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A brief description of the musicians from the pre-Qin to Tang dynasties

Music, the expression of human emotions.

"Shang Shu Shun Dian" says: "Poetry expresses aspirations, and songs speak forever." In the pre-Qin era, music and etiquette were both necessary qualities and skills for social members. Music and dance were almost every aspect of the country's various celebrations.

Indispensable and plays an extremely important role.

In the pre-Qin era, music included a richer content, not just music, but also poetry and dance. According to the "Book of Rites of Zhou", the music officials had jurisdiction over not only musicians, singers, bell masters, sheng masters, drummers, etc.

In addition, there are dancers. Below the music officer, there are various levels, with a total number of more than 1,500 people, which shows its importance.

Since music was so important in the political and social life at that time, and this skill was relatively rare and required a long period of specialized training to be proficient, then naturally there were special institutions for management and training. In the Zhou Dynasty, a special department was set up.

The official position of Yue was dedicated to management. At that time, Yue people were basically in the hands of the government or big nobles, and had a higher status.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, "rituals collapsed and music collapsed", and the status of musicians in the country's political life declined. Although the people in charge of formal ceremonial music and dance were still there, new entertainment elements were inevitably added, that is, many musicians gradually became

Artists who provided entertainment services to the princes. In short, the original elegant and upright sounds of traditional rituals and music gradually turned into the sounds of entertaining vulgar music. After all, "the collapse of rituals and the collapse of music", the aesthetics of the financial owners have already changed.

With changes, Leren had no choice but to adapt to the market in order to survive, and new genres gradually emerged.

After the Warring States Period, titles such as Le Ren, Yu Ren, Li Ren, and even Chuang and Hai appeared frequently. In that chaotic era, countries competed to recruit talents, and even the roosters and dog robbers were not spared. Le Ren is a special kind of person.

Skilled talents are also recruited by various countries, and many of them are at home all over the world and serve in the palaces of various countries. Have you heard of the story "King Xuan of Qi made people blow taro"? Well, it is just an allusion to this idiom. But it is worth it.

One thing to mention is that in that era, the status of Leren was still very high. Although it was not as good as in the pre-Qin period, they were still "scholars".

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, as a unified country, there were departments responsible for rituals and music in the government agencies, such as "Fengchang" in the Qin Dynasty and "Taichang" in the Han Dynasty. But it was at this time that the identity of the music person slowly changed.

Changes. In the pre-Qin period, the term "Guozi" (sons of princes) was used for music and dance. In the Han Dynasty, except for the elegant dances, which were termed "Liangjiazi" (children of five nobles or those with an official title of more than 600 shi), the others were all termed "the humble servant of the country".

, and reached its peak during the Three Kingdoms period, and the decline of status has been very obvious.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the situation further deteriorated. The terms "Lehu" and "Lejihu" first appeared in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and they were one of the miscellaneous households. At that time, the army had a military band, which was also called the "Advocacy Department". At that time, the soldiers

As everyone knows about status, one has no personal freedom, is a hereditary soldier, and has a low status. How good can he be as a musician in a military band? Considering that the national-level music management organizations at that time often exchanged people with musicians in the army.

, communication, so the status of Taichang Leren is not much higher, and it can be expected that the status of Lehu is declining.

By the way, at that time, countries were fighting back and forth, and Leren, as a relatively scarce "resource", were often captured by the victors. Needless to say, the status of prisoners was, which further exacerbated the decline of Leren's status.

The Sui Dynasty and the early Tang Dynasty were basically the continuation of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the systems were similar. In the Sui Dynasty, Lehu were even assigned to criminals. For example, during the Sui Dynasty, Sima Xiaonan was captured from the Chen Kingdom. Although he was spared death, he was punished.

Being a Lehu shows that it is really not a good career.

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, was actually not a bad person for musicians. Because he himself was not fond of dancing and dancing, so in addition to recruiting a small number of talents needed for formal singing and elegant dancing, most of the musicians from Qi and Chen were let go.

In Guizhou County, households are registered as people. Please note that this is very important. Although the released musicians are likely to still be engaged in music and dance professions in the local area, their status is not that of lowly households, but serious people.

Residents, whose native place is in their respective states and counties, have personal freedom and can take exams.

There was a bit of a backlash during the reign of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. This guy really liked music and dance. But there were not many people in the official music organization that I left for him, and it didn't quite meet his taste, so he ordered that he be released to the prefectures and counties.

Musicians who were organized as households for the people were summoned to the capital and compiled as households to serve him exclusively.

But this is not enough! Yang Guang even asked people who can perform folk music and dance to come to Chang'an to perform specifically for him. Fortunately, they are still conscientious, and these people are not classified as music households, but are classified as "musicians".

Serving in such a way that it is too frequent to take turns can be regarded as corvee for the time being. By the way, the number of people at the peak was more than 30,000, which makes people speechless.

After the fall of the Sui Dynasty, another king came who was not very fond of music and dance, namely Tang Gaozu Li Yuan. In the fourth year of Wude, he issued an edict and ordered the dismissal of all music households: "Taichang Leren, because of this

Those who have been punished for their crimes and have been banished from the official ranks have better skills than those of ordinary officials. Since the previous generations, they have been inherited from generation to generation. There may be people who have the same clothes and titles, and the descendants of public ministers. Once they are stained with this color, they will not change it for generations. Marriage is different from that of scholars and common people, and their names and registrations are different from those of hooligans.

, Great shame and deep flaws, good people can be prudent...it is better to eliminate them together and follow the rules of the people."

The time when Taichang Lehu was abolished was actually when the Tang army entered Chang'an and established the puppet emperor (Yining period). The imperial edict issued in the fourth year of Wude was just a formality. After Taichang Lehu was abolished, other

Their place of origin was classified into local states and counties, and they became commoners. From then on, they could marry other classes, take exams, and serve as officials. This was a great relief for these people.

However, during the reign of Emperor Gaozong, due to various needs and the fact that the emperor and empress loved games and entertainment, the number of Taichang Lehu households was once again expanded. The origins of these Lehu households still belonged to Taichang, which was not easy for generations. Because Yuefu was first built, there was a lack of manpower and the level of

They were also uneven, so they called the sound people from all over the world to serve in Beijing and taught Lehu various skills. These so-called sound people were the descendants or disciples of Taichang Lehu who were released to prefectures and counties during the Wude period, but their place of origin was in

In prefectures and counties, as a civilian, not a Lehu, going to the capital was a normal form of labor service, that is, "taking turns to work in Zhi Taichang".

"Tang Lu Shu Yi" records: "(Yinsheng people) are attached to the county, receive land, and enter the village, and their old age is the same as the common people." But as a Lehu household, "Taichang Yinsheng people" are in misery, "(Taichang Yinsheng people)

Changyin Shengren) said that for those who play music in Taichang, Yuan and Gongyue are not different, they are all in the color of matching."

If you think that Tang Gaozong was too obsessed with music and dance compared to his grandfather, it only means that you don't know Tang Xuanzong. His interest in music, dance and various operas was as much as that of Yang Guangyou. During his reign, he established left and right workshops, "

Mastering the acrobatics of haiku and acrobatics, it is natural that he is not affiliated with Taichang, and the middle official is the envoy of the teaching workshop."

Li Longji definitely loves entertainment. With his heavy investment, the size of the Jiaofang gradually exceeded that of Taichang. Various songs, dances, music, opera and acrobatics were constantly arranged, and the influence increased rapidly. People in the Jiaofang regard family as their first priority.

The units live together, and their status is the same as that of Taichang, divided into two types: Lehu and Yinshengren. The economic conditions of the people in the teaching workshop are generally very good. Some families have many servants, and their influence in society is also good. If you teach

Daughters from Fang families with outstanding sexual skills were either selected into the palace, and "prostitutes (referring to female entertainers) entered the Yichun courtyard, and were called insiders, also known as 'front-end people', who were always in front of them."; or in Wuling Junior High School.

She has everything she wants, adheres to the three principles of being a scumbag, and enjoys a pleasant scene.

In addition to the Jiaofang and Taichang, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty also established a music training base, which was placed in the Liyuan of the Forbidden Garden. Historical records: "In his spare time, Xuanzong taught Taichang's three hundred musicians to perform silk and bamboo operas, and the sound system sounded.

, if there is a mistake, Xuanzong will be aware of it and correct it, and he will be called a disciple of the emperor, also known as a disciple of Liyuan."

When Xu Yunfeng was in Tianbao, his parents died and he couldn't survive, so he went to the capital to join his grandfather to learn to play the flute. Because he was good at playing the flute, he actually became a minor official in the Liyuan. His income skyrocketed and his social influence also increased.

, it can be seen that at that time, as long as you were not a musician, but a serious vocalist, as long as you had excellent skills, it was easy to get ahead.

In addition, during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, what was often played was the "main melody", while Jiaofang and Liyuan played "popular music", which attracted the best musicians at that time and was a palace-level music stage. Have you heard of Li Guinian?

? Those who have never heard of it are those who did not take Chinese classes well. The three brothers, "He Nian is good at lyrics, especially "Weizhou"; Peng Nian is good at dancing; Turtle Nian is good at playing the Jiegu drum", they were very popular at that time.

Purple stars are sought after by many people.

After the Anshi Rebellion, the power of the Tang Dynasty was declining, and it could no longer be as extravagant as before. During Dezong's reign, "three hundred people were suspended from the Liyuan Envoy and the acting officials, and those who remained were all subordinate to Taichang." Well, all the Yin Sheng people were dismissed.

, only the free households were left, with food and accommodation provided.

This situation continued as the Chang'an court became more and more out of place. Although Zhaozong once restored the pear garden, it was only a flash in the pan, and the scale was far from being comparable to that of Xuanzong. People scattered everywhere in order to make a living.

——It is impossible to farm the land, even in this life. You can only maintain your life by continuing to engage in art. ——Begin to depend on local forces. Some people even hesitate to naturalize in order to have food and housing included.

Music households (note that before the mid-Tang Dynasty, music people were generally under the direct jurisdiction of the central government); some people traveled around and visited the homes of the rich and powerful to get a little reward; some people entered the music camp of the army in the feudal town to advocate for the sergeants.

, very hard.

But no matter what, they can still survive and pass on their skills to future generations. We can have so many traditional music and dances today, and the inheritance of these people is the key.

Well, I wrote a lot without realizing it. In fact, it was originally just a footnote for some background information in the new book, so that everyone can better understand that era. But I didn’t expect that there were so many words, and I was a little confused, so I just published it as a short article.

Come out. If I have time in the future, I will continue to post some similar articles. I hope you guys like them.

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