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Chapter 426

Rong Shu didn't dare to move.

When the big man saw that she was so obedient, he no longer made things difficult for her and relaxed his grip on her.

The next moment, Rong Shu felt that her upper body was lifted much higher.

She vaguely felt that the two men seemed to be pushing her into the car.

Sure enough, as soon as Rong Shu's hands and feet were loosened at the same time, her body flew into the air and was thrown onto something that was not soft but not too hard either.

She touched something on her body and recognized it as a car seat, and her heart suddenly tightened.

He actually took her into the car.

These people want to take her away!

Realizing this, Rong Shu's body trembled.

No, she can't be taken away. No one knows where these two people are going to take her.

If she were taken to the barren mountains, her fate could be imagined.

Gotta run!

These two words came to mind, and Rong Shu sat up immediately.

But reality is often cruel.

As soon as she sat up, a big man grabbed her arm again, held her arm behind her back, and pressed her heavily on the seat.

Rong Shu's face was sore from the rough material of the seat, and she couldn't help but cry out, "It hurts, let go!"

How could the big man who restrained Rong Shu let her go and even put something directly on her mouth?

It's tape.

This time, Rong Shu was just like before, unable to make a sound.

The big man said again: "Okay, come here and tie her up with the rope. It's time for us to leave. If we stay here for too long, it will be very troublesome. It will be bad if the police come."

"I know." The other big man responded, and then Rong Shu felt that her feet were tied with ropes.

Outside, Aunt Zhang saw Rong Shu being held tightly in the van. She was so anxious that she didn't care about the severe pain in her body. She tried to stand up and go to rescue Rong Shu.

But she still overestimated her injuries. The fall severely damaged her waist.

So as soon as I stood up, I fell back to the ground heavily, directly injuring my tail vertebra and making the pain even worse.

Aunt Zhang knew that she couldn't get up, and she couldn't save Rong Shu with her own strength.

So, she turned to look at the passers-by around her and begged urgently: "Please, please help me save my young lady. As long as you save my young lady, my eldest young master will definitely repay you. I beg you."

There were only two big men in the van, and there were so many passers-by. As long as they got in, Miss Rong would definitely be saved.

But Aunt Zhang ignored the cowardice and indifference of people's hearts.

The original intention of these passers-by was to watch a show.

Now that they heard Aunt Zhang asking them to help save people, they immediately began to retreat, and some even dispersed and left the place, clearly showing their intention not to save.

They did sympathize with the girl who was taken into the car, but sympathy did not mean that they had to act bravely. What if she was injured?

People are selfish, they want to protect themselves more than saving others.

When Aunt Zhang saw that none of the passers-by were willing to come forward to help, her heart felt cold, and deep despair surged on her face and eyes.

She pointed at these people with trembling hands, "You...you..."

The people she pointed at all turned their heads and looked away, feeling guilty and not daring to look at her.

Because they also know their own indifference.

In the end, Aunt Zhang watched helplessly as the van drove away, unable to do anything. She lay on the ground crying heartbroken and filled with self-blame.

I blame myself for not taking good care of Miss Rong and not saving Miss Rong.

"Mr. Fu, something seems to have happened up front, there are a lot of people gathered around." Not far away, Assistant Zhang looked at the crowd in front of a Maybach that was driving this way and couldn't help but say.

Fu Jingting was originally not interested in excitement or anything else, but this time for some reason, he felt very uneasy looking at the group of people in front of him.

The car parked in a parking space not far behind the crowd. Assistant Zhang opened the door and got out. He wanted to pull the back seat door, but Fu Jingting drove out by himself.

Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at those people, "Go and see what happened."

"Huh?" Assistant Zhang was a little surprised by his order.

Because Assistant Zhang knew very well that Fu Jingting was someone who didn't like to watch the excitement.

That's why I had such a big reaction when I heard Fu Jingting's words now.

However, Assistant Zhang did not ask Fu Jingting why he suddenly wanted to watch the excitement, and turned around and walked towards the crowd.

Arriving at the outskirts of the crowd, Assistant Zhang heard words like van, big man, and kidnapping.

Based on these words, he quickly concluded in his mind what happened.

Someone was kidnapped by a big man driving a van.

To carry out a kidnapping in broad daylight at the entrance of the No. 1 Hospital is very courageous.

Just when Assistant Zhang wanted to return to Fu Jingting and report to Fu Jingting what happened, a familiar cry suddenly came.

This cry caused Assistant Zhang's expression to change instantly.

This is... Aunt Zhang's voice!

Is it possible...

Assistant Zhang didn't dare to think about it anymore and quickly pushed through the crowd to see if the person crying in the middle of the crowd was Aunt Zhang.

Not far away, Fu Jingting saw Assistant Zhang's sudden change in expression and his sudden eagerness to get into the crowd, and his uneasiness became more intense.

He couldn't stand any longer and walked over with long legs.

Over there, Assistant Zhang had successfully squeezed into the center of the crowd and saw Aunt Zhang lying on the ground, her posture twisted, and she couldn't stop crying.

For a moment, Assistant Zhang was stunned as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Aunt Zhang was surrounded by the crowd, crying so desperately and helplessly, and the crowd was pointing at Aunt Zhang and talking about kidnapping.

So the matter is already very clear, Miss Rong has been kidnapped.

Because Aunt Zhang accompanied Miss Rong to have her eyes checked, and now only Aunt Zhang is there and Miss Rong is not seen, then the one who is kidnapped can only be Miss Rong.

"Aunt Zhang!" Assistant Zhang shouted.

Aunt Zhang heard his voice, paused in crying, then immediately raised her head and turned to look over.

Seeing that it was really Assistant Zhang, Aunt Zhang hurriedly shouted: "A Cheng, hurry up, save Miss Rong, Miss Rong has been taken away!"

Sure enough!

When the guess was verified, Assistant Zhang took a breath and was about to speak.

In the coldness, a voice mixed with endless anger sounded, "What did you say? Rong Shu was taken away?"

It's Fu Jingting.

He didn't know when he squeezed through the crowd and came in. He happened to hear Aunt Zhang's words and his pupils shrank instantly.

No wonder he felt uneasy when he saw the crowd.

It turns out that Rong Shu was taken away!

"Young Master..." Aunt Zhang was a little afraid to face Fu Jingting.

After all, Fu Jingting gave Rong Shu to her and asked her to take good care of her.

But she didn't finish it, and actually lost Rong Shu, so she felt unworthy of her trust in Fu Jingting.

Fu Jingting didn't know what Aunt Zhang was thinking, and didn't want to know. He came to Aunt Zhang in three steps and two steps at a time. He clenched his fists tightly and asked in a cold and ruthless voice, "You just said that Rong Shu was taken away by someone."

Yes, who took it away?"

"I don't know." Aunt Zhang shook her head quickly, "I only know that it was two big men. Those two big men looked fierce. They must be someone else's thugs. They grabbed Miss Rong directly into a van and took her away."

"Van!" Fu Jingting gritted his teeth, "Where did the van go? Where is the license plate?"

"I went to the front. I don't know the license plate. The van didn't have a license plate." Aunt Zhang answered.

Fu Jingting closed his eyes hard, opened them for several seconds, suppressed the violent emotions in his heart, then turned around and squeezed out of the crowd, driving in the direction pointed by Aunt Zhang, obviously wanting to chase the van.

This chapter has been completed!
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