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Chapter 291

The joy on Gu Manyin's face suddenly sank, and she glared at the visitor fiercely, "What are you doing here?"

"I...I came to see you and brought you chicken soup." Gu Manqing smiled at her in a flattering way, and then stepped into the ward.

When Gu Manyin saw this, she seemed to be stimulated. She slapped the quilt on her body emotionally, "What are you doing in here? Get out! I don't allow you to come in. You are full of bacteria and will only pollute my air."

,go out!"

Hearing this, Gu Manqing froze on the spot and became at a loss, "I don't have bacteria on my body. I have already changed my clothes, sister..."

"Shut up, who is your sister!" Gu Manyin twisted her face and interrupted her loudly, "Gu Manqing, please remember, I don't allow you to call me sister, and you are not my sister, do you understand?


"I...I..." Gu Manqing lowered her head injured and began to sob softly.

At this time, Mrs. Gu came in. Looking at the crying eldest daughter and the unhappy little daughter, she couldn't help but frown slightly.

"What's wrong? Manqing, tell mom, what's wrong?" Mrs. Gu wiped Gu Manqing's tears and asked distressedly.

Gu Manqing buried her head in Mrs. Gu's arms, "Mom, shouldn't I come back?"

"Why do you say that?" Mrs. Gu was surprised at first, and then said quickly: "This is your home, you shouldn't come back, who should come back?"

"But...but why does my sister hate me so much? She is not allowed to let me call her sister, and she also says that I am not her sister." Gu Manqing cried very sadly.

Mrs. Gu was stunned, "Manyin really said that?"

"Yeah." Gu Manqing nodded.

Mrs. Gu narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Gu Manyin with complicated eyes.

Gu Manyin looked away with a guilty conscience, hating Gu Manying in her heart.

This country bumpkin actually dared to file a lawsuit against her!

She originally thought that Gu Manqing had been living in a remote place in the countryside and had long developed a submissive and timid character. Unexpectedly, she underestimated that submissiveness was just a pretense of Gu Manqing's special use to win sympathy and win favor.

"It's okay Manqing. You just came back. Manyin may still be a little uncomfortable. Mommy will talk to her later." Mrs. Gu gently patted Gu Manqing's back and comforted her softly: "Manqing, please go outside and wait.

Mom, Mom, talk to your sister for a while, and then take you to go shopping."

"Okay." Gu Manqing smiled through tears, then got out of her arms, handed her the thermos bucket in his hand, nodded, and went out.

Mrs. Gu and Gu Manyin were the only two people left in the ward.

Mrs. Gu put the thermos bucket on the bedside and looked at Gu Manyin with some displeasure, "Manyin, what's wrong with you? How could you treat your sister like this? When your sister didn't come back, weren't you also very

Are you looking forward to her coming back? You said you want a sister to love you and protect you, but what do you do now?"

Who expects Gu Manqing to come back?

That was just a lie she told on purpose.

But who knew that Gu Manqing would actually come back.

I think so in my heart, but I can't say it with my mouth.

Gu Manyin's hands on the quilt were clenched tightly, but her face was red with aggrieved eyes, "Mom, I didn't mean to do this to her, I just can't accept that my sister is like this, she is thin

She's short, not good-looking, and looks poor all over. How do you look like my sister? Mom, you won't admit your mistake, right?"

"How can you admit that you are wrong? Do you look at Manqing with the same eyes as mine?" Mrs. Gu pointed to her eyes, "I'm telling you, your dad also did a paternity test with Manqing, and the test results showed that he is the biological father.

Girl, who is she if she isn't Manqing?"

Gu Manyin bit her lip, "It's because of this that I can't accept it even more. She doesn't know anything. She made a lot of jokes when she came back yesterday. I feel shameless even walking with her, and others will laugh at us."

The Gu family has such a daughter who is unworthy of publicity."

"Hey..." Mrs. Gu sighed, "I know what you mean, you just dislike your sister and it will embarrass you, right?"

Gu Manyin's eyes flashed and he didn't answer, which was regarded as acquiescence.

This is just one of the reasons.

The real reason is that she cannot accept such a country bumpkin who not only threatens her position in the Gu family, but also wants to steal her parents' favor and the Gu family's property from her.

She must find a way to drive Gu Manqing away!

Mrs. Gu didn't know what Gu Manyin was thinking. She touched Gu Manyin's head and said lovingly: "Manyin, mother understands you, but you also have to understand your sister. Your sister grew up in the countryside and has no

As long as she learns various skills like you, she doesn’t know how to live in the upper class, so it’s understandable that she’ll make jokes. You have to tolerate her.”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Gu laughed, "Now your father and I have enrolled your sister in many etiquette training classes, as well as some interest training classes, such as piano, dance, etc. I believe your sister will become a different person soon."

You have to be very good, and then you won't feel that your sister has embarrassed the Gu family by you."

"Yes... yes, that's great!" Gu Manyin squeezed the corners of her mouth and replied with a forced smile.

However, her heart was filled with twisted hatred.

Gu Manqing had just come back, and they couldn't wait to start training her.

What's the matter, do you want Gu Manqing to replace her as soon as possible?

It seemed that she had to drive Gu Manqing away as soon as possible. If she couldn't drive her away, then she would have to...

Gu Manyin squinted his eyes, a hint of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

In short, she will never allow anyone who threatens her to live, not even Rong Shu, nor Gu Manqing, even if Gu Manqing is her sister!

Mrs. Gu didn't notice anything strange about Gu Manyin, so she opened the thermos bucket and filled her with a bowl of chicken soup, "Here, your sister made this specially for you, do you want to try it?"

Gu Manyin smelled the aroma of chicken soup and was quite interested at first, but when she heard that it was the soup made by Gu Manying, she immediately lost her appetite.

However, she didn't show it on her face. She still kept a smile and took the chicken soup, "It's the soup made by my sister. Mom, thank your sister for me."

Seeing that her younger daughter no longer rejected her eldest daughter after being enlightened by her, Mrs. Gu couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, "Okay, okay, I'll tell Manqing later, Manqing will definitely be very happy."

Gu Manyin sneered in her heart and stirred the chicken soup with a spoon, "Mom, don't you want to accompany your sister to buy something? Go and do it quickly. Don't keep your sister waiting."

"Yes, then I'll go first and call mom if I need anything." Mrs. Gu looked at her watch and said.

Gu Manyin hummed.

Mrs. Gu picked up her bag and left.

The moment the door to the ward closed, the expression on Gu Manyin's face turned completely cold, and then she turned sideways and poured all the chicken soup into the flower pot beside the bed.

Seeing the chicken soup blending with the soil, she murmured disdainfully: "Who knows if the soup made by a country bumpkin is clean?"


As soon as Gu Manyin placed the empty bowl on the bedside, his cell phone rang.

She saw that it was a call from the leader of the navy that she bought, and answered it directly.

Before she could say anything, the hurried voice of the leader of the Navy came, "Miss Gu, it's bad, the news about Rong Shu has been suppressed, and now it's almost impossible to find it online."

"What?" Gu Manyin's back suddenly straightened up and her face turned ugly, "Did she press it herself?"

This chapter has been completed!
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