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Chapter 668 Rong Shu's Helplessness

He drank too much, had little strength, and was so naive that he fell to the bottom of the bath and didn't know how to swim up.

Maybe he really might have slipped into the bottom of the bathtub after she left, and maybe he was drowned now!

Thinking of this, Rong Shu's heart sank and her face turned pale.

The next second, she quickly opened the door and rushed in.

After entering, she did not see the horrific scene she thought. She only saw Fu Jingting lying on the edge of the bath with his eyes closed, looking like he was asleep.

Seeing this scene, Rong Shu breathed a sigh of relief and patted her bulging chest.

Great, he didn't sink and drown.

It really scared her to death!

But there is no way, who makes the current Fu Jingting make people feel uneasy.

Rong Shu rubbed her temples, walked slowly over, then squatted by the bathtub, raised her hand and gently touched Fu Jingting's face to confirm that he was indeed asleep and not in an accident, and then he completely settled down.

"Really, even taking a bath can make you fall asleep." Rong Shu flicked Fu Jingting's forehead in retaliation.

Suddenly, Fu Jingting's forehead turned red, which showed that she really used her strength.

After all, he really tormented her so much in these few hours.

"Wake up, Fu Jingting, wake up." Rong Shu shook the man, trying to wake him up, "Don't sleep here, you will catch a cold. Get up, put on your clothes and go to the room to sleep."

However, Fu Jingting showed no intention of waking up except for moving a little.

Rong Shu's shaking hands were tired, and he didn't even tremble his eyelashes. He slept as peacefully as possible.

This made Rong Shu helpless, a little angry and funny.

It seems that she really owed him a debt in her previous life, so in this life, she will be tortured by him to pay off her debt.

That's all, she took off his clothes before, at worst she would put them on him now.

Isn’t there a saying that whoever takes off the clothes is responsible for putting it on?

Rong Shu sighed, then picked up her sleeves, grabbed Fu Jingting's armpits with both hands, and pulled him out of the bath.

Fu Jingting is already very tall, so naturally he cannot be light.

In addition, he is currently in a drunken state, so Rong Shu feels that he is much heavier than his actual weight.

Therefore, she almost used all her strength to pull him out.

Two minutes later, she finally succeeded in dragging him out, but because she ran out of strength, after dragging him out, she could not stand firmly on her feet, staggered back two steps, and finally sat down on the cold ground.

Fu Jingting, on the other hand, sat on her lap.

Rong Shu was stunned, and it took her a while to recover. She looked at the floor behind her, and then at the handsome and handsome man sitting on her lap, who was too heavy. She was speechless.

What is this thing called?

How did things turn out like this?

Rong Shu held the man's shoulder with one hand and her forehead with the other, and suddenly smiled.

Really laughed.

I was amused by the funny posture between myself and Fu Jingting.

After laughing for a while, Rong Shu took a long breath to calm down, then put her hands on the man's back, led the man up from the ground, and then helped the man walk to the bathroom door.

Along the way, she tried to look straight ahead, not looking at the man, so as not to see any embarrassing scenes.

However, when she got to the room, when Rong Shu threw Fu Jingting on the bed, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and inevitably saw something about the man.

"Hiss..." Rong Shu's eyes widened, and she suddenly took a breath, and her whole face suddenly turned red to the root of her neck.

"Asshole!" Rong Shu blushed and scolded Dr. Fu Jingting, then quickly covered her face and eyes and turned away, her heart beating so fast that it was about to come out of her chest.

God, how could she see that thing? It's going to have needle holes now.

Under the palm of her hand, Rong Shu's face was full of annoyance and shame, and her little face was wrinkled into a bun. She regretted that she shouldn't have rolled her eyes just now, but in her mind, what she just saw appeared from time to time.

That thing is really... big!

The only time she had the most intimate relationship with him before was when she was drunk and drugged, so she didn't know what happened the whole time, so she didn't even look at his body.

Now that I saw it, I was really shocked.

He is really rich!

Thinking of that time when something as big as Fu Jingting entered her body, Rong Shu felt that she was so great.

Bah bah bah, what are you thinking!

"Calm down, calm down!" Rong Shu waved her hand and quickly cleared away the yellow waste in her mind. Then she took a deep breath and walked quickly to the bathroom to get Fu Jingting's pajamas.

Soon, she came out holding Fu Jingting's clothes and stood beside the bed with a very serious expression, as if she was facing a life-or-death situation.

Because next, she had to dress him.

Putting on clothes is no better than taking off clothes.

Undressing is easy and can be done with your eyes closed.

But that's not the case when it comes to wearing clothes. With your eyes closed, it's easy to button the wrong buttons.

And I have to put on underwear for him.

I heard that men's things need to be adjusted.

So with your eyes closed, how do you adjust?

In other words, next, she would not only look at Fu Jingting again, but also touch him.

God, please spare her!

Rong Shu closed her eyes, looking like she was about to cry without tears.

It would be great if Assistant Zhang was here now.

Although she thought so, Rong Shu knew that this was impossible. After all, she couldn't really wait until Assistant Zhang came back before asking him to change it for Fu Jingting.

Who knows when Assistant Zhang will come back.

"Huh..." Rong Shu pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

Forget it, forget it, she gave it a go.

You’ve already seen it, so what if you touch it?

And she won't be able to avoid it in the future.

Thinking about it, Rong Shu took a deep breath, then found Fu Jingting's underwear from the clothes in her arms and prepared to put them on for him.

She threw the other pajamas aside, picked up his underwear, unfolded them, held Fu Jingting's ankles, and started to put them on for him.

When she put it on, she paused with her hands, as if she was doing some mental construction.

After a few seconds, she calmed down her rapidly beating heart and continued to push up her underwear.

Finally, Rong Shu saw that rather complicated thing again, and then her face, which was already red, became even redder now, and even her breathing became much faster.

But this time, she didn't avoid it anymore. Although she was shy, she stared boldly.

After watching it for a while, she poked it with her finger curiously.

After she realized what she had done, Rong Shu quickly raised her head to prevent anything from flowing out of her nostrils.

God, she discovered that she was also a nice and lustful person.

He actually went out of his way to touch Fu Jingting...

Rong Shu, you are really hopeless!

Rong Shu twitched the corner of her mouth, then lowered her head in resignation and continued to dress Fu Jingting.

This time, she became calmer, no longer as nervous and shy as before.

After all, I have seen and touched, and once the novelty has passed, the five poisons will naturally no longer invade me.

Finally, Rong Shu changed Fu Jingting's pants, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat on the edge of the bed to rest.

Yes, rest.

She changed Fu Jingting's pants, as if he had fought a big battle, and his tired back was soaked with sweat.

Rong Shu turned her head, glanced resentfully at the man who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, and shook her head helplessly, "Enemies!"

Then, she stood up, picked up the pajamas on the side, and continued to change for him.

Changing clothes without changing pants was stressful, so Rong Shu quickly put on the sleeve of her right hand for him. When it was her left hand's turn, she suddenly stopped, "This is..."

This chapter has been completed!
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