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Chapter 1118 The road goes to the dark side

 Meetings have been held for several days to discuss the immigration issue. Obviously, this has been the focus of the court for a long time.

Shao Shude took the time to meet with Liang Huaijin, who was in Beijing to see his Majesty.

"General Liang made great contributions in the Battle of Weizhou." In Fenfang Hall, Shao Shude asked him to sit down and said kindly.

"This matter depends on His Majesty's divine power, otherwise it would not be possible." Liang Huaijin said respectfully: "The guilty general just couldn't bear to see Wei Bo's Yamen soldiers acting in reverse and the people's lives were in ruins, so he surrendered."

At this point, he sighed twice, as if he was sighing for the misfortune of the people of Weibo.

"General Liang can think so, which is really a blessing for the people of Weibo." Shao Shude smiled and said: "Now is the time to employ people, and I still need talents like General Liang to contribute more."

When Liang Huaijin heard this, he immediately stood up and prostrated on the ground, his voice choked up: "How dare I not try my best!"

"Liang Qing, please get up." Shao Shude said with both hands on his hands.

The chamberlain Qiu Silian walked over, helped Liang Huaijin up, and said softly: "Since your Majesty started the army, you will be rewarded for your merits and punished for your mistakes. General Liang has great merits, so he will naturally be rewarded generously."

Liang Huaijin understood the hint, glanced at Qiu Silian gratefully, and secretly thought about making more friends with Palace Superintendent Qiu in the future.

"Liu Cai of Shanzhou just died in office." Shao Shude suddenly stood up and said.

Liu Cai was the governor of Shanzhou. He died less than three months after taking office. He died in a ravine with seven or eight stab wounds all over his body. Dozens of officials and state soldiers were traveling with him, and they all died.

The bodies were not buried, but were all thrown into the valley.

Since the governor didn't come back, of course the prefecture had to search for him. At first he couldn't find him, but later he even notified the local garrison - 10,000 soldiers from the Lingzhou Academy were training soldiers.

The garrison sent 3,000 cavalrymen to assist the state army in the search, and finally found them in a remote valley in Longzhi County. Although part of them had been eaten by foxes and wolves, a closer look showed that they were obviously killed by swords and arrows.

Considering that the governor went to collect tribute, the matter became clear: he was ambushed and was a serious provocation to the new dynasty.

After the news was reported to Luoyang, the Political Affairs Hall held emergency consultations.

The assassination of a governor has not happened for a long time. What's more, the governor of Shanzhou usually also serves as a regimental training envoy and a tribal envoy, and his rank is not low, so this is even more serious.

The ministers unanimously agreed that regardless of whether there was corruption and perversion of the law - to be honest, frontier generals in the former Tang Dynasty often oppressed the Tibetan tribes. Many times they were just looking for trouble and had become a habit. The core reason may still be related to assessment.

System related.

It is different from the situation in many dynasties when rebellions occurred in local areas. The assessment of state officials was lowered and the main purpose was to maintain stability. Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the assessment system has been quite deformed. It does not matter if there is rebellion in the local area. It is your incompetence that cannot be suppressed. As long as the matter is dealt with

On average, not only will you have no faults, but you will also have merit. In the eyes of your boss, you will be a capable minister.

We don’t judge whether this understanding is strange, but speaking of this custom, Daxia is actually like a bird. There is probably something wrong with Liu Cai, but now is not the time to delve into it. What he wants to do is to maintain the majesty of the imperial court.

Eliminate rebels who dare to resist, regardless of their merits.

Shanzhou did not have the power to mobilize the local garrison. The commander of the Shanzhou State Army did have great authority and could send troops to conquer, but they only had more than 3,000 people and lacked strength. So they could only report to Hezhou and Luoyang all the way to ask their superiors to deal with it.

"The dishonesty of Tubo in the Qing and Tang dynasties is not something that happens in a day or two." Shao Shude said: "Before, they were dissatisfied with the imperial court's recruitment of young men, and now they are dissatisfied with the collection of tributes. They have rebelled not once or twice. I thought about it, they don't

They trusted the imperial court, Longyou Road, and Shanzhou also guarded against them. As time went by, they became alienated from morality."

"In the past, I mainly conquered the Central Plains, and mainly tolerated the Tibetan tribes in Helong. As long as I paid tribute on time and performed military service, I didn't care about anything else." Shao Shude added: "In fact, the Qing and Tang Tubos have been able to tolerate it until now.

It surprised me."

Shao Shude walked to the wall, where there was a map called "The Map of Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains".

"Shanzhou only governs three counties, and the Huangshui River Valley only has two counties." Shao Shude said: "There are many Ranjun towns, such as Linfan, Anren, Weirong, Suirong, Baishui, Jishi, Heyuan, Yuhai, etc.

There are more than ten towns, many of which had military settlements in the former Tang Dynasty. Shanzhou repeatedly reported to the county, asking for the establishment of county officials and immigrants to settle the villages."

During the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty, the expansion of the Central Plains in the Huangshui Valley reached its limit, but it was only in a military sense, and the civil administration was far from keeping up. At most, there were only more than 20,000 households per household, not as good as Marshal Shao.

When there were not enough people, grain and grass needed to be transported over long distances, and the cost was naturally very huge. In order to solve this problem, the Tang Dynasty recruited Long March athletes from the mainland and dispatched government soldiers to work in the fields.

One more thing to say, during the reign of Emperor Gaozong, the deployment of government soldiers to farm and fight in the Qing and Tang Dynasties was an important reason for the deterioration of the government military system. When fighting thousands of miles away from home, most of the expenses were borne by oneself, and the absence lasted for many years. This is extremely

This greatly accelerated the bankruptcy of Fu Bing, causing the final collapse of the Fu Bing system.

Yes, this is the major flaw of Fubing.

It's best not to let them stray too far from home.

It is best not to collect hair frequently.

It is best not to go on a long-term expedition.

If these three points are not achieved, the soldiers will gradually go bankrupt, eventually flee, and become tired of war.

They are not professional warriors. All-weather, long-term, and high-frequency combat is unbearable for them. Not to mention leaving home thousands of miles to camp for the imperial army. Isn't this nonsense?

Black Teeth Changzhi, Ge Shuhan farmed in the Qingtang Dynasty and harvested two husks of dendrobium per acre, almost twice as much as in the mainland. Even during the great famine in Guanzhong, he could in turn support the court with food. It sounds very good, but behind the scenes is the government.

The soldiers "served in the army at the age of fifteen and returned home at the age of eighty." The house at home was in dilapidated condition and the fields were extremely barren. It would be a disaster if this could be maintained for a long time.

"I have thought about it, and it would be a pity not to do something in such a good place like the Huangshui River Valley." Shao Shude said: "I have issued an order to the Privy Council to mobilize the cavalry to make it difficult for the second army to go westward and suppress the Qingtang and Tubo. So.

Captured prisoners, they moved to the Central Plains. The people of Weibo moved to Qingtang."

He turned around and looked at Liang Huaijin and said: "I don't care about the reputation, I can do whatever I want. This matter has been decided."

If the Tibetan people are moved to the hinterland to settle and divide their fields, the Tibetan serfs will naturally be happy. Not only will they have property, but they will also have a good living environment. If the Han people are sent to the frontier to open up wasteland, not only will they die easily, but the environment will also be very bad. This is what Shao Shude said


The Huangshui Valley may become a very good agricultural and animal husbandry area in the future, and life in the classical era will not be too bad. But that is the future, and the two generations in front of us are destined to be sacrificed.

If you do something like this, you might get scolded.

"I came to see you today for an important matter," Shao Shude said as he sat back on the throne.

"I will go through fire and water, even if I die," Liang Huaijin said.

"It's not that serious." Shao Shude smiled and asked: "Liang Qing has been a general in Weibo for many years. The Liang family has also been a general for generations. Is there anyone who can be trusted as his personal attendant?"

"There are indeed some." Liang Huaijin originally wanted to say that there were none, but would anyone believe this? The saint is also an old soldier. He has fought his way up from the bottom. He is very familiar with the affairs of the army and cannot be fooled. He can only

I can tell the truth.

"How many people? Are they reliable?" Shao Shude asked.

Liang Huaijin replied: "I am from Bozhou. It will be no problem to go to Qingping and Boping counties to recruit more than a thousand reliable troops."

Shao Shude understood as soon as he heard it. This was a local Tu ethnic group with huge influence in Qingping and Boping counties of Bozhou. Because he was born as a general, he also had some abilities and slowly entered the core power circle of the feudal town. The Liang family, in

Bozhou’s energy should be quite large.

"Bozhou has just asked for surrender." Shao Shude said: "If there are any surrendered troops that you can trust, you can personally select them and release them immediately. For this matter, you can recruit more. I will give you 5,000 troops to form your own army."

The army is called the First Town of Qingtang Town Army."

"Qing Tang?" Liang Huaijin thought thoughtfully.

"What? You don't want to go?" Shao Shude asked in surprise.

"I am very happy." Liang Huaijin said with a smile: "I can't ask for more than I can do for Da Xia."

Although it is widely said that the Great Xia Sage was generous and benevolent, Liang Huaijin was more willing to believe that he had a "kind face but a dark heart." There were countless people who were tricked to death by him, and it was just because he was good at superficial skills.

"I promise you to use nepotism. The five thousand soldiers you bring must be reliable." Shao Shude said: "Watch some Weibo immigrants for me."

Liang Huaijin suddenly became enlightened, and everything was connected.

He was allowed to use nepotism, which meant that he would use the Liang clan and in-laws as the backbone, and then recruit some township party members, relatives and friends to join the army to ensure that the army was obedient.

Liang Huaijin knew that his reputation in Weibo was extremely dark and stinky. He didn’t know how many people put the blame for Weibo’s city collapse on him, and how many people blamed him for the death of his relatives and friends. People in Weibo

He was exiled thousands of miles away from Qingtang, and the resentment in his heart was probably rising to the sky. When he saw him, he probably wanted to eat his flesh and blood, crush his bones and raise ashes.

Even the first town of Qingtang must be hated. After all, they are all lackeys and party members of the Liang family.

It is conceivable that the antagonism between the two sides will be very serious. Once something happens and is suppressed, as long as you take action, you will never be able to go back to the past.

He has a kind face but a dark heart! Liang Huaijin lamented in his heart.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly." Shao Shude observed Liang Huaijin's expression and said with a smile: "Qingtang Town Army came to Luoyang first, and was given five pieces of money and ten pieces of silk. After arriving in the state, there were also houses, land,

Cattle and sheep, servants and maidservants will be given to each other. If you have made meritorious service, you will be given priority to be selected into the Forbidden Army, or to be an official in Luoyang. I will do what I say."

"Your Majesty, I am so grateful for such a wonderful encounter. I really don't know what to say." Liang Huaijin choked with sobs.

"Do a good job." Shao Shude came over, took Liang Huaijin's hand, and said: "I have sent people to renovate Zhang Shuo's house in Kangsufang, put up a plaque inscribed with the title of Gaotang County Duke, and gave it to Liang Qing. There is another house in the house.

There are several beautiful concubines, all of whom have been given to you."

Zhang said that he was a famous official of the former Tang Dynasty, the Duke of Yan. His residence was naturally very good, at least not small in size. In addition, Shao Shude also made it clear that conferring the title of Duke of Gaotang County to Liang Huaijin was indeed a favor.

"I'll be so devastated that I won't give up even if I die." Liang Huaijin prostrated himself on the ground.

He has been silently looking for candidates in his heart, which clan member is skilled in bow and horse, which nephew or nephew is outstanding in martial arts, which acquaintances are willing to go to Qingtang with him...

There is no other way, the matter has reached this point, there is only one way to go to the dark side.

This chapter has been completed!
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