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Chapter 54: Returning to the North (1)

  On March 27th of the third year of Zhonghe, Shao Shude received a reward from the imperial court as soon as he led his army back to Dongweiqiao. Moreover, there were two decrees in a row, only half a day apart.

The main idea of ​​the first imperial edict was to confer the title of Inspector Sikong, Tong Zhongshu’s Pingzhangshi, and Xia Guogong.

The second imperial edict granted him the title of Grand Tutor of the School, Tong Zhongshu, Ping Zhangshi, Prince of Lingwu County, and Xia Suiyinyou, the four prefectures, gave him the title of "Dingnan Army", and he was still appointed as the Jiedu Envoy of Dingnan Army.

The reason why he issued two edicts in succession is probably because the saint learned that he was pursuing the nest bandits and pursued them all the way to the vicinity of Lantian Pass. All the armies were looting in Chang'an, but he was "incomparably loyal" and pursued and killed the nest bandits. The saint

He decisively gave himself the title of county king, and that's probably what happened.

There were quite a lot of titles conferred by the dynasty to kings with different surnames. The main reason was the Anshi Rebellion. The court was either to reward military generals who had made great achievements, or to appease the rebellious commanders. In short, a lot of them were given out, that is,

"The treasury is empty and only officials and titles are used to reward merit."

Especially after the Dezong Dynasty, "the kings and princes visited the world several times, and if they showed a little power, they were all kings... At that time, although the princes and orders were honorable, no one regarded them as noble, even those who received them did not regard them as noble, so the general sued him.

"It's easy to get drunk." Look, Wang Jue is not as powerful as a general and is sought after by others, which shows that everyone still values ​​practical benefits.

However, having said that, there are not many kings with different surnames in the world at present, because many county kings are "only ordinary" and cannot be passed on to their descendants due to various factors, and they end up in one generation.

After being granted the title of a county prince, you can naturally enjoy various rights. Originally, the most real thing is the food grant. According to the dynasty system, the prince can grant the title of 10,000 households, and the prince can grant the title of 5,000 households. Just look at this number and don't take it seriously.

, in fact it is simply impossible to achieve.

Among the kings with different surnames in the dynasty, Guo Ziyi, the prince of Fenyang County, has the most actual seals, with 2,000 households, followed by Hunzhen, who has 1,800 households, Li Guangbi, 1,500 households, Pugu Huai'en, 1,500 households, and Li Peng, the prince of Kaijun who has the least, with only 1,800 households.

One hundred households were granted a seal. The imperial court also stipulated that these households were "limited to three ding". Their taxes did not need to be paid to the court, but were paid directly to the prince of the county who granted the grant.

  Descendants can inherit titles and can also inherit food titles, but generally only the first generation will not be reduced. For example, Guo Ziyi's son Guo Yao has a real title of 2,000 households, but by the third generation, there are only 1,000 households.

The king of Lingwu County in Shao Shude granted 300 households. That is to say, the taxes of the 300 households in Lingzhou no longer need to be sent to the court. They can be sent directly to Marshal Shao's house. But can they get it? Is Lingzhou willing to pay it? Wang Chongrong

He was also named the King of Langya County. Langya County is Yizhou and belongs to the Taining Army. Can he get it? Obviously not!

The biggest advantage of Wang with a different surname is just gone! But Marshal Shao seems to still want to try hard to fight for it. Why doesn't Lingzhou give me my legal income? Be careful, I will be armed to ask for wages in the future.

Meet Zhuge Shuang at Dongwei Bridge. The old man was waiting for him here specially.

"What are Shude's plans for the future?" Zhuge Shuang led 2,300 people south to Xingyuan Mansion. Previously, his adopted son Zhuge Zhongbao had already led more than a thousand soldiers to attack the front station. Everything went well. Although Niu Xu was dissatisfied, he planned to rely on

He refused to leave, but the warriors on the Shannan West Road thought over and over again and felt that there was no benefit in being a good guy. In the end, they forced him to run away in despair, in great embarrassment.

“I want to protect the country and the people, and provide them with practical benefits, enough soldiers, and enough food.” Shao Shude replied.

Zhuge Shuang nodded: "That's very good. I don't have anything more to say. The only thing is that Tuoba Sigong needs to be cautious in handling him. If possible, call him into Xiazhou to trap him and kill him, and then use lightning to cover his ears."

Then he sent troops to quell his troops."

Is Marshal Zhuge speaking so openly now? Shao Shude felt a little ashamed, bowed his head and said: "I have been following Marshal for more than two years and I have benefited a lot. Thank you again."

“There is no need to be too polite.” Zhuge Shuang said: “From now on, the mountains are high and the rivers are far away, and we will never see each other again.”

Speaking of this, Zhuge Shuang also felt a little emotional and said: "Most of these battles after going south were fought by you. I just picked up some hard work. But today's world is very fierce, and time waits for no one. I am old and no longer have the energy to fight."

Fighting on the battlefield, there is still a chance to cultivate virtue. In the future, the Zhuge family may need your help."

 “If something happens, it’s my duty to do so.” Shao Shude said without hesitation.

"Xia Sui is blocking the river, so there is no need to worry about crossing the river to the east and invading the bandits. However, Li Keyong, who was born in Daibei, will definitely covet the Datong Army, Zhenwu Army, and Tiande Army. Once he is allowed to capture the Zhenwu Army, Xia Sui will have no peace.

People like Qi Bizhang, Helian Duo, and Hao Zhenwei should be careful to make good friends, and they should not be easily defeated by Li Keyong and annex the tribe. Yang Yue, the military envoy, can be recruited more. In fact, this person is not too big.

Unruly." Before leaving, Zhuge Shuang thought about it and couldn't help but say.

Opposite the two states of Sui and Yin is the territory of Hedong, but you really don’t have to worry too much about them crossing the river to invade. The Yellow River is not an ordinary river. Once the army crosses the river, there will be a lot of trouble. The most important thing is that once defeated, there is no way to escape, or you will die.

Either surrender. Even a person like Li Keyong would not dare to bet on this kind of war with no retreat.

What if 30,000 people were sent to cross the river to attack the four states of Xia Sui and failed? In a normal battle, thousands of people would die, and maybe 10,000 or 20,000 people could escape. But the cross-river attack failed, and all 30,000 people had to surrender.

, I can’t even run away, it’s really too risky.

“The commander-in-chief’s golden and wise words should be kept in mind.”

"That's all." Zhuge Shuang waved his hand and said: "Shu De is smart and perseverant, and is good at mobilizing the army. As long as he doesn't make big mistakes, it won't be a problem to secure the four states of Xia Sui. I won't say more, I'll go.


Shao Shude personally took more than a hundred people with him and sent Zhuge Shuang to Baqiao Station before saying goodbye.

"Congratulations to the king." As soon as he returned to the camp, Chen Cheng came out and said with a smile: "In the previous dynasty, only Wei (Han Jian), Bohai (Gao Pian), Changshan (Wang Jingchong), and Langya were granted the title.

(Wang Chongrong), Yingchuan (Chen Jingxuan), five kings with different surnames, the commander-in-chief was awarded the title of Lingwu County Prince, which is extremely glorious."

Shao Shude smiled and said that the court had nothing to offer him. If he was given the title of a county prince, it would be better to give him some territory.

“The Taoist camps have been disbanded today?” Shao Shude asked.

"That's right." Chen Cheng replied: "The imperial edict left more than 20,000 people including the Zhongwu Army and the Yiwu Army to guard Chang'an. The Daming Palace was left to guard Wang Hui. The two envoys of the capital system, Tian Congyi, were under their control. The rest of the soldiers and horses were separated.

Returned to his hometown. Wang Chongrong's brother Chongying was promoted to be the governor of Shaanzhou, and he still led the two prefectures of Shaanxi and Guo. The prince of the county should have known about Li Xiaochang's appointment as the governor of the Baosai Army, and led the two prefectures of Yan and Dan. Li Xiang was dismissed.

He has been appointed governor of Huazhou and moved to the capital of gold and merchants for defense. He has already taken up his post."

"The soldiers and horses who camped in the towns in the west were not sealed at all." Shao Shude laughed and said: "The rewards given by the imperial court are so unfair."

Chen Cheng also laughed after hearing this. In fact, both of them understood that it wasn't that the imperial court didn't want to reward the camp in the west, but that it really couldn't be rewarded. Because if it touched other people's interests, something might happen, and the imperial court especially didn't want any more troubles to happen now.


"Let's go, it's no longer interesting to stay in Chang'an." Shao Shude said with waning interest: "Call Li Renjun."

Qiang Quansheng, Liu Zijing, and Li Renjun have almost all transported people and materials back and forth between Guanzhong and Suizhou in the past two years. They don't have much credit, but the hard work is solid. At present, Qiang Quansheng

He must have just arrived in Suizhou, and Liu Zijing has just returned to the Dongweiqiao camp. Currently, the only one who can transport goods is Li Renjun.

 Li Renjun will arrive soon.

"Take five hundred auxiliary troops and escort a batch of grain and property back to Suizhou. The six thousand captives this time will accompany them. In addition, we will continue to recruit some people nearby. Chang'an is in ruins, and there should be many people who have no food and clothing.

"Recruit more. This may be the last time I am recruiting immigrants in Guanzhong. There is no upper limit this time. You can get as much as you can." Shao Shude said: "Don't worry about food for the time being. I am going to Fuping from the north to raise a batch. Let's go and do it."

, the sooner the better.”

Li Renjun took the order and left.

After finishing these things, Shao Shude wandered around the Weiqiao Cang and Weiqiao Town areas. They were all places where he had fought before, and he felt a lot of nostalgia. This time when he returned to the north, he had to take a slight detour and take Gaoling.

Miyuan front line and Guanzhong, I have been fighting here for more than two years, and now I am leaving. Can I say that I have a clear conscience and tried my best to protect more than 400,000 people in eight counties so that they can enjoy the enjoyment in the war years?

Priceless peace?

On the second day of April in the third year of Zhonghe, after joining the two armies of Xia Suiyang Army, Shao Shude led the army northward to Gaoling County.

This chapter has been completed!
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