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Chapter 1083 One word

 Yanying Wendui is a customary name. It was first named after the emperor and ministers held consultations on major military and political issues in Yanying Hall. Later, the place was sometimes changed, but it was still called Yanying Wendui.

Shao Shude originally planned to hold the interrogation in Lichun Palace, but the name was too weird, so he changed the place to Xianju Palace on the north side of Shangyang Palace.

The Xianju Hall was built last year, and was renovated two years ago and two years ago. It has now been completed.

On this day, the secret envoys of the North and South Yamen, the deputy privy envoys, and the chief officials of the three provinces and six ministries all arrived - the prime minister of the political affairs hall is generally the chief officer of the three provinces and six ministries, and any chief official only needs to be awarded the status of "Tong Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi"

, that is, the prime minister, who can work in the political hall. If he does not have it, he is not the prime minister.

Shao Shude walked slowly into the Xianju Hall. Looking at the officials from three provinces and six ministries gathered together, he felt more and more that there were too many people.

In fact, after the Anshi Rebellion, the political system of the country has undergone considerable changes. Military power was concentrated in the Privy Council, and civil power was divided into large parts by the Hanlin Academy.

The Hanlin Academy was close to the emperor. From the time of Xuanzong, he began to accompany the emperor to study, play chess, draw, compose poems, write articles and even draft edicts. Over time, he was exposed to high-level secrets and gradually began to gain high authority.

In the Five Dynasties, the Northern Song Dynasty almost followed the system of the middle and late Tang Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, Hanlin bachelors were even more rare and were almost prime ministers in reserve.

Perhaps, every emperor needs a private secretariat.

You can call the Zhengshitang organization the cabinet or the Military Aircraft Department, because its personnel are all part-time. For example, Wang Duo, the capital commander who led the armies to fight against Huangchao in the past, entered Tongping as the Minister of Rites.

Zhang Shi became prime minister.

Today there are four prime ministers, Zhu Pu is the minister of Zhongshu, Xiao Qu is the minister of the family, Pei Shu is the minister of household affairs, and Pei Zhi is the minister of punishment. They all have their own positions. The prime minister (Tongping Zhangshi) is strictly a part-time job.

There are usually two to four people in the Guochao Zhengshitang. Shao Shude felt that Yanying Wen could merge this de facto "enlarged meeting" of the Zhengshitang with the Zhengshitang.

Maybe the three provinces can really be abolished into one province.

But this is a matter for the future, and for now we should continue to use the old system.

"How is Prime Minister Du?" Shao Shude walked up to Du Ranneng, the former Hexi Jiedu envoy who had just rushed back to Luoyang, and asked with concern.

Du Rangneng was already sixty-one years old after the Chinese New Year. He had suffered a serious illness and was not in good health. It was indeed not easy for him to travel and travel all this time.

"Hexi has been stopped, so we can no longer call the prime minister." Du Ronneng joked: "Unless the Taifu recommends it to the Queen, the old man may still be able to enter the political hall."

"Haha." Shao Shude was slightly relieved that Lao Du could still joke with him. No matter how he was physically, at least his mental state was good.

"Xueshi Du is from a well-known family and is well-known for his studies and practice. The court still relies on him." Empress He quietly observed Shao Shude's expression and saw that he was very close to Du Rangneng, so she said.

"I accept the Queen's auspicious words." He didn't know the Queen's current status and tendencies, so he could only be cautious in his words and actions.

"Xueshi Du." Shao Shude had the highest status besides the queen, so he sat down under the queen and said, "Can you teach me about things on the Hexi Road?"

Du Rangneng thought for a while and said: "Hexi Town, by the first year of Tianyou, had three states and ten counties, with more than 102,900 households and more than 451,500 people, as well as Tubo, Uighur, Longjia, Sogdia, At the end of the year, there were more than 300,000 people in Dangxiang and other Tibetan tribes. In Henan, they were only worth the household registration of a large county."

Having said this, Du Rangneng smiled bitterly.

"The Henan prefectures and counties with a population of 800,000 cannot be found now." Shao Shude said: "Moreover, Hexi cannot just look at the household registration. If you delete the two large ranches of Dandan and Heishui, it will be difficult to replace them."

The area under the jurisdiction of Hexi Town is vast, equivalent to the five cities of Wuwei, Jinchang, Zhangye, Jiuquan, and Jiayuguan in Gansu Province in later generations and the Alxa League in Inner Mongolia, with an area of ​​no less than 500,000 square kilometers, maybe more.

Moreover, the population is quite large, even a bit too much in Shao Shude's opinion. Although it may be much lower than that of later generations, he does not want to cause too heavy an environmental disaster. There will be more rainfall and more people can be fed, but in the future What about less rainfall?

"What if we give up and return to the rebel town?" Shao Shude asked again.

The Guiyi Army currently governs two prefectures and four counties in Sha and Gua, roughly in the Dunhuang area in later generations, and the area is also very large. If it is included, then Hexi Road will have five prefectures and fourteen counties, with a larger area and a larger population.

"I heard that Zhang Huai is seriously ill. It is still possible that he is here. If he is not here, something might happen." Du Ronneng said.

Lao Du has been in charge of Hexi for many years and has heard about the situation of his neighbors to the west. His suggestions should be taken seriously.

Shao Shude nodded, feeling somewhat clear in his heart.

He stood up, saluted the queen, and said: "Queen, I suggest that you send an envoy to Dunhuang as soon as possible."

The queen looked at Shao Shude and said happily: "But... I don't know who can go?"

"I think I can only send important ministers." Shao Shude said: "Honglu Qing Li Hang has high regard for his merits and has a deep secret strategy. He can go to Dunhuang to persuade Zhang Shangshu to offer his land to the court."

"Yes." The queen agreed without hesitation.

Everyone was speechless.

Yanying asked, have you asked us for our opinion? Although we won’t object, that’s all.

"The construction of a road to the west of the river cannot be delayed. I suggest that a prime minister, an assistant minister, and an important minister should be selected as the governor." Shao Shude bowed again and reported.

"Who is the best?" asked the Queen.

Shao Shude glanced around the hall and his eyes fell on Zhu Pu.

Zhu Pu sighed secretly, knowing that Shao Shude wanted to install his own people in the political affairs hall, and his position as prime minister would definitely be unstable. Instead of doing this, it was better to take the initiative to leave the town and sell favors.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "Queen, Grand Tutor. In the past, when Cen Jiazhou entered Hexi Province, he once wrote the famous line "There are hundreds of thousands of families in Liangzhou seven miles away, and the barbarians are half-ready to play the pipa." I yearn for it and wish you the best. As the governor of Hexi Province."

There are 100,000 households in the seven li of Liangzhou, and 100,000 households in the seven cities of Liangzhou. There are Guzang in Liangzhou, and two counties of Shenniao are attached to Guo, so they are indeed seven cities.

There are "one hundred thousand families" in the entire Liangzhou city, which may be the poet's romantic words, but it also shows from the side that Liangzhou had a very large and densely populated population at that time. Perhaps a large number of Hu people were not included in the household registration, so they moved around. The non-staff population is much larger than the registered household population.

The queen turned her attention to Shao Shude.

"Liangzhou must be controlled by Prime Minister Zhu." Shao Shude smiled and said, "I recommend Prime Minister Zhu to be the governor of Hexi Province."

"Yes." The queen immediately agreed.

Feng Yanqing can't stand it anymore, you two try to pretend.

"Queen, Taifu, the people in Hexi are complicated and must be suppressed fiercely." Lao Feng was afraid that others would see the problem, so he

Shao Shude pretended to think for a moment and asked: "Who can be the commander of the Hexi capital?"

He also noticed that today's question was almost all he had to say, and Queen He, a stupid woman, looked like she was in love with an adulterer, which made him slightly embarrassed, so he deliberately asked for other people's opinions.

"Queen, Grand Tutor." Xiao Qu took action at the right moment, and heard him say: "Guo Qi, the commander of the left wing of the Tielin Army, is scheming, and Shen Yi is brave. If you are strong in defense, you must be the first to attack. You can do whatever you want. This position will ensure that Hexi is safe."

When Guo Qi was young, he fought with Tubo. His intestines came out. He stuffed it back and continued to kill people. He was unparalleled in bravery. He is over fifty this year. He is old. It is really not suitable to lead troops on the front line of the Forbidden Army. Let him serve as the Hexi Prefecture Army. The commander-in-chief is just right, and he must be very happy with it.

The queen turned her eyes to Shao Shude again, and Shao Shude glared at her quietly.

"Then...then let Guo Qing be the commander of Hexi Road." The queen said stumblingly.

After talking about the Hexi Road, Prime Minister Pei Zhi brought up the matter of Longyou and Guanxi Road.

Longyou Dao has jurisdiction over eleven prefectures including He, Wei, Lan and Qin. Recently, the Qiang chiefs from the two prefectures have come to trade with each other many times. If done well, thirteen prefectures can be included.

The Guannai Road is not big, but there are many prefectures and counties, including Jingzhaofu, Qian, Yao, Tong, Hua, Jin, Fu, Fang, Yan, Dan, Pi, Ning, Qing, Jing, Yuan, Qi, Long, Feng , Xing, twenty foreign states.

Shao Shude has deep roots in these two places and a good mass base, so it doesn't matter how he chooses the candidates.

After Feng Yanqing and Xiao Qu helped him play two "fixed matches", he continued his speech.

The eldest son Shao Chengjie, who was seventeen years old, was appointed as the governor of Guannei Road and stayed in the Western Capital.

Wei Zhaodu, the former military governor of Longyou Province, was transferred to the post of governor of Longyou Province.

He also appointed Li Bai, the former military governor of Wu Sujun, as the commander of the pass. Wu Sujun was definitely going to stop suppressing the army. In these few days, if Li Bai resisted, the position to compensate him would naturally be gone.

Ren Long became the commander of Longyou Daodu.

Long was the former governor of Suzhou, the deputy envoy of Hexi Jiedu, and the chief of the Long Family. He had considerable influence in the local area, with tens of thousands of men and women. He had been relatively submissive in recent years, and did not resist when Suzhou returned to its native land. Moreover, the 5,000 Yumen Army sent to the Central Plains were also annexed - this unit was famous when they fought against Zhu Quanzhong, not because of their combat effectiveness, but because their red hair was too eye-catching.

The two appointments of Li Bai and Long are both compensation in nature.

Politics requires constant balance, and Shao Shude doesn't want to ruin his reputation. It doesn't sound good to burn bridges.

"Since your Majesty and others have no objections, I will agree to what the Grand Tutor has said." Seeing that no one had anything to say, the Queen immediately ordered a letter of appointment to be drawn up.

She doesn't know much about politics, but she knows about men.

She had no reason to stop something that the Tutor had put a lot of effort into promoting, and she didn't want to stop it.

She will listen to any man who can bring security to her life and bring her happiness.

Queen of the subjugated country, what else is there to say? Just stand on the last post, please the Taifu, so that you and your three children can continue to be rich and worry-free.

As a woman, I can't care about that much when it comes to family and country matters.

Feng Yanqing also felt a little emotional.

First, we sorted out the Nanya forbidden army and the Beiyafan soldiers, and formalized the management, mobilization and expedition of the army.

Then the various roads were divided, and the military power of the governors in the world was taken back. Then the military and political affairs were separated, and the governors and people were all commanded and envoys were in charge of the troops without interfering with each other.

In fact, it is not that no one has thought of these things. But thinking about it is one thing, and doing it is another thing.

The King of Xia did it with the help of twenty years of military prowess. It was really not easy.

This chapter has been completed!
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