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Chapter 999 Thinking

 Abaoji made a prompt decision and left immediately. Not only did he take away 5,000 of the Khan's own troops, he also notified the diversionary guerrilla troops in Tieli Prefecture.

The Khitan army remaining in Fuzhou was less than 20,000 men, half on foot and half on horseback. Their main tasks were to transport property, grain, livestock and escort prisoners.

Before leaving, Abaoji left the Huolu brothers behind, divided the armies, and discussed major and minor matters with Shuluping.

"Don't worry Yi Li Jin, Fuzhou has been conquered. There may still be some defeated Bohai soldiers in Fuyu Prefecture, but they won't be able to change the world." Hue Lu said, patting his chest.

His hands were very strong, and when he slapped his chest, the armor leaves on his body rustled. Coupled with the ferocious scar at the corner of his mouth, he looked like a "fierce brother" at first glance.

"Abaoji, go ahead and fight hard to defeat the Xia people." Zhan(dí)lie said.

Huolu and Zhanlie were both cousins ​​of Abaoji.

Abaoji's great-grandfather was named Salade. Salade had three sons, the eldest was Xima Ge, the second was Tie La, and the third was Yun De Shi.

Abaoji is the grandson of Yun Deshi, Huolu, and the two brothers are the grandsons of Xiama Ge. They have a very good relationship with Abaoji and admire him very much. They have played together since they were young, exchanged horses and clothes, and they have become life-or-death friends.

The army was left in charge of the two of them, as it should be.

"Don't worry. Although the Xia people can fight, if they can fight, they will definitely win. There is no such thing as the weak defeating the strong, let alone military strategies." Abaoji said: "I will use the Khitan people's methods.

Teach them a lesson."

After that, he left Fuzhou City.

"Husband, here we go..." Shulu Ping chased him outside, his eyes seemed to have deep meaning.

Abaoji sighed and said, "Don't think too much about it. We are facing a powerful enemy. We cannot act recklessly."

What he said also meant something. If there were no formidable enemies like the Xia people, there would actually be a lot of things that could be done. But he was promoted to the Eighth Tribunal Yi Li Jin, and he was also the Khan's attendant, and he controlled the Khan's personal army, which would have caused trouble.

Many people were jealous.

Not to mention the other seven tribes, there are a lot of people in the Diela tribe who are dissatisfied with him - Abaoji has many cousins, which is also the biggest obstacle to his struggle for power.

If Abaoji really wants to break the tacit understanding that has existed for more than a hundred years, that is, the Yaonan clan should be the khan, and the Seri clan (descendants of Niriri) should be the Yili Jin, and to participate in the election of the khan every three years, the brothers of the same clan are the biggest

enemies, not outsiders.

In recent decades, Yili Jin's position has been wandering between the Tiela Clan and the Yunde Shi Clan. Yelu Yugu, who just died of illness, was only from the Tiela Clan. In fact, the Tiela Clan once controlled Yili for a long time.

Sumire's position and Yunde's family were in decline, and family members even had to seek refuge in other tribes.

The rise of the Yunde Shi Clan depended on Shi Lu, Abaoji's uncle. It was he who took advantage of the Thera Clan's jurisdiction and the opportunity of Kuangu to compete for power and profit, and successfully divided the Thera Clan.

But the Yunde Real Department is not peaceful either.

Yelv Shilu took a fancy to his nephew Abaoji's ability and tried to cultivate him, but how could others have no objections? Anyone with eyes could see the attitude of Shilu's biological son Hua Ge.

"When we return to the army this time, the priority is to expel the Xia people." Abaoji continued: "We must try to get all the ministries to work together. On this occasion, we can no longer make separate plans."

Shu Luping was a little surprised when he heard this, and even more at a loss. He secretly reflected on whether he was too anxious, too utilitarian, and ruined his husband's important affairs.

"Don't think too much." Abaoji repeated it again, turned around and said: "Haili, let's go."

"Okay!" Haili turned over and got on his horse.

Haili is another confidant of Abaoji.

His origin is a bit strange. He was born in the Yaonan clan and was a descendant of Zhaogu Khan. Logically speaking, he would not have anything to do with the Dela tribe.

Haili's father, Darugu, was a close confidant of Hendejin Khan. He once urged the Khan to take back the Seri clan of the Diela tribe and transfer the military power of the Yelu clan to the Yaonan clan.

The Khan was weak-tempered and refused on the grounds that this was the law of his ancestors.

Darugu was greatly disappointed and fell ill in anger. Before his death, he told his son Haili to defect to the Yelv family.

The Yaonan clan is a clan of the Chute tribe. Haili has been dignified since he was a child and has a close network of connections in the tribe. Logically speaking, he is qualified to run for election as Yili Jin of the Chute tribe, or serve as an official next to the Khan.

, but he gave up and decisively defected to the Yelv clan, and used his old relationship to make the relationship between the Diela tribe and the Chute tribe closer. For this, he was collectively cursed and hated by the Yaonian nobles.

To put it simply, they are clan traitors - yes, not the traitors of the Chute tribe, but the traitors of the Yaonan clan.

The Yelv clan could control the Diela tribe, but the Yaonian clan could not control the Chute tribe, and Haili was indispensable.

"Let's go!" Abaoji didn't waste any more time, got on his horse and left.

The mighty army also followed suit and headed towards the pastureland of Diela tribe.

The Diela tribe has a lot of soldiers, but most of them have not been brought out and need to be recruited - the eight Khitan tribes. If the strength of the Diela tribe is considered to be ten points, the other seven tribes each have only two or three points of strength. The gap is very big.



After Abaoji left, Shuluping was not afraid of the stage and immediately organized people to inventory the Dingkou and supplies in the city.

This was already her fourth expedition. In the previous three battles to clean up Shiwei and the Tatars, she collected grain, grass, materials, and soldiers from the rear and sent them to the front.

This time they were attacking the Bohai Sea, and from her point of view, there seemed to be nothing different about it.

However, after taking a closer look, it seems a little different.

Bohai people are also very good at building houses!

The government offices, prefecture offices, and county offices are all built with stone and wood, which are very complex and exquisite. In order to prevent cold, there are also fire pits in the houses, which are only found in Yaonian Khan City, but not every household in Fuzhou City.

At least half of the households have it.

The gap in civilization between Khitan and Bohai is so great that it makes people despair.

"Your name is Da Puqiu?" Shulu Ping asked after carefully walking around the front and back yards of the government office and looking at the prisoners who were brought up.

Shu Luping was accompanied by another person, Xiao Aguzhi who rushed back from Luoyang urgently - Xiao Dilu and others were still staying in Luoyang.

"The guilty general Da Puqiu met the Khitan nobleman." Da Puqiu was nearly fifty years old and was the governor of Fuyu Prefecture.

Generally speaking, the Sumo Mohe people, the main body of the Bohai Kingdom, are more civilized than the Khitan people.

The Khitan is a tribal alliance, with tribes, clans, and no surnames. There are actually relatively few nobles like Abaoji who use their tribe or clan names as their surnames.

Abaoji was born in the Shili clan. There is a rumor that in the official exchanges with the Tang Dynasty, Shili was mistakenly pronounced as "Yelu", so he took this as his surname. Some people also say that the name Dielabu comes from "Rao Leshui".

"Yiluohe" and "Xuoluoshui" (both are Xilamulun River), the Han people had a wrong transliteration and called "Yiluo" as "Yelü", so people simply used "Yelü" as their surname.

But in any case, most Khitan people have "impermanent surnames". When some people need to choose a surname, they are very casual, or use the name of the place, mountains, rivers as their surname, or their tribe as their surname, or their clan as their surname, or simply

Pretending to be a big shot.

Da Puqiu's surname is "Da", which is also the surname of the Bohai royal family. As for whether Da Puqiu has any connection with the royal family, there is a high probability that it does. It is difficult for ordinary people who pretend to have the surname to become a governor.

The Da clan also continued into the Liao and Jin dynasties. For example, Han Dening had a concubine, the Da clan of Bohai. There was also the defense envoy of Jinzhou, Da Shoujie. During Yongxi's Northern Expedition, Tian Chong entered the ambush at Feihukou and captured the Khitan general Dapeng Yi.

"Untie Da Fu Yin." Shu Luping said.

Xiao Agu only signaled, and several sergeants from the Uighur Shulu Department stepped forward and untied the rope from Da Puqiu.

Da Puqiu moved his arms slightly, but his heart was still filled with surprise and uncertainty.

"The Palace Prince can speak Chinese, but can he read and write Tang Dynasty Mandarin?" Shu Luping asked.

"Haneryu" is not the official dialect of the Tang Dynasty.

The predecessor of the Bohai State was the Sumo Mohe who lived in Yingzhou. At that time, there were 100,000 people. The various ethnic groups in Yingzhou naturally needed a "lingua franca" to facilitate communication. After the founding of the Bohai State, the ethnic groups were still mixed, and they still needed to use a common language.


This lingua franca is based on the Mandarin of Youzhou and Yingzhou in the Tang Dynasty, mixed with some Mohe dialects and other words of unknown origin, to form the "Haner language" with local characteristics of the Northeast. Of course, in official occasions, it is still the Tang Dynasty

Mandarin, they also used Tang Mandarin when communicating with Silla and Japan.

"Of course I will." Dapu replied.

Shulu Ping nodded and said: "From now on, just follow Agu and just do things. His literary talent is not good, and I need a serious scribe."

"Yes." Da Puqiu was very conscious and immediately agreed.

He is already a prisoner of his subordinates. He has long given up on what he wanted to do. He is lucky to be able to survive and save his family.

"What's the use of this old man? Yue Liduo thinks too highly of him, right?" Xiao Agu was a little dissatisfied. He had fallen in love with Da Puqiu's daughter and was about to snatch her back to enjoy his life, but unexpectedly his sister actually took her over.

This person is really unlucky.

"Aguzhi!" Shuluping emphasized his tone.

"Yes!" Agu said quickly: "After a while, his family will be released and ten slaves will be given to him."

"Aguzhi, you have also been to Luoyang. You should know that the world is very big." Shuluping stood up and said: "Sister heard that the Xia soldiers are attacking all the way and are almost uncontrollable. If you want to defeat them, you must rely on the old methods of the past.

That’s not possible.”

"Old method?" Xiao Agu asked doubtfully.

"You also know the inside story of the Diela tribe, and the Shulu tribe knows it even more. Let me ask you, there are so many clans in a tribe, and the leaders are in charge of their own affairs. They fight for each Yi Li Jin to a bloody head. On the spot

There are countless people who fall out and hold grudges afterwards. How can such a loose appearance win over the Xia people?" Shu Luping asked.

"It seems...it seems like I can't beat him." Xiao Agu said hesitantly.

Shu Luping nodded and said: "I heard Liu Rengong say that in the old Tang Dynasty, there was an enemy country called Tubo. The country governed the people like running an army, with long wings, ten thousand households, one thousand households, one hundred households, small generals, etc., both in charge and in charge.

The army also manages the people, so orders are enforced and prohibited, and the orders are consistent, and they are very good at fighting. The Khitan's current loose situation, based on clans and tribes, will give you great luck, but you will not be able to swallow up the Central Plains. But Tubo can, but it is a pity that they have no luck


The Tibetan organization was at the Mongolian level and very strict, but the Khitan was not that good. Shuluping saw this.

"From now on, we must learn the laws of the Central Plains. If we don't learn, we can't strengthen ourselves." Shuluping said categorically: "We can't touch the Central Plains for the time being, but isn't the Bohai Kingdom just a small Central Plains? I can't care about anything else, Shuluping Department

Learn first, and whoever dares to oppose you and Xiao Dilu will get rid of them."

Among the tribes, the strong are respected. Sometimes things are simpler than in the Central Plains. As long as your force can subdue most people, then you are right and everyone will listen to you.

Xiao Agu only once again felt his sister's cruelty and stubbornness. She knew things clearly, and it was difficult for others to change them, unless you were better than her.

"Yes." Xiao Agu could only answer bravely under his sister's gaze.

But then again, the Shulu tribe is weak and there are not many people. Their clan is also very strong among the tribe. With the support of brother-in-law Abaoji outside and the strong suppression of the clan inside, they can indeed proceed step by step.

Change, and it may be possible to achieve the goal without killing too many people.

"By the way, you have been to the Central Plains. Let me ask you, who is Shao Shude, the Lord of Luoyang?" Shuluping asked again.

Xiao Agu only recalled it carefully and said: "It's very majestic. His words cannot be doubted. No one dares to object. It is much higher than my brother-in-law's prestige in the Die La tribe. Uh..."

At this point, he felt as if he had said the wrong thing. Unexpectedly, Shu Luping didn't care and asked, "What else?"

"He has won the hearts of the military. Listening to the generals chatting in private, Shao Shude remembered the names of many warriors. He often went to the camp to comfort him. He was generous and generous, and rewards and punishments were measured. Therefore, everyone was willing to die. Even more so than my brother-in-law, Jin Yi, a member of the Eight Tribes.

, which is almost the same as my brother-in-law’s prestige in the military." Xiao Agu only said.

Shu Luping listened thoughtfully. His previous understanding of the Central Plains was still too superficial, and he must learn lessons from now on.

Perhaps, for a long time from now on, we should no longer have wishful thinking about the Central Plains, and the right way is to attack the Bohai Kingdom with all our strength.

This chapter has been completed!
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