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Chapter 174 Gu Manyin's Worries

Gu Manyin's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly realized that she had overreacted and aroused his suspicion.

She squeezed her palms, quickly adjusted her mentality, shook her head and replied, "No, I'm not afraid, I'm just worried."

"What are you worried about?" Fu Jingting still looked at her.

Gu Manyin made a very sad look, "I'm worried that the doctor will lock me up. I've seen TV where the doctor locks patients with schizophrenia in a room. Jingting, will I do the same?

Being imprisoned?"

She grabbed the man's sleeve.

The man dismissed his inner doubts and touched her hair, "No, everything on TV is fake. The doctor will only enlighten you slowly and won't do anything else for you."

"Really?" Gu Manyin looked at him with some worry.

Fu Jingting nodded, "Really, don't worry."

"Well, you said that, Jing Ting, so I'm relieved. Jing Ting, I'm going to the bathroom." Gu Manyin loosened his sleeves and smiled pretending to be relieved.

Fu Jingting nodded, "Go ahead."

Gu Manyin turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, she closed the door and the expression on her face instantly turned gloomy.

She sat on the toilet seat, took out her mobile phone and made a call.

The call was quickly connected. Lin Tianchen had just finished an operation, and a tired voice came, "Manyin, are you looking for me?"

"Tianchen, I need your help." Gu Manyin clenched her phone and said in a low voice.

Lin Tianchen's glasses reflected light slightly, "What's the matter? Is it about Rong Shu's pregnancy?"

"No, there was no rush when Rong Shu got pregnant. What I am most urgent about now is my business. Jing Ting found a psychiatrist for me and wanted to take me to see a doctor. But I am not sick at all. If I go there, the doctor will expose me.

What should I do?" Gu Manyin looked anxious.

If Jingting told her in advance that she had found a doctor, she would still have time to make friends with the doctor and let the doctor help cover her.

But now Jing Ting caught her off guard and left her unable to do anything. She was really angry to death.

"So you asked me to help you find a way to deal with that psychiatrist, and at the same time, you asked the psychiatrist to diagnose that you do have a split personality, right?" Lin Tianchen immediately understood what Gu Manyin meant, pushed up his glasses and said.

Gu Manyin nodded repeatedly, "Yes, that's right, Tianchen, please help me think about it."

"This is simple." Lin Tianchen pulled out his office chair and sat down, "When you go to see a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist will definitely induce a second person to appear in you to confirm whether you have a split personality. Then you will act out a play


"Acting?" Gu Manyin frowned.

Lin Tianchen hummed, "Yes, acting. Your second personality is an extremely evil existence full of hatred for Rong Shu. When the time comes, you will act out such a scene."

"Is this okay?" Gu Manyin bit her lip, feeling a little worried, "I can deceive Jing Ting, but can I really deceive a psychiatrist? You are also a psychology major. You should know how good a person can be in acting.

No matter how good it is, it's still acting, and it's impossible for a psychiatrist not to see it."

Otherwise, why would the criminal investigation team of the police station have psychiatrists as consultants?

The reason is that a psychiatrist can easily see through whether a person is real or pretending.

Lin Tianchen's eyes flashed, "Don't worry, just act and leave the rest to me."

Hearing what he said, Gu Manyin could only reluctantly believe it.

She didn't believe what else could be done, she had no other option.

"Okay, I understand." Gu Manyin squeezed her lips.

Lin Tianchen asked again, "By the way, do you know which psychiatrist Fu Jingting hired?"

"I really don't know this." Gu Manyin frowned.

Lin Tianchen hummed again, "It doesn't matter. You can ask clearly and tell me after you ask."

"Okay." Gu Manyin nodded.

After the call ended, she took a breath, stood up, flushed the toilet, pretended that she had actually gone to the toilet, opened the door and went out.


Fu Jingting was sitting behind his desk, staring at the computer seriously.

Gu Manyin didn't respond even when he called him.

This made Gu Manyin purse her lower lip, feeling a little unhappy.

She wanted to see what he was looking at.

Gu Manyin walked over and asked, "Jing Ting, what are you doing?"

Fu Jingting's eyes dimmed, he clicked the mouse and closed the page, "Nothing."

"Oh." Gu Manyin seemed to believe it. She smiled and didn't ask any more questions. She lowered her eyelids to cover the coldness in her eyes.


Just because she didn't see it just now, he was looking at something related to Rong Shu.

"By the way, Jingting." Gu Manyin thought of what Lin Tianchen asked her to ask just now, picked up Fu Jingting's big hand, played with his fingers, and asked tentatively, "You just said that the psychiatrist you were looking for for me has already arrived in Hainan.

On the way to the city, isn’t the other party from Haishi?”

"Foreign." Fu Jingting picked up the ice coffee on the table with one hand and took a sip.

Gu Manyin's eyes flashed and he continued to talk, "From abroad? He must be very powerful. Otherwise, why would you go to such trouble to invite him from abroad? Who is he?"

Fu Jingting didn't think much about it. Just when she was really curious, she put down her coffee and answered, "Doctor Steve."

Gu Manyin had never heard of it, so she silently wrote down the name, planning to find an opportunity to send it to Lin Tianchen later.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Fu Jingting took out his hand and said, "Come in!"

The door opened and Assistant Zhang came in from the outside, "Mr. Fu, you promised Mr. Cheng yesterday to go to the Huanyu Hotel for dinner. The time is almost up. Do you want to go?"

"Get the car ready." Fu Jingting stood up, straightened his suit and ordered.

Assistant Zhang went out.

Fu Jingting looked at Gu Manyin.

Gu Manyin quickly put down her phone and smiled at him, "Jing Ting, are you going out?"

"Well, let's go socialize and I'll take you back on the way." Fu Jingting said.

Gu Manyin nodded in agreement.

Soon, Fu Jingting sent Gu Manyin back to the Gu family.

Assistant Zhang made a U-turn and drove away, heading to the Huanyu Hotel.

On the way, when passing Sansheng Group, Fu Jingting saw many young girls gathered around the downstairs of Sansheng Group, and security guards were registering them.

"What's going on?" Fu Jingting asked suspiciously.

Assistant Zhang glanced at the rearview mirror, understood immediately, and replied: "The official website of Sansheng Group released a message this morning, looking for girls with a special necklace. Those girls should try their luck."

"A girl looking for a special necklace?" Fu Jingting squinted, and Rong Shu's face subconsciously appeared in his mind.

Rong Shu had Gu Manqing's necklace in her hand.

Now the Gu family's Sansheng Group is suddenly looking for a girl with a special necklace. Could it be that the special necklace refers to the one in Rong Shu's hand?

Thinking about it, Fu Jingting took out his mobile phone and clicked on the official website of Sansheng Group to see the specific news.

Then, he saw the photo underneath the message.

The photo showed a necklace, a necklace very similar to the one in Rong Shu's hand.

Sure enough, the special necklace in the news refers to the one in Rong Shu's hand, and the one in the photo should be Mrs. Gu's mother's necklace.

But it's strange. To the Gu family, the necklace in Rong Shu's hand should have disappeared with Gu Manqing's death more than 20 years ago. They didn't know that Rong Hao had kept the necklace, so why did the Gu family still have it?

Where are you looking for that necklace?

This chapter has been completed!
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