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Chapter 1123 Plot

 In fact, there was nothing to talk about with those stubborn old men in Hebei. Shao Shude also had other things to do and was very busy, so he combined the two into one and invited Zhou Shi to a small horse farm by the Ningbi Pool and asked him to wait.

"In the past few years, we have been conquering the east and west, and everything has been complicated. The last time I awarded swords to my sons was the last one of the former Tang Qianning." On the racecourse, Shao Shude looked at the group of students standing in front of him and said with emotion: " I still remember that in that year, Shao Zhixian, Shao Zhixue and Qiu Zengxiang were the most outstanding people. I personally presented them with swords and placed high hopes on them."

The people standing in front of him were all newly graduated martial arts students at the beginning of this year, 295 of them in total. After becoming familiar with the military rules, they will be assigned to the army immediately.

The ones with more vacancies now are actually the three armies of Wuwei, Jinglue, and Yicong that have just finished the war. Not only did the soldiers suffer a lot of casualties in the battle, but the officers also suffered many casualties. There are a lot of vacancies, and there are less than 300 teams assigned to them. Vice, it’s not a big problem.

There are also a few vacancies for General Tu, but not many.

Generally speaking, if the destination is allocated, the three armies of Wuwei are the most suitable.

However, Shao Shude was not very confident about the newly reorganized Longxiang Army. So he ordered to transfer 150 grassroots officers of the Longxiang Army to supplement the Wuwei and other armies, and then transferred 150 more outstanding officers from the newly graduated martial arts students this year. Ten people joined the Long Xiang Army, forty-five people joined the General Tu, and the remaining 100 students joined the Hubei Daozhou Army that was being formed.

Long Xiang, these two troops who were not directly from Kansai, took up a lot of Shao Shude's energy.

In recent years, Ruzhou, Henan Prefecture, and Bianzhou have also successively opened martial arts schools to recruit students for training.

Judging from the number of students, martial arts is still an elite training model. With the power of one state, only dozens of students are recruited every year, and many places are given to people from relatively ordinary families.

For these families, it is almost a critical step in the carp leaping over the dragon's gate. It also makes them full of gratitude to Shao Sheng and their loyalty is relatively high.

As of the first year of Jianji, a total of ten states had opened martial arts schools, and a total of 1,835 graduates had been trained. They wanted martial arts, military skills, military strategy, and relatively good loyalty. They have gradually become the backbone and backbone of part of the Forbidden Army. .

The Tianxiong Army, which has almost completely completed its martial arts training, has demonstrated its performance on the battlefield for all to see.

Troops with complex origins such as Tu General have greatly improved their combat effectiveness after carrying out martial arts construction.

Now that the Longxiang Army has also begun to recruit martial arts students, Shao Shude hopes that like the Tianxiong Army, he can slowly absorb these two armies with complicated foundations and turn them into his direct lineage.

"Half of the 30,000 soldiers of the Long Xiang Army came from Chishui, and the remaining half came from the Yi Cong Second Army. After fighting for so many years, they are also seasoned warriors. After you disband the army, you must be diligent and careful. Don't Look down on others. You must know that there are people outside the world. You have practiced for many years, and they are not just for you. Do it well." Shao Shude walked past the first row of students one by one, tidied their clothes and armor, tightened their quivers, and warmed them. Yan said.

"Path of loyalty to Your Majesty to the death." Led by the leading student, everyone shouted in unison.

"Huh?" Shao Shude pretended to be displeased and said, "They are all my son-in-law. What do you call your majesty?"

"I will follow the instructions of the General Office." Someone finally came to his senses and took the lead in shouting.

"I will obey the teachings of the General Office." Everyone suddenly understood and shouted in unison.

Shao Shude turned his anger into joy, asked people to bring swords, and distributed them on the spot, saying: "My students are rare to me, I like them, and I feel happy just looking at them."

Having said that, someone pulled a few carriages. The carriages were filled with the goods donated by the towns, and they were all of the highest quality, such as pearls from the Bohai Kingdom, foreign treasures from the East Lingnan Road, and jades from Hangzhou.

Famous carvings, gold and silverware from Fujian, etc.

Shao Shude asked people to take a roll call and hand out rewards one by one. While handing out rewards, he said: "My students represent my face. I am about to join the army. How can I have no money to socialize with my colleagues? Each person has two coins.

, five bolts of silk, and two rare treasures, this will be my meeting gift."

"The money and silk are the trophies captured from Wei Bo and are the result of the battles of the armies. The treasures are the voluntarily donated by the various towns who were intimidated by my military power." Shao Shude continued: "From now on, my face will depend on you.

It's maintained. Wealth and beauty, it's up to you to fight with swords and guns. If the fight is not good, I will lose my face, and I am worried for you."

"General Office! If you frown even a little before the enemy's sword, you don't need to be blamed by the General Office. I will commit suicide and apologize."

"General Office, take us to the battlefield. We will never retreat until we die, and we will kill the thieves until they are frightened."

"The general office has orders, and I will obey them no matter what. I will kill every enemy soldier and traitorous official and traitor in the feudal town every time I see them."

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Shao Shude smiled from ear to ear.

He didn't mind the trouble and distributed the rewards one by one. None of the 295 people was left behind. His attitude seemed very sincere, as if an elder cared about the younger ones. He asked a few casual questions to learn about some situations, and then gave some encouragement and encouragement.

This group of young men, generally in their late teens or early 19s, burst into tears of gratitude, and their morale was so high that it almost became solid.

After distributing the rewards, Shao Shude took a martial arts test on the spot, and then rewarded the top few with divine horses.

Money is completely foreign to him.

He was not greedy for money and had no interest in it at all. Whenever he had any good things, he eventually found some excuse and rewarded them one after another.

He is only interested in beauties. But he often rewards beauties with ordinary status.

Shao Sheng's characteristic of generosity is well known both inside and outside the government. For this reason, he is very motivated and motivated at work. This may be one of the important reasons why Xia Jun maintains strong morale.

"Judge Zhou, what do you think of these guys?" After sitting back on his chair, Shao Shude asked someone to bring Zhou Shi over and asked with a smile.

"Mighty and majestic, but also loyal and brave in battle. On the battlefield, if you lead a brave warrior, you will be invincible." Zhou Shi said.

"I already know your purpose of coming." Shao Shude smiled and said, "It's not easy to come here, so just stay in Luoyang. The place has been arranged."

Zhou Shi was shocked, was he going to be placed under house arrest?

"Send someone back to tell Wang Rong that Luo Shaowei made the right choice at the critical moment. What is he waiting for?" Shao Shude said: "Go down."

"Your Majesty, I still have something to say." Zhou Shi said quickly.

"I don't want to hear clichés." Shao Shude waved his hand, and soon a sergeant came over and asked Zhou Shi to leave.

Zhou Shi was silent for a while and had no choice but to leave.

After Zhou Shi left, Wang Chuzhi was brought over again.

Shao Shude looked at him with a smile and asked: "The Wang family in Dingzhou and my sworn brother are related by marriage. Why did General Wang come to Luoyang?"

"Tens of thousands of warriors in Weibo collapsed, and the largest town in Hebei was destroyed. Ding, Zhen was worried and had to come." Wang Chuzhi said.

"General Wang is an honest man." Shao Shude said in surprise: "I want General Wang to send troops to attack Yuzhou, is it possible?"

"I have heard that His Majesty has said that if we can give the Wang family a legacy for generations to come, it would be a good idea." Wang Chuzhi said.

"Who in the world doesn't know about the disaster of the vassal town? Even the generals and officials dare not guarantee their own wealth and life." Shao Shude said: "If Wang Shuai offers Yi Ding two states to surrender, why should I be stingy with rewards?"

Wang Chu remained silent.

"The Yiwu Army has always been loyal and brave. When the nest was in chaos, they entered the pass to fight and finally broke the Huangchao." Shao Shude said: "Today the general trend is clear, why bother struggling? Wang Shuai sent you here, obviously he was panicked, why bother?

Woolen cloth?"

Wang Chuzhi sighed but remained silent.

"General Wang is also staying in Luoyang." Shao Shude waved his hand again, and a sergeant took him away.

"Cangjing, Chengde, Yi Ding, hehe, after beating Wei Bo, it was like poking a hornet's nest. Everyone became scared." Shao Shude stood up and shook his head with a smile: "The roots of their little thoughts are still there.

Li Keyong's body."


Xiao Agu has only been in Hedong for a few days.

In the past year, the relationship between Qi and Jin has made breakthrough progress. Under the joint pressure of Xia Jun, they have basically turned enemies into friends.

The Khitan no longer sent people to harass Youzhou, and even moved their grazing pastures more than a hundred miles north to show their sincerity.

Youzhou also withdrew many troops and horses, abandoned several forts, and promised not to send elite cavalry into the grasslands to plunder property.

The Khitan people were very happy about this.

The Xia army's offensive on the Western Front has become more intense every year, and now it has become a routine. Every May, troops must be sent out, breaking into the Khitan territory from various roads, burning, killing and looting, and even started a very angry incident.

Name: Grass-beating Valley.

As a last resort, the eight Khitan tribes mobilized a large number of elite soldiers and generals, and headed west into the flat pine forest area, where they repeatedly fought and harassed each other with the Xia Kingdom's vassal tribes.

In this way, the situation was temporarily stabilized, but the offensive against Bohai State suddenly slowed down, giving people a faint feeling of relief.

After repeated discussions, the country felt that if they wanted to fight against the Xia people for a long time, they must obtain a relatively wealthy rear area as support, and the Bohai State was a good goal. To achieve this goal, it would not be possible without increasing the number of troops. Looking at

In the current situation, the southern front is probably the only one that can mobilize troops, equipment, cattle and sheep.

Therefore, it is inevitable for Qi and Jin to turn enemies into friends, and even form an alliance to help each other - if they don't do this, both sides will probably not survive and will be wiped out one by one by the Xia people.

Xiao Agu only came to Jinyang in a hurry to further strengthen the relationship between the two parties: Abaoji proposed that he and Li Keyong become brothers, and Agu only came to do this.

Before officially arriving in advance, he privately sought information from Gai Yu, King Jin's confidant. The result was very satisfactory, and King Jin did not reject it, so the matter was close to close.

In addition, he also had another thing to do, which was to unite the Jin army and the Yiwu army to launch a large-scale battle on the Daibei grassland to dampen the spirit of the Xia people and uproot several tribes they had moved over.

Abaoji is very determined and has been thinking about this for a long time, but it requires Li Keyong's cooperation. We can talk about it together this time.

A chorus of shouts of death came from not far away.

That was the fifth battalion of new troops being drilled, with a total of more than 50,000 people. I heard that the first 20,000 soldiers recruited had been training for three years and were almost ready to go into battle. King Jin's military strength was growing steadily, and Xiao Agu was just happy to see it.

Its made.

"General Xiao, my king has invited me." A general from the Jin army entered the post and said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Xiao Agu stood up and said hurriedly.

After waiting for a few days, we have finally arrived. No matter what, we must persuade Li Keyong to send troops this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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