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Chapter 1089 Acting

 "In the past, the great ancestors of the Tang Dynasty took advantage of the sweep of the universe to sweep the barren villages of the Sui Dynasty. Their bodies were extremely strong. As parents, there were brave men and unswerving ministers. They controlled the economics and participated in the establishment of structures. The ministers used soldiers.

In ten years, I have punished the ugly people and prayed for the lives of the people in the world. Is it just him? I don’t obey the imperial edict." Before the incense table, Chen Cheng and Xiao Qu finished reading the book, and Shao Shude said directly.

Afterwards, the three of them smiled at the same time and went into the central hall to drink tea and chat.

Accept the angel's visit once, who do you think I am?

The entire process of abdication started with public opinion building and breaking through the window paper. This has already happened.

Then the ministers persuade them to move forward. For example, Wang Pu takes the lead during a court meeting, and the prime ministers follow up. If there is a prophecy to follow up at this time, it would be even more perfect - this step has also been achieved, the words of "demon star" and "comet"

That’s it.

What follows is a process of making three concessions and three concessions.

After the first letter of abdication arrived, it must have been rejected outright, and then the ministers wrote letters one after another to continue to persuade Shao Shude.

So, after a while, the second volume will arrive.

There is no doubt that this is acting.

Of course, some emperors were unhappy and did not cooperate with the performance.

After Emperor Gong of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Dewen, issued the edict of Zen status, he did not want to cooperate with the acting, so he left the palace and moved into the Langya Palace. Such unconventional behavior made Liu Yu a little embarrassed, so he could only continue to act with the ministers.

The process was not as perfect as when Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty gave the Zen throne to Cao Pi.

The situation Shao Shude is facing now is much better than Liu Yu.

There are no such powerful aristocratic families inside and outside the government, and he has super control. However he wants to act, the script will be acted like this, and there will be no accidents. He can even directly hint to the officials to send him Zen one day.

Place registration document, this is nothing.

"The battle of Longjian is already very clear." Chen Cheng said: "Maozhou was captured by Xichuan last year. Last month, Jianzhou was defeated and Langzhou also surrendered. Now Zhao Jian is besieged in Longzhou, and the situation is becoming more and more difficult.

Zhuge Zhongfang surrendered, which is a good thing. If it were delayed, some ambitious people would emerge, and they might have to seek refuge with Li Maozhen, which would be unsightly."

The vassal town of Shannan West Road can actually be divided into two parts, bounded by Daba Mountain. To the north is the Hanzhong Basin, dominated by Xingyuan Prefecture, which is relatively developed; to the south is the Banan Prefecture, which has many barbarians and rugged terrain.

He has always been disobedient to discipline.

After taking Xingyuan Mansion, we must try our best to raise food and supplies, and then quickly go south to seize the Banan Prefectures. Don't give Li Maozhen a chance.

"I have flown the first part of the Xiong Army to Qizhou, across the mountains and wild terrain, without hiding the second part. I have also selected more than 10,000 young men to go south to help my son." Shao Shude said: "There are 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers and horses, and all of them are occupied.

It may not be possible in Shu, but it is not difficult to defeat Li Maozhen."

Of course, it would be much easier if the opponent was someone like the Queen of Shu. The abilities of these second-generation ancestors, who were dissolute and unscrupulous, were far inferior to those of the rising generation founders, Li Maozhen and Wang Jian.

The transfer of the Xiong Army to Sanchuan was the result of Shao Shude's careful consideration. Three thousand armored cavalry and a total of one thousand people were sent there.

This is not because they dote on their sons, but there are very few occasions where they can take advantage of their strengths. First of all, they won’t play with you in field battles, and there is almost no opportunity to play. Secondly, even in field battles, armored cavalry may not be able to

If you can attack the northern soldiers, you may suffer huge casualties if you fail.

During the reign of Emperor Dezong, a feudal town in Hebei rebelled, and the imperial court launched an attack. Li Baozhen, Wang Wujun, and Zhu Tao fought in Beizhou. At that time, Zhu Tao had more than 50,000 soldiers, including 20,000 cavalry, 1,000 chariots, and 2,000 fine Uighur cavalry.

, with three thousand captives and cavalry.

At the beginning of the war, Zhu Tao charged with cavalry. The infantry of Zhenji King Wujun did not panic at all. Facing the roaring cavalry group, they dared to temporarily change their formation, allowing the Youzhou cavalry to pass through the formation, while the Zhenji infantry remained motionless.

Then the formation turned around and surrounded Li Baozhen's Zhaoyi infantry in the rear formation, almost annihilating Zhu Tao's cavalry.

A classic battle in which cavalry is destroyed by foot. The killers in Hebei are not very afraid of cavalry. If the armored cavalry is sent there, it may not be of any use.

"The most difficult part in defeating Li Maozhen is food and grass. Your Highness, is Hanzhong alone enough to support such a large army? Ma's appetite is not small." Chen Cheng asked.

"When my son joins the army, the first thing he does is to supervise the transportation of grain and grass. How many soldiers and horses are there, how much grain and grass are needed, how much is there in Hanzhong, and how much can be raised along the way. If you don't understand this, I think..." Shao Shude shook his head.

, smiled and said: "The matter of Shannan West Road is not difficult to solve. After taking some time, all the states can be captured one by one. Even without fighting, some states and counties surrendered on Zhuge Zhongfang's order. You have the matter of Wei Bo.

What do you think?"

Xiao Qun was not very familiar with military affairs and did not dare to speak casually. Chen Cheng said: "If we accumulate more victories, Luo Shaowei will not be able to sit still. He comes to His Highness now just to find a way out in advance. He may not really surrender. He can only surrender completely."

Only by dispelling his luck and letting him face the dilemma of being attacked by axes will he seriously consider surrendering. The Tiande army went to Weibo to change defenses. The Yi Congjun did not need to rush back. They could take advantage of the advantage of having more troops and fight a few more battles. The thieves

When the situation is in embarrassment, chaos will inevitably occur, and such a major event can be settled."

"Shilang Chen's words are true knowledge and insights." Shao Shude praised.

Continuously exerting pressure and letting Wei Bo lose his position is indeed the best strategy. Fighting for consumption and competing with Shaoshu Derby, which owns Helong, Guanzhong, and Henan, has no chance of winning.

"What do you think about the Anton Mansion matter?" Shao Shude asked again.

They are all his own, and he has no intention of favoring one over the other. What's more, Siwu is Yu Niang's child, and Shao Shude has always loved him very much.

The eldest son was in Andong Mansion, but he was not as brave and diligent as his second son Chengjie in Hanzhong. The most important thing he did was to receive the surrendered Goguryeo, Mohe, and even Khitan tribal chiefs, and appointed them to official positions so that they could farm and herd with peace of mind.


Just at the beginning of this month, he personally plowed the fields and set an example for the people of Lushun, Dongping and Pinghai counties, which impressed Shao Shude.

"The Bohai Kingdom is making some noise, so there is no need to respond. I think they can still hold on and are not on the verge of subjugation." Chen Cheng said: "Furthermore, haven't Wang Yanzhang, Liu Wei and others fought against the Khitan? They can attract some thieves.

The soldiers have already reduced the pressure on the Bohai Sea, and their appetite is too great."

Strictly speaking, the battle with the Khitan was a small-scale harassment battle.

Fu Cunshen had more than 20,000 cavalry under his command, and he had the city at his back, and the sea route was still open. Unless the main force was lost in the first battle, it would be impossible to be driven into the sea.

Wang Tiejian has gained quite a reputation in Anton Mansion. He has defeated many enemies many times. The Khitan people took a detour when they saw him, and the local situation got better day by day.

"Your Highness, Yin Du Guangyi of Andong Prefecture has gathered the refugees in the hometown of Jili Prefecture, and has acquired more than a thousand households. He has also appointed county magistrates, county magistrates, chief registrars, county lieutenants and other officials. The situation is obviously very good. I would like to congratulate your highness. ." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

In fact, he has always been more concerned about things in Anton Mansion.

The four counties of Lushun, Pinghai, Dongping and Jili were encroaching northward step by step. King Xia, the eldest son, was walking very steadily, and he obviously had expert guidance around him.

He also knew a little bit about where this team came from. Dunhuang's Zhang family, Suo family, Li family, Yin family, Cao family, Shi family, Shi family and other large families sent many military elites and shogunate bureaucrats to assist. In particular, a Sogdian cavalry team had excellent armor and strict discipline. They repeatedly charged into battle and made great achievements.

King Xia also knew these things, but he didn't say anything, so Xiao Yu kept it in his heart and kept it secret. Fu Cunchen, Liu Wei's 20,000 troops were the main force. As long as they were held back, there would be no big problem.

"Siwu did a good job." Shao Shude was also very happy when he said this.

In today's world, it is only worthwhile to be happy that a son is capable. Otherwise, who knows what accidents will happen after his death, causing others to play the trick of usurping the throne.

At this time, raising sons like pigs and restricting their actions is truly irresponsible.

"We must do our best to provide the things needed by the Anton Mansion without any delay or deduction." Shao Shude said, "After I take the throne, I will attack the Khitan. If the Anton Mansion is here, it will be of great use."

"As ordered." The two of them responded in unison.

Then the three of them talked about the upcoming scientific examination. Shao Shude told them to pay close attention because there were more subjects in this year's examination, some of which were completely the first time. They should evaluate them carefully and make improvements later.

At noon, after finishing their meal in Shao Mansion, the group left and returned to the palace to resume their duties.


After the news of Taifu Jian's resignation from the throne came back, sure enough, another wave of persuasion actions began vigorously.

Throughout late March, people kept coming to encourage people to come in.

In order to avoid suspicion, Shao Shude simply used the excuse of running the army and moved to Shendu Garden. He took the Chishui Army, Yin Anzhi and the palace guards to talk about Takeda hunting.

At the same time, he is also paying close attention to developments in the DPRK and China.

On March 29, the chamberlain Wang Yanfan secretly reported that he had "accidentally" revealed the news to the saint who was under house arrest in Honghui Palace. The saint was restless and panicked at first, but then after he explained the conditions given by Shao Shude, Slowly calmed down.

Now that things have come to this, I have no ability to resist. It is better to believe in Shao Shude's character. In the eyes of the world, he has a reputation of being a man of great promise. Even his enemies believe it. Maybe what he said is true?

The conditions offered by Shao Shude were: after the abdication is completed, the saint will be granted the title of King of Le'an County and be enfeoffed to five thousand households - Le'an County, that is, Dizhou.

The second generation can also attack Jue Le'an County Duke and grant three thousand households a food seal.

In addition, there are some ceremonial benefits, such as being allowed to drive in a five-wheeled chariot, not bowing to the emperor when you see him, etc.

For the subjugated king, being able to break away from the death cycle since the Southern and Northern Dynasties was definitely a very favorable condition.

Whether a saint believes in it or not, he has no choice anyway.

On the first day of April, during the court meeting, Liu Can, a Hanlin scholar who survived because he jumped off the ship in time at the last moment, wrote a letter with tears in his eyes: "If the master does not come out, what will happen to the people?"

As a result, Prime Minister Pei Shu and Supervisor Zhang Wenwei, acting as angels, came to visit with the second inscription for the Zen title.

This chapter has been completed!
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