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Chapter 1192 Secretary Tong wants to resign

"Okay, I'll go right away." The secretary nodded and picked up the document, "Then Chairman, I'll take my leave first."

Rong Shu waved her hand, "Go ahead, thank you for your hard work."

"Chairman is serious." Lina smiled slightly, turned and walked towards the door.

But after walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, stopped and turned around again, "By the way, Chairman, there is something that I don't know whether to say or not."

"Say it." Rong Shu raised her chin slightly, signaling her to say it.

Seeing that she was letting herself speak, Lina no longer hesitated in her heart. After standing up again, she said: "That's it, Chairman. I went to the Human Resources Department this morning. Our Secretarial Department needs to recruit a new assistant recently, so

I'll go over there and ask if there are any suitable candidates."

"Well, I know that we need to recruit new assistants." Rong Shu nodded, "Then what?"

She knew that what her secretary was going to say would definitely not be this.

Sure enough, Lina took a breath and continued: "Then I heard the Personnel Department talking about Secretary Tong, saying that Secretary Tong called the Personnel Department in the morning and asked the Personnel Department to prepare a copy for her.

Mail the resignation application form for her."

"What did you say?" Rong Shu's expression changed slightly, "If I heard correctly, you were talking about a resignation application? Secretary Tong wants a resignation application from the Human Resources Department?"

"Yes." Lina nodded, proving that she heard correctly.

Rong Shu's beautiful eyebrows were furrowed and her expression was ugly, "Secretary Tong wants to resign?"

"At present, it seems to be like this. After I found out, I immediately checked with the head of the human resources department to confirm whether it was the employees in the human resources department who were talking nonsense. Later, the head of human resources told me that this was indeed the case.

, Secretary Tong’s call was answered by the Minister of Personnel. According to the Minister of Personnel himself, he was surprised when he heard Secretary Tong’s words and even planned to tell you, but unfortunately Secretary Tong stopped him. Secretary Tong told the Minister of Personnel not to let you know for the time being.

You know, that’s why I was hesitating just now whether to tell you, Chairman. After all, telling you would be against Secretary Tong’s hospital, but I didn’t tell you, and I felt unwilling to do so. It’s really strange for Secretary Tong to resign at this time.

, and Secretary Tong has always had a good relationship with Chairman Tong, so after much entanglement, I think I should tell you. I also hope that Chairman You will ask why Secretary Tong resigned. All our secretaries and assistants have a good relationship. I don’t want to

Let Secretary Tong resign and leave, and..."

"And what?" Rong Shu looked at her.

Lina bit her lower lip, obviously unsure of something.

After a few seconds, she finally convinced herself. After squeezing her palms twice, she looked at Rong Shu and replied: "Chairman, it's like this. I have a suspicion that Secretary Tong resigned suddenly. Something must have happened."

, I know Secretary Tong. Secretary Tong loves this job very much. She will not think of resigning for no reason. Even if she is pregnant, we have never heard that she has any intention of resigning. Even if she wants to abort the child,

I didn't see her thinking about resigning. It wasn't until she asked for leave for surgery that she suddenly resigned. I wonder if Secretary Tong had an accident during the surgery, which caused her body to be damaged, so she was no longer qualified for this job.


"Wait a minute, how did you know that Secretary Tong was pregnant? Are you going to abort the child?" Rong Shu stood up in surprise, her eyes focused on Lina.

Lina didn't hide anything, and immediately replied: "I discovered it myself. Chairman, you also know that I am married and have given birth to children, so I am more aware of the signs of pregnancy in women than others in the office who are not married or have children.

Sisters, you need to know more. During this period, Secretary Tong will have some symptoms that only appear in women in the early stages of pregnancy. Once or twice, it may be that she is sick, but if the number of times increases, I am sure that Secretary Tong is not sick, but pregnant.

Until that day when I saw a receipt for an abortion surgery appointment in Secretary Tong's trash can, I was sure that Secretary Tong was indeed pregnant and had no intention of keeping the child."

"That's it." Rong Shu breathed a sigh of relief and sat back on the chair, "I thought who told you that."

"No, I discovered it myself." Lina shook her head, then realized something, looked at Rong Shu and asked, "Chairman, do you also know that Secretary Tong is pregnant?"

Rong Shu looked at her. She didn't want to say anything at first, but thinking that she already knew, she didn't want to hide it. She nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I knew it from the beginning, but Secretary Tong asked me to help.

It was kept secret, so I didn’t tell you. That’s why I was so surprised when I just heard that you knew Secretary Tong was pregnant. I thought someone else besides me knew about it and publicized it.”

"No." Lina waved her hands, and then said with a guilty conscience, "But I told the other sisters in the office."

"What?" Rong Shu was shocked.

Lina felt even more guilty, and finally lowered her head, "I didn't mean it, it was just that Secretary Tong took leave and didn't come the next day. I looked at Secretary Tong's desk and muttered, "Isn't he going to have surgery already?"

The other sisters in the office heard it, and everyone asked me to find out more about it, so I couldn't help but tell them."

"..." Rong Shu twitched the corner of her mouth, feeling quite helpless.

What is this called?

Does this mean that her side is blocked and the other side is leaking?

Seeing the dark lines on Rong Shu's face, Lina hurriedly made up for it, "But Chairman, I didn't let the sisters publicize it. I was thinking about Secretary Tong's pregnancy. I didn't tell us sisters at the beginning, so I knew that Secretary Tong was pregnant."

I definitely didn’t want us to know, so after I told the sisters, I also asked them not to tell anyone else. It would be fine if only a few of us knew. They agreed, and since we are both assistants and secretaries, there must be no confidentiality.


Hearing this, Rong Shu did feel a little relieved, "That's good, but are you sure that none of them have told anyone else, and it's really only you who know?"

"I'm sure that in the past two days, I haven't heard anyone except us talking about Secretary Tong's pregnancy, so everyone must not have told anyone about it. Otherwise, with Secretary Tong's status in the group, everyone

It has already spread a lot." Lina replied.

Rong Shu nodded slightly.

This is true.

It seems that it is indeed not said outside.

"That's fine, as long as you know it, don't tell anyone outside. Secretary Tong doesn't want people to know, so we can't let her down. After all, this is Secretary Tong's own privacy." Rong Shu warned Lina again.

Lina responded repeatedly with assurances, "Don't worry, Chairman, I will go back to the office in a while and remind the sisters to deepen their awareness. It will definitely not be spread outside and no one other than us will know about it."

Speaking of this, Lina suddenly got stuck. She suddenly remembered that besides the sisters in their office, there seemed to be an outsider who knew about it.

That is Mr. Lu.

But to Secretary Tong and Chairman, Mr. Lu is not considered an outsider, right?

So it should be okay if Mr. Lu knows about it, right?

Mr. Lu and Secretary Tong are college classmates. They have had a superior-subordinate relationship for more than ten years and are also friends. If something like this happened to Secretary Tong, Mr. Lu will definitely not do anything to disappoint Secretary Tong for the sake of these relationships.


It seems like I don't have to worry anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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