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Chapter 988 Planning

 The territory of Dengzhou is actually not very peaceful.

Because the territory is vast and sparsely populated, the government's control over the local area is quite weak. After the original rule of Ziqing Town collapsed, the livestock in the pastures scattered. During this short power gap, no one knows how many people robbed the government.

They plundered the treasury, plundered cattle, sheep and horses, and combined with the broken troops scattered in various places, formed a horse bandit group that was extremely harmful.

When Shao Shude was in Dengzhou, there were still some blind people who dared to come and steal property. The result was of course very miserable. He was severely punished by the sergeant Yin Anzhi, and then he completely stopped.

"It's not an option for Dengzhou to always be like this." Shao Shude looked at the governor standing in front of him and said: "I have high hopes for Dengzhou. Many plans in the future will be launched from here. What are you doing? If it doesn't work, change it.


The governor of Dengzhou was Xue Yiju, a party member recruited by Xiao Yuan in his early years. In more than ten years, he rose from a minor official to the governor of Dengzhou. His official career was not smooth, but it was not bad at all.

What can you do if you get higher up? A military envoy? A deputy military envoy? It’s too difficult.

Besides, the governor is really not a bad person.

After the difficulties, the imperial court thought of many tricks in order to suppress the feudal towns, including increasing the power of the states and dividing them into sections. They also set an example by doing this first in the areas under their control. The governor, military and political affairs were seized, and they had great power. For example, Xue Yiju

The official title of the official position is "envoy Chijie Dengzhou's military officers and governor of Dengzhou", a local overlord of the four counties.

Because Dengzhou is located on the coast and has no external enemies, there are only more than 600 soldiers in the state, including 500 infantry and more than 100 cavalry. With such a number of people, it is indeed difficult to clean up the banditry. Fortunately, the Liu Wei Division of the Longwu Army has just arrived in Qingzhou, waiting for them to rest

After that, you can kill the thieves in Denglai, Ziqing.

"Your Highness..." Xue Yiju muttered, not knowing what to say.

"That's all. After a while, I will let the Longwu Army march eastward to Denglai. You can cooperate well and eliminate the bandits." Shao Shude said, "Before that, you can also try to appease them."

Xue Yiju was a little puzzled.

The King of Xia had always looked down upon the bandits. He felt that they were free and loose and had too many habits, which would ruin the atmosphere of the army. Why did he recruit them now?

"I have use for these scum and scum." Shao Shude said: "In addition, a group of people will migrate here in a while. Dengzhou is deserted, so you can clean up the land."

"Yes." Xue Yiju didn't dare to ask any more questions and immediately agreed.

There are two groups of immigrants.

The first wave came from Hezhong Prefecture. Although Li Diancheng's rebellion has subsided, the liquidation operations are still continuing.

After this man raised an army and claimed to be a queen, he also appointed a bunch of governors, town envoys, military envoys and the like. Naturally, these thieves leaders had to be dealt with. In addition, there were some defeated soldiers who were committing thieves in the countryside. They refused to listen to repeated calls and were killed.

After they were all wiped out, he and his family were forcibly moved to Dengzhou - it was not a severe punishment, but for the people at this time, moving thousands of miles away was still a big deal that would make the sky fall.

Carefully calculated, these people number about three to four thousand households, less than twenty thousand in number.

The second group is the Han people captured by Yang Yue in Yunzhou. There are currently more than 30,000 people, and they are also sent to Dengzhou.

The four counties of Dengzhou currently have only one-tenth of the population of the Ming Dynasty. With this poor foundation, it is difficult to do anything.

Shao Shude remembered that Zhu Yuanzhang was also a maniac about immigration, and even immigrated from Guangdong to Sizhou. The densely populated Jiaodong area in the Ming Dynasty had factors that led to a large number of immigrants from all over the country in the early Ming Dynasty.

Anyway, Shao Shude is already well-known in the "immigration community" and he doesn't care about sending tens of thousands more people to fill the wasteland in Jiaodong.

"You must prepare food for the immigrants. I know you are short. There is food from Jishui to be transported to Qingzhou. You can then requisition the people and transport it over. If you have the courage, you can also transport it by sea, but I'm afraid you don't have enough ships." Shao Shude said: "

The craftsmen who repaired the ships in Dengzhou will check the records again to see if there are any omissions. I will also be of great use."

"As ordered." Xue Yiju responded.

He didn't have the courage to transport grain from Qingzhou to Dengzhou. Although the distance was short and it was not difficult to walk along the coastline, he was just afraid. Besides, it was a fact that there were not enough ships. In the past, Ziqing Town mostly waited for others to come.

It is a disadvantage to do business but not have many ships.

"Don't take shipbuilding seriously." Shao Shude said: "In fact, there are many benefits. Even Bohai has more ships than Ziqing. Are you ashamed?"

Xue Yiju was ashamed.

Since the Pinglu Army moved south from Fuhai, Liaodong, cavalry has always been the dominant force. Who has nothing to do to build ships? Silla people, Bohai people, Japanese, Huainan people, and eastern Zhejiang people will come to do business on their own, so there is really no need to bother doing anything -

-Occasionally, there were even Da Shi people coming over. At the end of the Jin Dynasty, when the monk Faxian returned to China, he took a Da Shi merchant ship in Tianzhu to Guangzhou, but was blown to Laoshan by the wind.

"Go and do your work quickly." Shao Shude waved his hand and said.

Xue Yiju's legs seemed to be loaded with springs, and he immediately stepped back, preparing to recruit the people to build warehouses and stockpile grain, then clear the land, measure the acres of land, and plan pastures.


Cui Xuan soon arrived in Dengzhou.

He was sent by Jinman, the True Saint Queen of Silla, and his official official title was "The Merchant of the Tang Dynasty". Hearing this makes people have a strong desire to complain.

His life is not very good now.

There is a saying in the Central Plains that "one emperor has one courtier", and of course Silla also has it. Queen Zhensheng passed away two years ago, and the new king is her nephew Jin Ao. Cui Xuan has no relationship with this new king and is far away from the country.

For many years, even if we had a relationship, we had become estranged from each other, which really gave me a headache.

The salesman of the Tang Dynasty is a very profitable job, and I don’t know how many people are keeping an eye on it. After the new king takes the throne, he will naturally focus on stabilizing the internal affairs, but it has been two years, will he be dealt with so that he can help his ministers?

How about making room? It’s really hard to say.

Outside the Silla Academy, there were many soldiers and soldiers, and the guards were tight.

Cui Xuan was surprised, thinking that the store had been sealed, but there were still a lot of goods inside! After asking carefully, it turned out that a big shot was coming, the one who had just defeated Brother Wang Shifan and controlled Ziqing Town.

Shao Shude, King of Xia of the Tang Dynasty.

Cui Xuan straightened his robes, and under the guidance of the envoy, he entered the Silla Courtyard that he was so familiar with - this hospital was not that hospital, it was actually a business store, and officials from Ziqing Town often came here to work.

, mainly to collect money.

"This central hall is quite impressive, and the sea trade is still rich." As soon as he entered the door, Cui Xuan heard a loud voice.

Yang Hongyin, deputy commander of Yin'anzhi, signaled. Cui Xuan understood immediately and stepped forward to pay homage: "Cui Xuan, the salesman of Silla and Tang Dynasty, comes to see His Highness the King of Xia."

Shao Shude suddenly turned around, stared at Cui Xuan up and down for a long time, and asked with a smile: "What is the relationship between your envoy and the Boling Cui family?"

Cui Xuan was a little embarrassed. How could this lead to a relationship? He didn't know how to answer for a while.

Fortunately, Shao Shude did not delve into this issue and went directly to the topic. He only heard him say: "In the five states of Deng, Lai, Qing, Mi, and Hai, there are many people in Silla. Have you ever calculated how many people there are?"


"There are always more than 40,000 people." Cui Xuan replied.

Shao Shude nodded, then asked: "Are there any traffic pirates?"

When Cui Xuan heard this, he was like a thunderbolt. Was he going to be accused of cheating and get rich? So he immediately replied: "The king of Xia has learned from the truth that the people of Silla have always been law-abiding and there are no gangsters."

Shao Shude was noncommittal after hearing this.

Sweat dripped from Cui Xuan's forehead. No matter how calm you usually claim to be, it is impossible not to panic in front of a big shot who can deal with you at will, including life and death.

The warriors of the Tang Dynasty were not very particular about it. If they set their sights on your property, it is best for you to be lucky. Cui Xuan has been to Bianzhou as far away as possible, so he still has some understanding of the situation in the Central Plains.

"I believe you." Shao Shude smiled.

Cui Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, then thought of something again, and immediately said: "I heard that His Highness is building a palace for the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and I am willing to donate five thousand coins to enhance the appearance of the palace."

"I don't want money." Shao Shude said.

Cui Xuan choked. What do you want if you don’t want money? A life? A woman?

Shao Shude didn't want to play riddles with him anymore, and just listened to him say: "I heard that there are many Silla shipyards in Chishanpo and Barmapo. I want to build a shipyard. There are already a few craftsmen, but they are quite insufficient. Your envoy can help me.

Think of a way?"

That's it? Cui Xuan became more and more relaxed. Nowadays, Silla is in war, and rebels are emerging one after another in various places. Business is not as easy as before. There are fewer ships coming from Silla, and the income of shipbuilders has also been reduced. Many people don't want to

When I return to my country, I am afraid that I will encounter a military disaster and my life will be difficult. If someone is willing to hire them, it will not be a bad thing.

Thinking of this, Cui Xuan immediately replied: "Your Highness has an order, how can I dare to shirk the responsibility? I dare not tell you if there are too many, three to five hundred craftsmen can still find it."

The smile on Shao Shude's face became brighter and he said: "After the ship is built, there must be sailors. I heard that there are many Silla people in Chishanpo and Barmapo who are good at sailing, so you might as well pay attention to them for me."

"This is easy to hear." Cui Xuan said with a smile.

"We can't let your envoy suffer a loss." Shao Shude said: "From now on, all foreign goods resold in Chishanpu will be handled by your envoy alone, and no one else can handle it for ten years. If you can satisfy me, it will be extended for another ten years.

, twenty years is not a bad idea.”

This probably means that Choi Hyun is allowed to be the exclusive general agent of foreign goods. Whether they are Silla, Japanese or other countries' goods, they cannot be sold at will. At least at Chisanpo Pier, Choi Hyun has the exclusive right - of course, he should pay

Taxes are still not exempt.

Cui Xuan was overjoyed when he heard this.

Although he didn't know whether King Xia's promise could last for ten years. Maybe his power would collapse in a few years? But it was enough. He had already made a lot of money in ten years. King Xia was really generous.

"Your Highness is generous and generous, and I don't know how to express it well to the foreign envoy." Cui Xuan brewed his emotions, squeezed out a few tears from his ecstasy, and cried: "The envoy will definitely live up to His Highness's expectations and do his best to collect them.

Shipwright, recruiting sailors."

"You can recruit more sailors." Shao Shude reminded: "Three thousand or five thousand doesn't matter, I can still afford it."

Three to five thousand? So much? What is this going to do? Cui Xuan didn't have time to think about it and immediately replied: "I obey His Highness's order."

Shao Shude nodded.

Of course, it is impossible for the three to five thousand people to be all sailors. This is related to one of the things he is planning. Although it may not be used in the near future, people who do not worry about the long-term must have short-term worries. His plan has never been based on three to five thousand people.

in years.

Horse administration, agricultural reform, running schools and boosting the rural economy, which one is not considered from a long-term perspective?

If Cui Xuanzhen can recruit 5,000 sailors, he plans to ask Yunzhou Academy to send people over to give them a good training, which will naturally be useful in the future.

Cui Xuan needs to be carefully investigated to see if he is capable enough to shoulder a heavier burden.

There are tens of thousands of people living in Silla. If we don't give them a hard time, we will be in vain for the reputation of "Shao Papi".

This chapter has been completed!
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