Turn off the lights
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Chapter 583

She threw the bathrobe directly on Fu Jingting, "I bought this online last time. It's a bit big and I can't wear it, so you can wear it. Although it's a bit small for you, it's just for one night. It'll be fine."

one time."

Fu Jingting caught the bathrobe and said, "Okay."

"Go take a shower and dry your hair quickly, otherwise you'll catch a cold soon." Rong Shu pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

"Then I'll go." Fu Jingting nodded, then took the bathrobe and walked towards the bathroom.

After he left, Rong Shu did not stay in the living room, but went to the kitchen to prepare a bowl of ginger soup for him.

Anyway, for the sake of that crystal ball, she couldn't let him catch a cold.

Rong Shu cut the ginger, turned on the fire, and started to cook the soup.

After cooking, she returned to the living room with the ginger soup.

Before Fu Jingting came out of the bathroom, Rong Shu put the ginger soup on the coffee table, then sat down and picked up the crystal ball again.

Stroking the crystal ball, Rong Shu murmured in a dumbfounded voice, "What a fool. How can anyone brave the snow at night to buy this? I'm afraid you are the only one."

Afterwards, Rong Shu put the crystal ball back into the box, then walked into the room holding the box, placed the box on the bedside table, opened the lid, and revealed the crystal ball inside.

Immediately afterwards, she put away the swan ornaments that were originally on the bedside table.

Without the big swan ornaments, only a small crystal ball remained, and the bedside became obviously much drab and empty.

But Rong Shu didn't feel ugly. In her eyes at this moment, this crystal ball was already better than all the ornaments.

At this time, there was movement in the living room outside the room.

Rong Shu knew that Fu Jingting had come out, so she quickly walked out of the room. When she saw Fu Jingting wearing her bathrobe and wiping his hair, standing by the sofa, she couldn't help covering her lips and laughing.

The bathrobe was too small for him, and it was tight on him, giving him a funny feeling.

But at the same time, this bathrobe also has advantages, at least it shows Fu Jingting's good figure.

Of course Fu Jingting knew what Rong Shu was laughing about, so he raised his eyebrows but did not stop her from laughing.

After all, his appearance at the moment is indeed a bit funny.

So, if she wants to laugh, just laugh, as long as she feels happy.

However, Rong Shu didn't laugh for long before she stopped laughing.

She still knows that everyone has self-esteem, and sometimes just laughing twice is enough. Continuing to laugh is also disrespectful to others.

"Cough." Rong Shu coughed lightly against her lips, then pointed to the ginger soup on the coffee table, "I made it specially for you, drink it."

Only then did Fu Jingting realize that there was a bowl of ginger soup on the table. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it was replaced by eyes filled with tenderness, "Okay, I'll drink it."

He dropped the towel and put it on the armrest of the sofa, sat down on the sofa, then drank the ginger soup in one gulp.

After finishing the drink, Rong Shu threw him another blow dryer and said, "You sit here and blow it, and I'll make the bed for you."

Fu Jingting obediently did as she said, got up and walked to the single sofa opposite to sit down.

Rong Shu came to the sofa, reached out and felt under the sofa, found a lever, and pulled it out hard.

Then Fu Jingting saw that there was actually a layer under the sofa that she had pulled out. After lifting it up, that layer was flush with the original sofa cushions.

In this way, this sofa becomes a 1.5-meter large bed.

Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows slightly, then realized that the sofa actually had this function.

"I'll get you a quilt." After Rong Shu locked the sofa, she turned back to the room, rummaged through the closet, found two quilts and a pillow, and spread them on the sofa.

"Okay, I won't turn off the heating at night, so you won't be cold if you sleep here." Looking at the finished sofa bed, Rong Shu clapped her hands and turned to the man who was blow-drying her hair.

The man glanced at the sofa bed, his eyes flashed, and he hummed.

"Then I'll go back and rest first. You can go to bed early after drying your hair." Rong Shu said again.

Fu Jingting nodded slightly, "Go and good night."

"Good night." Rong Shu replied and walked towards the room.

After returning to the room, she closed the door, lifted the quilt and got into bed. Then she took the crystal ball from the box beside the bed, shook it twice, put it back in the box, turned off the light and lay down.

After lying down, Rong Shu turned her head and looked at the crystal ball on the bedside, and found that the crystal ball was actually glowing, so bright that she could clearly see the snowflakes flying inside.

Just now she was wondering if this crystal ball was luminous. After all, many crystal balls were luminous.

Unexpectedly, after trying it, it turned out to be really luminous.

Rong Shu turned sideways, staring at the crystal ball with a slight smile on her lips.

She didn't know how long she watched, but when the snowflakes in the crystal ball stopped fluttering and settled at the bottom of the ball again, Rong Shu also closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep.

Half an hour after she fell asleep, her bedroom door was suddenly pushed open, and a tall figure appeared at the door against the night light.

The figure did not stay, but walked directly into the room. After entering, he gently closed the door. The whole process made almost no sound.

After the figure closed the door, he turned around and walked straight towards the end of the bed, walked to the head of the bed, turned right again and walked forward, walked a few steps, turned right again, and reached the other half of the bed, lifted the quilt and lay down on it.

, and stretched out his arms to accurately wrap his arms around the waist of the woman on the bed.

This figure was suddenly Fu Jingting.

He didn't fall asleep outside, and he didn't fall asleep on purpose.

The woman he loved was separated from him by a wall, so of course he didn't want to sleep alone.

So I kept waiting outside, and when I thought it was time, I came in.

Fu Jingting took Rong Shu into his arms, making her back almost completely against his chest.

He raised his head, placed a soft kiss on her face, and then put his head back on the pillow, "Good night!"

He whispered good night to the woman again, then closed his eyes and fell asleep contentedly.

However, early the next morning, just after dawn, Fu Jingting opened his eyes and then looked at the woman in his arms.

Seeing that the woman had not woken up, he gently took his hand away from her waist, then lifted the quilt, got out of bed quietly, and left her room quietly, returning to her room.

When I got to the living room, I lay down on my sofa bed again, pretending as if nothing had happened, and continued to sleep.

However, it was possible that Fu Jingting was not asleep because his beloved was not around. He closed his eyes and lay down for a while, then sat up again, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Who is it? Early in the morning?" Assistant Zhang's voice was still awake and full of impatience on the other end of the phone.

Fu Jingting narrowed his beautiful eyes and said solemnly: "It's me, Fu Jingting."

"Fu Jingting?" Assistant Zhang frowned. His first reaction was that the name sounded familiar.

Then the next second, he reacted, opened his eyes instantly, sat up from the bed, no sleepiness at all, his mind was very clear, he took the glasses on the bedside and put them on, and said with a flattering smile: "It turns out to be Mr. Fu

Ah, Mr. Fu, do you have any instructions so early?"

Damn, this is so annoying.

I used to always contact him in the middle of the night and ask him to do this or that.

Now it has actually evolved to the point where it starts tormenting him even early in the morning before dawn.

Mr. Fu is indeed a devil.

"At eight o'clock, bring me a set of clothes and breakfast to Repulse Bay." Fu Jingting glanced at his watch and said calmly.

Assistant Zhang was confused, "Repulse Bay?"

Fu Jingting hummed, "Don't be late."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

This chapter has been completed!
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