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Chapter 660 Unconscious

Rong Shu heard his voice and immediately came out of the room and walked to the study.

Arriving at the study door, Assistant Zhang pointed in, "Miss Rong, Mr. Fu is right inside."

Rong Shu responded, looked inside, and saw Fu Jingting.

He sat on the ground, leaning against the desk motionless, his head slightly lowered, and he couldn't see the expression on his face. He didn't know whether he was asleep or awake.

Rong Shu pursed her red lips and walked in, gradually seeing his appearance clearly.

The clothes on his body were wrinkled, his tie hung loosely around his neck, and the collar of his white shirt was red and yellow, obviously stained by alcohol. Even his hair was messy at the moment.

Decadent and embarrassed, just like a homeless man.

Such Fu Jingting made Rong Shu feel excited.

She came to Fu Jingting in three steps and two steps at a time. A strong smell of alcohol instantly emanated from him and went straight to her nostrils, which was very pungent.

Rong Shu frowned slightly, resisting the urge to slap Fu Jingting, squatting down and lifting Fu Jingting's head.

His eyes were tightly closed and his brows were knitted together, as if he was asleep without any consciousness.

Rong Shu patted his face gently and shouted in a worried voice: "Fu Jingting? Wake up!"

Fu Jingting still didn't respond.

If Rong Shu hadn't stretched out her hand to feel his breath, she would have thought he just left.

Behind him, Assistant Zhang was also observing Fu Jingting's situation. Seeing Fu Jingting like this, he said, "Mr. Fu must be drunk."

Rong Shu hummed, "It should be that he drank so much wine that it would be strange not to get drunk. Fortunately, all he drank was red wine and the alcohol content was not particularly high. Otherwise, so much wine would have killed him long ago!


Thinking of the wine bottles she had just seen when she came in, she felt worried and angry.

Worried about Fu Jingting's health, and angry with him for drinking so much and not taking good care of his body.

Assistant Zhang sighed, "Actually, what Mr. Fu drank before was all very high-alcohol spirits, like whiskey, Louis XIII, etc. One year, Mr. Fu got alcohol poisoning and was sent to the hospital for emergency gastric lavage.

Only then did she survive. That incident frightened the old lady so much that she almost died on the spot. So later, the old lady took away all the spirits from Mr. Fu, not to mention that the winery was not allowed to send them back. Mr. Fu probably also knew about that fright.

I ruined the old lady, so I didn’t go against the old lady’s order and buy those spirits. From then on, I only bought wine with lower alcohol content such as red wine.”

"So that's it." Rong Shu nodded suddenly.


Rong Shu watched Assistant Zhang hesitate to speak, put Fu Jingting's head on her shoulder, and asked: "But what?"

Assistant Zhang rubbed his eyebrows, "The reason why Mr. Fu drank today was because he wanted to use alcohol to numb himself and dilute the pain in his heart. In the past, there were high-alcohol spirits, so Mr. Fu only had to drink. But later

The alcohol content is not strong enough to numb himself, so Mr. Fu will resort to self-mutilation to relieve his inner pain."

"So what you're saying is that he didn't harm himself from the beginning?" Rong Shu looked down at the man in her arms.

Assistant Zhang nodded, "Yes, it started after the old lady stopped him from drinking strong alcohol."

"I understand." Rong Shu bit her lip, then laid Fu Jingting flat on the ground, "Assistant Zhang, please help me check if there are any injuries on his body. I'll make sobering soup."

"Okay." Assistant Zhang responded and stepped forward to check Fu Jingting.

After Rong Shu straightened Fu Jingting's messy hair, she got up and left the study, heading to the kitchen.

After she left, only Fu Jingting and Assistant Zhang were left in the study.

After Assistant Zhang checked whether there were any injuries on Fu Jingting's body, he lifted the room up and put it on the sofa aside. Then he looked at Fu Jingting and sighed.

In fact, with these bottles of red wine, Mr. Fu will not get drunk at all according to his drinking capacity.

But now Mr. Fu is drunk. The biggest reason is that his heart can't bear it.

Otherwise, Mr. Fu would have already injured himself by this time instead of sitting on the ground unconscious.

Ten minutes later, Rong Shu came back with sobering soup.

Seeing Fu Jingting on the sofa, she put down the sobering soup and quickly asked Assistant Zhang: "How is it? Did he harm himself?"

"Don't worry, Miss Rong, Mr. Fu didn't harm himself, maybe because he got drunk before he could." Assistant Zhang shook his head and replied.

Rong Shu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good. You help me lift him up and I'll feed him soup."

"Okay." Assistant Zhang responded, walked over and helped Fu Jingting up.

Rong Shu picked up the hangover soup, sat down on the edge of the sofa, then scooped up a spoonful and blew it gently, then stretched it towards Fu Jingting's lips.

But Fu Jingting's lips were tightly closed, and Rong Shu couldn't open the spoon at all. In the end, the hangover soup flowed down the corners of his mouth and was spilled.

"No, Miss Rong, I can't feed you in." Assistant Zhang frowned when he saw this scene.

Rong Shuhong pursed her lips and put the spoon back into the bowl.

Yes, I can't feed it.

But I can’t help but feed it.

Fu Jingting drank so much, it would be strange if he didn't give him hangover soup quickly to evaporate the alcohol in his stomach.

Now it seems that this is the only way.

Just that method...

Rong Shu raised her eyes and looked at Assistant Zhang, with a trace of struggle in her eyes.

But soon, the struggle disappeared and was replaced by determination.

Forget it, the most important thing now is Fu Jingting, why bother with so much else?

Thinking of this, Rong Shu picked up the bowl, raised her head and took a big sip of the hangover soup.

Assistant Zhang was shocked when he saw this, "Miss Rong, you..."

Rong Shu ignored him, put down the bowl in her hand, then reached out to help Fu Jingting over from Assistant Zhang, lowered her head and kissed Fu Jingting's thin lips, and used her tongue to pry Fu Jingting's thin lips apart.

Pour the hangover soup into his mouth little by little.

Seeing this scene, Assistant Zhang's mouth grew louder.

God, this is okay!

No wonder Miss Rong suddenly drank the hangover soup just now. It turned out that she helped Mr. Fu drink it in this way.

Although this method is a bit unexpected, I have to say that this is indeed the best method at present.

Under the watchful eye of Assistant Zhang, Rong Shu successfully fed Fu Jingting the hangover soup in her mouth.

Then, she raised her head, her red lips left Fu Jingting's thin lips, and prepared to continue the next wave.

Seeing this, Assistant Zhang quickly picked up the sobering soup and helped pass it over, "Ms. Rong, here it is."

Rong Shu was stunned for a moment, then smiled sheepishly and took the hangover soup, "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, it's all for Mr. Fu." Assistant Zhang looked at Fu Jingting, waved his hand and said.

Rong Shu squeezed the corner of her mouth, hummed, raised her head and took another sip of the hangover soup, then lowered her head and fed it to Fu Jingting.

After repeating this process several times, Fu Jingting was finally given a bowl of hangover soup.

Rong Shu put down the bowl and let out a long sigh of relief.

Assistant Zhang quickly helped and helped Fu Jingting back to the sofa.

Rong Shu arranged her hair and asked, "Is there a blanket? Cover him. It will take a while for the hangover soup to take effect. Don't let him catch a cold before he wakes up."

"Yes, I'll get it right away." Assistant Zhang nodded repeatedly, got up and left the study, heading towards the cloakroom of Fu Jingting's room.

Soon, he came back with a blanket and handed it to Rong Shu.

This chapter has been completed!
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