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Chapter 446: Finally Saved

Rong Shu blinked blankly.

She remembered that when she slept last night, she kept half a meter away from him.

Could it be that he woke up in the middle of the night and came over specifically?

As soon as this speculation arose, it was rejected by Rong Shu herself.

Because Fu Jingting went to bed earlier than her and his posture was exactly the same as now, so he probably didn't wake up in the middle of the night.

As for why he wasn't awake and why he was so close to her, there was only one answer.

She was the one who squeezed in because she didn't sleep well!

Thinking about it, Rong Shu suddenly felt a little embarrassed. She didn't expect that she would be so dishonest while sleeping.

But soon, Rong Shu calmed down.

She thought that no one would see her if she squeezed through. If she didn't say anything, who would know?

Fu Jingting doesn't even know.

After stretching, Rong Shu lifted up the quilt and went to the fire.

The firewood had already burned out, so the fire went out on its own. However, the fire was still hot, so it probably didn't go out for long.

Later, Rong Shu touched the clothes stuck by the fire and found that they had been dried, so she took them off one by one, preparing to put them on later.

"I don't know what time it is now." Rong Shu looked at the white light at the entrance of the cave and muttered.

The next second, she remembered Fu Jingting's watch, and quickly put down the clothes in her hands and went over to check the time.

But just when Rong Shu came to Fu Jingting and squatted down before taking his hands out, she saw something was wrong with his face.

Why is his face so red?

My breathing is also very rapid and heavy.

This is obviously a sign of fever.

Her heart tightened, Rong Shu quickly reached out and touched Fu Jingting's forehead, "It's so hot!"

She immediately took her hand back, frowned, and then looked at the man with a serious expression.

When she gave him medicine last night, she specially disinfected and anti-inflammed it, because she was worried that the wound on his back might cause a fever if not treated properly.

But unexpectedly, even after the wound was treated, he still had a fever.

It seemed that the cause of the fever was not the wound, but the result of wearing wet clothes for a long time after falling into the water, and the cold wind blowing on her back for a longer time than she did.

"No, we have to find a way to reduce the fever." Rong Shu bit her lip, then quickly got up, rummaged through the medicine box from last night, and found antipyretic medicine.

Rong Shu returned to Fu Jingting with the medicine, then lifted him up, let him lean on her shoulders, opened his mouth, and stuffed an antipyretic medicine into his mouth.

Then, she closed his mouth and lifted his chin, trying to get him to swallow the medicine.

However, for an unconscious person, swallowing is impossible.

So Rong Shu worked hard for a long time, but the medicine was still in Fu Jingting's mouth.

Rong Shu frowned anxiously.

The next second, she suddenly thought of a way and her eyes lit up.

But that method was a bit embarrassing. If possible, she really didn't want to do it.

But now in order to reduce his fever, she had to do that.

Rong Shu lowered her eyes and stared at Fu Jingting's crimson handsome face for a few seconds. Finally, she took a deep breath, opened his mouth again, then lowered her head and kissed him.

Rong Shu used tongue and kiss to push the medicine towards Fu Jingting's throat little by little.

After the feeling was pushed to her throat, she raised her head, picked up the mineral water next to her and opened it. She raised her head and put saliva in her mouth. She kissed Fu Jingting's thin lips again, and the water flowed into his mouth bit by bit until

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the white tablet at her throat being washed away by the water.

"Great, let's go down." Rong Shu smiled happily and screwed on the water bottle.

She was not happy for long because she was not sure whether the antipyretic medicine would work and whether it could reduce Fu Jingting's fever.

So they can't stay here any longer and wait for Fu Jingting's people to come.

Because no one knows when Fu Jingting's people will come here. If they come here soon, of course it will be good. I'm afraid it will be very late. Maybe by that time, Fu Jingting will have been burned into a fool.

Therefore, she had to take him and move on.

Thinking of this, Rong Shu immediately put down the water bottle, went to the place where he had just put his clothes, picked up Fu Jingting's pants, took out his wallet from his pants pocket, and took out all the cash from it, a thick stack.

, and then put it in the medicine cabinet.

This is a thank you fee to the two rangers for leaving such material in the cave.

Otherwise, she and Fu Jingting might have frozen to death last night.

After doing this, Rong Shu carried Fu Jingting on her back and walked to the cave entrance without even changing her clothes.

Because it was too late, changing clothes was just delaying time. Fu Jingting needed to see a doctor earlier, so he didn't need any clothes.

The mountain road that had just rained was not easy to walk on. Rong Shu took every step carefully for fear of falling herself and Fu Jingting, so she was even more tired than yesterday.

After walking for who knows how long, Rong Shu finally walked out of the woods with Fu Jingting on her back.

Just when Rong Shu was exhausted, sweating profusely, and about to lose her strength, she saw a two-story self-built house.

Looking at the house, Rong Shu felt as if she saw a life-saving straw. She used her last strength, gritted her teeth and walked over with Fu Jingting on her back.

As soon as they reached the small courtyard of the house, a middle-aged woman came out of the house carrying a basin. Seeing Rong Shu and the others in a panic, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "What are you..."

"Help..." Rong Shu's dry lips moved, but before she could finish speaking, her eyes darkened.

There was a pop.

Her body softened and she fell to the ground with Fu Jingting.

Before she completely lost consciousness, she vaguely saw the middle-aged woman who was so frightened that she quickly dropped the basin in her hand and ran towards her and Fu Jingting, still shouting, "Old man, come out quickly, someone has fainted!"


She and Fu Jingting should be saved, right?

Thinking about it, Rong Shu finally fainted with relief.

When I woke up again, it was already a day later.

Rong Shu opened her eyes, looked at the white ceiling, smelled the faint smell of disinfectant in the air, and she knew she was in the hospital.

And the decoration of the ward is so familiar, there is no doubt that this is the No. 1 hospital.

But why is she in the No. 1 Hospital?

Could it be that it was Fu Jingting's people who found them?

Rong Shu rubbed his somewhat heavy head, then propped up his body and tried to sit up.

As soon as she got up a little bit, her face became deformed, "It hurts, it hurts..."

Rong Shu hurriedly lay down again, her whole body felt bad.

What on earth had happened to her? Why was her back hurting so badly? It felt like it was broken!


Just as Rong Shu was gently adjusting her lying position to avoid straining her back, the door to the ward was suddenly pushed open forcefully, and a figure came in from the outside in a hurry and went straight to the hospital bed. His handsome face was filled with nervousness and concern, "

Baby, you finally woke up, it’s so great, I was worried to death!”

As he was talking, Lu Qi suddenly leaned down and hugged Rong Shu, his eyes were red, and his voice had a hint of crying, "Not only was I worried, I was almost scared to death by you. After knowing that you fell off the cliff,

My soul is scared out of my mind. I haven’t even slept in the past two days. I feel so haggard. Baby, you have to be responsible for me."

Hearing Lu Qi's trembling voice and the fear in his voice, Rong Shu knew that he had really frightened him when he fell off the cliff. She raised her hand and patted his back gently, "I'm sorry, A Qi, this time

I've made you scared, but I won't do it again."

"You still want to have a future." Lu Qi let her go and stared at her coaxingly.

This chapter has been completed!
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