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Chapter 642 The reporter's question

Rong Shu was stunned, her eyes widened, and she forgot to react for a moment.

Assistant Zhang, who was in the driver's seat in front, didn't expect that he would casually glance at the rearview mirror and catch a glimpse of this scene. He took a deep breath and quickly raised the partition behind, not daring to look any further.

Just kidding, if you are found out, you will be punished. At the least, your workload will be increased, and at the worst, your bonus will be deducted.

Although, he really wanted to see it.

However, he quite admired Mr. Fu for actually daring to force himself to kiss Miss Rong, which was simply impossible before.

Sure enough, Miss Rong's promise to get back together with Mr. Fu only increased Mr. Fu's courage.

Assistant Zhang clicked his tongue and thought.

In the back seat, Rong Shu finally recovered from her daze, then pushed the man away, covering her lips and staring, "Fu Jingting, you..."

"Is it sweet?" Fu Jingting touched his thin lips with his thumb and asked in a hoarse voice.

Only then did Rong Shu realize that there was something in her mouth. When she touched it with her tongue, it was candy.

He put the candy into her mouth.

He wasn't afraid that she would swallow it accidentally and choke to death!

Rong Shu rolled her eyes at the man angrily and turned her face to the side, her ears dripping red with blood.

She never expected that when he asked her to taste sugar, he would do it in this way.

Sure enough, his coquettishness and manipulations were as numerous as his coquettishness and words, and they were endless, making it difficult for people to guard against them.

Thinking about it, Rong Shu moved her red lips and coughed, "It's okay, I'll leave first."

She quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

Fu Jingting rolled down the window and poked his head out, "Rong Shu, can I go to your place again tonight?"

Rong Shu turned around and said, "No."

After saying that, she walked towards the elevator.

Fu Jingting shook his head with a smile.


No, he insists on going.

He didn't believe that she could really drive him away even though he came to her door.

"Drive." Fu Jingting knocked on the partition and said.

Although Assistant Zhang couldn't hear it, he felt the vibration of the partition and roughly guessed what was going on. He started the car and turned around and went out.

On the other side, Rong Shu sipped the candy in her mouth, somewhat dumbfounded.

Logically speaking, you should spit out the candy that others have eaten. After all, it is unhygienic.

But I kissed Fu Jingting, it was just a piece of candy, so it was not so unacceptable.

Soon, Rong Shu came to the elevator and pressed the door button.

The elevator was coming down, and she stared at the display screen and waited patiently.

Suddenly, a man jumped out from behind a car with a camera, "Chairman Rong!"

Rong Shu was startled, turned around and saw the man who was obviously a reporter, her eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

what happened?

Hasn't Fu Jingting already arranged for people to clear out all the media reporters around Tiansheng?

Why is there another one here?

Seemingly reading what Rong Shu was thinking, the reporter laughed twice, "When the security came to chase people away, I took the opportunity to hide behind a car, so I was lucky enough to stay."

Rong Shu narrowed her eyes, "I see, you are indeed lucky."

"Yes, yes, I've been waiting for you, Chairman Rong." The reporter said while pointing the camera at Rong Shu, "Chairman Rong, can I interview you for a few questions? You and the directors of Fu Group

Is your ex-husband really getting back together?"

"Sorry, I can't tell you for the time being." Rong Shu stared at the elevator screen that stopped on the tenth floor, her brows furrowing deeper and deeper.

The reporter was obviously very dissatisfied with her answer and asked again, "Chairman Rong, you didn't answer, but you didn't deny it either. Does that mean you and your ex-husband have really gotten back together?"

Rong Shu pursed her lower lip and simply stopped talking.

Seeing her silence, the reporter became more convinced that he was right. He became excited and pressed the microphone tighter, "Chairman Rong, why did you and Chairman Fu get back together? A few months ago, weren't you still publishing

At the meeting, it was said that the Fu family had treated you coldly, violently, and bullied you for six years. Didn’t Chairman Fu ever love you? So why are you trying to get back together with Mr. Fu now?

?Do you still think about the days before?"

Rong Shu's face looked very ugly.

Although she didn't like the reporter's questioning.

But she had to admit that she did say these words.

But at that time, she never thought that she and Fu Jingting would go through so many lives and deaths, let alone that one day she would fall in love with Fu Jingting again.

So those words I said back then are actually a bit of a slap in the face now.

"Chairman Rong, why don't you answer? Are you embarrassed?" The reporter approached her.

At this time, the elevator finally arrived.

Rong Shu felt happy, and the moment the elevator door opened, she immediately stepped in.

The reporter saw this and followed him up, "Chairman Rong, please answer my question, and the car when you came just now. Was it Chairman Fu's? Is Chairman Fu in it? You guys got there together yesterday afternoon.

Didn't we separate after the car? You were together..."

"That's enough, Mr. Reporter!" Rong Shu couldn't listen anymore. She pressed the elevator door button with one hand and looked at the reporter with a cold face. "This is Tiansheng. If you squeeze in harder, don't blame me for calling the police."

, sue you for trespassing into other people's companies and violating public security."

Perhaps Rong Shu's tone was too majestic, or perhaps the reporter was afraid of being caught, but the reporter finally backed away and stopped pushing hard into the elevator.

Seeing this, Rong Shu breathed a sigh of relief and pressed the door-close button again.

The elevator door slowly closed.

Rong Shu rubbed her temples tiredly, "What the hell is this?"

Soon, the elevator reached the top floor.

As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, her cell phone rang.

Rong Shu didn't even look at it and directly put the phone to her ear, "Hello, I'm Rong Shu."

"Rong Shu, is what is said online true or false? Are you really getting back together with Jing Ting?" Cheng Huai asked anxiously on the phone.

Rong Shu walked to her office and replied, "Absolutely."

Upon hearing her answer, Cheng Huai's face froze on the other end of the phone.

It’s actually true!

In the morning, he turned on the computer and saw the news on the Internet.

How could it be possible that he was still laughing when he first read the title?

Although Rong Shu has fallen in love with Fu Jingting again, she has not realized that she has fallen in love with Fu Jingting, so before she realizes that she has fallen in love with Fu Jingting, it is impossible for her to be with Fu Jingting.

However, when he saw the photos on the news later, he suddenly became a little unsure.

Although the photo was a bit blurry, he could clearly see that she was smiling at Fu Jingting, her smile was so natural and gentle.

That kind of smile is obviously not for friends, but for lovers, because he has seen it too much. It's like that when his father looks at him.

So he quickly called to verify whether they were really getting back together.

Now Rong Shu's words, 'Almost', immediately made his heart sink to the bottom!

"When did this happen?" Cheng Huai opened his mouth and asked with difficulty in a hoarse voice.

Rong Shu didn't understand why he reacted like this, and didn't think much about it. She replied, "I promised to get back together with him a few days ago, but it will take a few more days to officially get back together."

Although he didn't know why he had to wait a few days to officially get back together, the words "promise to get back together" already made Cheng Huai feel extremely uncomfortable.

During this time, the Cheng family was fighting with their political rivals, the Wang family, and the fight was fierce. Therefore, he was too busy to look for her.

This chapter has been completed!
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