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Chapter 1106 Hengshan and Ping Haijun

Before the case, Shao Shude opened another letter written to him by his eldest son, Shao Siwu.

There were many letters and the time span was very long. Shao Shude went through them again, as if he had seen his son overcoming obstacles and struggling hard in Anton.

Concubine De was waiting on her, lighting lamps, stirring wax, and serving tea and water.

The sound of falling snowflakes could be heard faintly outside the window. Inside the window was warm as spring, quiet and peaceful.

"You have been with me for almost twenty years, right?" Shao Shude gently stroked the wrinkles at the corners of Wu Zang's eyes and sighed softly.

"Official." Wu Zang Miao'e grabbed Shao Shude's hand. She didn't know why, but her eyes were almost red.

Shao Shude understands.

Other people's children are so old that they can already go to the local area to gain honor, bring honor to their mother, and bring help to the mother clan, but they have not given birth to a son, so what can they do?

"My brother has done a good job and has made a lot of achievements." Shao Shude said: "I gave him an additional 500 households. If there is no collector who invests in me early, he will definitely not be treated badly."

Wu Zang Qingxiang died before the founding of the People's Republic of China and was posthumously named Beihai County Duke.

The military envoy of the Yi Congjun, Wu Zang, was the second generation Duke of Beihai County and was granted a title of 3,500 households.

Shao Shude is currently deciding on "Yuan Cong", which is something Zhu Quanzhong did in history.

Lao Zhu redefined "Yuan Cong" and it was no longer limited to the group of people who initially followed him. Some capable civil and military officials who came to Bianzhou and later joined him were also considered Yuan Cong.

Yuan Cong and non-Yuan Cong are definitely different in terms of titles and rewards. Lao Zhu did this just to expand the basis of his rule.

Shao Shude thought it was very good and decided to grasp the scale and expand the scope of Yuan Cong.

For now, an obvious benefit of Yuan Cong is that the title will not be downgraded for three generations.

Taking the Mu Zang family as an example, Mu Zang Qingxiang was posthumously granted the title of Duke of Beihai County, which was the first generation. Mu Zang was granted the title of Duke of Beihai County, which was the second generation. By his son's generation, the third generation was still Beihai County.


In fact, according to the practice since the Northern Dynasties, if a distinguished person has made great contributions, Shao Shude will be re-confessed, and the calculation starts from scratch again.

It doesn't matter if you haven't made any great achievements. Small achievements will slowly accumulate, and you can add hundreds of households at a time. If you save too much, it is not impossible for you to become a prince of the country. Of course, if you commit a crime or suffer a big defeat, you will be punished.

, the title may be downgraded.

If you think carefully about the title system since the Northern Dynasties, it is actually quite interesting. It basically has a promotion and relegation system. There is no such thing as the Eight Banners men said that our ancestors have eaten up the hardships of several generations and that our children and grandchildren can just lie down and enjoy the blessings. They just force you to


"When I have time, I will also write a letter to my brother." Shao Shude said: "The place in Hengshan is very poor. Two hundred thousand people have to harvest a few bushels of millet per acre. What's the point of living? Pingkuang, Anton Prefecture,

It is a fertile land, and you can still graze cattle. Let me move people out one after another, and go to Anton to watch over the local unruly people."

"The Wu Zang family owes its current status to the official family." Wu Zang Miao'e was pulled into Shao Shu's arms and whispered: "During the Xuanzong Dynasty, the generals slaughtered party items at every turn, and life was not as easy as it is now.

.The officials said this, so of course they have their own reasons. I will send someone to report the news tomorrow."

She knew that Hengshan Dangxiang was responsible for the government's reduction of vassal status.

The three major departments of Hengshan Dangxiang and the scattered Gyeongju Dangxiang are difficult to resist, and they have gradually been directly controlled by the government in recent years. The two major departments of Weimo Zang and Yeli, although they do not have the name of Jiedushi, under the tribal system, they are

A de facto feudal town.

The Zhongwu Army is gone, the Huaining Army is gone, the Zhongyi Army has moved to the town, Duhong of Ezhou was attacked and seized power, Shannan West Road has just been annihilated, the Jiedushi of the Guiyi Army has entered the dynasty, and Hezhong was suppressed and annexed early...

After leveling so many vassal towns, it was considered polite to take action against Hengshan Dangxiang at the end.

Wu Zang and Yeli were submissive after all. There were some things that the officials couldn't say straight away, so they used roundabout means to convey the message. Wu Zang and Miao'e understood it.

"I didn't mean to deceive the Zang family." Shao Shude said: "The tens of thousands of people who went to Shannan West Road this time will go to Andong to divide the land as soon as the war is over, granting one hundred and fifty acres of land, and

Financial rewards. If you don't believe it, you can send people to Lushun. There are a large number of Hengshan Dangxiang sergeants in the German army, and they will not deceive their own people."

Once a person comes out, there is no reason to go back.

If the Wu Zang clan doesn't agree, there will be conscription later. Can you get people out? People have come out, and Shao Shude has no intention of letting them go back. Do you dare to force them back? If you don't, it will end in chronic bloodletting.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to have fun. The best members of Hengshan Dangxiang were transferred away to fight in the mountains of Liaodong and serve as government soldiers. Those old and weak who stayed in their hometowns naturally had no capital to resist, so they could only settle down into households and unite the people.


Of course, Shao Shude estimated that it was more than that.

Hengshan Dangxiang gained a lot of benefits from following him. Qingtianzi's reputation is very good and cannot be discounted at all. What Wu Zu said is very credible and there will be many people willing to go.

Considering that many rebellious Weibo people will be relocated to Anton in the future, without Hengshan Dangxiang Gang keeping an eye on it, Shao Shude is worried that the Weibo military people will take the initiative to join forces and create a local Anton mansion with a military electoral system for you.

"I listen to the officials." Seeing Shao Shude unbuttoning her clothes, Miao'e took the initiative to puff up her chest to make it more comfortable for the officials to hold her.

"Serve me more during this time and try to make a child..." At the end of the sentence, Shao Shude's speech was no longer clear.


Shao Shude stayed in Dengzhou for a long time.

On the ninth day of December, he arrived at Chishanpu again and reviewed Ping Haijun.

The military envoy of the Pinghai Navy was Zhu Liang, the deputy envoy Zhao Zonghui, and the Du Yuhou Wang Shilu.

Bo Zhuliang of Xiao County was an old man from Yuancong in the Xicheng era. He once succeeded Li Yanling and served as a military envoy. He was loyal and loyal, but he was really not good at maritime affairs.

But like Lao Li, he can build relationships, win over people, and employ people.

Zhao Zonghui, a native of Haezhou of Silla origin, knew hydrology, discerned the weather, and was good at naval warfare. He managed this army, with more than half of its personnel being of Silla origin, in an orderly manner. In addition, after the Bianzhou navy personnel were accustomed to the wind and waves at sea, they acted as middle and lower-level officers.

, this unit is not in danger of being pulled away by others.

What's more, the people of Silla are not willing to run away.

What are you trying to do? Go back and join Silla? Are you okay?

Zhang Baogao was so skilled in martial arts, and he served as a general in the Wuning Army of the Tang Dynasty for many years and made many military exploits, but he was still looked down upon by others after he returned.

In Silla, if you were born like them, it would be impossible to be an official. That dynasty was too decadent and almost still existed in the family system of the Wei and Jin Dynasties in the Central Plains. It was very difficult for ordinary people to get ahead.

"I am very relieved that the Pinghai Navy is like this today." Shao Shude personally boarded a large Tang-style ship and said with a smile.

Well, the fishing nets on the boat have been put away in advance. On weekdays, fishing is just a "farm", but today the saint is watching the navy. If the boat is full of fishing nets and clothes hanging out to dry, it is really an eyesore.

"You came here from Salmon Island before winter?" Shao Shude turned to Zhu Liang and asked.

"Your Majesty, in mid-October, I personally led the Ping Navy to set sail from Salmon Island and Turtle Island and anchored at Chishanpu." Zhu Liang replied: "Because of the transportation of military supplies and fishing throughout the year, the combat skills of our men It is somewhat abandoned, so we started winter training a while ago. After the winter training, we will repair the ship and go to Penglai Town after the spring."

The series of small islands between Andong Prefecture and Dengzhou can be regarded as the daily home port and training base of the Ping Navy.

Dozens of large and small ships are based here, transporting materials and personnel back and forth. It is very busy, and it is indeed difficult to find time for training.

After winter arrived, the Jishui River was frozen, and grain, grass, and equipment from the west could not be transported by water. There was also fine thin ice off the coast of Lushun and Penglai. They no longer needed to transport materials back and forth, and only then did they have time for winter training and ship overhaul.

"One piece and one piece of relaxation, not bad." Shao Shude commented casually, then looked at Zhao Zonghui and said, "Does General Zhao still have contact with Silla?"

"Your Majesty, I am a native of Xia, so I don't dare to contact Silla." Zhao Zonghui immediately replied.

"No problem." Shao Shude waved his hand and said with a smile: "I was in Luoyang and received a handwritten letter from Cui Xuan from Silla, saying that the Gong family has broken the earth and become king this year. Do you know about this Gong family?"

Of course Zhao Zonghui knew. In fact, he still had relatives and friends in Silla, and knew more or less the news there, but he did not dare to say it, lest he arouse the suspicion of the saint.

"To tell you the truth, my mind is not that small," Shao Shude said.

"I obey the order." Zhao Zonghui put down his snack and said: "The Gong family is also a member of the royal family of the Silla Kingdom. In fact, it has been several years since the army was launched, and many prefectures and counties were captured. This year, I felt that the time had come, so I called myself the 'King of Goguryeo' .There is also the Zhen family who has also captured some prefectures and counties and is called the 'King of Baekje'. Now Silla is in chaos and attacking each other, which has become a chaotic scene."

Silla is a small country, but the Three Kingdoms are still fighting for hegemony. This incident has caused...

Although it seems that Silla currently has the largest territory and is orthodox, it is also the most corrupt, has the most negative assets, and has basically no chance of turning around.

After Goryeo and Later Baekje were emerging regimes, they were on the rise and more energetic. In the end, it was probably the two of them who would have a showdown to decide the ownership of the entire Silla.

It is worth mentioning that according to Cui Xuan, the "King of Goguryeo" and "King of Baekje" currently recognize the King of Silla as the main one. From this point of view, these two are actually playing the trick of separatizing vassal towns. Silla

The king's righteous title still has some effect.

Shao Shude and Cui Xuan exchanged letters many times, and he knew a little about Silla. He knew that in the eyes of the Central Plains court, the King of Silla was just a prince, and he had no power to ennoble the Gong family and the Zhen family as king. But in fact, Silla was

Wang became emperor behind closed doors and also implemented a mini-China tribute system.

For example, many indigenous tribes in the north paid tribute to the Silla Dynasty, and the King of Silla also grandly conferred various titles on them. In the south, Tamna Island (Jeju Island) was also canonized and became a vassal state of Silla.

But this Tamluo actually also sent envoys to pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty.

"Tamna is on the sea of ​​Wuzhou in Silla. It lives on a mountain island. It goes back and connects to the sea. It takes five days to go north to Baekje. Its king's surname is Ruli and his name is Dora. He has no city god. He is divided into five tribes. Their houses

It is a round wall, covered with grass. The household registration is 8,000, and there are bows, swords and scabbards. There are no written records. They only serve ghosts and gods. The permanent servants belong to Baekje. In August of the first year of Yongshuo, tribute envoys arrived."

In fact, it is quite normal. Small countries, small tribes, and things like grass on the wall pay tribute to multiple sect masters at the same time and seek canonization. It is an ordinary thing.

Historically, the Yuan Dynasty directly destroyed it, stationed troops, and returned it to the Central Plains. It originally had nothing to do with North Korea, but what happened was that the Yuan Dynasty also destroyed North Korea, and then put Tamna Island under the management of North Korea's Eastern Expedition Province.

This was not a big problem at the time. After all, they were all a province of the Yuan Dynasty. Wouldn’t it be the same regardless of which province Tamluo Island was under the jurisdiction of?

This is the same as when Tsarist Russia destroyed the Crimean Khanate, a vassal state of Ottoman Turkey. During the Soviet period, wasn't it the same when Crimea was removed from Russia and placed under the jurisdiction of Ukraine?

The sea is changing, things are impermanent, and they are really different.

"If the King of Silla sends an envoy to Luoyang to become a minister, should I be canonized?" Shao Shude asked again.

Zhao Zonghui was silent for a moment and said categorically: "I believe that Your Majesty should be canonized as the King of Silla. Silla is unruly and the people are disgusted with it. The King of Silla cannot control the situation, so he can only rely on the superior country, which may give many benefits."

"Qing Zhao is knowledgeable." Shao Shude said with a smile: "In the past, the King of Xinluo was the governor of Linzhou in Tangji. Now if the King of Xinluo sends envoys to visit, I should be canonized or send an army to help. You can do it.

Be prepared. However, the current direction is mainly in the Andong direction."

"I obey the decree." Zhao Zonghui responded.

His mood at this time was a little complicated.

There are so many warriors in the vassal towns in the Central Plains who are ferocious and good at fighting. If they were let out, who knows how much trouble they would cause.

If it were an army like Li Hanzhi or Sun Ru, he didn't even dare to think what would happen...

This chapter has been completed!
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