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Chapter 485 Mother's Consolation

There is no image on the disc, no labels, nothing.

So Rong Shu couldn't tell what kind of disc this was.

But she was not discouraged. She took the CD to her study room, used the CD-ROM drive that came with her laptop, and opened the CD. There was a folder inside.

Rong Shu clicked on the folder with the mouse and found that there was a video inside.

She clicked the mouse again to open the video. The first thing that appeared on the computer screen was a young, yet slightly pale and sickly face.

Looking at that face, Rong Shu's pupils dilated, then she covered her mouth in disbelief, tears fell down, and she said excitedly with a trembling voice: "Mom..."

What appeared on the screen was none other than Rong Hao's first wife, Ms. Fan Lina.

It was also when Rong Shu was five years old that her mother died of illness.

Rong Shu stretched out her hand tremblingly and touched the face of the woman on the screen.

Even though she knew that she had not really touched the woman, she was still unwilling to take her hand back. Her fingertips still stayed on the woman's face and eyes, refusing to put them down for a long time.

The woman on the screen was in a ward. She was also wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown. Her head was bald without a single hair.

Rong Shu knew that this was how her mother looked when she was diagnosed with cancer and was hospitalized when she was five years old.

Looking at her mother moving on the screen, Rong Shu burst into tears again.

Twenty-one years.

She hasn't seen her mother in twenty-one years, but she still knows how to move.

"Mom, I miss you so much..." Rong Shu's hand holding the mouse was trembling, and she couldn't help but choke up her voice.

As if hearing Rong Shu's thoughts, Fan Lina faced the camera and showed a gentle smile, "Shu Shu, it's mom. Maybe when you see this video, mom is no longer here, but mom wants to tell you that mom will

I have been watching you in heaven and growing up with you."

"Mom..." After listening to her mother's words, Rong Shu couldn't hold it back anymore and lay on the table and cried loudly.

The video continued, Fan Lina coughed a few times, her face became even worse and paler, and her voice became much weaker, "Shu Shu, mom here wants to say sorry to you, because your dad and I have been hiding this from you and didn't tell you

You, who you really are, hope you can forgive us."

Rong Shu raised her head, bit her lower lip tightly, watched the video with tears in her eyes, and said nothing.

Fan Lina coughed a few more times, and then Rong Shu saw a hand stretched out from outside the camera, holding a water glass.

She could tell at a glance that it was a man's hand, and there was a black mole on the thumb.

That's...Dad's hand!

It turns out dad is in the video too!

Rong Shu's expression became even more excited.

Is it true that she can see her father soon?

Just as she was thinking about it, Rong Shu heard a gentle but sad male voice in the video, "Honey, drink some water."

It’s really dad!

Rong Shu's body trembled with excitement.

In the video, Fan Lina tilted her head towards the camera and smiled, "Thank you husband."

She took the water cup, drank some water, and her cough improved obviously. Then she put down the cup, and then faced the camera and said again: "Shu Shu, your parents will definitely be sad when they know that you know that you are not our biological child.

I can’t accept it, and I might even overthink it, thinking that because our biological daughter is gone, we brought you home as a substitute for our biological daughter, right?”

Rong Shu clenched her hands.

Sure enough, the people who know her best in this world are her parents.

Fan Lina smiled weakly, "Shu Shu, you must not think like this. Mom and dad tell you that you were adopted because our daughter died, but you are definitely not our daughter's substitute, and neither is our love for you.

Because we have transferred our love for our biological daughter to you. Your name is not inherited from our biological daughter. Your father and I picked it for you after searching through the dictionary. It is unique to you.


Get it specially for her?

Rong Shu straightened her back slightly, and her dim eyes gradually became brighter.

So, she is not the substitute for that child, right?

Yes, what Rong Shu cares about most is not actually the fact that she is not her parents' biological child.

Because the kindness her parents treat her is no different from that of her own biological child. Whether or not she has this blood relationship is really not that important.

What she really cares about is that she is the child's substitute.

She wondered if the reason why her parents treated her as their own was because they loved her as that child.

After all, she was brought to the Rong family just after the child passed away. At that time, her parents were in a period of grief. Her presence easily caused her parents to transfer their love for that child to her.

But now her mother's words told her that things didn't seem to be what she thought.

She is not a substitute for the child. They love her not because of the child, but because of her.

And the name was not inherited from that child, it was given to her by her parents.

As if she knew what Rong Shu was thinking, in the video, Fan Lina spoke again, "Shu Shu, my and your father's biological daughter is called Rong Nuan. Your name is Rong Shu. You are my parents' second daughter. You have never been Nuan Nuan."

The reason why we didn’t tell you at the beginning was because we were worried that if you were young, you would not be able to figure it out. But when you grow up after watching this video, your father and mother believe in you, and you will figure it out, right?


"Well..." Rong Shu nodded in a choked voice.

Fan Lina added: "Shu Shu, mom and dad hope that you will not be immersed in the sadness of knowing your identity all the time. Mom and dad hope that you can come out as soon as possible. Although we are not related by blood, mom and dad love you, and you are their biological daughter.


"That's right." At this time, Rong Hao, who had not shown his face until now, suddenly popped his head in and appeared in the video.

Looking at Rong Hao's face, which was much younger than six years ago, Rong Shu's nose felt sour, and the tears that had finally been stopped started to flow out again, "Dad..."

"Shu Shu, mom and dad love you very much, so don't worry about whether you are our biological child or not. In our hearts, you and Nuan Nuan are the same. Also, dad also wants to say sorry to you. I hope you will be the same in the future.

Forgive dad, but dad doesn't regret doing this. Maybe one day in the future you will understand that if you follow them, you will be taught bad things by them." Rong Hao suddenly lowered his eyelids and said something meaningful.

Rong Shu narrowed her eyes slightly, a trace of suspicion flashed in her eyes.

What does dad mean by this?

What does it mean that following them will turn bad? Who are they?

Before Rong Shu could figure it out, Rong Hao and Fan Lina suddenly waved to the camera.

"Okay Shushu, it's time for your mother's check-up. Dad is going to take your mother for a check-up. The video will end here. Goodbye!"

"Goodbye Shushu, mommy loves you!" Fan Lina blew a kiss to the camera, then the video ended and she jumped back to the cover.

Rong Shu's tears fell down and wet her cheeks. She opened her red lips and her voice was full of tears, "Goodbye mom, goodbye dad, I love you too."

She knew that this video was not only for her parents to comfort her and tell her not to think too much and to accept her identity calmly, but it was also a video for her mother to bid her farewell forever.

This chapter has been completed!
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