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Chapter 955 The mango is about to ripen

"Of course it's true." Rong Shu looked back and met the man's eyes.

Looking at her calm and natural expression, Fu Jingting tapped her forehead with his finger, "Okay, I believe you, but I still hope you won't hide anything from me, tell me, and don't make me worry."

"Yeah." Rong Shu twitched the corner of her mouth and responded, but she felt a little guilty in her heart.

Fu Jingting held her hand and said, "Let's go in. Try on the clothes early and go to eat early. Are you hungry?"

Rong Shu touched her belly with her other hand, "It's a little bit."

"Let's go then." After Fu Jingting finished speaking, he quickened his pace.

Soon, the two entered the modeling room.

The designer's assistant was waiting at the entrance early.

Seeing the two people coming, he quickly greeted them warmly, led them to sit down on the sofa, and served them the best coffee.

"Where's your boss?" Fu Jingting didn't drink the coffee, so he put it aside and looked at the assistant and asked quietly.

Rong Shu sat next to him without saying a word, quietly drinking coffee and leaving everything to him.

After all, this was originally arranged by him, shouldn't it be left to him?

"Our boss is on the phone with someone in the office. She knows that Mr. Fu and you are here, so she asked me to come out to receive you two. I will come out after she finishes the call." The assistant replied with a smile.

Fu Jingting hummed, saying he understood and didn't ask.

Later, the assistant served a lot of exquisite desserts and fruits, for fear of neglecting the two of them.

Needless to say, this quite satisfied Fu Jingting.

Rong Shu likes desserts. Wouldn’t these desserts served by the assistant please him?

Fu Jingting looked at several desserts on the table, and finally selected a piece of mango mousse and brought it to Rong Shu, "Try it."

He knew that her favorite fruit was mango.

Speaking of which, the second batch of mangoes from Hongye Villa are almost ripe, right?

When the first batch of mangoes ripened, he was still under hypnosis and thought Gu Manyin was her. So after learning that the first batch of mangoes in Hongye Villa were ripe this year, he immediately asked the best ones to be sent to Gu.


Thinking about it now, he wished he could kill himself at that time.

But it was okay in the end. In the end, by some strange combination of circumstances, the mango was delivered to her.

Then, she finally realized that she had given it to the wrong person and wanted to return it to him. However, he did not take it back after beating him and asked her to keep it.

I just don’t know what she did with the box of mangoes in the end. Did she throw them away?

Maybe it was lost.

At that time, they had divorced and she was in the stage of resenting him. She knew that the box of mangoes was for Gu Manyin and was just sent to her by mistake. She must have disliked the box of mangoes, so she most likely threw them away.


"What are you thinking about?" Rong Shu patted the man on the shoulder.

The man's eyes were dazed for a moment, then he came to his senses and asked, "What's wrong?"

Rong Shu looked at him sideways, "I wanted to ask you what's wrong. You gave me the snack, but when I took it, you didn't let go. You were still in a daze. I didn't know. I thought you were teasing me on purpose and didn't want to give it to me.

Where should I eat?"

When Fu Jingting heard what she said, he lowered his head and looked at his hands, and realized that he was still holding the mango mousse without letting go.

"Cough!" Fu Jingting coughed slightly in embarrassment, then put the mango mousse in her hand and said apologetically: "Sorry, I had something on my mind."

"What's going on?" Rong Shu forked a piece of mango, but didn't eat it herself, but handed it to Fu Jingting.

Fu Jingting glanced at the dessert on his lips and raised his eyebrows, "Give it to me?"

"Yeah." Rong Shu nodded, "Why else would I hand it to you? I know you don't like to eat these, but it's okay to eat them occasionally. You know I like to eat these. For me, eating these will make me feel...

I am very happy, so I also want to share with you what I like and what makes me happy.”

"Okay, let me try it." Fu Jingting opened his mouth and took the dessert she handed him, along with the fork.

Rong Shu watched him finish the dessert and was about to take the fork back.

When he pulled it, he found that it couldn't be pulled, and the man bit down on the fork.

"What are you doing?" Rong Shu rolled her eyes at him, "Can you eat well? Why do you need a fork like a child?"

Fu Jingting chuckled and let go of his fork, "I just want to tease you."

After saying that, he quickly picked up the coffee and suppressed the taste in his mouth.

When Rong Shu saw him drinking coffee in such a hurry, her heart skipped a beat, "What's wrong? Does it taste bad?"

Fu Jingting shook his head, "No, I just don't like eating anything too sweet. This dessert is too sweet."

Rong Shu breathed a sigh of relief, "So that's it. I thought it was too unpalatable and made you feel uncomfortable."

"No." Fu Jingting took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, "I'm not uncomfortable. On the contrary, I'm very happy."

"Happiness?" Rong Shu tilted her head, somewhat incomprehensible, "You can't even eat something so sweet. You can't stand it after just one bite. How can you still feel happy!"

"Of course you are happy." Fu Jingting put down his coffee and looked at her, "You share with me what you think is good and feed it to my mouth yourself. This is happiness."

Rong Shu blushed and smiled, "You really know how to make me happy."

"I'm not coaxing you, I'm sincere." Fu Jingting held her hand and placed it on his heart.

Rong Shu felt his heartbeat, but she didn't know if it was an illusion.

She always felt that his heartbeat seemed irregular and slower than hers.

He shook his head. It must be an illusion. People's heartbeats are all the same, so how could they be slower?

So I must be overthinking it.

Thinking like this, Rong Shu quickly put aside the doubts in her mind and pulled her hand back, "Okay, I know you are sincere. Stop doing this. Someone is watching."

As she said that, she looked in one direction with some embarrassment.

There, the assistant was looking at them with an aunty smile.

Rong Shu also knew that there were many people who criticized her and Fu Jingting's CPs, including many in the Tiansheng Group. Every time Fu Jingting came to her, she could always see these CP fans showing their aunty smiles, just like the assistant in front of her.

So, this assistant is also a cp fan of her and Fu Jingting?

Fu Jingting also noticed the assistant's presence, but didn't pay much attention.

For him, it is normal for him to be intimate with his lover, and he does nothing else. Others just want to see him, and there is no way to lose sex.

However, he has always respected Rong Shu, and since she was unwilling to be intimate in front of others, he naturally would not force her.

Of course, there are exceptions. If someone comes during a kiss or something, he may not stop.

"By the way, the mangoes at Hongye Villa are about to ripen. I'll have some sent over. What do you think?" Fu Jingting looked sideways at Rong Shu beside him and asked her opinion.

When Rong Shu heard the words "Mango at Hongye Villa", she paused while holding the dessert, "You mean Hongye Villa?"

"Yeah." Fu Jingting nodded slightly.

Rong Shu seemed to have thought of something and pursed her red lips, "I remember that the mangoes you prepared for Gu Manyin a few months ago came from Hongye Villa, right?"

Upon hearing this, Fu Jingting thought to himself that it was indeed true.

She is still concerned about this matter.

"Yes." Fu Jingting nodded and admitted without quibbles, "Actually, I made a reservation for the mangoes at Hongye Villa a long time ago, and I have always reserved them for you. You are the only one who likes to eat mangoes. Gu Manyin is allergic to mangoes, but that

Gu Manyin pretended to be you, and because of the hypnosis, I didn't even realize she was fake, so I thought she was you, so I gave her the mangoes."

"But in the end, you still sent it to me." Rong Shu looked at him, half-smiling.

This chapter has been completed!
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