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Chapter 1150 Lu Qi knew that Secretary Tong was pregnant

Especially his brain, which was buzzing at the moment, turned into a mess.

He never expected that he would hear such shocking words just by passing by.

This is fake, right?

It must be fake, right?

Tong Xi...how could she be pregnant?

Even if she is pregnant, whose child is she carrying?

Another man's, or...

Lu Qi's throat was severely blocked, as if something was stuck there and he couldn't go up or down. It was very uncomfortable.

At this time, another voice came from the big office. Different from the voice that said Secretary Tong was pregnant, a different person had spoken.

But they were all shocked as well.

"Really or not, is Secretary Tong really pregnant?"

"That's right, how is this possible? Are you lying to us?"

Another person spoke up and asked questions.

And these happened to be what Lu Qi wanted to know most right now.

He subconsciously held his breath, walked slowly towards the door of the big office, stopped in front of the wall next to the door, then lowered his head and listened quietly.

He wanted to know whether Tong Xi was really pregnant and whose seed she was carrying!

Lu Qi's eyes narrowed, and a shocking dark light burst out from his eyes.

In the big office, several secretaries and assistants stopped what they were doing and sat together in a circle like a meeting, just to talk about Secretary Tong's gossip.

The secretary sitting in the middle saw the faces of the people next to him eager for knowledge, and smiled proudly, "I'm not lying to you. I am 80% sure that Secretary Tong is pregnant."

Eighty percent?

Lu Qi's face changed slightly.

With such a high degree of certainty, Tong Xi is real...

"Just tell me what you are sure of. Don't be too pretentious."

"That's right, we can't wait any longer. You just kept it secret and didn't say anything. How on earth did you know that Secretary Tong was pregnant?"

"Yes, yes, come on, tell me."

Faced with the urging of several people, the secretary also knew that any further denial would arouse public outrage, so he did not waste any time. He pressed his hand and motioned for them to be quiet first, and then slowly spoke, "Actually, I just found out not long ago.

, it should be said that it was confirmed not long ago, you all know that sometimes Secretary Tong will suddenly run to the bathroom to vomit during work, right? "

"I know, we were still talking about whether she was seriously ill, but Secretary Tong said that she was not ill, but had an upset stomach, so we didn't think much about it, but now that we think about it, this seems to be evidence that she is pregnant.


"It seems to be true."

The secretary smiled and said, "The reason why you have never thought about pregnancy is because you have never been married or had children, so you don't know that there will be such pregnancy reactions in the early stages of pregnancy, but I got married.

I have been married and given birth to a child, so I had suspected that Secretary Tong might be pregnant a long time ago. The first time I might have been dealt with by Secretary Tong, thinking that she was really just uncomfortable, but after a few times I definitely wouldn’t.

Maybe, who has an upset stomach and doesn't go to the hospital for treatment, but lets himself vomit like this every now and then?"

"Of course she's a pregnant woman," someone blurted out.

"That's right." The secretary patted the armrest of the chair, "Only pregnant women who face vomiting from time to time will not pay so much attention to it, and will not be nervous and afraid that they have some terminal illness, because she knows that she is not sick, she is just pregnant.

Until two days ago, I encountered Secretary Tong vomiting in the bathroom again, and finally couldn't help but go up and ask her if she was pregnant."

"Did Secretary Tong admit it?" several secretaries and assistants asked hurriedly.

Lu Qi's hand that was grasping the corner of the wall suddenly wrinkled up.

The secretary shook his head, "That's not true, but Secretary Tong's reaction at that time was very panicked, completely different from his usual calm demeanor. He hurriedly dealt with me and left, so I am very sure that Secretary Tong is pregnant.


"So it's true that Secretary Tong is pregnant."

"I think so too, otherwise why are you panicking?"

"It's just that what I don't understand is that pregnancy is just a pregnancy. We are all adults, and having a baby is not a big deal. Why would Secretary Tong hide it so that no one knows?"

"Perhaps she got pregnant out of wedlock?" someone speculated, "After all, I really wish I hadn't heard that Secretary Tong got married."

"Not to mention getting married, I haven't heard that Secretary Tong has a boyfriend, so how did this child come about? Whose child is it?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, no one can answer this question.

Although they are colleagues with Secretary Tong and have worked together for a long time, they actually know little about everyone's private affairs.

"Could it be that... Secretary Tong was bullied? That's why Secretary Tong didn't dare to let people know that she was pregnant?" At this time, someone bit his lower lip and made some uncertain guesses, "Only

This reason seems to be able to explain why Secretary Tong does not have a boyfriend, but is still pregnant, and is unwilling to tell others about her pregnancy. After all, being bullied and pregnant with a criminal's child is not a glorious thing.

As far as I know, the whole world is still very malicious towards women. It is clearly the criminal who is at fault, but many people blame the victim and use verbal violence against the victim. Secretary Tong is probably afraid that she will be treated differently by others.

The eyes, as well as the accusations and insults, that’s why I concealed it.”

"When you say that, it seems that it is really possible. After all, in today's society, having a child out of wedlock, although it is disgraceful, will not be viewed with colored glasses by everyone like before. If Secretary Tong's child is really because of wantonness,

Yaojiu, maybe she was conceived with her boyfriend. I don’t think Secretary Tong will hide it all the time. As an adult, it’s normal to cause death. She just admits it openly and no one will laugh at her.

After all, there are a lot of people in the company who are having fun, so it’s really only normal that Secretary Tong won’t admit it when she’s pregnant, and it’s normal for Secretary Tong not to admit it.”

Everyone took a breath of cold air.

"If this is really the case, then Secretary Tong is really pitiful."

"Perhaps, you two are really right." The secretary who had previously said that Secretary Tong was pregnant, now looked at everyone and said.

Everyone looked startled.

"Sister Lina, what do you mean? Did you know that Secretary Tong was pregnant? Was it really..."

"I don't know, but I think it's probably what you guessed. You know, yesterday was my duty. After you got off work, I stayed to clean the office. When I took out the trash, I saw it in Secretary Tong's trash can.

The paperwork for the abortion appointment. Because of this, I was very sure that Secretary Tong was pregnant, but I didn’t think much about why she wanted to abort the child. But now I heard you say that Secretary Tong was bullied, so abort the child.

There’s an explanation!”

As soon as these words came out, before several secretaries and assistants could exclaim, there was a bang at the door of the big office, which shocked everyone.

"Who is it?" Lina frowned and looked toward the door displeased.

Lu Qi slowly put away his legs that kicked open the office door, raised his head, and revealed a dark, sinister and cold face, "It's me."

"Mr. Lu?" Everyone was stunned and stood up quickly, "Why are you here? What can you do?"

"Is what you just said true?" Lu Qi did not answer everyone's questions, but walked in and came to Lina, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth and asking.

This chapter has been completed!
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