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Chapter 131 The horse is crazy

Lu Qi and the others also came back from the game. They were all tired and sweating profusely, but their faces and eyes were full of excitement. It was obvious that they enjoyed the game.

"Mr. Lu, water." Chen Xingnuo picked up two bottles of water and threw one to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi took it and said, "Thank you."

"What about me?" Cheng Huai suddenly became unhappy when he saw that she only gave it to Lu Qi and not to him, "I brought you here, why only give it to him?"

Chen Xingnuo rolled his eyes, "Here, take it!"

She took another bottle of water and threw it over.

Cheng Huai then laughed with satisfaction, unscrewed the bottle cap and drank a few sips, then poured the remaining water on his head and face, "It's great!"

"It's quite refreshing." Lu Qi shook the water from his hair and continued.

On the other side, Gu Manyin also handed a bottle of water to Fu Jingting, "Jingting, drink some water."

"Okay." Fu Jingting took it and opened it, but did not drink it. Instead, he handed it back to her, "You drink it."

Seeing how considerate he was, Gu Manyin's face blossomed into a smile, "Thank you Jingting."

Fu Jingting replied no, bent down to get another bottle of water, and then drank.

Just after taking a few sips, a panicked cry suddenly came.

Everyone's talking suddenly stopped.

Lu Qi looked towards the distance where the sound came from and saw Rong Shu's horse charging like crazy.

Rong Shu on the horse was so frightened that her face turned pale and her body fell forward and backward. Even if she held on to the reins tightly, if she continued like this, she would be thrown off the horse in a short time.

"Baby!" Lu Qi quickly threw away the water in his hand and ran towards his horse, preparing to save people.

As a result, as soon as he got on the horse, he saw a figure riding past him one step ahead of him.

It's Fu Jingting!

Lu Qi frowned, then kicked the horse in the belly and chased after it.

Only Gu Manyin and Cheng Huai were left there.

Chen Xingnuo just went to the bathroom, and Fu Jinglin was still at another racecourse and hadn't come over yet.

Cheng Huai looked at Gu Manyin's ugly face and laughed, "Oh, Jing Ting went to rescue Rong Shu. Are you feeling very uncomfortable?"

Gu Manyin naturally knew that he was deliberately making fun of her. She squeezed the water bottle tightly and replied with a forced smile on her face: "Of course not. Miss Rong had an accident. It was normal for Jingting to save her. I didn't."


"Really, but your actions tell me that you are lying." Cheng Huai looked at the water bottle that was deformed by her, and the smile on his face became worse and worse.

Gu Manyin's expression stiffened, and she immediately let go of the water bottle and stopped talking.

Cheng Huai laughed out loud, "Miss Gu is still as duplicitous as ever. You can actually make Jingting fall in love with you. Jingting is really blind. But now it seems that Jingting is blind."

It seems to be slowly getting better.”

He held his chin and looked at Fu Jingting, who had successfully rescued Rong Shu, "Rong Shu had an accident just now, and the nervousness on Jing Ting's face was not fake. This shows that Jing Ting is not without Rong Shu in his heart, but he hasn't noticed it yet.

, if he finds out one day, Miss Gu, tell me..."

"That's enough, don't say any more!" Gu Manyin stood up holding her palms and interrupted him coldly.

Cheng Huai raised his eyebrows, "Why, are you angry?"

Gu Manyin looked at him with dark eyes, "Mr. Cheng, I know that I offended your Cheng family last time because of my father's affairs, but there is no need for you to sow discord between me and Jing Ting, right? You do this

,Aren't you afraid that Jingting will be unhappy?"

"Why are you afraid?" Cheng Huai replied with a smile: "Jing Ting is my friend. I think you are not suitable for Jing Ting. I want Jing Ting to leave you. I am doing this for his own good. How can he be unhappy?"

"You..." Gu Manyin's face turned red and white in anger.

Cheng Huai felt happy for a while.

Originally, he didn't want to be so mean as to provoke a fight between her and Fu Jingting. After all, she and Fu Jingting didn't matter, it wouldn't bother him.

But who told the Gu family to be immoral? It almost ruined the Cheng family's many years of planning, so he naturally wouldn't let her have an easy time. He had no choice but to be so petty.

On the other side, on the racecourse.

Fu Jingting held Rong Shu in his arms.

Rong Shu's body was trembling, and it was obvious that she hadn't calmed down yet after what had just happened.

Fu Jingting felt her inner fear, patted her back gently, and comforted her in a soft voice: "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Rong Shu did not respond, but the trembling of her body gradually became smaller.

At this time, Lu Qi came over, looked at the two people hugging each other, his eyes darkened for a moment, "Mr. Fu, thank you for saving the baby."

Although he really didn't want to say thank you.

But it is a fact that Fu Jingting saved the baby, and it is a fact that he was slower than Fu Jingting.

"It's nothing." Fu Jingting glanced at Lu Qi and replied lightly.

Lu Qi got off his horse and said, "If that's the case, can you please let go of the baby? Don't forget, she is my girlfriend. It doesn't seem right for you to keep holding her like this, and your fiancée is still here."

Look at it."

Hearing this, Fu Jingting's hand patting Rong Shu's back suddenly stopped, and then he realized that the woman in his arms was already his ex-wife, someone else's girlfriend.

It was really inappropriate for him to hold her like this.

Thinking of this, Fu Jingting turned his head and looked towards the rest area, and happened to meet Gu Manyin's red and moist eyes.

Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips and finally let go of Rong Shu.

The moment he let go, Lu Qi took Rong Shu's hand, held Rong Shu in his arms, and asked nervously: "Baby, are you okay?"

Rong Shu still shook her head in shock, her voice trembling slightly, "It's okay."

The moment she almost fell off the horse, Fu Jingting appeared.

So she wasn't hurt.

But Lu Qi was still a little worried. He looked her up and down and found that there was nothing wrong with her. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay. It's okay. It scared me to death just now. It's okay. Why did this horse suddenly go crazy?"

Where is it?"

As soon as he said this, Fu Jingting looked at the horse that had calmed down in the distance, his eyes unclear.

"I don't know either." Rong Shu shook her head and replied.

She was riding her horse well, but unexpectedly the horse suddenly sped up.

She was so frightened that her mind went blank and she was not in the mood to think about the reason.

"It's okay. I'll check this matter. Honey, please go back to your room and rest for a while. I see your legs are still shaking." Lu Qi said while looking at Rong Shu's slightly trembling calves.

Rong Shu nodded and agreed.

Lu Qi half hugged her and walked towards the villa.

Fu Jingting looked at the backs of the two of them, his thin lips pursed into a straight line.

Half an hour later, Lu Qi came down from upstairs.

Fu Jingting and the other five people all came back from the racecourse and were sitting in the living room.

Fu Jinglin was the first to see Lu Qi coming down and immediately stood up, "Hey, I heard something happened to Sister Rong Shu. How is she?"

Gu Manyin looked at the concern and nervousness on Fu Jinglin's face, and lowered his eyelids to cover the darkness in his eyes.

Obviously before, Fu Jinglin hated Rong Shu.

Why did Fu Jinglin stop hating Rong Shu and Jing Ting as soon as they divorced, and still cared about Rong Shu so much? What kind of medicine did Rong Shu give to Fu Jinglin?

"Yes, Mr. Lu, is Mr. Rong okay?" Chen Xingnuo also asked.

When Rong Shu's accident happened, she was still in the bathroom. After she came back, she heard Cheng Huai say that Rong Shu's horse went crazy and almost threw Rong Shu.

Lu Qili ignored Fu Jinglin, only looked at Chen Xingnuo and replied: "Don't worry, the baby is fine. He was just a little frightened and has fallen asleep."

"That's great." Chen Xingnuo breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Fu Jinglin was unhappy with Lu Qi's ignorance, he didn't bother to worry about it when he heard that Rong Shu was fine.

This chapter has been completed!
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