gu family and Sansheng Group is already foreseeable.

In fact, he is not afraid of death. After all, with this disease, the possibility of finding a kidney is very low.

The final result waiting for him was a dead end.

He won't live more than two years.

It's just that he is worried about what will happen to his wife and Manqing after his death?

Now he can barely resist Fu Jingting and Rong Shu, but once he leaves, no one can really protect them mother and daughter.

To his wife, he owed something, but to his daughter, he owed too much.

More than twenty years ago, when Manqing first came into his wife's belly, he swore that he would protect her, whether it was a son or a daughter.

But after his daughter was born, he broke his promise, causing her to be stolen by that bastard Rong Hao and thrown into the river.

Although he didn't know how Manqing survived in the end, he still couldn't forgive Rong Hao's behavior, nor could he forgive himself for not protecting his daughter back then.

Now that his daughter has finally come back, he wanted to make amends with her, but in the end he failed to do so, causing his daughter to get involved in the grudges and hatred between the Rong and Gu families, and she lived in trepidation.

All of this was because he, the father, was sorry for her.

Gu Yaotian hammered his chest in blame.

Then, a gleam of determination burst out from his old eyes.

No matter what the fate of the Gu family was in the end, he had to make arrangements for his wife and daughter before that day came.

At least, his wife and daughter cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of Rong Shu and Fu Jingting.

Whatever happens, he will bear it alone!

On the other side, Su Cheng, who was also dealt with by Fu Jingting, was also in trouble now.

He likes to listen to operas and usually stays in the hotel. His only entertainment is to watch old drama movies in the video room.

Just when he was fascinated by the show, Assistant Li hurried in and said, "Boss!"

Su Cheng opened his eyes, his expression extremely gloomy.

He turned to look at Assistant Li with sinister eyes, "I told you last time not to burst in suddenly while I was listening to the show. This is already the second time you have done it."

Assistant Li knew that his behavior had angered the person in front of him, so he quickly lowered his head in fear, "I'm sorry, boss, something big happened this time."

"What's the big deal?" Su Cheng took the cane on the side and asked calmly.

Obviously, he did not take the important matter mentioned by Assistant Li to heart.

When Assistant Li saw this, he became even more anxious and said quickly: "Boss, our goods in Beijing were intercepted by the customs."

Hearing this, Su Cheng, who was wiping his cane, moved his hands for a moment, then his face suddenly turned aside and he stared at Assistant Li, "What did you say? Our goods were intercepted?"

"Yes." Assistant Li nodded repeatedly, "Just half an hour ago, I received a call from our people stationed at the customs, saying that a group of people suddenly appeared and intercepted our goods."

"Half an hour ago..." The gentleness and indifference on Su Cheng's face could no longer be maintained and became distorted.

Maybe, this is his true face.

"Who did it?" Su Cheng grabbed the faucet on the cane and asked in an extremely cold voice, "I want to throw that man into the sea to feed the fish. He even dares to rob me of Su Cheng's goods. I think he

I don’t want to live anymore!”

The assistant shook his head, "I don't know who intercepted it. According to our people at the customs, before the people we went to pick up the goods arrived, a group of people arrived first, and that group of people held documents from the relevant departments. They were fair and square.

The people who took the goods away from the customs did not use illegal means. Moreover, our people said that the seals on those documents were official seals of the relevant departments and were not forged. So I guess that the person who intercepted our goods must have

not simple."

"Of course it's not simple." Su Cheng's eyes were full of ferociousness. "If that person could be so simple, how could he get the stamped documents from which departments and steal the goods openly? I don't believe that the customs didn't know that the goods belonged to my Su family.

But the customs and relevant departments knew about it and dared to hand over the cargo documents to the person who intercepted the goods. This only shows that that person has a strong background and has a very good relationship with the higher-ups."

"Who could that be? I don't remember any of us having such a sinful character?" Assistant Li frowned in confusion.

They are very arrogant, but they are not without brains.

They usually don't take the initiative to provoke big shots like this.

That's why he wondered why such people should deal with them.

"You have forgotten, of course we have offended such people, isn't it Fu Jingting?" Su Cheng sneered with narrowed eyes.

Assistant Li opened his mouth suddenly and said, "Sorry boss, it was dark under my lamp and I forgot about this person."

"It's not your fault. After all, none of us thought that Fu Jingting would do such a thing." Su Cheng's face was still cold, "It's really unexpected. I, Su Cheng, have always been the one to rob other people's things, and no one dares to rob me.

This is the first time that someone has stolen my things from Su City. I can't go to the door, let alone deal with the person directly. It turns out that I feel like I can't express my pain, and I can't let go of my anger.

Is it actually so uncomfortable?”

Although he said self-deprecating words, there was no sign of self-deprecation on his face.

Obviously, he was just joking.

"Boss, if it's really Fu Jingting who did it, then we..." Assistant Li looked at Su Cheng, whose eyes were scarlet, and asked cautiously.

Su Cheng raised his hand, "Don't think too much, we can't get this batch of goods back. Fu Jingting can easily get back what he wants under our hands, but our things fell into his hands and he wants to get them back."

It's almost impossible. We don't have as much money as him, so we can go to him directly and warn him to return the things."

"But that batch of goods is very important. We spent a lot of money to order it from foreign suppliers before this year. Now we have finally delivered it, but something like this happened. It's hard for us to explain to the factory.

"Assistant Li looked sad.

Su Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly, "What's the use of talking about this now? Everything has happened and we can't get the things back. Apart from using money to solve this matter like Tian Sheng, what else can we do?

How about it? But compared to Tian Sheng, I, Su Cheng, am much richer, so I won’t be able to afford compensation for this kind of thing."

Hearing that Su Cheng already had a solution, Assistant Li was not so anxious.

He pushed up his glasses and looked at Su Cheng, "Boss, do you think Fu Jingting did this in retaliation for us intercepting Rong Shu's goods last time? After all, Fu Jingting's method of intercepting our goods this time is the same."

Su Cheng rubbed the faucet on the cane a few times and shook his head slightly, "No, what happened last time, when you and I went to the hospital, was already his revenge. He wouldn't retaliate against us twice for the same thing.

So this time is obviously not revenge for what happened last time, but it is also for Rong Shu. Don’t forget what happened to Rong Shu today.”

Assistant Li suddenly realized, "Are you saying that we bought the trolls to spread rumors?"

Su Cheng was noncommittal, "There's nothing else but this, but it's a good thing. It also allows us to better understand Rong Shu's importance to him. Of course, just because I can't get the goods back doesn't mean that I, Su Cheng, am willing to settle the matter."

If you suffer the consequences of being dumb, you can contact Fu Jingting's people later and ask them if Mr. Fu has thought about whether he wants his mother's relics or not. I'll give him one more day. If he doesn't want it, don't blame me."

He smiled coldly.

This chapter has been completed!
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