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Chapter 1161 Advancing into Yunzhou

September 24th was a dark day for the Datong Army.

The short forty-mile post road from Yanchang City to Yunzhou became a road to death that they could not pass.

More than 10,000 confederate troops, more than 10,000 native Tuan soldiers, and thousands of Yan soldiers who had not retreated with Li Siyuan were followed by the Xia army, and the entire army collapsed.

There were corpses everywhere on the post road.

An unknown number of dead souls were submerged in the cold amniotic fluid.

On the mountains on both sides, defeated troops like frightened birds could be seen everywhere.

Shi Shanyou, the Jiedushi envoy of the Datong Army, abandoned his large force and fled. When he rushed to the north of Yunzhou, more than ten miles away, he collided head-on with the state army led by Shi Shucong.

With no way to retreat, the Jin soldiers fought against the enemy.

The outcome was obvious. Most of the hundreds of people were killed, and Shi Shanyou died from random arrows.

At this point, the main force of the Datong Army, which had been fighting against the Xia Army for many years, was basically wiped out - marked by the death of Shi Shanyou.

After the battle, Shi Shucong immediately walked to Shi Shanyou's body.

"He didn't beg for surrender." Shi Shucong looked at Shi Shanyou, whose face was stained with blood, and felt a little emotional.

He actually understood Dashuai Shi very well.

We are all warriors in troubled times. How can we easily admit defeat and give up until the last moment?

Yes, if you give in at the last moment, there may be no good outcome. But so what? If you give up when you still have a chance to fight and seem to have a chance, it is impossible for such a person to get ahead because you are not cruel enough to yourself.

Not ruthless enough.

Shi Shanyou died fighting for his own foundation. He died a worthy death and there is nothing to be resentful about. This is the destiny of a warrior.

Shi Shucong had people wrap Shi Shanyou's body in a straw mat and put it away. Then he led his army northward, cleaning up all the way and collecting the defeated Jin army. In the middle of the night, Fang joined forces with Wang He who was heading south.

"Shi Shanyou actually..." Wang He looked jealous.

He chased all the way and didn't even have time to capture the prisoners, just to capture or kill Shi Shanyou, but in the end, Shi Shucong took advantage of him? He couldn't accept it.

Who is Shishu Cong? He just surrendered a general from Liang Dynasty. How can a surrendered person achieve such great power?

He rolled his eyes, wanting to say something, but said nothing.

It was as if Uncle Cong had not been seen before.

If it were someone with a high emotional intelligence, maybe they would be flexible and let the credit go out. But among martial artists in these days, there are really very few people with high emotional intelligence, and there are a lot of perverts.

Why should you give your own credit to others?

Uncle Cong smiled and said: "The king is inspecting, and the bandit commander has been appointed. Now we must clear out the defeated soldiers, so as to prevent the enemy from resurrecting."

Wang He snorted coldly and said: "General Liang Du is leading the army southward. We don't need to worry about this matter. Now we should think carefully about how to take Yunzhou. If the city is not broken, it will be difficult to sleep and eat."

The existence of the east and west cities in Yunzhou is indeed a huge threat to the Xia army.

It exists objectively, just stuck on the grassland. The city walls are high and thick, and can store a lot of grain, grass, equipment, and station many soldiers and horses. The transportation lines extend in all directions, and the key points can be controlled. From then on, the army can attack Shuozhou in the west.

, the south can support the Orang Dai army heading north, the east can screen Wei, Xin, Yi, Gui and other states, and the north can go straight into the grassland to burn, kill and loot - just ask the people in Rouzhou to know that even if they garrisoned troops in Yanchang City, it is said

Can the Jin soldiers from Zhou Dynasty still take a detour and head north to raid them?…

Now Daxia has established outposts in Rouzhou and other places, setting up town troops, and there are also Tibetan soldiers from the Qibi tribe to help guard the borders. If Yunzhou is in hand, the local agriculture and animal husbandry in Rouzhou and other places will be better.

If the conditions are met, it is possible to restore the military system and become an important military town and hub in northern Xinjiang.

Who wouldn’t want to seize such an important piece of land?

"The words of the Inspector Wang are very much in line with my wishes. Why don't we go south together and capture Yunzhou while Shi Shanyou has been crowned the leader and the main force of the rebel army has been defeated?" Shishu Cong asked.

"Forget it, let's go south together." Wang He nodded, and then stopped talking to Uncle Cong and directly greeted his brothers to go south.

It was a windy and sandy night in late September and it was extremely cold, but Wang He and Shi Shucong, who were heading south, felt satisfied and enthusiastic.

It is now that a good man makes great achievements.


After dawn, the east and west cities of Yunzhou fell into a state of gloom and misery.

The enemy troops in the east of the city are still there, but it seems that most of them have gone away - they have set up a suspicious formation in the camp and put up many flags, but everyone is an old warrior, how can they not see something fishy?

Yesterday during the day, Li Congzhang and Li Congke immediately used the Silver Spear and Flying Cavalry troops in front of the tent as the main force, and recruited a group of Yunzhou strongmen, and went out of the city to invite a fight. As a result, they were closed behind closed doors, which seemed very vain at first sight.

But these two men didn't come back either. Instead, they led the army eastward and ran away.

In the evening of the same day, the Feiqi and Yunqi armies also passed by this place. After entering the city for some supplies, they also hurried eastward. It is said that they went to meet Li Siyuan.

Damn it! Co-author Li Siyuan is the only human being. Shi Shuai has been diligently guarding the border for the King of Jin for many years, so he is nothing, right?

It's a pity that their resentment was ignored. Instead, it led many people to flee. It was not until the guard general sent people to strictly patrol the walls of the city that the trend was stopped.

The whole night was spent in this trembling condition.

The north wind was howling outside the city, but there was quite a lot of movement. From time to time, the sound of horse hooves could be heard. It didn't stop all night, and I didn't know which side was passing troops.

In the early morning of the 25th, a large group of cavalry appeared outside the north gate, shouting loudly and showing off their power.

At noon, another large group of infantry arrived, this time bringing even more shocking news: Shi Shanyou, the military commander of the Datong Army, was dead, and more than 30,000 troops were destroyed by the amniotic fluid.

This almost brought the morale of the defenders to the bottom.

Shi Shanyou had held Yunzhou for many years. When he went north, he also took away the main force. The elite soldiers wiped out the entire army. Can the remaining crooked melons and cracked dates be able to withstand the brutal Xia soldiers?

But they still had one last bit of luck: maybe the Xia people were deceiving them? Such things were not uncommon in ancient battles.

The defenders worked hard to muster up their courage and decided to hold on and wait to see what happened.

At three o'clock in the morning, just as the sky was getting dark, another group of Xia soldiers came south from the north. Along with them, there were hundreds of prisoners of the Datong Army.

Driven by swords and guns, they slowly walked to a stone's throw away, crying loudly.

This time, everyone lost their luck. News of Shi Shuai's death and the annihilation of the entire army gradually spread in the city. Officers killed dozens of people, but they still could not stop the "rumors" from spreading wildly.

At the first moment of Unity Hour, the south gate of Yunzhou East City was opened, and a large group of soldiers ran southward and disappeared into the vast wind and sand...

Wang He symbolically sent some manpower to pursue him, but his main focus was still on staring at Yunzhou City.

The cavalrymen of the Zangcai Department circled around the east and west cities.

They had been working hard for two days and one night, and everyone was very tired. But seeing that success was imminent, everyone cheered up and prepared to reap the sweetest fruits.

At this critical moment, even if you urge them to go back and rest, no one will be willing.

This strong hunger for victory will only appear in a victorious army that sings loudly and has high morale.

Once upon a time, the Jin army was also such a force. It was snowing heavily, and on the flat ground with several feet of snow, the Jin army was not afraid of the severe cold or danger. They attacked bravely and chased Huang Chao into the sky and into the ground.

After Li Kuangwei was captured, Li Kuangchou and his brothers fled in panic.

But they have lost this spirit now.

The long-term disadvantageous war situation has sapped the fighting spirit of many people. The most courageous and tough group of people also suffered huge casualties in the long-term war, and the overall strength was greatly weakened - the combat effectiveness of the army was originally the same as that of the soldiers.

The atmosphere and spirit are closely related.

After Shishu Cong heard that the enemy troops were escaping in the south of the city, he made a prompt decision and ordered a batch of simple ladders to be made, and then selected the elite troops to attack the city.

The brave general You Kunlun took the lead, wearing two layers of heavy armor and wielding a spear that was pierced by a long spear, and was the first to ascend the city.

The defenders rushed over reflexively and thrust their guns straight, almost as a muscle memory.

You Kunlun dodged a shot and stabbed one person with his sword. The armor and stomach on his body made a harsh metal friction sound at the same time.

He roared loudly, advanced instead of retreating, swept his heavy steps sideways, and said angrily: "Shi Shanyou is dead, and tens of thousands of troops have been destroyed. How long will you continue to be stubborn?"

After being shouted at by him, the defender's movements subconsciously stopped.

You Kunlun was waiting for this opportunity. He stood up to the enemy's spear, danced like a dragon, swept, stabbed, and smashed, but more than ten Jin soldiers could not do anything to him, and they were killed and retreated.

"Look how many people are still resisting?" You Kunlun stabbed one person to death and shouted loudly: "Everyone else has run away, but you are still fighting here. When the city is broken, your family and relatives will be slaughtered, stupid

Not stupid either?"

Damn it! Don't tell me, You Kunlun's physical attacks are already very powerful, but his mental attacks seem to be more effective. With his two-pronged attack, the defenders' will to resist became weaker and weaker. After a while, some people turned around and fled down the city wall.

, then the second, the third...

"The smart people have run away long ago, but the fools are still acting as scapegoats." You Kunlun strode forward, stabbing repeatedly with his sword. The Jin soldiers at the top of the city were defeated and fled for their lives.

You Kunlun chased them and rushed into the city. Behind him, Xia soldiers climbed to the top of the city one after another and marched forward bravely.

The indestructible Yunzhou City, which had been besieged many times by Xia soldiers, was in danger and could only be destroyed in an instant.

The battle finally ended at dawn.

Wang He's cavalry circled outside the city for half the night, eating dust and freezing. In the second half of the night, a large group of defenders opened the city gate and fled in droves. They attacked decisively, intercepted some of them, and gained some gains. Credit.

However, the state army infantry under Shi Shucong bravely climbed to the top of the city and captured the east city of Yunzhou, gaining the first victory.

The first warrior to reach Kunlun even stood on the top of the city leaning on a big tree, accepting the worship of everyone like a god.

On the 26th, thousands of people from the Feilong Army arrived, taking advantage of the favorable opportunity when the East City was breached and the Jin army was unstable, to launch a fierce attack. After half a day of fierce fighting, the West City of Yunzhou was recaptured.

The Jin army was defeated and few surrendered. Most of them fled out of the city. They were chased by Wang He's cavalry and more than 2,000 were captured and killed. Another thousand people collapsed into the mountains due to the wind and sand.

Starting from the fifth year of Qianning (898) when Yang Yue first sent troops to attack Yunzhou, it took five years before this majestic city standing on the grassland finally fell into the hands of Shao Shude.

The bones of tens of thousands of soldiers before and after were probably buried here, but now that they have been found, it is a big revelation.

This chapter has been completed!
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