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Chapter 1178 Outsiders

"The Prince of Le'an County has been living in Qingzhou for more than a year, but he fell in love with the mountains and rivers there?" In the Shendu Garden, Shao Shude summoned the Prince of Le'an County, Li Ye, and his wife, and asked.

Empress He of Tang Shuxian had already become a monk at the Anguo Female Taoist Monastery. The Prince of Le'an County did not like her at all, thinking that she was a woman who was greedy for life and afraid of death, and longed for wealth and glory. In addition, he heard some bad rumors.

In anger, he decided to "leave his wife".

The so-called divorce of a wife is also called divorce, usually because the wife has bad moral character.

Of course, Shao Sheng couldn't let Prince Le'an do this. It would be too ugly, so he sent people to negotiate privately and changed it to "harmony", that is, divorce by agreement.

This should be the third divorce incident in the former Tang royal family.

The first case was the divorce of Prince Li Heng of the Xuanzong Dynasty and the divorce of the Crown Princess Wei, the second case was the divorce of the Prince Li Song of the Dezong Dynasty and the divorce of the Crown Princess Xiao, and the third case was the divorce of the Prince of Le'an County and the Queen He. The first two cases were

The divorce cases were all caused by politics, and the third case was purely pornographic news.

This is the treatment that only a queen can receive. For example, Zhang Quanyi's wife Chu was taken into the house by Shao Shude as a trophy. After Lao Zhang also came over, because he had a new wife, Jiang, he tried to make peace with Chu in a roundabout way. But the perverted Shao

The Holy Spirit sent someone to warn them privately, not allowing them to reconcile as husband and wife.

It happened that Zhang Quanyi also felt that this matter was embarrassing, and he also married a bride, so the matter dragged on in confusion.

"Your Majesty, Dizhou has been plundered repeatedly and the place is unstable. It is really difficult to live in peace, so I have been living in Qingzhou." Li Ye was honest and directly stated the reason.

Shao Shude nodded and agreed with Li Ye's statement.

"Are the goods transferred from the food towns sufficient?" Shao Shude asked again.

The prince of Le'an County has 5,000 households, and all the taxes in summer and autumn are used for his own use. Considering that there are probably just over 100,000 people in Dizhou today, almost a quarter of the wealth of the five counties of Dizhou is used for

It's time to support Li Ye's family. After careful calculation, there are two to three thousand coins, ten to twenty thousand bolts of silk, and tens of thousands of grains and wheat a year, which can be regarded as a huge sum of money-the rent and tax provided by the food town has always been

Only taxes are counted, that is, local taxes, household taxes, young crops money, manual lessons money and other taxes and external taxes are not included.

Li Ye's family has a large number of children - this is what surprised Shao Shude. Among the last emperors, Prince Le'an really had more children. In history, he lived to be thirty-eight years old, with twenty-eight

A child, which is not considered dead yet.

Judging from the number of heirs, it seems that Prince Le'an did not live in fear. It can be seen that although the eunuchs held military power, they did not overly force him and gave him a certain amount of space.

In this time and space, the number of children of King Le'an County has slightly decreased, but it has also exceeded the twenty mark. Considering his age, if he continues to have such children, Shao Shude doubts whether he will go bankrupt. Damn it, don't tell me five thousand households.

Even the food and property cannot support you.

"Your Majesty, last year's autumn tax was robbed by Lu Yanwei." Having said this, King Le'an felt a pain in his heart, and his face was full of anger. He just heard him say: "Shao Bo, the governor of Dizhou, sent five

Hundreds of sergeants were transporting the goods to Qingzhou, and just as Cang's troops arrived, they fought with General Tu, and an army of thieves circled behind and robbed the goods. I—I did not receive it."

"I will send troops to attack Lu Yanwei this year. After peace is achieved, the king of Le'an County will be able to take control of him." Shao Shude consoled him.

Li Ye opened his mouth and wanted to say that it would be better to transfer his marriage to another person, but Princess Li Jianrong held his hand and ultimately did not say any more.

Shao Shude's eyes fell on the princess of Le'an County, and Li Ye suddenly became nervous. The queen has been occupied by you, what are your plans?

Shao Shude smiled and said: "Lu Yanwei also followed Zhengshuo of the former Tang Dynasty and used the title of Tianyou."

"Your Majesty..." Li Ye's face turned pale, he was a little frightened, and he almost pushed the princess out.

"Don't worry, Prince Le'an. I came to you to ask you to denounce Lu Yanwei and others." Shao Shude said: "These thieves even dare to rob the property of the emperor. This shows how crazy they are. I heard that Le'an County Wang Wencai is outstanding, so this matter should be handled as soon as possible."

Li Ye breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I obey your order."

Stealing the emperor's money was actually nothing to the feudal warriors. When the Tang Dynasty was not yet destroyed, wouldn't they have stopped robbing? Wei Bowufu robbed the capital Wang Duo's money and more than 30 women, and killed them. Li Hanzhi robbed the property provided for the imperial court in the Guandong vassal town, and was extremely arrogant. Even Wang Rong's private donation to the emperor was intercepted by Li Ke's men.

They follow the Tang Dynasty and follow a bird!

Even if Shao Shude didn't say anything, Li Ye also planned to scold Lu Yanwei. He even dared to snatch my belongings. Don't you know that I have to bear a heavy burden on my family and my family?

"Okay, let's go back and get ready. In a few days, we will go on a northern patrol." Shao Shude waved his hand and told Li Ye and his wife to leave.

After the two left, Queen He came out and was so angry that she wanted to arrest Shao Shude.

Shao Shude was very indulgent towards her, and Queen He was the only woman who dared to be presumptuous in front of him.

"I'm just asking you to hide and see Prince Le'an." Shao Shude smiled and said, "Stop arresting me. If you move around again, it will leak out."

Queen He blushed.

Shao Shude pinched her face and said: "This time on the northern tour, you pretend to be a palace servant and serve with me. Be careful and don't let Prince Le'an see you."


After Chen Cheng left the court, he went to the Political Affairs Hall and directed the clerks to carry various official documents and documents. Then he went to the Zhongshu Province and also supervised the officials to select various documents, classics and offices needed for the trip. Need things.

The Vice Minister of Zhongshu and Tongping Zhangshi Song Le were also here. After meeting Chen Cheng, they went up to greet him and then asked, "Mr. Chen, are you ready?"

Chen Cheng nodded and said: "The capital will ask Prime Minister Song."

Chen Cheng from Zhongshu Province accompanied him, while Song Le stayed behind.

In addition to high-ranking officials such as the minister, middle and lower-level officials such as Zhongshusheren, Lishisheren, Tongshisheren, Yousanqi Changshi, Shiyi, Buque, and Jixianyuan bachelors also left Beijing in large numbers and followed them to the north. patrol.

The other departments are just like them.

This is true for external officials, palace officials, and internal officials are similar.

The jade seal of the Chuan Kingdom was kept in the hands of Shang Gong Xie, who rode in the same carriage with the saint.

Internal officials would also select a number of concubines to accompany them.

Even a few older princes wanted to accompany him, gaining knowledge and experience along the way.

Almost half of the imperial court was mobilized, and wherever they went, the highest central organization was there.

"The more than 100,000 forbidden troops are all the elites of the country. The civil and military officials are also heroes of the moment. Prime Minister Chen must persuade the saint to fight steadily and don't take risks." Song Le thought about it for a while, but still felt uneasy and warned carefully.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister Song. At this point, I just want stability and nothing else." Chen Cheng replied.

Song Le was slightly older than him, and he had a close relationship with the saint, so Chen Cheng still respected him.

"You have to pay attention to the troops and horses from other vassals accompanying you." Song Le took a few steps and sighed, wishing he could replace Chen Cheng and accompany him.

But he knew that what he was good at was government affairs, and he still had to rely on Chen Cheng for military advice. The two had different divisions of labor, so there was nothing they could do.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister Song." Chen Cheng said with a smile: "This northern tour is mainly about temple conspiracies and supplemented by military affairs. It is said that it is to beat Lu Yanwei, but the target is actually Li Keyong. Maybe the slap did not hit Keyong directly.

Yes, but he will never feel uncomfortable."

Song Le burst out laughing after hearing this.

Indeed, the most troublesome vassal towns in the north have never been Cangjing, Chengde, and Yiding, but Hedong.

Li Cunxiao's surrender continues to ferment, and the possibility of internal disintegration in Hedong continues to increase. To put it bluntly, the fighting will of the warriors in the three towns of Chengde, Cangjing, and Yiding may be one or two points stronger than that of the warriors in Hedong.

, after all, the former is fighting for his own interests, but the latter is hard to say.

But Song Le was still worried.

The founding of Daxia has only been a year and eight months. If something happens at this time, such as the collapse of the entire army, the negative impact will be extremely far-reaching. The simplest point is that the Daxia court has lost more than 100,000 elites, and its prestige

If the situation drops sharply, warriors from various places may become domineering. And once they become domineering, no one can guarantee whether they will continue to fight as hard as they do now.

If the monarch makes another stupid move, leading to a further decline in prestige, then he will have to spend more efforts to win over the warriors. Then it is a logical thing to defeat the arrogant soldiers. The combat effectiveness of the forbidden army will drop again and again, and the warriors will become old oilmen.

Selling at the lowest price, even if a major purge is carried out to restore the decline, will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, which may make morale fall to the bottom.

It’s simply a vicious cycle!

Once this happens, it is difficult for a saint to recover. He may still be able to maintain it while he is alive, but once he dies, there is a complete danger that the second generation will die.

As for the second dynasty that succeeded Daxia, to be honest, it is a high probability that the generals will become more arrogant and the soldiers will become more corrupt. The warriors who have tasted the sweetness of waiting for a price will find it difficult to return to the relatively simple state of the past. By then, they will

I really can’t imagine what kind of chaos it would be. Maybe the central court would change things like a revolving door until everyone was tired and couldn’t fight anymore.

It was finally possible to unify the world, but Song Le was particularly reluctant to have this happen.

"Does Li Tangbin also want to accompany him?" Song Le suddenly asked.

"I don't know either. But yesterday the saint summoned Li Tangbin at Lichun Hall, and he should accompany him." Chen Cheng said in a low voice.

"That's good." Song Le nodded.

The saint is cautious and will not leave any flaws. A general with high prestige like Li Tangbin will not let him stay in the capital. After accompanying him, he will probably only serve as a counselor and will not actually command the army.

The saint probably won’t be on the front line in person. So, are you going to give Ge Congzhou a hand this time?

Based on the analysis of the situation inside and outside the court, Song Le believed that this should be the case.

Among the Liang people, Ge Congzhou's future and power seem to be stronger than those of Hu Zhen and Zhu Zhen, but I don't know if this person is worth cultivating.

This not only tests his commanding ability, but also his coordination ability, the latter is especially critical.

Will the officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army despise or even bully this outsider? Whether Ge Congzhou can deal with them will be known in a few months.

The sectarian view always exists and cannot be eliminated. If he cannot pass this level, Ge Congzhou will not be able to leap over the dragon gate, and the saint will lose interest in cultivating him.

Climbing up is a thrilling experience.

This chapter has been completed!
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