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Chapter 1101 United Front

On the fourth day of October in the first year of Jianji, Shao Shude arrived in Bianzhou, entered the city through Zhengmen, and stayed in the old residence of King Liang.

Chongyuan and Zhang Hui served me all night and received countless favors.

The palace officials Xie, Su, Lu, Pugu and others listened outside all night and were relatively speechless - after the founding of the Xia Dynasty, Chen, Xiao and others went back to serve as their concubines.

The palace officials have already changed a group of people.

After dawn, Shao Shude got up and practiced archery for a while. At the age of forty-four, he was still frighteningly energetic.

At three quarters of the hour, Li Yanling, the governor of Henan Province, Pei Di, the transportation envoy, Sun Jinde, the commander and prison envoy, Pei Yuan, the prison envoy, and Li Huai, the scholar and political envoy, were summoned to see him.

Li Yanling took office from the position of Sinong Qing.

The first commander-in-chief of the state army was Dai Siyuan. Now he has been transferred to Tiande Army. His replacement is Sun Jinde, the former governor of Kuozhou and deputy envoy of Shanzhou regiment training.

Sun Jinde, the governor of Huazhou, was the eldest son of Hou Sunba of Anbei County.

He also has a younger brother, Sun Jinshan, who successively served as the magistrate of Longzhi County in Shanzhou, the governor of Fangzhou, and now he is the prison envoy of Hexi Province.

Pei Yuan was an old man when Shao Shude fought against Huangchao, and he served as supervisor of the army many times.

Li Huai was the son of Li Shao, the late Huo Guogong of the former Tang Dynasty. Shao Shude helped him serve as the magistrate of Yunyang County and later served as the governor of Huizhou. After the founding of the Xia Dynasty, Li Shao was posthumously named Baiquan County Bo, and Li Huai succeeded Baiquan.

In the county, there are 500 households with food seals.

Four of the five main officials of Henan Province are members of the Kansai Military and Political Group with roots in Miaohong.

"It has been a few years since Henan was acquired. Has Pei Qing ever observed the folk customs? What do the public think of the new dynasty?" After taking a bath, Shao Shude had already put on his dragon robe, sat upright and asked.

Pei Di was originally the official in charge of financial planning in Zhu Quanzhong's shogunate, and he could be said to have entered the inner circle. After Chen Cheng served as deputy envoy of the Xuanwu Army, he worked with Pei Di for a long time. He valued his abilities very much and highly recommended him, so he was appointed to the post of Henan

Dao Zhuan envoy, responsible for the financial planning of more than ten states.

It is true that Henan has been greatly divided. However, the size of the Bian and Song states cannot be underestimated. Within the territory of the Xia Kingdom, they are still the number one wealth center.

Pei Di's new position is actually very important. Moreover, he also serves as the governor of Bianzhou, which means he has real power.

"Reporting to the sage, the people of all states in the Bian and Song Dynasties are happy and happy. After the founding of the Xia Dynasty, there was no objection, there was no restlessness in the public, everything was as usual," Pei Di replied.

"Listening to what you said, the Bian and Song states seem to have their hearts set on Daxia, is that true?" Shao Shude asked.

"It's not that I'm in favor of Daxia and I don't object to it." Under Shao Shude's questioning, Pei Di could only tell the truth.

These three words "no objection" are really the essence.

In the Guanxi region, the Zhili Dao states supported Daxia and Shao Sheng.

Henan Dao, and perhaps Huaihai Dao, just didn't object. In other words, it was "innocent". It didn't matter who became a saint, they didn't object. After the Xia Dynasty fell, they wouldn't object if another dynasty changed. That's the mentality.

They no longer have the righteousness of family and country, only a fragmented feudal mentality.

"At least it's better than Hebei." Shao Shude smiled.

The Hebei states may not object on the surface, but the connotation of their non-objection is different - they have no strength, so they can only tolerate it temporarily, and once they find an opportunity, they will immediately jump out to rebel.

This is the current mentality of various northern regions towards the nascent Great Xia Dynasty. Generally speaking, the influence of Shao Dasheng among the people is getting smaller as you go eastward and smaller as you go north. In many areas, it is simply suppressed by military deterrence.

The local people, scholars, and officials did not return to their hearts.

"You are a veteran of Henan, do you have any strategies to win over the people?" Shao Shude asked.

The "people's heart" refers to people, which is very complex and has different meanings in different situations.

Shao Shude generally understood him as a person with united front value.

The local Tu people are powerful and have the value of united front.

A well-known scholar in the countryside has the value of united front.

Officials, soldiers, and big businessmen have the value of united front.

Skilled craftsmen and scholars can vote with their feet and have united front value.

In some cases, ordinary field servants also have united front value, such as when someone is needed to farm the land, serve as a soldier, or perform corvee service.

"The saint has actually done it before to conquer the hearts of the people." Pei Di said: "If the states of Bian and Song Dynasty were given three more years, the people would be very happy, otherwise they would not be as unopposed as they are now."

"But it's not enough." Shao Shude said: "I have not brought any benefits to the people of Henan. On the contrary, their families have been destroyed, their villages have been ruined, their farmland has been barren, and they have been burdened with heavy taxes, corvees, and military service. As for Henan scholars and military generals,

He said that Zhu Quanzhong from Songzhou is more willing to take care of the Henan Township Party. I have taken away their future, which may be the starting point for the prosperity of the family business for hundreds of years. So, what should we do?"

Since ancient times, hometown registration has been very important. The traditional concept also believes that fellow villagers are more reliable and more willing to be appointed and reused.

Moreover, people who have not experienced the terrifying era of Qin Zongquan cannot understand what Zhu Quanzhong has brought to the people of Henan. Although there are many folk shrines built by sycophants to win Zhu Quanzhong's favor, there are also many built by the people themselves.

, this is an undeniable fact.

"Your Majesty, there is actually a way." Pei Di said.

"Tell me."

"Your Majesty has exported tens of millions of cattle, sheep and miscellaneous livestock to Henan, and vigorously promoted the three-field system. People everywhere are singing praises." Pei Di said.

"You are asking for money in different ways." Shao Shude laughed and said, this number is simply outrageous.

Pei Di also smiled.

He has been paying attention to the three-field system implemented in Kansai since the time of Zhu Quanzhong. Grain output may decrease slightly, but the comprehensive output of grain, meat, milk, fur, etc. will greatly increase, which is of great benefit to the people.

The conditions in Henan and Hebei are actually more suitable for promoting this new agricultural system than in the northwest. Unfortunately, the demand for livestock is too great, and this alone is daunting.

"Where do you want me to find tens of millions of livestock?" Shao Shude said helplessly.

"Your Majesty, there are millions of people in Khitan, but there are more than 10 million livestock." Pei Di said.

What a good guy, you actually persuaded people to rob it.

Shao Shude is quite familiar with grassland affairs. From the Han Dynasty, the human-animal ratio of the Xiongnu and other tribes was about 1:15, that is, each person owned more than a dozen livestock, most of which were sheep, accounting for about 70-80%.


In terms of survival, a herdsman needs twenty or thirty sheep to survive by eating dairy products, hunting, and gathering. Moreover, he often struggles on the edge of starvation. When encountering heavy snow in winter, a large number of livestock die, leaving him without milk.

Don't think about anything else at this time. Just kill the frozen livestock and eat their meat, and then go to Han to rob them next year. You won't be able to survive anyway.

Shao Shude has provided disaster relief to the grassland several times.

Each time, he ordered grain to be allocated by ship and sent to the Yinshan area to provide relief to the herdsmen. By the way, a wave of young men were sent to Lingzhou Yuan and Shaanzhou Yuan to train as soldiers and help them tide over the difficulties.

This can not only improve the prestige of the Supreme Khan, but also avoid troubles - if there is a famine in the Central Plains, the hungry people will riot, and if the grassland is white, the herdsmen will not rebel? What do you think?

But then again, Khitan is a little different.

First of all, a million people is an imaginary number, and secondly, it is impossible for everyone to graze. Therefore, it is a question whether they have 10 million livestock. There is a high probability that they do not, because a considerable number of Khitan people farm.

"Don't always think about robbing." Shao Shude said: "Li Yanling, you used to be Sinong Qing. Please help solve the problem in Henan Province."

"According to the decree." Li Yanling said: "I estimate that ten million sheep is not enough, but the pastoral supervisors can collect two to three million sheep."

"Where are the big livestock?" Pei Di asked nervously.

"Sheep are easy to feed, but no one wants to raise big livestock. Even if they are, the livestock supervisors mainly raise horses, followed by camels." Li Yanling said: "If there are three million miscellaneous animals, I can only guarantee that 10% will be large livestock.


Pei Di was a little disappointed.

"Pei Qing." Shao Shude smiled and said: "If you can't rely on grabbing, you have to raise the livestock yourself. If there is enough forage, they will multiply quickly. Guanbei Road used to be short of livestock. After twenty years of development,

Plant pasture in the spring, and plant turnips for the winter after the autumn harvest. Now there is no shortage of livestock, and they can even be sold to Guanzhong to support the reform of the three-field system in Guannai Road. Robbing can only be a temporary relief, but it is not a solution after all."

Pei Di sighed, knowing that the saint was telling the truth.

"Let's do this." Shao Shude said again: "This year Liang Hanyong robbed more than a million cattle and sheep, and divided them among the various parts of Yinshan. There are still 600,000 head, so I will make the decision and allocate them to Bianzhou. There are more than ten states in Henan Province.

, first create one or two models. This way, others will see the benefits, and it will not be too difficult to implement in the future. I also asked them to contribute 50 yuan to the pastures in Heyang, Guozhou, Jiacheng, Linru, and Xiangyang.

Ten thousand sheep will come out and be sent to Bianzhou."

Speaking of this, Shao Shude suddenly thought of Wei Bo.

Historically, Zhu Quanzhong's army was stationed there, and Luo Shaowei supplied 700,000 cattle, sheep, and pigs in half a year. This was a fat and oily place.

But he quickly rejected it.

It is true that many livestock were robbed from Weibo, but most of them were sent to Xiangyang to supply the people of Weibo settled there.

Forget it, don't go too far.

The plan was decided, and the Zhongshu Provincial officials who accompanied him immediately drafted the edict, and the edict was sent out that day. Officials in Bianzhou, Junyi, and Kaifeng Prefecture and two counties immediately copied it, posted it everywhere, and circulated it everywhere——

"Since I raised my army... there have been the work of flying cud and millet, the battle of dredging deep trenches, the burdens have been heavy but the people have no complaints, the work has been complicated but the soldiers have been loyal and diligent. This has led to clearing away the smog and eradicating hypocrisy and rebellion...

... I think about the long-lasting fate, and I deeply appreciate it... I don't want to express my kindness to the old land of Su, but I hope to show my favor to Sui and avoid the wind of excitement in Chongqing and Dun... Bianhua and twenty-three counties in the three prefectures of the Song Dynasty should give domestic sheep in quantity.

A hundred articles will be added for a period of five years, and the lessons will be returned year by year...the vacant fields will be returned, and the newly returned households will be allowed to build a house to live in, and may be able to farm, and will be exempted from having to work as corvees. In this case, in the future, the owner will receive tenants from his neighbors.

Order Kangtai to express your kindness."

This edict first said that the people in Henan were too hard-working and had great merit. Shao Sheng felt ashamed, so he wanted to give them benefits: First, he sold sheep to the people, each head was a hundred cents cheaper than the market price, and it only cost about two hundred yuan to buy it.

The next step is to pay them in five-year installments; the second is to divide the vacant fields without owners and allow them to build houses and farm.

There is no doubt that the targets of this united war are rural farmers, urban craftsmen, ordinary soldiers, literati, merchants, etc.

Immediately following this edict, Shao Shude ordered the recruitment of thousands of disciples skilled in bow and horse from the three states to join Yin'anzhi.

This is an opportunity for United Front officers and wealthy families to stand out as officials.

In fact, I have done this before. This time I will "increase the dose" and try it again to see the effect.

All in all, Shao Sheng began to bribe the Xuanwu Army states, including all levels of the upper, middle and lower classes, striving to slowly digest them and become one of his basic bases.

This is a long-term work. If done well, it will inevitably profoundly change Henan's economic foundation and gain an unimaginable wave of public support and popularity.

Speaking of which, this is also one of the results of the patrol - the results obtained by the people of Henan.

If Shao Sheng doesn't come, God knows how long we have to wait. The unclaimed land has been taken away by the government. I plan to set up farmland. Can I give it to you? Can the sheep be sold to you so cheap? Can agricultural officials be sent to teach you new farming methods?

Pattern? Dream on!

It's better for Shao Sheng, who knows the suffering of our Henan people...

This chapter has been completed!
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