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Chapter 1115 Disposal

 Huo Liangsi opened a room with a distorted face.

Lying inside was a Wei Jun major, covered in wounds and looking pale.

When he saw Huo Liangsi coming in, he let out a sigh and said, "Huo Er, are you here to kill me?"

Huo Liangsi sighed and said, "We have known each other for many years, so I came to give you a ride."

Xiao Xiao looked desperate, but gritted his teeth and said nothing. He knew that begging for mercy was useless.

The shouts, fights, and screams never ceased in the streets. Xia soldiers wanted to kill trapped animals regardless of casualties, and their attitude was obvious.

"How many people are going to be killed?" he asked.

"There are not many government soldiers left." Huo Liangsi said: "The whole army has been wiped out in peacetime and disaster, did you know?"

The principal didn't say anything. This was almost inevitable. They left the city and the whole army was defeated. Everyone knew this, but how did the Xia people identify them?

"It took a lot of effort." Huo Liangsi seemed to know what the primary school was thinking, and said: "When I entered the city, the Wuwei Army was asking people to report and search for death. This caused some chaos, but it was quickly put down."

"What an understatement." The principal laughed sadly.

"Search and kill" and "pacify", behind these two words, there are countless bloody activities.

"Of the five yamen armies, only the decisive capital in the city is left. They are currently killing. There are yamen soldiers and their own children who are resisting with swords and bows. They are also killing them." Huo Liangsi also had a look on his face.

A little bit unbearable.

The primary school officer in front of me was also a government soldier and had a deep friendship with him. In the past, he might have helped to plead for mercy, but this time he issued a strict order: the government soldiers would be killed without mercy regardless of whether they surrendered or not.

There is no other way. Huo Liangsi is not noble enough to drag himself into trouble for his friends.

"There are eight or nine thousand families of Yamen soldiers in the city, are they all going to be slaughtered?" The principal knew that he was unlucky, but he still couldn't bear to let his family go to hell with them - they were now locked up in the backyard.

"That's not the case." Huo Liangsi said: "As long as he doesn't resist, Lu Shuai won't act so decisively. He still has some rules after all."

The primary school was silent.

"Do you know where the family members of the Xiaojie Army have gone?" Huo Liangsi suddenly asked.

"Did Tang and Deng follow Sanzhou?" The principal sneered and said, "It is said to be a good place, but it has been abandoned for so many years. Who is willing to go? If you go there, you will be bullied."

"I'm afraid you won't even be able to go to Tang and Deng Sui." Huo Liangsi said, "It's a little difficult for Xiangyang."

The principal was startled, and then turned pale - in fact, his face was already very pale.

"Go on your way with peace of mind." Huo Liangsi sighed, walked out of the courtyard, and closed the door behind him.

There was a faint muffled sound coming from behind.

After a while, several soldiers came out and asked in a low voice: "Envoy, his family..."

It's not easy to kill the mainstay of a family and keep the rest of the family. The half-grown boy has already remembered the incident, will he harbor hatred? It is almost inevitable. In this case, it is better not to do anything at all and kill everyone in the family.

"Forget it, Lu Shuai didn't let him do this," Huo Liangsi said.

In fact, he had the same idea.

Wei Bo originally had 8,000 yamen soldiers, but later the number was expanded to 10,000. These 10,000 soldiers correspond to at least 8,000 families. Is it really good to cut the grass without eradicating the roots? If Zhu Quanzhong had been in this situation, Li Keyong would have ordered the massacre.


The saint is still too generous. But - it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. Cruel people always hope that their superiors will be more generous and kind.


Neat footsteps stepped on the bluestone street, the armor leaves were clanging, and the air was filled with murderous intent.

If you kill too much, the killer will become numb. In their eyes, there doesn't seem to be much difference between killing a person and killing a chicken.

Since the city was broken, Xia's soldiers had no idea how many people they had killed.

There were government soldiers, town soldiers, local villagers, and even many soldiers' children. Anyway, they just killed and killed, from the street to the end of the street, until all the government soldiers and everyone who dared to resist were killed.

In fact, when Weibo warriors fight trapped beasts, the energy they emit is still very powerful and can cause considerable damage. But their problem is that they have lost their organizational structure and can only fight in groups of three or five, encountering walls.

When faced with a large army advancing in a row, there is basically no chance of winning.

Occasionally, arrows were fired from both sides of the street to kill and injure one or two Xia soldiers, but they were soon surrounded and suppressed, and the whole family died.

This went on for a whole day, and by evening, the apparent resistance had completely disappeared.

But the matter is not over yet, and we will enter the second stage: the whole city.

That is to say, the Xia Army's large forces were broken into parts, and they used teams as units to search from house to house and screen them one by one. When they encountered suspicious objects, they were taken away directly or even chopped up on the spot.

The whole process will last for several days until the Yamen system is completely physically eliminated.

The person in charge of this work was Han Xun, the military envoy on the left wing of the Wuwei Army.

In fact, given his position, it is a bit inappropriate to do this. But there is no way, no one else is willing to get involved, so Lao Han can only add more burdens.

Han Xun was very motivated and didn't take it seriously. At this moment, Da Ma Jin Dao was sitting in Du Yu Housi, giving orders.

"It's quite rich." Han Xun was amazed when he heard the news reported by his subordinates: "The fixed reward of twenty or thirty cents a year for the Yamen soldiers is already quite a lot, but the reward is actually so much. I think


There was a corpse lying at his feet, and there were more corpses in the courtyard, most of them were soldiers guarding Yuhousi.

In fact, Weizhou's upper-level institutions have basically collapsed. They were first swept away by the angry rebel soldiers. After the Xia soldiers entered the city, they were swept again, including the Jiedushi Mansion, Du Yuhousi, the state capital, Yuancheng, and the two counties of Guixiang.

, all paralyzed.

"General Han, have you killed tens of thousands of people inside and outside the city?" Soldiers were coming in and out, and he was the best informed. He only heard him say: "Commander Lu has an order, and those who capture and kill the Yamen soldiers will have their wealth."

Reward, you see..."

There were only about 4,000 yamen soldiers, but they killed tens of thousands. Who do you think they would be?

If you say you only kill the yamen soldiers, that's just talk. In fact, you can't control it at all. Expansion is inevitable. Especially if a reward is issued, some people will be jealous, and indiscriminate killing is inevitable.

"Don't worry, since Lu Shuai said so, he will not break his promise." Han Xun stood up and said: "You have been running outside for so long. Let me ask you, after killing tens of thousands of people, if someone can rebuild Wei Bo's army, can

Can we gather a team? Can we fight?"

The soldier thought about it carefully and said: "I don't think it's difficult. Since the difficult times, although it is difficult to say how strong the combat effectiveness of the towns in Hebei is, in terms of military inheritance, they are really the best and have never been passed down from generation to generation. Adult men,

Everyone can do a few tricks, and there are countless military officers who are qualified to command below the battalion level. As for general families, they cannot be killed cleanly, and even if they are killed, it will be of no use."

Han Xun nodded.

The combat effectiveness of an army mainly comes from middle- and lower-level officers, and Wei Bo's talent reserve in this area is too rich. Many old farmers actually have valuables like iron armor in their homes. Can you believe it?

"If we stop here, I think Wei Bo will cause trouble sooner or later." Han Xun said: "If there is no time, that's it, but if we let them seize the opportunity, I'm worried that they will have a team stronger than Wei Bo's Yamen army.


A factor that cannot be ignored that limits the combat effectiveness of Wei Bo's army is the intricate relationship. If you uproot this relationship, what will happen? A normal deduction will tell you that a group of new people are starting from scratch, and the old relationship is no longer useful.

Whether they can be promoted in the future depends entirely on their own abilities. Those who are capable will be promoted and those who are mediocre will be demoted. They will go into battle lightly. They will no longer have the constraints of "negative equity" before, and their military skills and knowledge will still be there. This new army will really

Is it easier to deal with than the old government soldiers?

"That's all, Lu Shuai won't let the city be massacred." Han Xun sighed: "Let the brothers hold back and don't go too far. That's almost enough. The saint wants face, Lu Shuai wants face, I have no shame, but I don't want to die."

At this point, he laughed again: "The saint made a thankless move and forcibly moved Wei Bowufu's family to another county. Where should they go? Can they be honest? Eight thousand families of Yamen soldiers who are full of hatred, I think

It’s a big headache to think about.”


"Denglai is already preparing ships, and the first batch of 2,000 households will be sent to Andong Mansion." Lu Huaizhong was still discussing with his staff outside the city, and he only heard him say: "I always feel that this matter is a bit uncertain."

"His Royal Highness King Zhao is sensible, and Fu Dutou is also experienced in battles. They should not recruit Wei Bo and Ding Zhuang into the army." The staff said: "But these eight thousand Yamen soldiers are indeed a problem."

The staff are also worried.

In fact, to be more ruthless, wouldn't it be better to kill all these 8,000 households and tens of thousands of people? Kill them all, men, women, old and children, and kill them all in one go, which would save a lot of trouble.

"We are all common people in the Central Plains, why are we doing this?" Lu Huaizhong said: "Let's see the effect first. If it doesn't work, stop it. The world is so big, there is always a place to put it. If it really doesn't work -"

Lu Huaizhong stood up and looked northeast, his thoughts already flying to the white mountains and black water.

"Just centralize the management and let them farm." Lu Huaizhong said: "As long as we control the weapons and don't recruit them as soldiers, it won't be a big problem. People's habits can be changed. Slowly grind them. If one generation doesn't work, just two generations, two generations.

If it doesn't work, let's go to the third generation. God has the virtue of good life, so it would be irresponsible to kill them all."

In fact, Lu Huaizhong was not sure either.

Farming is not a good life, it can even be said to be a bad government. Can Wei Bowufu accept it? It's hard to say.

But killing is the most irresponsible thing to do and does not conform to Lao Lu's values. He feels that Wei should be given a chance.

"What if the Khitans come to kill and the Wei people respond?" the staff asked.

Lu Huaizhong remained silent.

This is very possible. You must not overestimate the moral integrity of these people. In fact, he suspected that once they settled in the fields, many Wei people would not be able to bear it and fled into the Khitan, Bohai and even Silla territories.

Perhaps, we should find a way to tie the interests of the Wei people to Daxia.

"How about the Wei people serving as soldiers in the Andong Mansion? Go to Khitan and Bohai to capture tribes and help them farm and herd." Someone suggested.

"They are afraid that they will storm into the state capital and not let the imperial court appoint the governor, but will make their own selections." Some staff members directly vetoed it.

"How about sending a group of people to Silla?" Someone said: "The King of Silla is in danger, and he would be very happy to get a group of reinforcements."

"Will they be obedient when they go?" Someone disagreed and said, "Once they form an army, they can storm into the palace the next day, and even the gold powder applied in the King of Silla's house can be scraped away."

"How about going to Annan?"

"You think the matter is not big enough, don't you? They have gone to Annan, and it's time for the military envoy to be replaced. It's still hard to say whether to listen to the court or not."

The staff were thinking about it, and the more they thought about it, the more desperate they became. What kind of people are they?

"That's enough!" Lu Huaizhong stopped the discussion among his staff and said: "Report the victory to Luoyang. The matter of Wei Bowufu's dispersing his farmland was decreed by the sage. We will just follow it. There may be twists and turns in the process, but we will continue. A few days later

The Wancheng-organized Wei Bowufu have been defeated, why are you still afraid of these stragglers?"

Concentrating on farming is indeed the best way at this stage. Whether it is going to Andong Mansion, Xiangyang or Qingtang, as long as the control is tight, it can still be dealt with. The imperial court should have been prepared for it.

3.2 million Wei people, hey! Even if half of them were released, it would be a storm. The imperial court probably didn't expect all the Wei people to be obedient, right? Let Fu Cunchen have a headache.

This chapter has been completed!
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