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Chapter 1069 Special Military Operation

 Shao Shude climbed onto the Jixian city tower and looked at the people of Weibo who were struggling to move forward in the cold wind.

The conquest of Weibo was not like a war, but more like a special military operation, an action taken to eliminate the soil of the separatist regime once and for all.

How many thieves have been eliminated now?

According to the information reported by various parties, the total is no less than 20,000. As for the quality of these 20,000 people? Yamen soldiers? Town soldiers? State soldiers? County soldiers? Township soldiers? Vigilante groups? Or bandits who took advantage of the chaos? Or

Are they basically good people? I’m not sure, and there’s no need.

The current situation is that Wei Bowufu imitated Erzhu and Shi Pu in those days and pretended to be dead. They won many battles in the field and lost more, and they have lost the courage to go out of the city, camp, and fight in formation.

To put it bluntly, the regular army of Wei Bo was not as brave as the militia in the countryside. Those people were filled with hatred because their homes were destroyed and their relatives were killed. They dared to quarrel with the Xia army in the wilderness, and their performance was much better than that of the regular army.

"Denglai Prefecture, please resettle another group of people, with a limit of 10,000 households." Shao Shude ordered.

He doesn't care how to arrest these ten thousand households.

There are rules, but in fact when they are enforced, it is impossible to tell the difference, and many officers find it troublesome and directly arrest people in the whole village.

This is how most resistance arises.

Shao Shude doesn't want to change either.

This is how most resistance arises.

Shao Shude doesn't want to change either.

Even in modern society, there is a shortage of qualified cadres, let alone ancient times. Policy is one thing, implementation is another. If you have too high expectations, you will be in trouble.

Why the population in the two prefectures and eight counties of Denglai is so sparse that they can run ranches is destined to be an unsolved mystery.

The population of the dynasties before the Tang Dynasty and the dynasties after it far exceeded that of this dynasty.

Now after an inventory of Yinhu, Silla people have also been included, there are still 40,000 households in Erzhou, with a population of more than 240,000, only half of the number in the Sui Dynasty, and far inferior to the Ming and Qing Dynasty. As a place to focus on development in the future

, you can push a group of people through.

As for safety issues, don’t worry too much.

The state soldiers from various states will definitely go back after defeating Wei Bo. The status quo of three thousand soldiers in one state is destined to last for a long time. Four or five households in the towns of the country have one soldier, which does not mean that four to five households

The surplus grain produced by ordinary people's families is only enough to feed one soldier. In fact, if

For example, during the Liao, Jin, Yuan and Qing dynasties, sergeants were not paid, only rations were given, and cash was all plundered. It was not difficult to recruit hundreds of thousands of low-quality soldiers and horses such as the Green Battalion. The food was completely enough to eat, but what was not enough was property.

, after all, in addition to rations, the warriors of the Tang Dynasty also had to pay regular gifts of grain, money, and silk.

The consumption of state soldiers is very low, roughly half or even less than that of yamen soldiers, so raising them is not a big problem.

In addition, the state army general performed well this time, which made him very pleased.

In particular, Wang Jiao, the former first commander of the left wing of Tianxiong's army, used the tactic of feigning defeat and counterattack to kill Wei Boya general Li Daonu, severely dampening the enemy's morale, which made him very satisfied.

The information Ye Li Kecheng received was accurate.

The Longxiang armies, under the command of Li Tangbin, have already captured the outer city of Linhuai County. After taking this place, they will move their troops to attack Lianshui and completely remove the Wu army in Huaibei.

After this battle, in addition to sending some meritorious men to Luoyang, the rest of the army will discuss their merits and reward them, and they will definitely form a forbidden army...

Naturally, this eighth forbidden army cannot be all generals and soldiers of the Longxiang armies. It is bound to place its own people. Shao Shude is already looking for candidates. He is very satisfied with Wang Jiao and decides to promote them.

"Your Highness, Xu Si can also relocate some Weibo people." After hearing Shao Shude's order, the civil servant immediately recorded it, and Xie Tong also hurriedly made suggestions.

Shao Shude glanced at him, do you think I am a cash machine? Where can I allocate so many resources?

"Let's focus on Denglai first." Shao Shude said: "The newly established Anton Prefecture needs the full support of Ziqing Town. Once Denglai rises, things will be much easier to handle."

Penglai Town, Dengzhou recently came to report that a trial ship was produced for sea use, the Shaoshu Deci No. "Haijiao"

Just at the beginning of this month, the "Sea Shark" made a trial voyage to Silla. After returning, it was discovered that the hull structure was damaged quite quickly.

Shao Shude ordered craftsmen to dismantle it, find out the reasons, and make improvements.

Chapter 67 Special Military Operations

The mixture of Chinese, Arab, and European hull design concepts seems to have caused problems. However, if there are problems, he is not afraid of them. He only succeeds the first time. He has enough patience to wait for them to explore improvements.

The progress in shipbuilding in Penglai Town also gave him a considerable sense of urgency to vigorously develop Denglai Prefecture.

The people of Weibo are only the first batch, and there will be immigrants from other places later. Officials must also select the best and gradually replace the old bureaucrats left over from the original Ziqing Town to promote local development.

"Yue Nu, do you know why I value Denglai so much?" Shao Shude turned around, looked at his third son, Shao Mianren, and asked.

"Father wants to develop maritime transport." It was almost a question, and Saburo immediately answered.

"'Haijian,' the boat can carry five thousand grains at a time, which is far better than a chariot and a horse." Shao Shude said.

"Father, the cannons used to transport grain from Lingzhou to Shengzhou can carry 1,500 hu of grain at a time. The new large ships can also carry 2,000 hu of grain." Shao Mianren said.


Shao Shude was slightly embarrassed. The carrying capacity of sea ships is only two or three times that of river ships. It doesn't sound very reliable. Is it worth spending great efforts to study?

"Sanlang is very familiar with these data. He can pick them up at his fingertips. He is very happy as a father." Shao Shude's iron sand palm slapped his son's shoulder heavily and said with a smile: "Take your time, there will be big ships in the future, and they will get bigger and bigger."

"I understand." Mianren replied immediately.

Shao Shude has practiced martial arts all year round and can dance the heavy sword. These few blows were enough for him.

"Stay with me and study hard. Next year you will be fourteen. Go to Wendeng County and start as a household secretary. Don't let me down." Shao Shude said again.

"Yes." Shao Mianren was a little excited and agreed.

Perhaps due to the influence of his mother Feng Auntie, although Shao Sanlang also practices martial arts, he prefers literature. Fourteen years old may not seem old, but he does not have to be burdened by the trivial matters of life. He has received education for a long time, and it is still the best education.

The real level of resources is still not low.

For a lower county like Wendeng, there are only four officials in the county, namely, the county magistrate below the seventh rank, the county magistrate below the ninth rank, the chief secretary above the ninth rank, and the county captain below the ninth rank.

In fact, Sihu is not an official, and it is not suitable for the status of a prince. However, Shao Shude is willing to let his son familiarize himself with the various affairs of the key official position of Sihu first, and then step by step to become an official...

Without grassroots experience, it will be easy to be fooled in the future.

"Father, I see that many people in Weibo are wearing thin clothes. The cold wind is biting today, I'm afraid it will be very..." Shao Mianren said suddenly.

"What suggestions do my son have?" Shao Shude asked.

"There are still many woolen cloths in the Heyang treasury, so why not give them rewards?" Shao Mianren said.

Heyang produces a large amount of wool, and there is woolen wool in the warehouse. Generally speaking, it is given to the sergeants in autumn, and they are asked to find someone to sew it into woolen sweaters to keep out the cold.

Shao Shude was very happy that his son had such a benevolent heart. He was afraid that people would not know the sufferings of the people and the hardships of people's lives. In that case, it would be easy for them to make some unbelievable slap-on-the-head policies.

He didn't think this would be the best time to show mercy, and the batch of woolen cloths had other uses, but his son suggested it and he decided to be satisfied.

"Send someone to pass the news quickly." Shao Shude ordered: "Weizhou still has some military rugs. Let's reward them together."

Li Yixian immediately took the order.

"There are many cruel people in this world, but not many people are forgiving. Sanlang is very good, and he should keep it up from now on." Shao Shu took the hands of his two sons and said.

"My son will obey my grandfather's orders and assist my second brother well in the future." Shao Mianren promised.

Shao Shude laughed. Li Keyong was not as good as him in everything, but their family was really kind and filial, and brothers, friends, and brothers were respectful. This was so enviable.

Shao Shude did not want to lose to Li Keyong in this matter.

There were already sergeants outside the city announcing the rewards that were about to be given to the people passing by. As expected, the reactions were very mixed. Some were overjoyed, some sighed, some disagreed, and some begged to let them go. Of course, more of them were

Insensitive, it seems that it doesn't matter whether we give them materials to keep out the cold or not.

Shao Mianren was a little stunned.

Shao Shude smiled and pulled his two sons down to the top of the city.

That's it for Wei Bo's war. What's left is grinding until the enemy can no longer hold on. War,

Chapter 67 Special Military Operations

If you can't win quickly, then all you have to fight for is consumption, no doubt.

"Hebei is a big treasure house." When they went down to the tower, Shao Shude was still teaching some very essential things to Sanlang and Shilang.

"In this world, food is precious, money and silk are precious, gold and silverware are precious, but the most precious thing is people." I heard him say: "Since the difficult times, wars have continued in various places. Hebei is the best-preserved place and also has the richest human resources.

There is no one here, so everything you do is empty talk. My father has many big plans, all of which require manpower from Hebei. But it is better not to have people with backbones on the back of their heads. We must take care of them first. You two brothers,

We are already on the same side, you two should learn from it. I am not afraid that you are capable, but I am afraid that you are not capable, so Saburo and Siro should encourage you."

After returning to the city, just after lunch, Li Yixian came to report: Wang Pu, the ambassador of comfort, has come again.

"He runs quite diligently. When supervising the official affairs of the court, I didn't see him being so active." Shao Shude laughed and asked someone to invite him in.

"Your Highness..." Wang Pu's face was full of dust, and his eyebrows and temples were still hung with frost. It seemed that he had really worked hard to get on his way.

"Comfort envoy, please sit down." Shao Shude ordered the soldiers to serve the hot tea, then stretched out his hand and said, "Bring it here.

Wang Pu understood immediately and respectfully offered to make the book.

Shao Shude took it and unfolded it: "In the past, Shun ordered Gao Kui, and Bai Kui made a statement; Tang ordered Zhong Hui, and all the countries were in Xianning. The way is consistent with the monarch and his ministers, and the facts are as bright as the present and the past... (Too many people) Shude virtue, long sword

Yitian, the territory of Honghe River, passed down to Huang Gong, received the military talisman from Yuan Nu (too long, detailed description of "Zhongxing", achievements), will be handed over to Daitian, suitable for the return of unparalleled talents, can be awarded to the Prime Minister, the general

Baikui took Shuofang, Xuanwu and other towns as the Xia Kingdom. He still advanced to the title of King of Xia, and acted as marshal of all the troops and horses, Taifu, and Zhongshu Ling.

After reading it, Shao Shude put down the book making process.

Wang Pu waited eagerly.

"I've accepted it," Shao Shude said calmly.

Chapter 67 Special Military Operations

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