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Chapter 1040 Xuzhou and Luoyang

 "Doo!" The arrow hit the bull's-eye.

Li Yixian carefully placed the breakfast on the table, then stood aside and watched silently.

Xia Wangjing was naked from the waist up. He had just finished practicing his sword skills and started practicing step shooting.

There are more than ten military schools in the courtyard. Some people are adjusting their rifles and bows, some are sharpening their swords and guns, some are working on their strength, and some are reading military books.

The straight atmosphere of Yin'an is very different from other groups. Everyone seems to be very motivated.

According to the King of Xia, the "curl" was very severe.

Martial arts alone are not enough, you must also have military strategy. Having military strategy is not enough, you also need to broaden your horizons.

These are the seeds of military officers, which King Xia cultivated with great care. Together with the martial arts students and the children of general families, they form the foundation of the general academy of the Forbidden Army.

Shao Shude handed the bow to Chu Shenping and wiped himself with a towel.

Fortunately, there is no fat, and there is still strength surging throughout the body.

At his age, what worries him most is the gradual loss of strength, which means he has entered a period of decline.

Human life is like a machine. It is brand new when it leaves the factory. After being used for a while, it becomes worn and needs repair. At first, it is minor repairs. As the wear and tear deepens, it gradually needs major repairs. By the time it is fully repaired, it will be repaired.

When it cannot be repaired well, it will be scrapped.

He hasn't gone through major repairs, which is good. Just daily minor repairs and repairs——

Mainly relying on dietary supplements.

Shao Shude sat down, picked up the porridge cooked by the medical officer, and ate it slowly.

The medical officer once recuperated Zhang Hui's body, and his health level was still acceptable. Moreover, he did not recommend Shao Shude to take various medicines that were popular among scholars at that time, and recommended a healthy diet. After all, his body seemed to be very strong, and he did not need to take medicine.

that step.

Because of this, he can no longer eat randomly. The diet is strictly limited, and he feels that the joy of life is much less.

The medical officer had objected to this expedition. Now that Shao Shude thought about it, he felt it made sense.

Continuous marching, fighting for the fleeting opportunity, led to disordered work and rest, irregular diet, and physical fatigue. During the Huangmei season, sleeping in the tent was so humid that hair grew all over the body. When commanding on the battlefield, the battlefield situation was

During the change, his face remained calm, but all kinds of emotions surged in his heart, which was not a good thing. Yesterday, I had a banquet with the generals and drank a lot of wine.

This is so unhealthy.

He is willing to waste his body's shortcomings on a woman's belly. But it is too much to waste it on this yellow plum day.

Glancing enviously at Chu Shenping who was gnawing on the bones of a sheep stick, Shao Shude cleared his throat and said, "Snipe slave, I have entrusted you to form the Xuzhou State Army. Are there any problems?"

Chu Shenping was overjoyed. After wiping his hands, he stood up and saluted: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your cultivation."

After hearing this, everyone else looked at Chu Shenping with envy.

King Xia's daily examinations have profound meanings. Every answer is a bonus or subtraction, so it must not be ignored.

"The number of the state army is two thousand. As is the old rule, I will give you five hundred old men, and the Lingzhou Academy will send five hundred new soldiers, and you will recruit a thousand people locally in Xuzhou. Remember, you cannot recruit anyone who has anything to do with the Silver Sword Army.

." Shao Shude said.

"Yes." Chu Shenping responded.

The Silver Sword Army was actually destroyed very early, but its ghost has always lingered. During the Yizong Dynasty, during the Annan Rebellion, the court recruited two thousand Xuzhou soldiers to go south to guard the border. Among the recruits were many Silver Sword Army warriors who had escaped. The court pretended not to know, and under the guise of

The idea is to let these arrogant soldiers fend for themselves in Lingnan, so they don't want them to come back at all.

Six years later, the Guilin garrison asked to return to Xuzhou. The Xuzhou Yamen general Zuo complained to Cui Yan, the Jiedushi envoy, "It is more fierce than a silver sword, which makes the whole army gain a bad reputation... If we even enter the city, it will be a rebellion..."

Listen, General Xuzhou, who has always been arrogant and domineering, panicked when he heard that the Silver Sword Army was coming back from Lingnan. This was an iron warrior who could annihilate Huang Chao's army and was not afraid of facing Zhu Quanzhong's elite soldiers in a direct field battle. The Silver Sword Army was

What monsters could make them so panicked? It was like a bully in school meeting a big brother in society, suppressed by blood.

"There are not many people left in Xuzhou..." Shao Shude sighed, then changed the topic and said: "Recruit 10,000 new soldiers and send them to Shaanxi Province Academy for training. You will handle this matter."

The population of Xuzhou is not much. It has plummeted from 500,000 at its peak to 200,000, but it still needs to recruit new soldiers. Chu Shenping can't quite understand Shao Shude's brain circuit, but he still agrees.

"Bu Zang Jie Minghui will serve as the Jiedushi of the Guilin Army and the Governor of Xuzhou, but he will not do anything. Chen Na, the Deputy Jiedushi, is specifically responsible for the affairs of Xu, Su and Si Prefectures and the governance of Xuzhou. You should cooperate well with him." Shao Shude put down.

Bowls and chopsticks, said.

In principle, there will be no vassal towns within the territory of the New Dynasty. It is conceivable that Zang Jieming will not be a military governor for a long time, but it is an honor after all. He has caught the last train. When talking about it with others later,

It’s all about qualifications, and it’s a very valuable title.

After giving these instructions, Shao Shude did not plan to stay in Xuzhou for much longer.

Li Tangbin is still the commander of Xuzhou's camp. The left wing of the Yi Cong army stayed in Xuzhou for a while, and Shao Shude took away the right wing. All the miscellaneous troops were under the command of Li Tangbin. After the weather improved, they continued to besiege Donghe, Linhuai, and Lianshui.

Three places to pull out the nails that Yang Xingmi left in Huaibei.

Shao Shude went north to Weizhou to supervise the war.

Fierce fighting has also broken out in the land of Xiangwei and Xingmingci, and news has been coming one after another recently.

The latest battle report surprised Shao Shude.

The Jin Army defeated the Jin Army at Fu River. This was not unexpected, but it was also a small surprise.

But the content that followed made Shao Shude dumbfounded: the managerial army that defeated Li Keyong's direct lineage was defeated by Wei Bo's army at Huanshui.

Did Luo Shaowei take aphrodisiac? Wei Bowu was so brave all of a sudden.

Therefore, Shao Shude planned to lead a large group of cavalry and a section of the Yi Cong Army to the north, and at the same time move a section of the Tianxiong Army to the east, gather a large number of troops, and push back these warriors from Hebei and Hedong first.

The departure day is scheduled for four days later. There is nothing to do in the south, the only thing left is grinding.

Before leaving, he once again received news from Anton Mansion.

It took three months, 20,000 horses, a large amount of equipment, and supplies to finally cross the sea. The Khitans did not come to attack. With the support of the army, Governor Du Guangyi used both soft and hard measures to organize the people into households. More than a thousand people were already organized in Lushun County.

The Bohai Kingdom also sent a batch of grain, livestock and farm tools as promised.

Shao Shude was speechless after reading it.

There were too few ships and the efficiency of crossing the sea was too low. It was really difficult to cross two thousand people at a time. Moreover, two ships sank on the way, hundreds of sergeants were drowned, and a lot of supplies were lost. It was really a trap.

There has never been a moment where he wanted the Ping Navy to complete training as soon as possible and put the ships in position more than now. But he also knew that some things could not be rushed. New ships were still being developed and results would not be achieved in a short period of time.

Liaodong, that’s it for now.


On the fifth day of June, Shao Shude led his troops to leave Xuzhou and go north. It was also at this time that the first batch of Huainan prisoners were sent to Luoyang.

After the morning court, the saint summoned Zhu Pu, Lu Guangqi, Dugu Sun and others in Zhenguan Hall.

"What's the crime of traveling secretly and attacking without authorization? I want to pardon the Huai soldiers and Huai generals. What does Prime Minister Zhu think?" The sage looked at Zhu Pu expectantly and asked.

Among the four prime ministers, he summoned Zhu Pu alone, but did not let Xiao Yu, Pei Zhi, and Pei Shu come over, which already illustrates the problem.

Those three people took refuge in the thief Shao, which made him very disappointed. Especially Er Pei, who came from a famous family, how could he become a thief?

"Your Majesty..." Zhu Pu thought about it carefully and didn't know what to say for a long time.

Lu Guangqi sneered, and Zhu Pu blushed and felt a little ashamed.

Dugu Sun's face was full of excitement, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with Zhu Pu.

"I ask your Majesty not to intensify the conflict." Zhu Pu sighed and finally said it.

When the saint heard this, he was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and said angrily: "Xiang Zhu, Xingmi was still offering sacrifices until last year. Don't you know that you judge the third division? I really don't know what the crime is for being so respectful.


Zhu Pu was speechless.

Lu Guangqi sneered again and said: "I wonder if Prime Minister Zhu ever visited Luoyang Fang City? Shao Shude generously rewarded mansions to his confidants to win over people's hearts. There are rumors among the people that Shao Thief has a hidden illness. He knows that his time is running out, so he wants to

Do the thing that usurps the throne."

Shao Shude wanted to usurp the throne. Basically everyone with a little knowledge could see it. Could it be that the palace in Luoyang was built for the saint? Chang'an already had three palaces, so there was no need to build another one in Luoyang. But he chose to build the palace for the saint.

, hundreds of officials forcibly brought Luoyang. What happened is unknown without asking.

Considering that he personally led the army to the south, defeated the Huai army, captured 11 counties in the two states of Xu and Si, and his majesty was unparalleled for a while, the traces of counterattack became even clearer.

Things that cannot be said may not be far away.

Whenever I think of this festival, loyal ministers can't help but feel sad, and saints are in panic all day long. Since the Northern Dynasties, there is no precedent for a deposed emperor to survive, not even one.

"In the city of Luoyang, most of the people are rebellious." Dugu Sun also sneered: "When I heard that the Huai army was defeated, I celebrated with my crown and showed my ugly face. In time, starting from Luoyang, the whole world may only know the virtues of cultivators and not the emperor.

If you really get to that point, usurping the throne will be a matter of course."

The saint's butt felt like there were nails growing out of it, and he was a little restless.

"And the Shangyang Palace." Dugu Shan said again: "It's obviously completed, why don't you let the two saints be lucky enough? In the Shendu Garden, there are drills all day long, and the atmosphere is full of smoke. What a royal garden, it has become a place of fighting and killing.

Wei Weiqing Murong Fu is also a traitor, but he actually blocked his way. It would be a pity to die."

The saint had eyes, so of course he could see that Shangyang Palace was almost in order. That day, he excitedly wanted to move to Shangyang Palace and stay for a few days, but he was stopped outside by the palace guards and refused to go in.

Is there anything more ridiculous in the world than this? The emperor could not go to his own palace. Even when the eunuchs were domineering, they did not do so.

It was impossible to go to Shangyang Palace, and it was forbidden to go hunting in Shendu Garden. The saint was furious.

Dugu Sun, who stepped forward to negotiate, was directly pushed to the ground by the Chishui Army warriors. He was so embarrassed that he added jealousy to the saint's ears and mentioned the incident when An Lushan hosted a banquet for the rebel generals at the Ningbi Pond in the Shendu Garden.

In addition, Shao Shude was compared with An Lushan.

The saint deeply believed this, but he had no choice but to do anything. Under all kinds of depression, his heart became increasingly uncomfortable, excited, and distorted.

"Your Majesty!" Zhu Pu's voice increased, waking up the saint who was in heart-wrenching pain again. He continued: "Don't interfere in the Huai people's capture of soldiers. I heard that Shao Shude cherishes feathers, so your Majesty will be a little more tolerant."

, or it may be beneficial to the country - the country."

To be honest, these words are a bit unpleasant to hear. Judging from Zhu Pu's past words and deeds, it shouldn't be like this. It can be seen that he is also a little anxious and panicked, worried that the saint will do something wrong without reason.

"Zhu Qing is really old at planning for the country." the saint sarcastically said.

This chapter has been completed!
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