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Chapter 1142 Liaoyang

 "Xi Lu Lu!" The five hundred cavalry also left the car formation and took advantage of the Khitan people's retreat to launch a pursuit.

The Khitan people walked in a hurry and in a panic.

Some tribes were the first to retreat, which set a very bad example. So more people followed suit, and even scrambled for fear of being left as scapegoats by others.

There is no doubt that this created great confusion.

Liu Wei's men only had 500 cavalry, but because there was no one to stop them, no one was willing to stay and cut off the rear. Therefore, he moved forward bravely, attacked bravely, chased after the Khitan cavalry, slashed and killed, and harvested lives wantonly.

Yelv Shilu was so angry that he cursed, but there were people around him and they were in a panic. Even if he wanted to issue an order, he couldn't do it. He could only hope that the tribal leader and his followers would block it, otherwise it would be too ugly - two

How is it appropriate for ten thousand people to be chased away by five hundred riders?

Unfortunately, no one stayed to do this in the end. Everyone was galloping away on horseback. After running for dozens of miles in one breath, they stopped in shock until the horses could no longer run. At this time,

The Xia army's pursuers had long since disappeared.

"What a shame!" Yelvshulu stumbled off his horse and looked back at the vast grassland where he came from, filled with sadness and anger.

The chiefs of various tribes were also a little ashamed.

Just now, I was completely frightening myself. The Xia people only had a few hundred riders, how much of a threat could they pose? But everyone just followed the demon and rushed to escape, with no intention of stopping to defend themselves against the enemy.

Of course they are not the main ones responsible.

During the retreat, Yelv Shilu ordered the people from the Yishi tribe to stay and break up the rear, but everyone saw whether they followed through. These Sunzis must have run away the moment the Xia people launched their pursuit.


"Grandpa..." The eldest son, Yelvwansi, led the horse over and said, "The most important thing now is to calm people's hearts. The infantry is still lagging behind, so we have to send someone to pick them up."

"Infantry! Yes, send someone to meet them." Yelv Shilu woke up from his dream and immediately ordered: "Wansi, you choose five thousand riders and go back along the way to meet them."

"Okay!" Yelvwansi didn't waste any time, and immediately ordered Duerasa. Chu Te's two troops with three thousand cavalry, and then called six tribes of Xi, Shiwei, and Tatar's two thousand cavalry. They carried their bows and arrows and returned along the road.

Yelv Shilu thought for a while, then called two more people, and ordered them to lead three thousand horses each to the place where cattle and sheep were grazing, to guard against being raided by the Xia people and to protect their own food sources.

After Zuo issued one order and another, Yelvshulu drank some water and ate a few mouthfuls of solid food. He felt much better and his thinking gradually became clearer.

Today's battle was really a miserable defeat.

One-third of the more than 6,000 infantrymen were casualties, and it was not known how much of the remaining infantry could be withdrawn.

All the cavalrymen in total lost hundreds of cavalry. During the retreat just now, I don’t know how many were killed, probably no less than a thousand cavalry.

This time, the loss is really big.

In fact, now that I think about it carefully, the battle will not end like this.

Although the Xia people can fight, they are not without their shortcomings. The biggest problem is that they are trapped in the car formation, their movements are slow, dull, and they have no initiative.

The Khitans can choose to fight or not. If they can't fight head-on, they just don't fight, and they just harass them.

There are many ways to burn, smoke, dig roads, and create muddy ponds.

Liaodong is not a grassland. Unlike the grasslands where it is difficult to find a water park, there are many large and small rivers and swamps. If you can't defeat them on the battlefield, try to think of ways to recruit from outside.

"After suffering a loss once, it's time to remember a little longer." Yelu Shilu sighed.


Wei Bo's disciples were driven out of the convoy again to clean up the battlefield.

The harvest this time was quite big. Because a large number of cavalry were killed in the battle, there were a lot of horses left on the battlefield. There were intact horses, but there were also many injured and dead horses. We will start to deal with them one by one.

Some of them were assigned weapons left behind by the Khitans, and they were redressing wounded soldiers and searching for property.

"I said, why are you still bothering?" Sergeant Long Wu who accompanied him said: "Is An Ansheng living a hard life? What can the Khitan people give you? They have been robbed, and I am afraid they will be slaves and never make a difference.


The husbands pursed their lips and said nothing, and continued to work with their heads down.

"Don't be silent." A sergeant was very unhappy with their attitude and just wanted to beat him up, but the officer stopped him.

Master Wei Bo was so frightened that he hid aside, but his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

Xia Jun had just won a big victory. They really didn't dare to explode, but they wanted to be convinced, but that was not the case.

"The saint founded the country and proclaimed his rule. Daxia was at its peak. Anyone with eyes could see it." The officer said, "Is Anton Mansion bad? I don't even want to stay in Qingzhou, so I would rather go to Lushun and become the captain of Zhechong. Live a good life farming.

Yes, you are welcome. If you have any plans and are restless, kill them one by one until no one dares to cause trouble. I don’t believe that your children and grandchildren will still be so rebellious."

After hearing this, the sergeants applauded one after another. Master Wei Bo worked silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

The officer did not feel dissatisfied and said: "After cleaning the battlefield, go to cut the grass and feed the horses. Don't slack off."

After that, he left directly, not bothering to care about these people anymore.

Although people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, they are also emotional. He does not expect Wei people to give up now.

Some things have to be resolved with time. The first generation dared to resist and were unwilling to compromise, so they just needed high pressure to suppress them. As long as they are not given a chance, their resistance will be weakened from generation to generation.

And history is such a cycle.

It took nearly eighty years from the Huangchao Rebellion to the founding of the Northern Song Dynasty. Are the people in the early Northern Song Dynasty and the people in the Guangming period of Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty the same thing?

In the eighty years of vicissitudes of life, Weibo Town was massacred three times.

The population of Hebei dropped by more than half, the Khitan gradually rose, the south experienced great development, and the Helong land in the northwest was even more shattered.

The atmosphere in the army has become even worse. From the beginning, warriors who simply asked for rewards have turned into slaves waiting for a price. The combat effectiveness has dropped again and again. Even after Guo Rong rectified it, it is difficult to cover up the decline - playing tricks on the battlefield to preserve strength.

, waiting for a price, and supporting a new owner was unimaginable in the era of Zhu Wen and Li Keyong. No one dared to do this in front of them, and everyone had to fight to the death.

The common people, warriors, officials, systems, economy, and population have all experienced earth-shaking changes.

The Weibo states have naturally experienced earth-shaking changes.

Those who disobey will either be killed or die of old age, the inheritance will be cut off, and the atmosphere will naturally change.

The current people of the Weibo states, if nothing happens, will be the last generation of the old Weibo. It may be difficult for them to reform, but their descendants can.

Liu Wei stood on a baggage truck and listened quietly to the conversation just now.

"If Anton Mansion wants to develop, it actually still needs the participation of Wei people, but the unruly people have to be eliminated." He sighed softly: "Take your time."


After a night's rest, the convoy continued northbound.

Starting from July 14th, there was no major battle for five days.

The Khitans sent small and medium-sized cavalry to repeatedly harass, but with little effect.

They had been defeated, their morale had been set back, and they did not dare to charge forward. If there was any slight disturbance, they would immediately run away, so you can imagine how ineffective this kind of harassment was.

What caused the greatest trouble to the Xia army was actually the bumpy roads that had been damaged by the Khitans.

It is true that cars can go on mountain roads and bumpy roads, but after all, flat roads are the best.

If the road is potholed, not only will the speed be reduced, but the wear and tear on the vehicles will also increase. Not to mention, the trenches dug by the Khitans will need to be filled with soil.

It's a pity for this post road. After the Tang Dynasty forces retreated, there was almost no decent maintenance. After the Bohai people occupied southern Liaoning, they renovated it, but the investment was very limited. Now it has been severely damaged by the Khitan people, and it is basically abandoned.

On July 20th, Liu Wei had already seen the half-collapsed city wall of Liaoyang from a distance.

Also on this day, the Khitan people gathered in large numbers again. The number of people seemed to be larger than last time, about thirty to forty thousand people.

Banners filled the mountains and fields, and drums sounded from east to west, north to south.

Looking down from the sky, a lonely motorcade is walking on the desolate grassland.

Behind and around the convoy, there were knights and herdsmen galloping around everywhere. There were so many of them that they filled the entire wilderness and sent up smoke and dust all over the sky.

The convoy moved forward firmly without any hesitation. Wherever it went, the densely packed cavalry dispersed like a tide and retreated to both sides in panic.

After the motorcade passed by, the tide closed again and slowly followed behind.

Thousands of soldiers of the Longwu Army were like a lonely boat in the vast ocean. The tide came and went, but they were still unable to capsize the lonely boat. They could only watch them cut through the waves and move forward little by little.

On the night of the 20th, the Khitans launched a fierce attack.

Everyone knows that if they can't be stopped, the Xia people will be able to enter Liaoyang City tomorrow. Although this is a dilapidated city with half-abandoned walls and half-crumbled walls, it has a somewhat protective effect. Once these soldiers are allowed to enter the city,

, it would be difficult, even impossible, to get it back.

Liaoyang is also one of the core hubs of post road transportation. Going forward thirty years, before the Tang people retreated, the Tang court sent envoys to Bohai or sent envoys from Bohai to Chang'an, all of which had to pass through Liaoyang - Yelv Shilu was

We know that during the reign of Emperor Wenzong of the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Jianzhang was sent as an envoy to Longquan Mansion in Beijing and rested briefly in Liaoyang. At that time, there were still thousands of Tang soldiers stationed in Liaoyang City.

How could the Khitans give away the territory they had wrested from the Bohai people after bloody battles so easily?

So the night raid began, but ended quickly.

The Xia people were very alert even at night. They lit torches, braziers, and were heavily guarded with swords and guns to prepare for the attack.

Moreover, the troops were in strict order and the laws were strict. Some people lay down on the ground, covering their bodies with wooden boards and grain bags, and lay down to rest. Even if the drums were rumbling outside the convoy and the sound of killing was loud, the rest was rest, and it was not affected at all -

—After fighting for so many years, those who do not take time to rest and recuperate in a battlefield environment will have been eliminated long ago.

The Khitan people clashed left and right and made a scene all night, but except for leaving more than a thousand corpses, they had no effect.

Early on the morning of the 21st, as the drums sounded, the convoy slowly adjusted its formation and drove into Liaoyang City with determination.

In the southeast wind, Liu Wei seemed to hear the sound of something being shattered in the hearts of the Khitans.

At this moment, a light rain began to fall from the sky.

Yelu Shilu was both happy and angry.

Fortunately, it finally rained. When the rain came, although the cavalry could not drive, it was also difficult for the carriage to move.

What makes me angry is why there is so little rain this year? Why didn’t it rain earlier?

He immediately led his troops to retreat to a distant place and summoned the heads of the tribes for discussion.

This chapter has been completed!
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