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Chapter 282: Will Be Detained Again

"Okay!" Rong Shu rubbed her forehead and sounded a little impatient, "Instead of caring about others, you should first care about yourself. Will you be detained?"

"Detention?" Meng Ke's expression changed, "Why should I be detained? I've already come to the police station!"

"Do you really not understand or do you pretend not to understand?" Li Chuan crossed his arms and looked at her coldly, "You let people project that kind of image on my sister's floor-to-ceiling windows, which has already constituted a crime, a crime of intentional intimidation!"

"It's not... it's a crime of intentional intimidation. I didn't intimidate her. I just scared her. How can I commit a crime? It's just a prank at best!" Meng Ke said in a panic.

Seeing her like this, Rong Shu already understood in her heart that this woman was indeed not pretending and really didn't understand that this kind of behavior was a crime.

I have seen people who are legally blind, but I have never seen anyone who is so blind!

Rong Shu looked at Meng Ke with a helpless expression, "Officer, please tell her whether she has committed a crime or not!"

"Okay." The male policeman who had been silent nodded and took a step forward, "Ms. Meng, you have indeed committed the crime of intentional intimidation. If you only let someone put an image on Miss Rong's floor-to-ceiling window once, you can still say that it is

It’s a prank, but it’s different after a few times in a row. You are deliberately and purposefully trying to scare people.”

"That's right, especially in the middle of the night. Most people will be easily frightened when they see a skeleton appearing outside their floor-to-ceiling windows in the middle of the night. In mild cases, they may fall to the ground. In more severe cases, they may suffer from mental disorder.

!" Li Chuan stared at Meng Ke, looking at her as if she were a dead object.

Fu Jingting glanced at Rong Shu's belly and said, "And Rong Shu is pregnant. Your shock may cause her to miscarry. Can you afford such consequences?"

That is his child. Rong Shu can choose not to have it, but no one else has the right to decide whether his child will stay or go.

Meng Ke should be glad that the child is okay, otherwise, he would never let the Meng family go.

But now Rong Shu has not taken away the child. Does she plan to stay?

Thinking of this, Fu Jingting suddenly felt a sense of joy and expectation in his heart.

Looking forward to the birth of their child, it must be very cute.

The most important thing is, maybe she will forgive him for the sake of her children and get back together with him!

"I'm not, I didn't!" Meng Ke suddenly shook his head violently and backed away, his face full of panic, "I just wanted to scare her, and I never thought about causing her to go insane or have a miscarriage. Besides, isn't she fine now?


Meng Ke pointed at Rong Shu, "Look, nothing happened to her, so why do you think I was deliberately intimidating!"

Li Chuan frowned and was about to speak.

Rong Shu curled her lips sarcastically and spoke first, "In this world, there are always people who are lucky and think that nothing happened to the victim, so they feel that they are right. It's a pity, I don't accept this, police officer, she will

What's the punishment?"

The male policeman thought for a while and replied: "Actually, what she said just now is right. Although she committed the crime of intentional intimidation, Miss Rong did not have anything happen to you, so her punishment will not be too serious and she will not go to jail.

Detention education, as for how long we will be detained, we have to wait for notification from above."

When Fu Jingting heard this, his eyes narrowed and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Rong Shu nodded slightly, "Okay, then lock her up first and let me know when the results come out."

"Of course!" the male police officer responded with a smile, and was about to go up to arrest Meng Ke.

Meng Ke did not want to be detained and quickly retreated, even wanting to run away.

But just when she took a step, Li Chuan suddenly stretched out a foot.

Meng Ke tripped to the ground and was caught by the male police officer.

Meng Ke knew that he could not run away, so he turned pale with fear and burst into tears.

She quickly looked at Rong Shu, "Rong Shu, I know I was wrong. Can you please let me go? I don't want to be detained. Please, I really know I was wrong..."

Meng Ke cried till he had snot and tears, he was so pitiful.

But no one present sympathized with her.

Rong Shu looked at her coldly, "If I had known, why would I do it now? We are all adults. Adults should be responsible for everything they do. And I don't think you really know that you are wrong. You just

You are afraid of being detained, so you are not allowed to admit your mistake to me. In fact, in your heart, you still don’t feel that you are at fault. Am I right?”

Rong Shu lowered her head and brought her face close to Meng Ke.

Meng Ke met her eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, his cry stopped, his eyes wandered away guiltily, he hesitated and could not speak.

Rong Shu raised her lips sarcastically, "You can't answer the question, it seems I was right!"

Meng Ke's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing and bowed his head in resignation.

The male police officer took her away and took her to the interrogation room. Together with Shi Dafan, they had to make detailed notes.

As the person who called the police, Rong Shu could leave temporarily and come back after Meng Ke's trial was over.

"Sister, let's go back." Li Chuan said to Rong Shu.

Rong Shu nodded, "Okay, let's go back."

"I'll leave later, I have something else to do." At this time, Fu Jingting suddenly said something to Rong Shu.

Li Chuan narrowed his eyes and looked at him with some dissatisfaction, "Mr. Fu, whether you leave or not is your business and has nothing to do with us. There is no need for you to tell us."

Rong Shu nodded, agreeing with Li Chuan's words.

Fu Jingting's eyes darkened, he glanced at Li Chuan coolly, then returned his gaze to Rong Shu, his voice softened, "I have something to tell you."

"What are you talking about?" Rong Shu looked at him suspiciously.

"It's not convenient here, go over there." Fu Jingting pointed to the corner in front.

Rong Shu frowned slightly, somewhat unwillingly.

Fu Jingting saw it and took her arm directly, "Follow me!"

With that said, he was about to pull her over.

Li Chuan's face turned cold when he saw this, and he also stretched out his hand and took Rong Shu's other arm, "Sister, don't go."

Before Rong Shu could reply, Fu Jingting's eyes fell on Li Chuan's hand and his voice was cold and hard, "Let her go!"

"You have to let me go, you are the one least qualified to touch my sister!" Li Chuan did not let go, but tightened his grip and looked directly at Fu Jingting and said.

Fu Jingting was irritated by these words, his face darkened, and the aura around him was so cold that it made people tremble.

Li Chuan also did his part.

The two men just looked at each other, their eyes equally horrifying.

But after a while, Li Chuan's momentum was gradually suppressed by Fu Jingting.

After all, he is not like Fu Jingting, who has been fighting in shopping malls all year round, and has developed a very oppressive aura and aura of superiority.

Therefore, Li Chuan was quickly defeated.

The defeated Li Chuan looked very ugly, and the wave of wanting to destroy everything surged in his heart, so that his hand holding Rong Shu's arm became tighter and tighter, as if he was going to crush Rong Shu's arm.

"Hiss... it hurts!" Rong Shu suddenly frowned and cried out in pain, looked down at Li Chuan's hand, and said quickly: "Xiaochuan, let me go, you pinched me and it hurts!"

Hearing this, Li Chuan, who was on the verge of madness, suddenly woke up. Only then did he realize what he had done. His pupils shrank and he apologized quickly, "Sister, I'm sorry!"

Just as he was about to let go of his hand, Fu Jingting's hand was pulled away from Rong Shu's arm with force.

"Are you okay?" Fu Jingting looked at Rong Shu and asked with a tense expression.

Rong Shu saw the nervousness in his eyes and looked away, "It's okay."

"Show me." Fu Jingting was still a little worried and wanted to pick up her sleeve.

This chapter has been completed!
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