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Chapter 1246 Women's Minds

Fu Jingting knew that she was evading, and he also knew that she did not trust his promises.

Although he was disappointed, he was not angry.

Because he can understand why she is like this.

Time is the most invisible thing.

But it doesn't matter, since time can't see through, then he will let her see through.

No matter how much you say, it is better to do more.

Since she didn't believe that there would be a lifelong love between them and that they would be together forever, then he would let time prove that he had never lied to her about this kind of thing.

What he said can definitely be done.

After that, the two of them stopped discussing the issue and quickly entered the banquet hall.

In the hall, the lights were bright, everyone toasted and chatted happily.

The originally lively scene immediately came to an end and became quiet when Rong Shu and Fu Jingting walked in arm in arm.

Everyone looked at the two people who walked in.

At this time, Rong Shu had already taken off her down jacket, and handed the down jacket to a staff member outside for safekeeping. She would go back to pick it up after the banquet.

So at this moment, Rong Shu was already wearing that stunning dress.

The color of her bright red dress was the same as Fu Jingting's tie, which made everyone immediately understand that they were wearing couple's dresses.

It also made everyone understand that their relationship was just right at the moment.

"Is that Miss Rong who got back together with Mr. Fu after her divorce?"

Of course, not everyone has seen Rong Shu.

Rong Shu had been a househusband for six years, rarely going out and not even meeting her friends, let alone these business tycoons and their second-generation sons and daughters.

Even though Rong Shu herself has become a member of the business community now, due to Tian Sheng's situation, she doesn't have many people to make friends with.

Most people have basically heard of her but have never actually seen her.

Now I finally see it.

"That's the one. No wonder Mr. Fu is willing to get back together with him. He looks so good. If it were me, I might do the same."

"Now that they are back together, why did they divorce in the first place? Isn't it unnecessary?"

"Who knows? I heard that Mr. Fu was in love with the Gu family member before, but later he fell in love with his ex-wife for some reason. In short, how can we, the little minions, be qualified to know about Mr. Fu's emotional problems?"

"makes sense."

"But now it seems that Mr. Fu and Miss Rong are actually a good match, at least they look like a good match."

In the banquet hall, everyone was whispering and discussing.

But the people discussing these discussions are all from the older generation.

The second-generation young ladies of the same generation as Rong Shu and Fu Jingting need to discuss this in more depth.

The man is okay, just commenting on Rong Shu’s appearance and body shape.

As for women, this is much more sour.

They looked at Rong Shu with jealousy and envy. They were envious that Rong Shu could get Fu Jingting, and they were also jealous that she could get it.

What kind of person is Fu Jingting?

That was the bright moon in the sky, which was beyond their reach.

They wanted to get him and become his wife and the wife of the Fu family.

But they knew that Fu Jingting looked down upon them and even disliked them at all.

They used to express their feelings in the past, thinking that they would definitely be able to win over this noble man.

But without exception, they all failed.

It doesn't matter if he fails, the family will still be warned by him, and they, the culprits who caused harm to the family and were warned, will naturally be punished by the family.

But even so, there are still as many women who admire him as carps crossing the river.

It's just that they don't dare to appear in front of him, let alone pursue love bravely, for fear of being punished by the family again.

But even though he was severely punished by his family, they never resented him.

After all, once a person reaches a certain level of excellence, he can be forgiven even if he kills his father and his enemy.

To them, Fu Jingting is such an existence.

Although none of them won the title, they were not disappointed either.

Because as long as no one of them can take him down, then they can accept it and coexist peacefully.

As time passed, they even reached an unspoken stipulation, that is, no one was allowed to take down Fu Jingting secretly.

As long as Fu Jingting is still Salvia, he belongs to all of them.

However, what they didn't expect was that one day, their balance was suddenly broken. Fu Jingting announced that he was getting married, and the person he was marrying was a down-and-out rich man. This was completely unacceptable to them, rich ladies.

They also thought about warning the woman and telling her to be smarter and leave Fu Jingting. She was not worthy of him.

However, before they could take action, they were warned by their family again, warning them not to mess around.

So, they could only watch helplessly as their high-altitude flower married that down-and-out daughter who suddenly appeared.

Fortunately, their daughter-in-law didn't love that woman, and she didn't want to see her after they got married. They were relieved to hear that the woman was not doing well in the Fu family.

But the funny thing is that before they could rest assured for a few years, another woman appeared. It was said that this woman was the real threat, because this woman was the one Fu Jingting loved in his heart.

There is no comparison between Rong Shu and that woman.

What surprised them the most was that the woman was Gu Manyin, who had been working as a plant for six years in the Gu family.

They had never heard of any interaction between that woman Gu Manyin and Fu Jingting. How come she became Fu Jingting's lover as soon as she woke up from a vegetative state?

They would rather believe that Fu Jingting's lover is Rong Shu than Gu Manyin.

After all, Rong Shu has been with Fu Jingting for six years. What does Gu Manyin have?

She had no contact with Fu Jingting six years ago. She was still in a vegetative state for the past six years, and she became Fu Jingting's lover when she woke up. This doesn't sound very reasonable at all.

But this is unreasonable, but it is also true.

Fu Jingting divorced Rong Shu directly because of Gu Manyin and wanted to get engaged to Gu Manyin.

At that moment, they naturally transferred their dissatisfaction to Gu Manyin, even more so than to Rong Shu.

Because Rong Shu didn't win Fu Jingting's heart, but Gu Manyin did.

But what's funny is that Gu Manyin and Fu Jingting's engagement banquet was never successfully held. Every time it was about to be held, various accidents always occurred. In the end, the engagement was canceled directly, and Gu Manyin still became

Got a reform-through-labor prisoner.

Seeing this series of changes, they were dazzled and speechless.

Later, Gu Manyin committed suicide by jumping off a building.

It is quite sad to say that after finally waking up from six years of living in a vegetative state, within two months, he ended up committing suicide.

However, not long after Gu Manyin committed suicide, Fu Jingting actually fell in love with his ex-wife Rong Shu again, and staged a large-scale drama of chasing her, and finally chased her.

All in all, Fu Jingting's behavior of running back and forth between the two women Rong Shu and Gu Manyin, falling in love with one now and then the other, made them confused as to what to say.

At the same time, Fu Jingting's ambiguous attitude also made them completely lose the idea of ​​getting him and marrying him.

Of course, although they don't want to marry him, it doesn't mean they don't like him.

After all, with his wealth and appearance, no woman can resist him. They just don't want to marry him, but it doesn't mean that they don't like him and won't be hostile to the women around him.

It's just that this hostility is really just a taste, and it won't really do anything.

They don't want to be kicked out of the family yet.

This chapter has been completed!
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