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Chapter 908: Never Regret

If she hadn't discovered it at the beginning, or if she had discovered it, she wouldn't have encouraged Secretary Tong.

Maybe, Secretary Tong still doesn't have the courage to express his feelings to Ah Qi.

As long as Secretary Tong doesn't show his feelings and still treats A Qi with the same attitude as before, then everything may be different today.

Seeing the remorseful look on Rong Shu's face, Secretary Tong waved his hands and smiled, "Chairman, don't be like this. You are not wrong. You just want to do good for me. And even if you don't suggest that I take the initiative to pursue Mr. Lu, I

I will pursue it myself.”

"Oh?" Rong Shu sat up slightly straighter.

Secretary Tong lowered his eyes and smiled, "In the past, Mr. Lu has never expressed his feelings to you, so you don't know that he has feelings for you. If you don't know, you can't refuse Mr. Lu. As a bystander, I don't know what you will do in the future.

I would never agree to be with Mr. Lu, so I have always hidden my feelings very well and never let anyone know. Until Mr. Lu expressed his feelings to you, and you clearly refused, I knew that Mr. Lu and you were not the same.

It's possible, then can I pursue Mr. Lu with peace of mind and not have to worry about anything happening?"

"So, you haven't expressed your feelings to Ah Qi all this time because you are not sure whether I will be with Ah Qi after knowing his feelings, right?" Rong Shu looked at her.

Secretary Tong nodded, "Yes, knowing that you will not be with Mr. Lu, I started to express my feelings to Mr. Lu, so even if Mr. Rong does not support me or persuade me, I will pursue Mr. Lu."

In short, you spoke up to support me before I even thought about how to pursue it."

"That's it." Rong Shu suddenly realized.

Secretary Tong looked at her, "So Chairman, you don't have to blame yourself. Although I did feel pain because of Mr. Lu's disgust before, but now I have completely understood that things like feelings cannot be forced.

Because I love him, I ask him to love me too. That night between him and me was a mistake. He and I are both responsible, so I will not let him be responsible. I will handle the matter without him knowing.

Clean and pretend that nothing happened after that night. Even if his attitude towards me is still the same in the future, I don't care anymore. I will try to forget about him and let him go, find a man who loves me, and start a new relationship."

Seeing the seriousness with which Secretary Tong spoke and the hope for the future in his eyes, Rong Shu felt relieved and a little emotional at the same time.

"It's okay if you think so, then I wish you can find someone who loves you very much and treats you well." Rong Shu sincerely hoped.

Secretary Tong smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Chairman, for your kind words. I will definitely do it."

"Definitely!" Rong Shu also looked at her and smiled, "But have you really decided to get rid of the child?"

"Of course." Secretary Tong hummed, "Since I'm going to start a new relationship, I naturally have to take care of this child, otherwise it will be unfair to my future husband. If I give birth to him, my future husband

What if my husband doesn’t accept it? Even if I don’t choose to get married for him, then I can’t give him fatherly love. When he asks me why he doesn’t have a father, how should I answer? So it’s better to take advantage of the fact that he hasn’t developed yet.

It's cruel to remove it once it's formed, but isn't it good for everyone?"

There was one sentence she didn't say.

If the child is born and raised, Mr. Lu will know that the child is his heir.

Mr. Lu will definitely take the child away.

After all, even if Mr. Lu does not accept the child's mother, the child is his after all. He will definitely not let his child wander outside and will definitely bring it back to the Lu family.

At that time, she would definitely not be able to compete with Mr. Lu.

In other words, if Mr. Lu discovers the existence of the child, that will be the time when their mother and son are separated.

At that time, could she really accept Mr. Lu taking the child away?

She thought that she would definitely not be able to accept it. She had given birth to the child and raised it, so it goes without saying that she had feelings for the child.

The child was snatched away, and she had no ability to snatch it back. What awaited her was pain and despair.

She couldn't accept the consequences.

So it is better to take it off while my maternal love is not yet strong enough.

Thinking of this, Secretary Tong lowered his head and touched his lower abdomen, his eyes filled with sadness.

Obviously, she was not as open-minded as she thought, and her mood was still very heavy.

"It's okay to remove it." Rong Shu sighed, "Removing it is also a good thing for you. When will the surgery be performed?"

Originally, Secretary Tong had already decided to remove the child before taking leave to rest, and had already decided on the time for the operation.

But later, after she made a phone call, she persuaded Secretary Tong to stop.

She is also someone who has gone through the same experience as Secretary Tong.

At the moment she became pregnant, she felt like her whole world was falling apart because she never imagined that she was actually a drunk and promiscuous person who was pregnant with a child.

The most important thing is that the child's father is unknown.

So at that time, she had no feelings or emotions for the child in her belly. She never thought about keeping the child and was very determined to get rid of the child. It was just because she was too busy at work or other things happened, so

He didn't rush to get rid of the child, so he drove Xiaochuan into madness and poisoned her, so she had to get rid of the child as soon as possible.

When she took the child away, she felt a little disappointed, but more importantly, she was relieved.

The absence of that child meant that the bitter fruits of her ridiculous night were finally over.

However, she regretted it later.

After discovering that she fell in love with Fu Jingting again, she regretted taking away the child.

Women are so contradictory. When they don't love someone, they will feel uncomfortable with that person's child and want to get rid of the child quickly.

But when you fall in love with that person, you won’t think like this anymore.

Therefore, she hoped that Secretary Tong would not be like her, deciding to get rid of the child at first, but then regretting it later.

Therefore, on the night when Secretary Tong asked for leave, she called Secretary Tong and asked Secretary Tong not to rush to the hospital to remove the child, but to rest at home for the day, and then think about the issue of leaving the child again, and try not to worry about it for a moment.

Be impulsive and then do something you regret.

And she felt that Secretary Tong had a high probability of regretting it.

After all, Secretary Tong was different from her at that time. At that time, she didn't know who the bad child was, but Secretary Tong knew very well that she was pregnant with Aqi's child.

Secretary Tong loves Ah Qi so much, one can imagine how much courage it took when she decided to get rid of the child.

Of course, this courage was probably impulsive, so she asked Secretary Tong to calm down and think about it again.

She was afraid that after Secretary Tong took away the child, he would think of Aqi and regret taking away the child.

But unexpectedly, two days later, Secretary Tong was still so determined and determined to get rid of the child.

It seems that Secretary Tong has really thought about it.

Now that she has thought about it, she doesn't have to worry about Secretary Tong regretting it later.

"Tomorrow." Secretary Tong pushed up her glasses and replied, "I have made an appointment with the First Hospital. The operation time is tomorrow at noon."

Rong Shu nodded, "Okay, tomorrow is the weekend. After the operation, you can rest at home for a month before coming back for confinement."

This chapter has been completed!
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